
To my wife Wendy, whose support and love served as my inspiration. To my mom and dad, for pushing me to never settle and for helping define who I am today. To my son, Dylan, thank you for keeping me company all those nights and weekends while I was writing, writing, writing. To Deirdre, who made the experience of writing this book one of the highlights of my life. Finally, to everyone whom I admire and learn from everyday: Your blogs, books, articles, speeches, and most important, friendship have helped me personally and professionally.


To my daughter Megan who is the true inspiration behind everything I do.

To my husband, Mark, who supports all of my efforts and gives me the strength to pursue all of my dreams. To my parents, who raised me to live, love, and learn with passion and determination. To Brian, who coined PR 2.0 and made it possible for PR professionals to challenge our industry and to succeed. To my partner, Jason, who inspired me to pursue my aspirations as a writer.


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