
images  A

Algorithm optimization


        c-approximation algorithm

        maximum cut

        traveling salesman

    gap compression

    index compression


    memoization and programming



        dynamic programming

        edit distance

        Fibonacci numbers


    memory and string dictionary

    probabilistic algorithms

        fermat primality test

        maximum cut

    taxonomic complexity

        Big-Oh notation

        complexity classes and TM

        master theorem

    variable length encoding

Allocation profilers

    CLR profiler

        allocation graph button

        heap dumps

        histogram buttons

        main report view


        time line button

        Visual view

    memory-related statistics

    Visual Studio profiler

        allocation view

        function details view


        object lifetime view

        summary view

images  B

Built-in Windows tools

    counter categories

    Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

        custom ETW providers

        kernel providers

        partial list


        PerfView tool


        Windows Performance Toolkit

    performance counters


        configuring performance

        logs and alerts

        monitoring memory




images  C

CLR generics

    C++ templates


        turing-complete template resolution mechanism

        type-safe template class


        code conversion

        Object array

        type erasure


    built-in arrays

    cache considerations

        cache-core-memory relationships

        cache hit

        cache line

        cache miss ratio

        code generation

        hitting the memory wall

        large main memories

        Level 1 cache for data

        Level 2 cache for data

        Level 3 cache for data

        Level 1 cache for program instructions

        matrix multiplication

    concurrent collections in .NET Framework

        AddOrUpdate method






        disjoint-set/union-find data structure

        one-shot collections

        skip list data structure


    .NET framework

        additional requirements

        amortized O(1) cost collections









        storage requirements


        ubiquitous space-time tradeoff



        cross-thread parameter

        STA, MTA and NTA

        threads and objects


    CCW and RCW


    lifetime management

    managed client



    TLB import and code access security

    unmanaged client


Concurrency and parallelism. See also Synchronization

    advanced patterns, TPL


    C# 5 async methods

        async and await

        asynchronous version


        Dispose method

        exception handling

        forecasts variable

        language features

        TaskScheduler API

        WinRT (Windows Runtime) APIs

    data parallelism

        for and foreach loops

        parallel LINQ


    GPU computing

        C++ AMP

        matrix multiplication

        N-Body simulation


        tiles and shared memory

    harnessing parallelism


    I/O operations

    Sutter, Herb

    task parallelism



        exceptions and cancellation


        partition method

        QuickSort algorithm

        recursive algorithms

        Task.Run method



        Intel i7 system

        prime numbers

        questions and answers

        thread pools

images  D

Data parallelism

    for and foreach loops



        ParallelLoopState class

        Stop method

        testing loop

    parallel LINQ (PLINQ)


        AsParallel extension method



        thread-local buffers

images  E

Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

    custom ETW providers

    kernel providers

    partial list



        bottom up report

        CPU, GC and JIT reports

        GC analysis report

        HTML files

        JIT analysis report

        runAnalyze command

        source code folder

        top down report


    PerfView tool


        file view


        reference chain


    Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT)

        call stack aggregation

        detailed stack frames


        I/O operations

        raw report

        sampling profilers

        SDK installation directory


images  F

Flavors, GC



    GC flavors and sub-flavors


    server GC


        mark phase


        sweep phase


    workstation GC

        concurrent GC

        non-concurrent GC


images  G

Garbage collection (GC). See also Tracing garbage collection

    allocation cost

    coordination concepts

    deallocation cost


    design goals


        automatic mechanism

        bullet-proof feature

        dispose pattern

        manual deterministics



        unmanaged resources


        application threads

        GC flavors and sub-flavors


        server GC

        workstation GC

    free list management

    generational model


        background GC

        large object heap

        .NET implementation




        CLR hosting

        System.GC class


    management cost

    memory leak

    memory management




        generational model

        object graphs

        paging and unmanaged memory


        pooling objects

        static code analysis (FxCop)

        value types

    reference-counting garbage collection

    segments and virtual memory


        CLR handles

        COM objects and unmanaged code

        ephemeral segment


        managed code

        memory space

        segment/VM hoarding


    weak references

        application code


        GC handle

        long weak references

        short weak references

        strong reference

        various scenarios

Generational model, GC


    background GC

    large object heap

    mid-life crisis

    .NET implementation

        large object/generation

        old object/generation

        pinned objects


        youngest objects/generation

    object life expectancies



        card table

        JIT compiler

        mark phase


        non-null type


Generic programming


    ArrayList with boxed Point2D

    binary search, sorted array

    CLR generics

        C++ templates



        closed generic type


        IMathT interface


        interface vs. IEquatableT constraints



        open generic type

    generic code conversion

    generics internals



    System.Object method

    type safety

GPU computing See also C++ AMP

    matrix multiplication

    N-Body simulation


    tiles and shared memory


        matrix multiplication algorithm

        multiple threads



        speed increase

        tile_barrier objects

        tile_static storage

images  H

images  I

Internet Information Services (IIS)

    output cache


        user-mode cache

    pool configuration

        idle timeouts

        processor affinity


        web garden


I/O concepts

    copying memory

        data buffer

        unmanaged memory

    exposing part

    file I/O

        cache hinting

        unbuffered I/O

    I/O completion port (IOCP)



        overlapped structure

        Pack method

        structure and operation

        TestIOCP method

        thread handles

    .NET Thread Pool


    performance gains


    synchronous and asynchronous

images  J, K

JIT compiler

    common subexpression reduction

    constant folding

    .ini file

    method inlining

    range check elimination


        loop function

    standard optimizations

    tail calling

        GCD method




        online details

images  L

images  M

Memory profiler




        individual string


    SciTech .NET

        dump files

        FileInformation instances

        memory snapshots

        post mortem





    poor design



        as and is keyword


        virtual modifier

images  N


    network protocols

        chatty protocol session

        encoding and redundancy

        message chunking



    Server applications




        Nagle’s algorithm

        registered I/O

images  O



    HTTP cache headers

        dynamic content

        static content

    IIS components

        client applications

        configuring compression

        dynamic compression

        static compression

    minification and bundling

        bundles folder

        CSS files




        use of

images  P

Performance measurement

    allocation profilers


        black-box testing

        CLR profiler

        memory-related statistics

        Visual Studio profiler

    built-in Windows tools

        Event Tracing for Windows (ETW)

        performance counters

    concurrency profilers

    database and data access profilers

    I/O profilers

    memory profiler


        SciTech .NET




        poor design

    MSDN features

    time profilers



        instrumentation profiling

        profiling modes

        sampling mode

        Visual Studio sampling profiler


    white-box testing

Performance metrics

    application types



        application types




    partial list


    software development lifecycle

Performance patterns

    code generation

        dynamic lightweight code

        source code

        third-party frameworks


    JIT compiler

        .ini file

        method inlining

        range check elimination

        standard optimizations

        tail calling

    processor-specific optimization







        image packers


        multi-core JIT compilation

        native image

        pre-JIT compilation

        reduce assemblies

        require rebasing




    blittable types

    code access security

    C-style functions

    DllImport attribute

    FindFirstFile method


    marshaler stubs

        direction, value and reference types

        HRESULT returns

        IL Stub Diagnostics

        managed code execution

        memory allocation

        ML and assembly code

        native code


        unmanaged code execution

        unmarshaling and interop assistant

    WIN32_FIND_DATA struct

images  Q

images  R

images  S

Server, Web application


        controller classes

        I/O operation



    cache objects


    agent-based languages

    cache considerations


        localSums array

        sequential method

        sum variable


    execution history

    lock-free code

        C# method

        Compare-And-Swap (CAS)

        data structure


        general version

        incorrect result

        in-stack queued spinlocks


        lost updates

        memory models and volatile variables

        multiplication method

        operating system


        Push method



        Task Parallel Library


        TryPop method

    machine instructions

    message-passing processor

    transactional memory

    windows mechanisms

        data structure

        internal implementation

        state semantics

        user-mode programs

System.GC class

    control methods




    diagnostic methods


images  T



    Intel i7 system

    mark phase




        concurrency profiler report

        FIFO and LIFO


    prime numbers

    questions and answers


    sweep phase

    task parallel library


Time profilers

    commercial tools



    profiling modes

    sampling mode

    Visual Studio

        instrumentation profiling

        sampling profiler

Tracing garbage collection

    mark phase

        eager collection

        false positivies and negatives

        f-reachable queue

        GC handles

        local roots

        performance implications

        referenced objects


        static roots

    .NET CLR

    pinning operation




        GC handle

        managed and unmanaged code

        .NET memory management model


    sweep and compact phase

        GC model

        linear objects

        moving objects

        next object pointer and GC heap

        shaded objects

Turing machine (TM)

    automata theory

    halting problem

        C# method



        Hepler method

        undecidable problems


    NP-complete problems


        P and NP


    O(n2) algorithms


    polynomial time

    state diagram

images  U

Unsafe code. See also C++/CLI language extensions

    C# project

    lifetime management

    memory pooling scheme

    pinning and GCHandles



        code access security

        C-style functions

        DllImport attribute

        FindFirstFile method


        marshaler stubs and interop assistant

        WIN32_FIND_DATA struct

    unmanaged memory

    widespread technologies

images  V

Visual Studio

    allocation profiler

        allocation view

        function details view


        object lifetime view

        Summary view

    instrumentation profiling



        functions view

        instrumented method

        .NET Reflector

    sampling profiler

        accurate technique

        Call Tree view

        details view

        exclusive samples

        functions view

        inclusive samples


        partial list

        profiler report

        program runing

images  W, X, Y, Z

Web application performance

    ASP.NET applications





        process model

        scaling out

        server affinities

        server-side output cache

        tracing and debugging

        view state


    HTTP monitoring tools


        output cache mechanisms

        pool configuration

    optimization, 329–330, CDNs

        compression IIS components

        HTTP cache headers

        minification and bundling


        asynchronous pages, modules and controllers

        cache objects

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

    asynchronous operation



    process model


        ASP.NET applications



        ServiceThrottling object

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