
absolute value, 12

adjoint, 57

Ando-Okubo theorem, 85

antisymmetric tensor power, 93

antisymmetric tensor product, 44

approximate identity, 169

arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, 102, 198
   for matrices, 160, 198
   refinement of, 102, 132

arithmetic-logarithmic-geometric mean in-equality
   for matrices, 163
   for numbers, 163

Arveson’s extension theorem, 71
   and Hahn-Banach theorem, 95

averaging operation, 38

Banach Alaoglu theorem, 166

Berger’s theorem, 98

Bernstein-Widder theorem, 194

Bessis-Moussa-Villani conjecture, 176

binomial means, 132

Bochner’s theorem, 168, 169, 189
   and Stone’s theorem, 194
   generalisations, 193

Bruhat-Tits space, 228

Cartesian decomposition, 39

CAT(0) inequalities, 234

Cauchy’s interlacing theorem, 7

Cauchy matrix, 3, 8, 161
   determinant of, 30
   infinitely divisible, 24

centre of mass, 216, 217
   and matrix inversion, 232
   and monotonicity, 217
   E. Cartan’s theorem, 233
   equation for, 220
   of commuting matrices, 220

centroid, 216

channel errors, 96

characteristic function, 173

Choi’s inequality, 41

Choi’s theorem, 66

Cholesky decomposition, 2

circulant matrix, 48

comparison triangle, 227

completely bounded map, 99

completely monotone function, 194

completely positive map, 65, 95
   as quantum channel, 96
   dilation to representation, 68
   extension of, 71
   in noncommutative probability, 99
   nonlinear, 92, 99
   representation, 66
   theorem of Choi and Kraus, 66

completion problem, 76

compression, 7, 37

   of matrix powers, 112
   of matrix square root, 24
   of tensor powers, 114

conditionally positive definite, 180

congruence invariance, 102

congruence transformation, 105, 201
   as an isometry, 202

congruent matrices, 5

contraction, 13

convex, 18
   convex map, 18
   convex set, 212

convex hull, 212
   of three points, 216

   in differentiable manifolds, 233
   joint, 19
   of matrix inverse, 18
   of matrix powers, 21, 23, 24, 113
   of matrix square, 19
   of metric, 229
   of relative entropy, 119
   of Riemannian metric, 209
   of tensor products, 113

convolution, 149

covariance, 74
   between functions, 74
   between operators, 74

Daleckii-Krein formula, 60, 233

decimated Hamiltonian, 32

decimation map, 32

decomposable operator, 120

density matrix, 37, 96

derivative, 44, 60
   and Schur product, 60
   norm of, 44, 45
   of exponential, 225

Descartes rule of signs, 7, 30

diagonal part, 37, 87

differentiable manifold, 201

dilation theory, 31

doubly stochastic map, 59, 73

   classical, 114
   of tensor products, 120
   quantum, 115
   relative, 116
   skew, 116
   strong subadditivity, 124
   subadditivity, 121
   theorem of Lieb and Ruskai, 124

entrywise positive, 24

expectation, 38, 74

exponential map
   continuity of, 210
   derivative of, 202, 225
   metric increasing, 204

exponential metric increasing property
       (EMI), 203
   generalised, 223

exterior power, 44

exterior product, 44

Fan dominance theorem, 58, 59

Fejér kernel, 150, 168

Feshbach map, 32

Fiedler’s inequality, 19

Finsler manifolds, 227

first divided difference, 60, 154

Fourier’s law, 135

Fourier-Stieltjes coefficients, 4

Fourier-Stieltjes transform, 145

Fourier transform, 145, 169, 172

Frobenius inequality, 94

Furuta’s inequality, 126

gamma function, 25, 184, 187

geodesic, 202
   and order, 230
   existence of, 205
   natural parametrisation of, 205

geometric mean, 105, 132, 136
   and matrix inversion, 232
   and Riccati equation, 106
   as distance minimiser, 214
   as geodesic midpoint, 206
   as metric midpoint, 223
   continuity of, 212
   of 2 × 2 matrices, 111
   of three matrices, 215, 222

Golden-Thompson inequality, 224

Gram matrix, 3, 25, 183

Grassmann power, 44

Grassmann product, 44

Haagerup’s theorem, 18, 79, 97
   analogue for numerical radius, 85

Hadamard product, 7, 32

Hahn-Banach theorem, 47, 51, 63

Hankel matrix, 194

harmonic mean, 103
   and Schur complement, 103
   concavity of, 104

Heinz means, 131, 139
   of matrices, 229

Helly’s selection principle, 166, 169

Herglotz’ theorem, 4, 167, 175

Hilbert’s inequality, 30

Hilbert’s theorem, 96

Hilbert matrix, 30

inertia, 5
   and Schur complement, 31
   complete invariant for congruence, 5

infinitely divisible
   distribution functions, 197
   function, 184
   matrix, 24

infinitesimal exponential metric increasing property (IEMI), 202
   generalised, 223

integral representation, 21

Jensen’s inequality, 62

jointly concave map, 20

jointly convex map, 19

Jordan decomposition, 39, 49

Kadison’s inequality, 39, 53, 54, 74
   Choi’s generalisation, 40

Kantorovich inequality, 56

Kirchhoff’s laws, 103

Klein’s inequality, 118

Kraus’ theorem, 66

Krein extension theorem, 47, 51, 78

Ky Fan norm, 58

Laplace transform, 194

Lieb’s concavity theorem, 117
   Ando’s proof, 113

Lieb-Ruskai theorem, 124

Lieb class, 87

linear map
   adjoint, 57
   doubly stochastic, 57
   positive, 36
   unital, 36

Loewner’s theorem, 196

Loewner matrix, 154
   infinite divisibility of, 196
   positivity of, 157

logarithmic mean, 135, 162, 229
   and Riemannian geometry, 225
   in heat flow, 136
   of matrices, 229

logarithmic mean area, 136

logarithm of matrices
   concave, 113
   monotone, 113, 224

Lyapunov equation, 9, 43, 57, 130
   discrete time, 10
   perturbed, 44
   solution, 10

m-positive, 65
   and completely positive, 71

   circulant, 48
   conditionally positive definite, 180, 182
   entrywise positive, 24
   Hankel, 194
   infinitely divisible, 24, 153
   partially defined, 77
   Pascal, 182
   positive definite, 1
   positively stable, 9
   positive semidefinite, 1
   stochastic, 55
   Toeplitz, 4, 194

matrix convex function, 61

matrix mean, 102
   arithmetic, 102
   geometric, 102, 105, 108
   harmonic, 102, 103
   Kubo and Ando, 137
   properties, 102

matrix means
   and convexity, 111
   and monotonicity, 111
   and positive linear maps, 107

matrix monotone function, 60
   derivative of, 61

matrix monotone of order n, 60

matrix units, 66

mean, 101
   arithmetic, 101
   binomial, 132
   geometric, 101
   harmonic, 101
   Heinz, 131
   logarithmic, 101
   of matrices, 102
   power, 132

   domination between, 180
   order between, 180

metric projection, 212

minimax principle, 5

Minkowski determinant inequality, 114

monotone map, 18

monotonicity of matrix powers, 22, 112, 125, 129

Naimark’s theorem, 95

noise operators, 96

nonnegative curvature, 227

nonpositive curvature, 226
   metric space of, 227

   Hilbert-Schmidt, 57, 162
   Ky Fan, 57
   of positive linear map, 42
   of Schur product, 16, 43, 59, 79, 80, 90, 91
   operator, 12
   Schatten, 57
   trace, 57
   unitarily invariant, 57
   unitary invariance of, 12

numerical radius, 81
   Ando’s theorem, 82
   power inequality, 85

numerical range, 81

off-diagonal part, 90
   norm of, 90

operator-valued measures, 94

operator convex function, 61

operator monotone, 33, 61
   and Loewner matrix, 156
   square root, 9

operator space
   abstract, 64
   concrete, 64

operator system, 47
   completely positive map on, 70

Pólya’s theorem, 151

parallelogram law, 207

parallel sum, 103, 136

partial trace, 120, 121

Pascal matrix infinitely divisible, 183

pattern, 77

Pick functions, 189

pinching, 37, 57
   as average of unitary conjugates, 88
   as noncommutative convex combination, 87
   doubly stochastic, 57
   norm of, 87
   reduces norm, 43

polar decomposition, 12

positive completion, 77

positive completion problem, 77

positive definite
   function, 142
   kernel, 144
   matrix, 1
   sequence, 4, 141, 175

positive definite function, 142
   and operator monotonicity, 157
   applications, 191
   group representations, 191

positive linear functional, 37, 46
   extension of, 47
   norm of, 51

positive linear map, 36, 46
   2-positive behaviour of, 72, 96
   and logarithm, 131
   and logarithmic mean, 231
   and matrix powers, 52, 53
   and means, 107
   as noncommutative expectation, 38
   examples, 37
   norm of, 42, 43, 47, 50, 52
   preserves adjoints, 39, 50

positive matrices
   as a Bruhat-Tits space, 228
   as a Finsler manifold, 227
   as a manifold of nonpositive curvature, 207
   as a Riemannian manifold, 201
   characterizations, 1
   existence of geodesics, 205
   Hadamard product of, 8
   Riemannian metric on, 201, 202, 206
   Schur product of, 8
   square root of, 2

positive part, 12

positive type, 194

power inequality, 91

power means, 132

projection-valued measure, 94, 175

quantum channels, 96

relative entropy
   and partial trace, 123
   classical, 118
   convexity of, 119
   quantum, 118

representation, 35, 36
   characterisation, 36

Riccati equation, 11, 31
   positive solution, 11

Riemannian metric, 201, 206
   and triangles, 216
   completeness, 210
   convexity of, 209
   projection onto convex set, 212

Riemannian symmetric space, 226

Riesz representation theorem, 38, 166, 169

Russo-Dye theorem, 41, 43, 47, 63

Schatten p-norm, 58

Schur complement, 20, 32, 103
   and determinant, 21
   and harmonic mean, 103
   and inertia, 31
   concavity of, 21
   in quantum mechanics, 32

Schur multiplier, 78

Schur product, 7, 19, 32, 57, 98
   m-fold, 24
   and derivative, 60
   and inequalities for matrix means, 161
   norm of, 16, 43, 59, 79, 80

Schwarz inequality, 73, 85, 97
   operator versions, 73, 85

Segal’s inequality, 224

semiparallelogram law, 207, 208, 223, 233
   in a metric space, 227

simultaneously congruent, 23

simultaneously diagonalizable, 23

singular value decomposition (SVD), 12

singular values, 12

skew entropy, 116

spectral theorem, 175

square root
   concavity of, 24
   of a positive matrix, 2
   operator monotone, 9
   with positive eigenvalues, 109, 130

Stein equation, 10, 44
   perturbed, 44
   solution, 11

Stinespring’s dilation theorem, 68, 94, 124
   and Naimark’s theorem, 95

Stone’s theorem and Bochner’s theorem, 193

strictly convex, 210

Sylvester’s law of inertia, 5, 30

Sylvester equation, 130

symmetrized product, 8, 31

t-power mean, 233

tangent space, 201

tensor powers, 93
   convexity, 113

tensor product
   in quantum information theory, 139
   in statistical mechanics, 139

tent function, 149

Toeplitz matrices, 194

trace norm, 43

triangle inequality, 27
   stronger, 27

triangular truncation norm of, 98

two-positive, 65, 73

unitarily equivalent, 5

unitarily invariant, 57

unitarily invariant norms
   and geodesics, 223
   properties, 58

unitary dilation, 42

unitary invariance, 12

variance, 54, 74
   inequality, 54
   of a function, 54
   of an operator, 54

variance-covariance inequality, 74

weak topology, 166

Wielandt’s inequality, 86

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