Creating Custom Filters

EXCEL’S AUTOFILTER FEATURE is fast and accurate, but it’s not always enough. Custom filters make it possible to compare parts of your data in order to display exactly the information you are looking for.

Filtering Text

To filter your text data, click the appropriate filter arrow and choose Text Filters. Make a selection from the list of available filters, enter your specific criteria in the resulting dialog box and click OK to apply the filter (see Figure 8-20).

Figure 8-20. Results of a text filter containing “student” in the Comments column.

Table 8-2 describes each of these filters and the results that would be produced by filtering an address book database.

Table 8-2. Custom AutoFilter Options for Text
FilterSample FilterRecords Displayed
EqualsIllinoisAnyone with an address in Illinois
Does Not EqualMassachusettsAnyone with an address anywhere other than Massachusetts
Begins WithNewAnyone with “New” at the beginning of the address. For example, New York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, and New Mexico
Ends WithotaAnyone with “ota” at the end of the address. For example, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Minnesota
ContainsissAnyone with “iss” anywhere in the address. For example, Mississippi and Missouri
Does Not ContainnnAnyone without “nn” in the address. For example, Wisconsin, but not Pennsylvania


The Custom AutoFilter dialog box provides yet another more specific filter opportunity. Suppose you want to search for a word that begins with M, but is only eight characters long. Use the question mark symbol as a wildcard. For example, if you enter M???????, Excel will return Missouri, Maryland, and Michigan. The ? takes the place of a single character. Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard if you don’t know the exact number of characters.

Adding Multiple Comparison Criteria

You can use the Custom AutoFilter dialog box (see Figure 8-21) to compare more than one criterion. Excel uses the comparison operators AND and OR to combine comparison filters. For instance, creating a custom filter that begins with M and ends with I would find both Mississippi and Missouri. A custom filter that begins with F or begins with G would find both Florida and Georgia.

Figure 8-21. The Custom AutoFilter dialog box.

To create a Custom AutoFilter, select your initial filter using one of the methods described in this chapter. Then, in the Custom AutoFilter dialog box, choose the AND or OR option. From the second drop-down menu, select another filter option and type your filter term in the box. Click OK to apply the filter.

Using PivotTables on Columns

All of Excel’s filters temporarily hide rows that contain the data you want to filter out of the worksheet. The filters cannot be applied to columns. If you need to filter data from a column, you can create a PivotTable to reposition your data. Learn how to do this in Chapter 15 “Using PivotTables.”


The AutoFilter feature hides rows that don’t meet your criteria, including rows holding your summary data. Be sure to check the summary row in your filter criteria if you want to display a calculation of the entire database, not just your filtered data, as shown in Figure 8-22.

Figure 8-22. The SUM formula will not recognize filtered data. Clearly 5+10 does not equal 2,175.

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