Praise for Putting the Public Back in Public Relations

“Rip up your communications degree. Write off your PR job experience from the last 30 years. As Dorothy said in The Wizard of Oz, ‘Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.’

But take heart, Tin Man, ‘rehab’ is available—brought to you by Solis and Breakenridge in this book—to get you back on your feet and re-invent yourself. The first step toward full recovery begins on page one.”

Jerry Santos, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications, Global Crossing

“What is wrong with PR? Plenty. Every day for the last decade or more I’ve received more than fifty unsolicited pitches. Less than 1% ever wind up being articles. That’s wasted effort for the person who wrote the release, wasted time for the journalist weeding through it all, and wasted money for the client.

It’s not a new gripe, but until ten years ago it was the only system we had. Now, social media has turned everything on its head. It’s changed the way readers consume information, the way reporters find and write about it, and it’s high time it change the way PR professionals pitch.

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations gets it all—what’s wrong with the old model and the power of the new one. Brian and Deirdre explain in clear detail how it’s no longer about pitching, it’s about engaging. They explain what that means and how to do it right. If everyone read this, my job as a reporter would be a whole lot easier.”

Sarah Lacy, journalist and author of Once You’re Lucky, Twice You’re Good: The Rebirth of Silicon Valley and Rise of Web 2.0

“This book is essential reading for any and all communication professionals. Learning how to speak with and not at your audience is the key to success in the PR 2.0 world. Brian and Deirdre talk strategy, tactics, and what works, with detailed case studies that illuminate each point. It’s also written in a clear style that everyone will be able to understand, from social media novice to advanced technology user. This is a must read for any communications professional working today.”

Jane Quigley, Relationship Director, crayon

“PR has changed forever and Brian Solis and Deirdre Breakenridge are at the forefront of this change. If you think PR is fine and dandy, please buy this book because without it you will be out of business!”

Gary Vaynerchuk, Director of Operations, Wine Library

Putting the Public Back in Public Relations is a passionate and persuasive case for rewriting the rules of public relations. Authors Solis and Breakenridge expertly combine third-party perspective with case studies and examples to paint a picture of a profession on the brink of reinvention. In their view, social media is the public relations profession’s opportunity to take its place at the forefront of the new age of conversation marketing. After reading this book, that will likely be your view as well.

Paul Gillin, Author, The New Influencers and Secrets of Social Media Marketing

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