Tushar Thakker

Pro Oracle Fusion Applications

Installation and Administration

1st ed. 2015

Tushar Thakker

Param Labs, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

ISBN 978-1-4842-0984-4

e-ISBN 978-1-4842-0983-7

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-0983-7

Library of Congress Control Number: 2015949704

© Tushar Thakker 2015

Pro Oracle Fusion Applications

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Dedicated to my parents, my beautiful wife Dipti and our beloved son Param.


Oracle Fusion Applications is an evolving product and at present has matured enough for Oracle customers to start implementing it or plan their applications roadmap accordingly. Lately there have been many new projects kicking off and the curiosity toward Oracle Fusion Applications is constantly increasing. Since Oracle is investing heavily in Oracle Fusion Applications development and marketing, having this essential installation and administration book with practical tips will boost your confidence when building an on-premise implementation of Fusion Applications. This book will prove to be a must-have handbook for anyone planning an implementation of Oracle Fusion Applications.

How This Book Came About

I started working on Oracle Fusion Applications installation since its early releases and I can assure you that the installation process has evolved and improved a lot since then. After successfully completing the Fusion Applications installation on various releases, I noticed that a large number of users were facing difficulties in the provisioning process due to the complexity involved as well as because there was no step-by-step handbook available at that time. I started helping a large number of Fusion Applications aspirants through my blog and it was fulfilling to see a number of blog users successfully completing the tedious process of Fusion Applications installation using my step-by-step guides. Based on their success stories, I decided to share my experiences with a large number of readers using this comprehensive book.

Most of the examples in this book are from actual installations. I have been supporting a very large number of Fusion Applications aspirants during their Fusion Applications installation and helping them with various issues reported by them during provisioning process.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the Fusion Applications architecture and how it maps to your physical infrastructure

  • Design network and storage topologies to support your installation

  • Provision Identity Management to control and manage the applications access

  • Provision an Oracle Fusion Applications environment

  • Manage those environments on an ongoing basis

  • Identify, diagnose, and resolve the day-to-day problems

  • Understand types of Fusion Applications patches and various methods to apply them on a regular basis

Who This Book Is For

Oracle Fusion Applications is one of the most anticipated knowledge upgrades for most professionals in the Oracle Applications domain. Pro Oracle Fusion Applications is aimed at following the audience as well as all those who are involved in the technical aspects of standing up an on-premise installation of Oracle Fusion Applications. This includes:

  • Oracle Database Administrators and Applications DBAs

  • WebLogic Administrators

  • Oracle Identity Management Administrators

  • System Architects

  • Technical consultants

  • Application Implementers and Administrators

  • Oracle Partners and System Integrators

  • End-user clients planning to implement Oracle Fusion Applications

How This Book Is Structured

Pro Oracle Fusion Applications is organized into 16 chapters divided in four main sections. The book begins with an introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications followed by planning for the installation. Later it explains the end-to-end installation process followed by the day-to-day administration of the installed environment. In order to maintain the logical flow of the content, it is strongly recommended that you read the chapters in the given order.

Part I Introduction

Chapter 1 : Introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications

We will begin with introducing Oracle Fusion Applications and the product families included in the suite along with their adoption options for new as well as existing Oracle customers. Later we will explain the Fusion Applications architecture along with explaining the key components or building blocks of the Fusion Applications instance, including the Oracle Identity Management infrastructure and how they interact. We will also look at the standard-based business process model and security model of Oracle Fusion Applications.

Part II Planning

Chapter 2 : Planning an Installation

We begin this chapter with roles and responsibilities of various individuals involved in the entire process of planning, provisioning, and managing an Oracle Fusion Applications environment. We look at various possible topologies for Oracle Fusion Applications and learn how to choose the best suitable topology and required hardware for a specific installation. You also learn how to plan the required hardware, network, and storage configuration based on your business requirements. You also learn how to calculate the memory requirement for your installation based on the selected product configurations.

Chapter 3 : Setting Up the Hosts for Provisioning

In this chapter, we first discuss the concepts of end-to-end Fusion Applications provisioning process. We will explore the role of each physical host of the selected topology and learn how to group them among Identity Management nodes and Fusion Applications nodes. We will discuss the steps involved in the provisioning process along with the dependencies among the steps. Later you will learn how to prepare the selected hosts for provisioning, including required operating system, network, and storage.

Part III Installation

Chapter 4 : Creating Identity Management Database

This chapter deals with various options for preparing the Oracle Database to host Identity Management components. We look at installing the Identity Management database, applying required database patches, as well as creating the required schemas using the Repository Creation Utility for Identity Management.

Chapter 5 : Preparing for Identity Management Provisioning

In this chapter, we discuss the structure of the Identity Management Provisioning framework and discuss how to install it on all Identity Management hosts of the selected topology. Later we look at the importance of the Identity Management provisioning response file and explore step-by-step instructions on creating them. We look at the importance of each of the parameters being stored while going through the relevant screens during the response file creation.

Chapter 6 : Provisioning Identity Management Environment

This chapter provides a step-by-step guide on provisioning an Oracle Identity Management environment, which is a prerequisite for the Fusion Applications installation. We will explore the various graphical as well as command-line interfaces available to provision the Identity Management components. This chapter also explains how to deal with failed Identity Management installations and restart them manually.

Chapter 7 : Post-Provisioning Configuration for Identity Management Nodes

This chapter concludes the Identity Management provisioning section by explaining how to validate the installed Identity Management components and perform the post-provisioning configuration for each of these components. These post-provisioning configuration steps prepare the Identity Management environment to be used with any fresh installation of Fusion Applications.

Chapter 8 : Creating Fusion Applications Transaction Database

This chapter explains how to prepare the Fusion Applications Transaction database using the provisioning framework provided with the installation repository. We begin with learning how to install the Fusion Applications provisioning framework on the database nodes followed by how to use it to create a fresh transaction database with required patches and updates pre-installed. You also see how to run the Repository Creation Utility to prepare Fusion Applications-related schemas.

Chapter 9 : Preparing for Fusion Applications Provisioning

This is a very important chapter before we look at the actual provisioning process since it deals with preparing the Fusion Applications provisioning response file. During the response file creation we explore all the important parameters required for setting up an Oracle Fusion Applications environment. We begin with understanding the directory structure and various options available with the provisioning framework. We prepare a response file based on the selected topology. We also have a look at updating an existing response file as well as creating one for extending an existing Applications environment.

Chapter 10 : Provisioning Fusion Applications Environment

In this final chapter of the Fusion Applications installation, we look at the automated installation orchestration using the graphical wizard as well as the command-line interface. We look at the important input files used by the provisioning process as well as various output files, logs, and flags created during the installation which aids us while troubleshooting the installation issues. We also learn how to restart a failed or aborted installation using automated or manual cleanup/restore procedures.

Part IV Administration

Chapter 11 : Understanding Fusion Applications Interface

After the installation is complete, we will have a bird’s eye view of the applications interface. We learn how Fusion Applications differs from existing Applications Suites in Oracle as well as other vendors and how it provides the most efficient way to perform various tasks from a single consolidated interface. After reading this chapter, you will be able to identify and use many aspects of the interface, including dashboards, navigation icons, and personalization tools. You will also quickly look the Enterprise Scheduler, including learning how it maps with traditional applications suites and how to submit an example scheduled request.

Chapter 12 : Getting Started with Administration

From this chapter onward, we begin looking at Fusion Applications administration. First we explore the various methods for starting up or stopping the complete Fusion Applications environment, including the Identity Management components. Later we look at Fusion Applications Functional Setup Manager and how it is one of the most important components for Administrators as well as Application Implementers.

Chapter 13 : Managing Fusion Applications Security

Fusion Applications Security Setup is one of the first administration tasks you may need to perform before business users can start using the applications modules. We look at the role-based access control model of Fusion Applications along with various functional and data roles available. This chapter also explains how the roles are stored and synchronized between various Identity Management components. This chapter provides a step-by-step guide to setting up initial IT security-related roles and users.

Chapter 14 : Monitoring Fusion Applications Environment

This chapter explains the importance of Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control in managing a complete Fusion Applications environment, which replaces a number of individual Enterprise Managers and dashboards using a single consolidated interface. We look at the steps involved in installing Cloud Control software and it with all the components of Fusion Applications environment. We explore how we can leverage the consolidated interface of Cloud Control for monitoring every layer of Fusion Applications, including database, middleware and web tier. We also see how it compares to traditional monitoring interfaces used in earlier versions of Fusion Applications.

Chapter 15 : Diagnosing and Troubleshooting

In this chapter, we discuss some of the most important Fusion Applications’ administrative tasks, including diagnosing and troubleshooting various issues. Troubleshooting applications or database issues may involve liaising with multiple teams, including system administrators, network teams, core DBAs, and Identity Management specialists. We look at various steps involved in diagnosing and troubleshooting, including tracing the applications issues at the database level as well as troubleshooting them at the JVM level. This chapter also explains troubleshooting issues with Enterprise Scheduler jobs.

Chapter 16 : Patching and Ongoing Administration

This chapters begins by explaining the various types of patches that are available for Fusion Applications environment, including applications and middleware artifacts. We look at the different patching mechanisms or each of these patch types including manual patching as well as patch automation utilities. Later we look at ongoing administration of Fusion Applications, including maintenance of the applications file system as well as database objects. We conclude the chapter by looking at the recommended practices for backing up and restoring the entire Fusion Applications environment.


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Contacting the Author

If you have any questions regarding the book, please feel free to contact me directly at the following email address: [email protected] or at Twitter@tusharthakker .


This book couldn’t have been conceptualized without the overwhelming support from the users of my blog OraTraining.com , who recognized my efforts in bringing Oracle Fusion Applications knowledge to everyone at the time when there were limited online resources available. The feedback from my blog users, along with their success stories, encouraged me to spread the knowledge to a larger audience through this book.

I would like to thank my friend Anil Passi (founder of apps2fusion.com and author of several Oracle Applications books) for encouraging me to write this book. I sincerely thank the entire Apress Editorial team, especially Jonathan Gennick who gave me an opportunity to write this book, Douglas Pundick who guided me in every aspect of this project by providing best practices for authors, Jill Balzano who has been tremendously helpful throughout the book by answering all my queries in detail, and Dhanajay Papde who carefully reviewed all the chapters and provided accurate technical suggestions from an existing Oracle Applications Administrator’s point of view. I must also thank all those who have helped directly or indirectly in my career to reach this stage, including but not limited to Raj Adigal, Palani Ramasamy, Banakar Basavaraj, Gautam Thakkar, Dr. Sabri Al Azazi, Jose Jayapal, and Rochak Puri.

Last but not the least, this book would not have been complete without exceptional support from my dear wife Dipti and our little son Param, who allowed me to spend countless days focusing on Oracle Fusion Applications when it was in its early stages as well as while writing this book despite the constant humming of the servers at home which hosted the Fusion Applications instance for this book. At the same time, the constant encouragement from my parents to learn from failure helped me stay strong through a number of challenges while installing initial versions of Fusion Applications on modest hardware.


  1. Part I: Introduction 1
    1. Chapter 1:​ Introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications
      1. Overview of Oracle Fusion Applications
        1. What’s New in Oracle Fusion Applications?​
        2. Oracle Fusion Applications Product Families
      2. Fusion Applications Architecture
        1. Overall Technical Architecture
        2. Understanding a Typical Oracle WebLogic Server Domain
        3. Oracle Identity Management Infrastructure
        4. Oracle Fusion Applications Infrastructure
      3. Key Technology Stack Components
        1. Oracle Fusion Middleware Components
        2. Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure Components
        3. Oracle Database
      4. Fusion Applications Interaction with Identity Management
      5. Summary
  2. Part II: Planning 23
    1. Chapter 2:​ Planning an Installation
      1. Individual Roles and Responsibilities​
      2. Fusion Applications Topologies
        1. Single-Tier Topology
        2. Two-Tier Topologies
        3. Three-Tier or Enterprise Topologies
        4. High-Availability Topologies
      3. Fusion Applications Directory Structure
        1. Oracle Identity Management Directory Structure
        2. Oracle Fusion Applications Directory Structure
      4. Planning an Installation Topology
        1. Deciding the Product Offerings To Be Provisioned
        2. Deciding the Installation Topology
        3. Memory Sizing for the Servers
        4. Planning Network and Storage
      5. Summary
    2. Chapter 3:​ Preparing the Hosts for Provisioning
      1. Introduction to the Provisioning Process
        1. Understanding Installation Orchestration
        2. Classification of Hosts for an Installation
        3. Supported Component Versions
        4. Selected Topology for the Installation
      2. Fusion Applications Provisioning Steps
        1. Provisioning Steps for Identity Management Components
        2. Provisioning Steps for Fusion Applications Components
        3. Dependencies Between IDM and FA Provisioning Steps
      3. Creating the Installation Repository
        1. Directory Structure of the Installation Repository
      4. Preparing the Hosts Operating System
        1. Preparing Network and Name Resolution
        2. Preparing Storage
        3. Installing Required Operating System Packages
        4. Creating Operating System Users and Groups
        5. Configuring Required Kernel Parameters
        6. Preparing Operating System for the Remaining Nodes
      5. Summary
  3. Part III: Installation 77
    1. Chapter 4:​ Preparing the Identity Management Database
      1. Installing the Database for IDM
        1. Installing the Latest Version of the OPatch Utility
        2. Apply a Database Patch Set Update
        3. Apply Database Patches
        4. Edit Recommended Database Parameters
        5. Create XA Views as Prerequisites of the Repository Creation Utility
      2. Running the IDM Repository Creation Utility
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 5:​ Prepare for Identity Management Provisioning
      1. Installing the IDM Provisioning Framework
        1. Understanding the Directory Structure
      2. Creating an IDM Provisioning Response File
        1. Modify the IDM Provisioning Response File for Fusion Applications
        2. Copy Credentials Wallet File to DMZ Hosts (Optional)
      3. Summary
    3. Chapter 6:​ Provision Identity Management Environment
      1. Identity Management Provisioning Interfaces
      2. Identity Management Provisioning Phases
        1. Possible States of an IDM Provisioning Phase
      3. Provisioning Identity Management Using the Wizard
        1. IDM Provisioning Wizard Layout During the Provisioning Phases
      4. Provisioning Using the Command-Line Interface (CLI)
        1. Run Preverify Phase
        2. Run Install Phase
        3. Run Preconfigure Phase
        4. Run Configure Phase
        5. Run Configure Secondary Phase
        6. Run Post Configure Phase
        7. Run Startup Phase
        8. Run Validate Phase
      5. Restarting After a Failed Installation
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 7:​ Post-Provisioning IDM Configuration
      1. Validating the Oracle Identity Management Installation
        1. Validating the OID and OVD
        2. Validating the Oracle HTTP Server
        3. Validating the Oracle Directory Service Manager
        4. Validating Admin and Managed Servers
        5. Validating the Oracle Identity Manager
        6. Validating the Oracle Access Manager
        7. Validating the Oracle SOA Instance
      2. Performing the Post-Provisioning Configuration
        1. Correcting the Data Source Configuration
        2. Updating the Oracle HTTP Server Runtime Parameters
        3. Backing Up the IDM Configuration File
        4. Post-Provisioning Steps for the Oracle Identity Manager
        5. Post-Provisioning Steps for Oracle Access Manager
      3. Summary
    5. Chapter 8:​ Creating Fusion Applications Transaction Database
      1. Current Status of Provisioning
      2. Install Fusion Applications Provisioning Framework
      3. Preparing Fusion Applications Database
        1. Install JDK
        2. Installing Fusion Applications Transaction Database
        3. Running Fusion Applications Repository Creation Utility
      4. Fusion Applications Schemas and Tablespaces
      5. Summary
    6. Chapter 9:​ Preparing for Fusion Applications Provisioning
      1. Installing Provisioning Framework
        1. Fusion Applications Provisioning Framework Directory Structure
        2. Install JDK
        3. Copy Required Libraries to WebGate Installer Directory
      2. Creating the Fusion Applications Response File
        1. Update an Existing Provisioning Response File
        2. Creating a New Response File for Extending an Existing Environment
      3. Summary
    7. Chapter 10:​ Provisioning Oracle Fusion Applications Environment
      1. Current Status of the Provisioning Process
      2. Fusion Applications Provisioning Phases
        1. Important Input Files Used During Provisioning
        2. Important Output Files Created During Provisioning
      3. Provision Fusion Applications Environment
        1. Provisioning Through the Graphical interface
        2. Provisioning Through the Command-Line Interface
        3. Multi-Host Installation of Fusion Applications
        4. Begin the installation
        5. Manually Validating the Installation
      4. Summary
  4. Part IV: Administration 343
    1. Chapter 11:​ Understanding Oracle Fusion Applications Interface
      1. Getting Started with Fusion Applications Interface
        1. Fusion Applications User Interface Layout
      2. Logging into Oracle Fusion Applications
      3. Common Features Across Fusion Applications
        1. Settings and Actions Menu
        2. Help
        3. Dashboards
        4. Navigator
        5. Watchlist
        6. Worklist and Notifications
        7. Personalization
        8. Favorites and Recent Items
        9. Search
        10. Analytics/​Reports
        11. ADF Desktop Integration
        12. Collaboration
        13. Scheduled Processes
      4. Summary
    2. Chapter 12:​ Getting Started with Fusion Applications Administration
      1. Starting Fusion Applications Environment
        1. Starting Identity Management Database
        2. Starting Identity Management Middle Tier Components
        3. Starting Fusion Applications Transaction Database
        4. Starting Fusion Applications Middle Tier Components
      2. Stopping Fusion Applications Environment
        1. Stopping Fusion Applications Middle Tier Components
        2. Stopping the Fusion Applications Transaction Database
        3. Stopping Identity Management Middle Tier Components
        4. Stopping Identity Management Database
      3. Overview of the Fusion Functional Setup Manager
        1. Navigating Through the Functional Setup Manager
        2. Fusion Applications Implementation Overview
      4. Summary
    3. Chapter 13:​ Managing Fusion Applications Security
      1. Components Involved in Common Security Setup
        1. Oracle Internet Directory
        2. Oracle Directory Service Manager
        3. Oracle Identity Manager
        4. Fusion Functional Setup Manager
        5. Authorization Policy Manager
      2. Fusion Applications Roles
        1. Types of Fusion Applications Roles
        2. Accessing the Roles from Multiple Interfaces
        3. Looking Up Users and Roles in Database Tables
      3. Setting Up Users and Roles Synchronization
        1. Oracle Identity Manager LDAP Reconciliation Jobs
        2. Fusion Applications LDAP Synchronization Tasks
      4. Fusion Applications Initial Security Setup
        1. Update Fusion Applications Administration Super User
        2. Setting Up the IT Security Administrator Role
        3. Creating the IT Security Administrator User
        4. Run User and Roles Synchronization Process
        5. Creating Implementation Users
        6. Create Data Roles for Implementation Users
        7. Assign Roles to Implementation Users
      5. Summary
    4. Chapter 14:​ Monitoring Fusion Applications Environment
      1. Understanding the Role of Cloud Control
      2. Installing and Configuring Cloud Control
        1. Installing Oracle Database for Cloud Control
        2. Installing Enterprise Manager Cloud Control
        3. Configuring Fusion Applications with Cloud Control
      3. Monitoring the Fusion Applications Environment
        1. Understanding the Fusion Applications Product Family Homepage
        2. Fusion Applications Product Homepage
      4. Monitoring Fusion Middleware
        1. Monitoring Enterprise Scheduler
      5. Monitoring a Database
      6. Configuring Common Monitoring Features
        1. Setting Up Notifications
        2. Using EM Blackouts
      7. Summary
    5. Chapter 15:​ Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
      1. Troubleshooting Tools and Features
        1. Important Files Related to the Topology
        2. Problems and Incidents
        3. Log Viewer
        4. QuickTrace
        5. Diagnostic Dashboard
      2. Tracing Fusion Applications Issues at Database Level
        1. Tracing Fusion Applications Sessions
        2. Tracing Scheduled Job Sessions
      3. Troubleshooting Enterprise Scheduler
        1. Understanding Enterprise Scheduler Jobs execution
        2. Enterprise Scheduler Health Check
      4. Troubleshooting JVM Performance
        1. Enabling JVM Diagnostics
        2. Accessing JVM Diagnostics Homepage
        3. Troubleshooting Using JVMD Features
        4. Live JVM Thread Analysis
        5. JVM Thread Dumps
      5. Summary
    6. Chapter 16:​ Patching and Ongoing Administration
      1. Understanding Patching Fundamentals
        1. Types of Patches
        2. Patching Methods
      2. Applying Technology Stack Patches
        1. P4FA (Patches for Fusion Applications) Directory Structure
        2. FASPOT Utility Directory Structure
        3. FASPOT (P4FA) Patching Steps
      3. Applying Applications Patches
        1. Using Fusion Applications Patch Manager
      4. Manually Applying Patches
        1. Manual Patching Using AutoPatch (adpatch.​sh)
        2. Manual Patching Using OPatch
      5. Performing Maintenance Tasks
        1. Using AD Administration Utility
      6. Backup and Restore
        1. Types of Files to Be Backed Up
        2. Backing Up the Fusion Applications Environment
        3. Restoring Fusion Applications Environment
      7. Summary
  5. Index

Contents at a Glance

  • About the Author
  • About the Technical Reviewer
  • Acknowledgments
  • Introduction
  • Part I: Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Oracle Fusion Applications
  • Part II: Planning
  • Chapter 2: Planning an Installation
  • Chapter 3: Preparing the Hosts for Provisioning
  • Part III: Installation
  • Chapter 4: Preparing the Identity Management Database
  • Chapter 5: Prepare for Identity Management Provisioning
  • Chapter 6: Provision Identity Management Environment
  • Chapter 7: Post-Provisioning IDM Configuration
  • Chapter 8: Creating Fusion Applications Transaction Database
  • Chapter 9: Preparing for Fusion Applications Provisioning
  • Chapter 10: Provisioning Oracle Fusion Applications Environment
  • Part IV: Administration
  • Chapter 11: Understanding Oracle Fusion Applications Interface
  • Chapter 12: Getting Started with Fusion Applications Administration
  • Chapter 13: Managing Fusion Applications Security
  • Chapter 14: Monitoring Fusion Applications Environment
  • Chapter 15: Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 16: Patching and Ongoing Administration
  • Index

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author


Tushar Thakkeris a Senior Oracle Architect and an avid technology blogger. He is a Certified Oracle Apps DBA and Project Management Professional (PMP). He has more than 13 years of experience working on various Oracle products with some of the top technology giants, including Oracle and EMC as well as government organizations in India and UAE. Tushar is the founder of a technology startup called Param Labs and the well-known Oracle education blog OraTraining.com , where he writes a number of step-by-step guides for various Oracle products and their new releases. He also runs a free Oracle troubleshooting portal named OraSupport.com , where he resolves any Oracle-related issues faced by users. Tushar believes in spreading Oracle knowledge to as many people as possible, hence creating a larger Oracle user community.

About the Technical Reviewer


Dhananjay Papdehas extensive IT experience on Oracle databases, the E-Business Suite, and BI. He is a lead specialist and Oracle Technical Architect at SITA in the UK. He is the author of Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Administration Cookbook and was also the technical Reviewer of the book entitled Pro Oracle Fusion Applications: Installation and Administration. He is an Oracle ACE Associate and won the Oracle Fusion Middleware Innovation Award at Oracle Open World 2011. He has been a speaker at various events, including Oracle Open World 2013, 2014, UKOUG Annual Conferences in 2012, Tech13, Apps14 and SIG, and Oracle Data Innovation Forum in London and Dublin.

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