Time for action — Changing the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block

Let's try changing the color of the tab of the FEATURED PRODUCTS block.

  1. Look out for the following code:
    /* block in the center column */
    #center_column p { margin: 0.5em 0; padding-left:0.7em;}
    #center_column div.block { width: 536px; margin:auto;}
    #center_column div.block h4 {
    background: transparent url('../img/block_header_large.gif') no- repeat top left;
    height: 17px;
    color: white
  2. Delete the URL and replace it with red. Your code should now look as follows:
/* block in the center column */
#center_column p { margin: 0.5em 0; padding-left:0.7em;}
#center_column div.block { width: 536px; margin:auto;}
#center_column div.block h4 {
background: red;
height: 17px;
color: red
Time for action — Changing the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block

What just happened?

You have just learned how to replace the color of the tab for the FEATURED PRODUCTS block.

We will deal with replacing the image of the top tab for this block with another image file in the next chapter.

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