Getting around

  • msf > search: This will locate a specific module according to the search criteria that you provide (try to execute help search)
  • msf > search [any keyword]: For example, search apache version 2.3
  • msf > grep & search: For example, grep http search apache
  • Search keywords:
    • app: Modules that are client or server attacks
    • author: Modules written by this author
    • bid: Modules with a matching Bugtraq ID
    • cve: Modules with a matching CVE ID
    • edb: Modules with a matching Exploit-DB ID
    • name: Modules with a matching descriptive name
    • platform: Modules affecting this platform
    • ref: Modules with a matching ref
    • type: Modules of a specific type (exploit, auxiliary, or post)
  • Examples:
    • msf > search cve:2009 type:exploit app:client
    • msf > search name:mysql
    • msf > search platform:windows
    • msf > search type:auxiliary
  • More commands:
    • msf > help: List the available commands
    • msf > back: Go back one step
    • msf > exit: Exit msfconsole
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