
images A

Advanced site customizations, 263

navigation system. See Navigation system

SharePoint 2010 search. See SharePoint 2010 search

ASP.NET navigation, 264

ASPX and HTML page, 105

Association column, 398

Association parameters, 398

Basic Search Center template, 281

Built-in workflow

action drop-down list, 417

approval workflow, 413

Associate to List drop-down, 419

association form, 421

copying and modifying, 412

function editor button, 415

initiation form parameters, 415

lookup workflow, 416

manual workflow, 422, 423

reusable workflow, 413

status page, 424, 426

string builder, 417

task form, 425

task process action, 414

workflow configuration form, 420

images B

Business Connectivity Services (BCS), 325

features by version, 325-326

terminology, 325

images C

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 196-197

Client Object Model, 184

Client-side object model (CSOM)

class map, 293

components, 292, 293

proxy layer, 293

Client-Side Programming, 291

CAML query list and library, 308311

Client-Side Anti-Patterns, 300

Client-Side Script, 300

Object Properties reading and writing, 303308

SharePoint Client Object Model

classes map, 293

common objects and client equivalent, 296

components, 292, 293

ECMAScript, 295296

.NET Framework, 294

Performance and scalability, 298300

proxy layer, 293294

Silverlight application, 294295

User Experience, 296298

vs. Server-Side Programming, 292

Test Environment creation, 301303

Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) query, 297

Content deployment

full deployment, 228

incremental deployment, 228

quick deployment, 228

single-form topology, 228

three-form topology, 229

two-form topology, 229

users and network infrastructures, 228

Content Query web part (CQWP), 184

Content type, 70

addition and modification, 71

Black Box Company, 74, 75

calculated column, 8082

creation, 70, 71

custom list creation, 78, 79, 80

definition, 70

departmental documents, 70

document content type, 70

Content type (cont.)

information management policy settings, 76, 77

look up column, 8284

new site column creation, 74

site column

addition, 7778

creation, 7173

workflow, 76

CSS file, 178

Custom actions, 92

creation, 9395

rights mask, 93

sequence number, 92

images D

Data list

Column Editor

Line Total field, 150

Order Number field, 151

State field, 148

Order lines list

complete, 151

list items, 152

partial, 149

Orders list

complete, 149

list items, 152

partial, 147

projected field, 147

States list

definition, 147

list items, 152

Data page

connections and parameters, 165174

customized report page

data view Web part insertion, 163

Orders report page, 165

page editor, 164

Sort and Group dialog box, 163

Web part page templates, 162

Data Source Details (DSD) task, 168

DataFormWebPart (DFWP), 141, 145146

Digital Asset Management, 184

Displaying data, 131

data pages. See Data page

data sources, 132

database connections, 138139

external lists, 138

gallery, 132, 133

linked data sources, 136138

lists and libraries, 133136

server-side script connections, 140141

web service connections, 140

XML file connections, 139140

data view, 132

data form web parts, 141, 145146

Data Source Details task pane, 142

list view web parts, 141, 144, 145

XSLT formatting, Page Editor Split view, 143, 144

Document Information Panel

choice column creation, 384

content type creation, 385

Content Type Editor, 386

DIP settings page link, 387

form template, 386

project document

document creation, 390

library settings, 390

settings page, 386, 388

site column creation, 383

in Word, 390

Document sets, 8484

images E

ECMAScript Client Object Model, 295296

Editing surface

Code view

Code Snippets, 4952

IntelliSense, 49

Design mode, 48

Page properties summary, 47

Split View, 52

Enterprise Search Center template, 281

External Columns, 343348

External content type, 327

Central Administration

application management, 342

Business Data Connectivity Service, 342

Set Permissions Context, 342

create operations, 332335

Customer table and New Update Operation, 339

external data source type selector, 327

field mappings, 339

new external content type information, 337

.NET Type, 328, 329

SQL Serve, 329, 330

WCF service, 330332

External Data, 315

data source

REST-Based Web Services, 320322

SOAP-Based Web Services, 323325

XML data, 316, 318

external columns. See External columns

external content type. See External content type

external list. See External list

LOB systems, 316

External List, 336

AdventureWorksCustomer, 341

Customer dialog box, 341

Extranet, 176

images F, G

FAST Search Center, 281

FAST Search Server 2010, 277

Federated Search Web Parts, 280

Field controls, 226

Form library, 360

approval workflow configuration, 374

Content Types Picker, 375

Fields pane, 362

Form content type settings page, 372

form template selection, 362

InfoPath Designer, 365

InfoPath form, web browser, 376

Publishing Wizard

adding promoted fields, 371

content type creation, 368

content type naming, 369

entering site URL, 366

setting the destination type, 367

setting the template location, 370

second table layout removal, 364

Workflow settings page, 373

Form security levels, InfoPath

configuration, 356

Domain security level, 355

Full Trust mode, 356

restricted level, 355

images H

High-Level SharePoint Branding

effort levels, 186

considerations, 186187

high effort, 186

low effort, 186

medium effort, 186

image editors, 189

key elements, 185

PowerPoint 2010, 189

Visio 2010, 189

HTML markup, 225

images I, J, K

Image editors, 189

Impersonation step, 396

InfoPath forms, 351

association form, 428

behavior, 359

DLLs, 359

rules, 359

Sandboxed code, 359

designing form templates, 353

Document Information Panel. See Document Information Panel

form-filling environment, 352

InfoPath Designer 2010, 352

InfoPath filler 2010, 352

InfoPath forms services 2010, 352

Form Library. See Form Library

form templates

data connections, 357

roles, 358

security and filling environments, 357

views, 358

initiation form, 429

integration with SharePoint

document information panel, 354

form template, 354

SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection feature, 354

task forms, 354

List forms. See List forms

publishing templates, 360

InfoPath forms (cont.)

security considerations

configuration, 356

Domain security level, 355

Full Trust mode, 356

restricted levels, 355

SharePoint integration, 353

SharePoint site, 360

web-based forms, 353

workflow settings page, 427

Initiation parameters, 398

Internet, 176

Intranet, 176

images L

Library templates, 63

Line-of-business (LOB) systems, 316



list creation, 6465

list hiding, 6869

settings, 69

SharePoint Designer 2010, 65

contacts settings page, 67

content type, 6971, 7478

customization, 68

data management, 69

list information area, 67

settings pane, 68

templates, 6263

List forms

in browser, 382

customized forms, 382

customized template file, 382

default InfoPath list form, 379

default new item form, 378

Finished list form template, 381

Form menu item customization, 378

Issue Tracking list, 377

Pasting fields, 380

List workflow, 396

ListSiteMapPath control, 267

ListViewWebPart (LVWP), 141, 144145

images M

Master Page, 9899

Master Page modification

common problems, 215216

Custom Header

breadcrumb navigation, 209

CSS code, 210

files importing, 206

Finished customized site, 211

GlobalSiteLink3 code, 209

placeholders, 212215

social media controls, 208, 209

s4-titlelogo code, 206207

TitleTable.txt, 211

footer addition, 203

coding, 203

dialog box, 205

Site reflecting changes, 204

s4-notdlg, 205

out-of-the-box master pages, 197198

Asset menu, 199

Copy master page, 198

Default Master Page menu item, 201

file renaming, 199

Linked style sheet code, 200

Site Definition customization warning, 200

Style sheet attachment, 200

Recycle Bin and All Site Content link

coding, 202

Quick Launch pane, 201

s4-specialNavLinkList class, 202

visibility set, 203

StarterMasterPage, 215

Metadata, 61

Microsoft Search Server 2010, 277

Multilingual user interface (MUI), 178179

images N, O

Navigation system, 263

ASP.NET navigation, 264

content area, 263

global menu, 263

local menu, 263

navigation control

common control, 265267

nonpublishing sites, 267268

publishing sites, 268269

SharePoint navigation, 265

site navigation customization, 269276

typical site layout, 264

.NET Framework Client Object Model, 294

.NET Type, 328, 329

images P, Q

Page creation


Site Assets library, 53

Site Pages library, 53

page templates, 52

Web part pages

Code view, 56

layouts, 54

Page Editor

editing surface

Code view, 4852

Design mode, 48

Split View, 52

Page creation

libraries, 53

page templates, 5253

Web part pages, 5457

Ribbon menu

Home Tab, 3640

Insert Tab, 4041

Layout Tab, 4142

View Tab, 4247

Status Bar, 52

task panes

External Resources panes, 35

Properties Panes, 28

Reporting panes, 33

Styles and Behaviors panes, 29

Tools panes, 32

People Search Web Parts, 280

Personalization menu, 111

PowerPoint 2010, 189

Publishing Page

anatomy, 223224

content type, 224225

field controls, 225226

Out-of-the-Box Publishing types and layouts, 224225

Publishing site management, 217

Content deployment, 228

full deployment, 228

incremental deployment, 228

quick deployment, 228

single-form topology, 228, 229

three-form topology, 229

two-form topology, 229

users and network infrastructures, 228

content page editing

content page warning, 239

edit mode, 239

Publishing task form, 242

Schedule Page, 240

View Tasks menu item, 241

Workflow initiation form, 241

navigation, 227

new page content and page layout

column widths, 256

Completed content page, 260

Completed page layout design, 257

content placeholders, 255

content types, 252254

dialog box creation, 258

PlaceHolderMain content area layout, 256

product information page design, 248

publishing page, 259

reusable page layout, 248

site columns gallery page, 249251

page layout change, 242247

publishing features, 229

publishing infrastructure, 230231

SharePoint Server Publishing feature, 231232

publishing site set up, 232

Anonymous Access, 236

Navigation settings, 238

new web application creation, 234

SharePoint group, 237

site collection, 235

web application management, 233

SharePoint publishing road map, 262

SharePoint workflow, 218

approval status, 221

Content scheduling, 221222

minor version, 220

publishing templates, 222223

simple moderation, 222

WorkflowSequence, 218220

user roles and permission level, 217218

variations, 227

web content management, 217

images R

REST-Based Web Services, 320322

REST service connections, 140

Reusable workflow, 396

Custom Task Wizard

task field adding, 433

task field settings, 433

task name assigning, 432

data collection, user action, 434

Lookup ID, 436

Moderator field setting, 435

Moderator lookup, 435

Moderator site column

creation, 430

data collection, User action, 432

editing, 431

task user/group assignment setting, 434

Ribbon menu

Home Tab

Advanced mode, 3638

Quick Tag Editor, 3940

Skewer Click menu, 3839

Insert Tab

Picture Tools menu, 41

sections, 40

Table Tools menu, 41

Layout Tab, 4142

View Tab

List View Tools menu, 4647

Page Sizes and design elements, 45, 46

Visual Aids menu, 4344

Zoom to Contents button, 42

RSS Viewer web part properties, 113

images S

Sequential workflows, 400

SharePoint 2010 search

Basic Search Center deployment and customization, 282285

catagories, 277

Enterprise Search Center deployment and customization, 285289

Search Experience, 282

search site template, 281

Web parts, 278

Additional Search Web Parts, 280- 281

Basic Search Center web parts, 279

Federated Search Web Parts, 280

People Search Web Parts, 280

Standard Search Web Parts, 279

SharePoint branding

advantages, 175

high-level. See High-Level SharePoint Branding

master page modification. See Master Page modification

SharePoint 2010

Accessibility, 184

client object model, 184

Digital Asset Management, 184

new controls, 179

Ribbon, 179

Silverlight, 184

Standard Compliance, 185

themes, 179183

wiki pages, 184

SharePoint Designer. See SharePoint Designer

site type consideration

extranet, 176

internet, 176

intranet, 176

2007 vs. 2010, 176

CSS file, 178

master pages, 177

multilingual yser interface, 178179

themes, 177

Wiki Pages, 177

SharePoint Designer (SPD)

administrators, 24

advantages, 190

application layout, 1516

Backstage area, Site page, 1718

compatible OSs, 6

corev4.css, 196

creating and editing pages. See Page Editor


defined style, 194

modification, 193194

definition, 3

developers, 24

external content type editor, 5


editor, 4

explorer, 4

IIS extensions, 4

Microsoft Expression Web, 4

Microsoft SharePoint Designer, 4

version 97 and 98, 4

version 2000 and 2003, 4


customization screen, 8

main menu, 7

package, 6

rules and restrictions, 56

main window

gallary pages, 21

navigation controls, 2021

object editors, 22

Page Editor window, 22, 23

settings pages, 21, 22

Navigation pane, 1920

Ribbon menu, 17

simple branding, 190

site designers, 24

site templates

collaboration sites, 24

publishing sites, 24

tools, 2324

user interface enhancements, 5

workflow design enhancements, 5

Silverlight, 184

Silverlight Client Object Model, 294

Simple moderation, 222

Site workflow, 397

creation, 438

e-mail message configuration, 441, 442

initiation parameters, 438

mapping values, 439

new list item creation, 440

positive self-task, 442

Site Feedback list, 445

status page, 444

SOAP-Based Web Services, 323325

splashLinkFrame, 243

SPTreeView control, 266

SQL Server, 329, 330

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), 292

Standard Search Web Parts, 279

images T, U

Task Behavior actions, 403

Task panes, 27

External Resources panes

Clip Art, 35

Clipboard, 36

Properties panes

CSS Properties, 29

Tag Properties, 28

Reporting panes

Accessibility, 34

Compatibility, 34

CSS Reports, 3435

Find 1 and Find 2, 34

Hyperlinks, 34

Styles and Behaviors panes

Apply Styles, 29

Behaviors, 29

Layers, 30

Manage Styles, 29

Tools panes

Conditional Formatting, 33

Data Source Details, 33

Toolbox, 3233

Task Process action, 403


customized list or library, 9596

library templates, 63

Web part page, 162

images V

Vermeer Technologies Incorporated (VTI), 3

Views, 85

creation, 85

custom view, 8792

filtering, 86

sorting and grouping, 8687

Views and forms

Condition Criteria dialog box, 159

Conditional Formatting task pane, 160

Data Source Details task pane, 158

exploring and customizing, 153155

Inline editing

List View, 157

Set Paging, 157

List View Tools menu

Design tab, 156

options tab, 155

Table tab, 156

Web Part tab, 156

Modify Style dialog box, 159

New custom form action, 162

New List Form dialog box, 161

onscreen options, 155

Order List setting page, 153

Taxes field, 158

Visio 2010, 189

images W

W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 184

Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) and FTP, 4

Web content management (WCM), 217

Web Part Connection Wizard, 121, 122

Web Part Gallery, 106107

Web Part management

adding and configuring web parts

Advanced mode, 107

Basic mode, 107

exporting, 123126

fix broken pages, 126

Page creation, 98

ASPX and HTML pages, 105

Data view column picker, 109

Data view display template, 110

Data View menu, 108

Master pages, 9899

Web part pages, 105, 107, 110

web part zones, 105

Wiki pages, 99104

WikiContent, Code view, 108

Personal view

creation, 111114

customized indicator, 116

vs. Shared view, 111

Web part Allow setting, 114

Web part menu, 115

Web partzone menu, 115

Web partzone properties, 116

Web Part Gallery, 106107

web parts connection

Appearance settings, 120

Choice Filter, 119

connections wizard, 122

filter value selection, 123

Group filter, 120

page template, 119

Send Filter Values To option, 121

territory list values, 118

territory sales field list, 118

Web part page, 105

WelcomeSpash.aspx file, 243, 244

Wiki pages, 99104, 177, 184

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service, 330, 331, 332

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), 393

Wireframes, 187

Workflow, 393

association column, 398

association parameters, 398

built-in components

basic task actions, 408

data manipulation actions, 405

document and document set actions, 407408

impersonation actions, 411

list item actions, 406407

publishing approval, 403

relational actions, 411

task behavior actions, 403, 409411

task process actions, 403, 409

workflow control actions, 404406


action parameters, 403

conditional blocks, 402

impersonation step, 402

nested steps, 401

parallel blocks, embedded steps, 401

context data, 398

definition, 393


ASP.NET forms, 399

association forms, 398

InfoPath forms, 399

initiation forms, 398

task forms, 399

impersonation step, 396

improved workflow visualization, 395

initiation parameters, 398

list workflow, 396

more-flexible workflow definitions, 395

security context, 396

site workflow, 397

variables, 398

workflow step and improvements, 395

images X, Y, Z

XML data, 316, 317, 319

XsltListViewWebPart (XLV), 145

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