
16-bit editing, 27


about this book, xxi

Adaptive Wide Angle filter, 137138

Add a Layer Style icon, 20

Add Layer Mask icon, 17

Add Noise filter, 59

Adjustment Brush

background blur effect, 153

color temperature adjustments, 123

portrait retouching with, 52, 53

selective color effects, 150

adjustment layers, 23

Gradient, 42, 151

Levels, 101, 155

Photo Filter, 23, 154

Adjustments panel, 23

Adobe Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers, The (Kelby), xi

aligning layers, 46, 140, 143

Amount slider

Smart Sharpen filter, 132, 133

Unsharp Mask filter, 131

Angular Direction slider, 114

Arc option, 103104

Auto Sync option, 38

Auto-Align Layers option, 46, 140, 143

Average blur filter, 83


Background color, 4, 125

Background layer, 14


compositing subjects onto, 7485

pattern indicating transparent, 79

shallow depth of field effect, 153

shooting for composites, 74, 80

backscreened effect, 151

bending images, 104

bit depth, 27

black points, 155

Blacks slider, 155

blemish removal, 62

Blend If sliders, 64

blend modes, 17

Color, 84

Hard Light, 135

Linear Light, 63

Luminosity, 61

Multiply, 105

Normal, 126

Overlay, 111, 135

Soft Light, 42, 49, 151

Vivid Light, 108

blended images, 8691

creating and editing, 88

positioning objects for, 87

text added to, 8991

Bloat tool, 69

blur effects

Average blur, 83

Gaussian Blur, 48, 63, 105

Lens Blur, 153

Motion Blur, 120

Tilt-Shift, 116118

Blur Tools panel, 117

body part smoothing, 69

bonus video, xi

bracketed photos, 43

Bristle Detail slider, 114

Brush Picker, 17

Brush tool, 17

blended images and, 88

layer mask adjustments and, 36, 47, 64, 111, 141, 144

portrait retouching with, 58, 59, 64, 141, 144

special effects and, 111


Oil Paint filter, 112114

sizing/resizing, 78


Camera Raw

editing smart object layers in, 35

Lightroom Develop module and, 22

Camera Raw Filter, 22, 48, 85, 123

Character panel, 127

Cleanliness slider, 113

Clone Stamp tool, 12

clothes fixes, 68

collapsing panels, 7

Color blend mode, 84

Color Picker, 4

Color Space setting, 27


effect using selective, 150

Foreground/Background, 4, 125

removing from images, 110

selecting with Magic Wand tool, 11

composites, 7485

backgrounds for, 74, 80

color matching for, 8284

effects for unifying, 85

graphics added to photos for, 102105

image-within-image, 9297

positioning subjects in, 81

removing fringe from, 82

resizing subjects in, 81, 94

selections made for, 7480, 92, 96

swapping the sky, 121123

Constraint tool, 137, 138

Content-Aware Fill, 41, 146147

Content-Aware Patch, 13

Contrast slider, 153

Copy command, 18, 124

Create a New Layer icon, 14

Create New Adjustment Layer icon, 101

Crop tool, 40, 138, 144


aligned portraits, 140, 144

stitched panoramas, 40

wide-angle distortion fixes, 138

Curves feature, 155


Defringe dialog, 82


adjustment layers, 23

layers, 16

See also removing

Desaturate command, 110

deselecting selections, 9, 96

Develop module in Lightroom, 22

distortion, wide-angle, 137138

distracting object removal, 98101

Drop Shadow layer style, 20, 127

Duplicate Layer command, 18

duplicating layers, 18, 21, 79


Edge Smoothness feature, 44

edge vignettes

adding to HDR images, 48

removing from panoramas, 39

Edit in Adobe Photoshop option, 30

editing videos, xi

effects. See special effects

Eraser tool, 4

expanding selections, 40, 121, 146

Exposure slider, 154

external editing

additional editor option for, 28

default settings for, 26

setting preferences for, 2629

Eye icon, 55, 112

eye retouching

enlarging eyes, 69

eye vein removal, 5859

Lightroom techniques for, 52

sharpening eyes, 6061

eyebrow trimming, 5657

Eyedropper tool, 58

eyeglass reflections, 142145


facial retouching. See retouching portraits

Feather Selection dialog, 54, 56, 70

file formats, 26

Filename Template Editor, 29

Fill, Content-Aware, 41, 146147

Fill Light slider, 3536, 37


Adaptive Wide Angle, 137138

Add Noise, 59

Camera Raw, 22, 48, 85, 123

Gaussian Blur, 48, 63, 105

High Pass, 62, 134135

Iris Blur, 150

Lens Blur, 153

Lighting Effects, 154

Liquify, 6669

Motion Blur, 120

Oil Paint, 112

Pinch, 71

Radial, 150, 154

Shake Reduction, 136

Smart Sharpen, 132133

Surface Blur, 109

Tilt-Shift, 116

Unsharp Mask, 47, 101, 130131

Flatten Image command, 39, 49, 84

flipping images, 19, 21, 99, 119

floating Toolbox, 2

Foreground color, 4, 125

Forward Warp tool, 66, 68, 69

Free Transform feature

flipping images with, 19, 21, 99, 119

locking in transformations of, 95

reaching the handles of, 94, 123, 124

resizing images with, 19, 81, 94, 104, 123, 124

rotating images with, 20, 104

scaling type with, 89

warping images with, 103104

freehand selections, 10

Freeze Mask tool, 69


Gaussian Blur filter

HDR image creation and, 48

illustrations in photos and, 105

portrait retouching and, 63

glassy reflections

adding to iPad shots, 9597

creating on water, 119120

Gradient adjustment layer, 42, 151

Gradient Fill dialog, 42

Gradient Picker, 88

Gradient tool, 88, 91

Graduated Filter, 151

graphics in photos, 102105

group shot fixes, 139141

guides, showing, 54


hair selections, 7679


removing from images, 6364

sharpened images and, 132

Hand tool, 5

Hard Light blend mode, 135

HDR images, 4349

aligning photos for, 46

bracketed photos used for, 43

creating realistic-looking, 4547

Edge Smoothness feature, 44

finishing effects for, 4849

presets for creating, 4344

sharpening added to, 47

Healing Brush tool, 41

hiding panels, 6

High Pass filter, 62, 134135

high-contrast portrait look, 108111

Horizontal Type tool, 14, 89, 127

Hue slider, 154


illustrations in photos, 102105

image downloads, x

Image Size dialog, 21

image-within-image composite, 9297

Inner Glow layer style, 126

inversing selections, 11

inverting layers, 63, 109

iris blur effect, 150

iris sparkle effect, 52, 102


jaw and jowl reduction, 7071

JPEG images, 30

K website, x

keyboard shortcuts

for blend modes, 17

for opening images in Photoshop, 30

for selecting tools, 3


Lasso tool, 10, 54, 56, 70

layer masks

adding to images, 17

adjustment layers and, 23

auto-aligned layers and, 141, 143144

blended images and, 8788, 9091

Brush tool used with, 36, 47, 64, 111, 141, 144

checking for missed areas, 65

distracting object removal and, 100, 101

HDR image creation and, 47

hiding hard edges with, 100

portrait retouching and, 64

special effects and, 111

layer styles

Drop Shadow, 20, 127

Inner Glow, 126

layers, 1417

auto-aligning, 46, 140, 143

blend modes for, 17

creating new, 14

deleting, 16

duplicating, 18, 21, 79

flattening, 39, 49, 84

merging, 79, 110

opacity setting for, 15

stacking order of, 15

See also adjustment layers

Layers panel, 14, 15, 16

Lens Blur filter, 153

Lens Blur removal option, 133

lens flare removal, 41

Levels adjustment layer, 101, 155

Levels command, 9

Lighting Effects filter, 154

Lighting sliders, 114115


edits to do in, 150155

External Editing preferences for, 2629

jumping between Photoshop and, 3031

Photoshop plug-ins for, 152

reducing image noise in, 153

retouching portraits in, 5253

Linear Light blend mode, 63

Liquify filter, 6669

fixing teeth with, 6667

retouching portraits with, 6869

Luminance slider, 153

Luminosity blend mode, 61


Magic Wand tool, 11, 75, 92, 121, 146

magnification settings, 5

Merge Down command, 79

Merge to HDR Pro dialog, 43

merging layers, 79, 110

mirror-like reflections, 119120

Moore, Brad, 80

Motion Blur filter, 120

Move tool

blended images and, 87, 89

composite images and, 81

distracting object removal and, 100

portrait retouching and, 55, 57

special effects and, 120, 123

Multiply blend mode, 105


naming photos, 29

Navigator panel, 6

nested tools, 2

neutral density gradient effect, 42


adding, 59

reducing, 133, 153

Normal blend mode, 126

nose size reduction, 68


Oil Paint filter, 112115

oil painting effect, 112115

opacity settings, 15

Brush tool, 59

drop shadow, 127

glassy reflection, 97, 120

HDR image creation, 49

illustration in photo, 105

portrait retouching, 59, 65

skin softening, 65

special effects, 120

type layer, 91

Options Bar, 3

Overlay blend mode, 111, 135


paint effect, 112115

panels, 57

collapsing, 7

hiding, 6

panoramas, 3842

Auto Sync editing for, 38

cropping/filling gaps in, 4041

gradient effect added to, 42

shooting overlapping images for, 38

stitching in Photoshop, 39

vignette removal for, 39

Paste command, 81, 103, 124

Paste Into command, 93, 122

Patch tool, 13

photo downloads, x

Photo Filter adjustment layer, 23, 154

Photomerge dialog, 39


book on using, xi

Color Space setting, 27

editing in Lightroom vs., 150155

jumping to/from, 3031

layers, 1417

panels, 57

plug-ins, 152

Selection tools, 811

smart objects, 3437

Toolbox, 24

video editing, xi

Pinch filter, 71

plug-ins, Photoshop, 152

Polygonal Constraint tool, 138

Polygonal Lasso tool, 9, 96


group shot fixes for, 139141

high-contrast look for, 108111

See also retouching portraits


HDR Pro, 43

image naming, 29

sharpening, 133

process versions, 35

ProPhoto RGB color space, 27

Protect Details checkbox, 60

PSD images

editing in Photoshop, 30

saving for external editing, 26

Pucker tool, 68


Quick Selection tool, 10, 7475, 96, 121


Radial Filter, 150, 154

Radius slider

High Pass filter, 134

Refine Edge dialog, 76, 78

Smart Sharpen filter, 132

Unsharp Mask filter, 131

RAW images

editing in Photoshop, 30

smart objects for editing, 3437

Rectangular Marquee tool, 8, 90, 98, 119, 122, 125

rectangular selections, 8

Reduce Noise slider, 133

Refine Edge dialog, 76

Refine Radius tool, 76


adding to iPad shots, 9597

creating mirror-like on water, 119120

removing from eyeglasses, 142145


blemishes, 62

color from images, 110

distracting objects, 98101

edge vignettes, 39

eyeglass reflections, 142145

fringe from composites, 82

halos from images, 6364

lens flare, 41

See also deleting

resampling images, 21

Reset Tool option, 3

resizing. See sizing/resizing

resolution, external editing, 28

retouching portraits, 5171

clothes fixes, 68

enlarging eyes, 69

eye vein removal, 5859

eyebrow trimming, 5657

facial symmetry fix, 5455

jaw and jowl reduction, 7071

Lightroom techniques for, 5253

Liquify tool used for, 6669

nose size reduction, 68

sharpening eyes, 6061

skin softening, 53, 6265

teeth fixes, 6667

rotating images, 20, 104

rulers, showing, 54


Saturation slider, 154

Scale slider, 113


images, 19, 81, 94, 104

type or text, 89

See also sizing/resizing

Scott 5 HDR preset, 4344

Select All command, 16, 86, 92, 124

Selection tools, 811


adding to, 8

color-based, 11

deselecting, 9

expanding, 40, 121, 146

feathering, 54, 56, 70

freehand, 10

hair, 7679

inversing, 11

Magic Wand tool, 11, 75, 92, 121, 146

Quick Selection tool, 10, 7475, 96, 121

rectangular, 8

Refine Edge, 7679

square, 9, 125

straight line, 9

subtracting from, 8

white gap area, 146

selective color effects, 150

shadows, drop, 20, 127

Shadows slider, 35

Shake Reduction filter, 136

Sharpen tool

improvements made to, 60

retouching portraits with, 6061


eyes, 6061

HDR images, 47

Lightroom Detail panel for, 152

oil painting effects, 114

Photoshop filters for, 130136

saving presets for, 133

Sharpen tool for, 6061

women’s skin, 152

sharpening filters

High Pass, 134135

Shake Reduction, 136

Smart Sharpen, 132133

Unsharp Mask, 47, 101, 130131

Shine amount slider, 115

Show Backdrop checkbox, 67


brushes, 78

Free Transform for, 19, 81, 94, 104, 123, 124

Image Size dialog for, 21

subjects for composites, 81, 94

type or text, 89


gradient effect for, 42

swapping for better, 121123

skin sharpening, 152

skin softening

Lightroom method for, 53

Photoshop method for, 6265

slimming subjects, 53

smart objects, 3437

Smart Radius checkbox, 76

Smart Sharpen filter, 132133

smoothing body parts, 69

Soft Light blend mode, 42, 49, 151

special effects, 107127

high-contrast portrait look, 108111

mirror-like reflections, 119120

oil painting effect, 112115

swapping skies, 121123

tilt shift effect, 116118

wedding book effects, 124127

Split Toning panel, 154

Spot Removal tool, 53, 62

square selections, 9, 125

Stack with Original checkbox, 28

straight line selections, 9

Stroke dialog, 127

Stylization slider, 112

Surface Blur filter, 109

Swash feature, 127


tatoo illustration, 102105

teeth, retouching, 6667


adding with layers, 14

blended images with, 8991

scaling with Free Transform, 89

wedding book effects using, 127

Thaw Mask tool, 69

Threshold slider, 131

TIFF images, 30

tilt shift effect, 116118

Tilt-Shift filter, 116

Tone Curve panel, 151, 155


Lightroom, 2

Photoshop, 24


keyboard shortcuts for, 3

nested, 2, 3

options for, 3

transformations. See Free Transform feature

transparency pattern, 79

Trash icon, 16

type. See text


Undo command, 13, 23, 78

Unsharp Mask filter, 47, 101, 130131


Vanelli, Robert, 102

Vibrance slider, 117

video editing, xi

Vignette Removal checkbox, 39


adding to HDR images, 48

removing from panoramas, 39

Vivid Light blend mode, 108


warping images, 103104

web sharpening, 131

wedding book effects, 124127

white points, 155

Whites slider, 155

wide-angle distortion fix, 137138

wrinkle reduction, 53


Zoom tool, 5, 58, 60

zooming in/out, 5

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