
I would like to thank my beautiful wife Alexandria for being very patient with me for the past seven months while I wrote this book. I would also like to thank my amazing Aunt Sue for helping me correct the syntax of this book. I want to thank Mom, Dad, Daphne, sister Amanda, and brother George for always being there for me and helping me achieve my goals.

To the many editors at Apress, thank you for making my book clear and concise (Corbin Collins, James Markham, Michelle Lowman, Heather Lang, Tracy Brown, Vanessa Moore, and Tiffany Taylor).

I want to thank my tech reviewers, Coleman Sellers and Andreas Wischer, for reading my book and giving very detailed feedback to fix any glitches.

To the many suppliers: Sparkfun, Radio Shack, Adafruit, Digikey, and Robotshop—without you this book could not have been completed.

Also to the many developers that wrote the libraries in this book: Arduino Team, Mark Sproul, Peter Davenport, William Greiman, John Boxall, Coleman Sellers, Vlado Brajer (terminal program), nethoncho, and Mikal Hart. You guys/gals are the reason open source hardware and software exists.

And of course to the Arduino Team, what can I say? The Arduino is the greatest microcontroller I have ever been privileged enough to use. Thank you for everything you have done and still are doing to this day.

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