Time for action — Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files

  1. Open your PrestaShop directory either on your computer or the web server.
  2. Next, navigate to the default themes folder (prestashop_1.3/themes/prestashop) or you can look at your new theme folder.
  3. Now, let's get a better look at each of the important files within it that we will work with.


    In the previous chapter, you learned about copying this default PrestaShop theme file to build another new theme.

  4. Go to your FTP or cPanel administration and look up the new theme folder you have just created (for example, ../themes/theme1/).
  5. Locate the CSS folder.
  6. The next screenshot shows where to locate the /css folder:
Time for action — Getting to know the PrestaShop CSS files

Within this CSS folder, you will see three CSS files:

  1. global.css
  2. maintenance.css
  3. scenes.css

These CSS files work with the Smarty template files (.tpl), which are, by default, located in the modules directory. We have not really got to know "Smarty" that much yet, but we will begin to do some work here on the Smarty template files. For now, we will show you the steps to change your CSS file and understand the relationship with the relevant template (.tpl) files. We will elaborate more on "Smarty" in Chapter 6, Steps for Creating Themes.

The global.css file can be daunting for a beginner as it has many lines. It can make it difficult for you to find the right lines to edit in order to modify your web page's appearance.

Instead of dissecting the entire file, our tasks will be based on the required output, which will be a result of the modifications we make to the elements.

There will be times when we will refer to certain lines, and you may not see the same thing in your CSS file, as this is depending on the web developer tools you use. This is more likely to happen when you copy another theme file which may have been modified. Here we have used both Web Developer tools and Firebug on Firefox alternately or both. The key point is to look up the sections as indicated in the CSS file through /* */.

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