
images A

accessibility, 3236

alerts, 35

captions, 35

software features, 35

voice control, 34

VoiceOver feature, 33

white on black feature, 34

zoom feature, 34

active interface, 125126, 147, 158

active negative space, 137138

Adobe Fireworks program, 188201, 219242

canvas, 189190


of interface, 198

of layout, 192

reuse, 198200

organizing levels, 191

tools for UI design, 201

versions of

iPad-compatible, 220232

iPad native-like, 233242

aesthetics, for design

native-like, 172176

of UIs, 158, 167168

agile information architecture, and optimized information architecture, 1618

agile projects

design, 3149

information architecture

content-out approach, 2223

mobile strategy, 21

phases of, 1116

processes, 1620

prototypes, 2831

representing with site map, 2326

sketching with wireframes, 2628

agile testing, 391392

AIA (American Institute of Architects), 10

algorithms, Google PageRank concept, 383385

Align function, 192

ambient intelligence, Domotic computing and, 432433

American Institute of Architects (AIA), 10

analogous color schemes, 145

animation, in CSS 3, 9899

Animation property, CSS 3, 286287

appendChild( ) method, 316

Apple Mobile Design, 49

Apple WebApp portal, 419420

AppleMobileWebAppStatusBarStyle, 323

applicationCache, 377378


compressing, 369371

full-screen mode, 323324

mobile, 60

redirecting, 326327

service interaction

Mail application, 331332

Maps application, 332

Phone application, 330331

SMS application, 332

startup image, 325326

web, 390391

Webapps, 6669, 414423

Beta Invitation testers, 414415

compatible approach to, 66

dedicated approach to, 6768

email marketing, 417418

vs. native apps, 6973

native-like approach to, 6869

with Offline feature, 375378

optimized approach to, 67

press releases, 415

social networks, 422423

submitting to WebApp portals, 419422

web site for, 415417

Array( ) method, 305

arrays, Javascript, 305307

artifact recycling, 394

Artifact Recycling approach, 394

assets, prototypes

electronic, 399400

paper, 398399

attributes, HTML5 Canvas, 254256

audible option, 35

<audio> tag, HTML5, 251

images B

Background Origin property, CSS 3, 279

Background property, 88

Background Size property, CSS 3, 278

backgrounds, in CSS 3

multiple backgrounds, 88

origin of backgrounds, 87

size of backgrounds, 86

Balsamiq Mockups interface, 185186

basic shapes and lines, HTML5 Canvas, 256262

beginPath( ) method, 260, 262, 264

behaviors, adding in JavaScript language, 106

best practices, Javascript, 316317

Beta Invitation Phase, 415

Beta Invitation testers, 414415

black, color psychology and user mood, 143144

block model, iPad, 4447

blue, color psychology and user mood, 141

<body> section, 348350, 352, 354355, 359

BOM (Browser Object Model), 309310

Border Images property, CSS 3, 274

borders, in CSS 3

border radius, 79

images, 80

Bottom Bar, 4243, 4748

Box Shadow property, CSS 3, 277

Box Sizing property, CSS 3, 276

boxes, in CSS 3

box sizing, 83

shadows, 84

Breadcrumb Bar, 352353

brown, color psychology and user mood, 142143

Browser Object Model (BOM), 309310

browser support, for web standards

being finger-friendly, 110111

limitation and constraints, 108110

progressive enhancement, 111113

resources and tools for Safari browser, 113114

tools for mobile Safari browser, 114115

browsers, Safari

mobile, tools for, 114115

resources and tools for, 113114

Elements, 113

Network, 114

Resources, 114

Script, 114

Timeline, 114

Web Inspector, 113

images C

CA (content architecture), 13

Cache Manifest file, 375

Canvas, HTML5

attributes and methods, 254256

basic shapes and lines, 256262

canvas state (drawing state), 268270

clipping paths, 266267

complex shapes, 262265

creating slideshow, 270272

manipulating objects, 267

overview, 252253

versus SVG, 253254

canvas state (drawing state), HTML5 Canvas, 268270

<canvas> tag, HTML5, 252

canvases, Adobe Fireworks program

iPad-compatible version, 220221

iPad native-like version, 233

overview, 189190

captions, 35

Cascading Style Sheets. See CSS

Cascading Style Sheets 3. See CSS 3

charArt( ) method, 308

charCodeAt( ) method, 308

Clarke, Andy, 189

clip( ) method, 266

clipping paths, HTML5 Canvas, 266267

cloneNode( ) method, 316

closed captions, 35

closePath( ) method, 262, 264

closing tabs, 364

Cocoa Touch framework, 116118

Foundation framework, 116117

UIKit framework, 117118


developing for humans, 106

in JavaScript language

commenting, 104

heavy nesting loops, 105

modularizing, 105

strict coding style, 104

understandable code, 104

optimization, 362366

combining CSS and Javascript code files, 365

minimizing DOM, 365366

reducing HTTP requests, 363365

web standards complaint, 362363

writing slim, 363

cognitive resources, of users, 181

color, depth of, 366

color-stop( ) method, 82, 103, 276, 290

colors, psychology of, 138147

color schemes, 144147

and user mood, 140144

columns, in CSS 3

multiple columns, 93

spanning columns, 94

commenting, code, in JavaScript language, 104

communications, mobile devices and, 427428

compareDocumentPosition( ) method, 316

compatible approach, to Webapps, 66

complementary color schemes, 145

complex shapes, HTML5 Canvas, 262265

composition, in design, 159

compressing, applications, 369371

computing, ubiquitously, 427435

Domotic computing and ambient intelligence, 432433

mobile devices and communications, 427428

multitouch technology

effect on next-generation computing, 430431

next-generation computing with touch screen and, 428

new technology, usability, and opportunity, 429430

resources for telecommunication and, 434

concat( ) method, 308

conditional statements, Javascript, 300302

connections, representing, 187188

containers, content box, 56

contat( ) method, 306

content architecture (CA), 13

content box containers, 56

content-out approach, 2223

content regions, 56

createElement( ) method, 271

CSS 3 (Cascading Style Sheets 3)

Animation property, 286287

Background Origin property, 279

Background Size property, 278

Border Images property, 274

Box Shadow property, 277

Box Sizing property, 276

Gradients property, 275

keyframes, 289

Multiple Background property, 279

Multiple Columns property, 283

new features of

animation, 9899

backgrounds, 8688

border images, 80

border radius, 79

boxes, 8384

columns, 9394

gradients, 82

keyframes, 101102

outline, 85

reflections, 102

tap highlight, 92

text, 8991

transforms, 9596

transitions, 94

web fonts, 92

word wrapping, 91

Outline property, 278

Reflection property, 289

Rounded Borders property, 274

Spanning Columns property, 284

Tap Highlights property, 282

Text Overflow property, 281

Text Shadow property, 280

Transform property, 285286

Transition property, 284

Web Fonts property, 282

Word Wrapping property, 281

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

files, combining with Javascript code files, 365

rules of, using instead of images, 368

sprites, 366368

CSS class, 53, 56

CSS file, 53

CSS property, 86, 89, 94, 102, 108, 284

ctx.beginPath( ) method, 261263, 265

ctx.clip( ) method, 266

ctx.restore( ) method, 270 ) method, 270

ctx.stroke( ) method, 261263, 265

customization, allowing maintenance and, 105

images D

data categories, Javascript, 293295

dead-zone, 125

dedicated approach, to Webapps, 6768

definitions, HTML5, 246

deliverables, for design

native-like, 173177

of UIs, 159160, 170

descriptions, headers and, for text boxes, 57


aesthetics for

native-like, 172176

of UIs, 158, 167168

composition in, 159

deliverables for

native-like, 173177

of UIs, 159160, 170

elements, for touch events and gestures, 340

feedback, 407408

gray box design, Adobe Fireworks program, 233237

hardware, for mobile design, 8

ID phase, 14

for iPad, 170173

aesthetic, 172173

deliverables, 173

interaction, 173

research phase, 170

structure, 171172

for iPhone, 173177

aesthetic, 176

deliverable, 177

interaction, 176177

research phase, 174

structure, 174175

tools for UI design, 177

mobile, 18

hardware for, 8

history of, 24

market for, 45

mobile-oriented approach, 6

mobile-oriented guidelines, 67

reasons for investing in now, 5

native design implementation

native interface emulation, 348359

native-like page structure, 347348

page model, 347

perception rules for, 127130

research phases for

native-like, 170174

of UIs, 158164

reuse of, 198200

search engine oriented design, 380387

content, 381382

domain title, 380

images, 385386

Javascript code, 386

links, 383385

meta tags, 381

page title, 381

SEO tools, 386387

sketching, 179184, 210212

UI design, 204212

hiding and shaping elements, 207209

removing and prioritizing elements, 206207

shrinking and grouping elements, 209

simplicity-complexity paradox, 210

sketching UI, 210212

XD phase, 1314

Developer tab, 421

development frameworks, 5259

description of, 5354

iWebKit 5 for iPhone, 5459

linking framework elements, 54

UI elements, 5459

development life cycles, SDKs, 118

<div class="greytitle">, 356

<div id="footer">, 358

<div id="hero"> element, 353

<div id="title">, 350

<div id="topbar"> tag, 349

<div> tag, 352

Document Object Model. See DOM

DOM classes, 335

DOM (Document Object Model)

Javascript, 106

versus HTML structure, 312313

overview, 310312

working with, 314316

minimizing, 365366

DOM method, 271

domain titles, 380

dominance, achieving with passive negative space, 135

Domotic computing, and ambient intelligence, 432433

drawImage( ) method, 271

drawing state (canvas state), HTML5 Canvas, 268270

drawOnCanvas( ) method, 257

images E

eHubWebApp portal, 420422

electronic prototypes, 17, 3031, 49, 159, 399403

element emulation, 329330


Page Title, 350352

testing, in JavaScript language, 106

Elements tool, for Safari browser, 113

email marketing, 417418

emotional feedback, 409


native environment

element emulation, 329330

link emulation, 328

scrolling emulation, 330

text emulation, 328329

native interface, 348359

Breadcrumb Bar, 352353

footer section, 358359

Hero Content area, 353355

Menu Area, 356358

Page Title element, 350352

top bar section, 349350

ergonomics, and usability, of mobile devices, 4

ETA (Estimated Time Of Arrival), 406407

evaluating tests, variables for, 405411

evaluation techniques, 409411

test feedback, 411

test variable, 410411

expectation feedback, 408

experience design (XD) phase, 1314

images F

F-shaped reading patterns, 151152

Facebook, 416, 422423, 425426

fear of being misunderstood, 206

fear of failure, 206

fear of missing something, 206

feedback, 407409

design, 407408

emotional, 409

expectation, 408

finger-friendly development, 110111

fonts, web, in CSS 3, 92

footers, 5859, 358359

Foundation framework, 116117


Cocoa Touch, 116118

Foundation framework, 116117

UIKit framework, 117118

expanding, 343345

iWebKit, 353, 356357

iWebKit 5 framework, for iPhone, 5459

linking framework elements, 54

UI elements, 5459

linking elements of, 54

for mobile development, 119

UIKit, 117118

from( ) method, 103, 290

fromCharCode( ) method, 308

full-screen mode, 323324

function( ) method, 258259, 261, 263, 265266, 269, 271

functionalities, 416

functionName( ) method, 303

functions, Javascript, 303304

images G

gesture events, 335, 337339

gestures, touch events and, 334343

design elements for, 340

native and customized handler for, 339

orientation change event, 340342

paradigm, 334339

getAttribute( ) method, 315

getContext( ) method, 256257

getElementById( ) method, 314

getElementByTagName( ) method, 314

getElementsByName( ) method, 314

getElementsByTagName( ) method, 314

global cached resources, 364

Global Positioning System (GPS), 3

global variables, in JavaScript language, 104

Google analytics, 387

Google Maps, 332333

Google PageRank concept, algorithm, 383385

GPS (Global Positioning System), 3

gradient( ) method, 82, 102103, 275276, 290

gradients, in CSS 3, 82

Gradients property, CSS 3, 275

gray box design, Adobe Fireworks program, 233237

gray, color psychology and user mood, 143

green, color psychology and user mood, 141

grouping elements, shrinking elements and, 209

guidelines, mobile-oriented, 67

GZIP compression, 369371

images H

<h1> tag, 352

handlers, for touch events and gestures, 339

hardware, for mobile design, 8

hasAttributes( ) method, 316

hasChildNodes( ) method, 316

HCI (human computer interaction), 1516, 7273

head sections, 327328

<head> tag, 348, 352353, 355, 359, 362

header bars, 5456

headers, and descriptions, 57

Heat Map test, 393394

Hero Content area, 353355

hiding elements, and shaping elements, 207209

highlighting, tap, in CSS 3, 92

HTML structure, versus DOM structure, 312313

HTML5 (Hypertext Markup Language 5), 244272

< audio> tag, 251

<canvas> tag, 252

<video> tag, 249


attributes and methods, 254256

basic shapes and lines, 256262

canvas state (drawing state), 268270

clipping paths, 266267

complex shapes, 262265

creating canvas slideshow, 270272

manipulating objects, 267

overview, 252253

versus SVG, 253254

definitions, 246

markup syntax, 244246

new features of, 7478

semantics, 246247

SVG, 252253

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), reducing requests, 363365

human computer interaction (HCI), 1516, 7273

Hypertext Markup Language 5. See HTML5

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), reducing requests, 363365

images I

IA (information architecture)

content-out approach, 2223

mobile strategy, 21

phases of, 1116

HCI, 1516

ID, 14

IM, 1213

IR, 12

IxD, 15

UE, 1415

UX, 14

XD, 1314


agile and optimized, 1618

three main, 1820

prototypes, 2831

electronic, 3031

paper, 30

representing with site map, 2326

limiting user mistakes, 2425

providing orientation with navigation path, 2526

sketching with wireframes, 2628

icons, springboard, 324325

ID (interaction design) phase, 1415

IDEs (Integrated Development Environment), Xcode, 115

IM (information management) phase, 1213

image optimization, 366369

avoiding scaling, 368369

color depth, 366

CSS sprites, 366368

using CSS rules instead of, 368


in reading patterns, 152153

search engine oriented design, 385386

startup, 325326

incremental cycles, 389390

indexOf( ) method, 306, 308

information architecture. See IA

Information Architecture Process, 10, 12, 16, 18, 50

information management (IM) phase, 1213

information research (IR) phase, 12

insertBefore( ) method, 316

Integrated Development Environment (IDEs), Xcode, 115

interaction design (ID) phase, 1415

interaction, with users, 159, 168169, 173177


definition of, 123125

designing with Adobe Fireworks program, 198, 223232

hierarchy of, 147148

Internet, 4

inverted simple approach, to UI design, 204212

hiding and shaping elements, 207209

removing and prioritizing elements, 206207

shrinking and grouping elements, 209

simplicity-complexity paradox, 210

sketching UI, 210212

iOS devices, 9, 36


Adobe Fireworks program compatible with, 220232

canvas, 220221

interface design, 223232

layout design, 222223

organizing levels, 221222

block model, 4447

designing UIs compatible with, 160170

aesthetic, 167168

deliverables, 170

interaction, 168169

research phase, 161164

structure, 164167

versus iPhone for web presentation, 244

iPhone/iPad simulator, 115

native-like design for, 170173

Adobe Fireworks program, 233242

aesthetic, 172173

deliverables, 173

interaction, 173

research phase, 170

structure, 171172

usability, 38

user interface, 4749

Web optimization and compatibility, 361


designing UIs compatible with, 160170

aesthetic, 167168

deliverables, 170

interaction, 168169

research phase, 161164

structure, 164167

development for using web standards, 118119

versus iPad for web presentation, 244

native interface emulation, 348359

Breadcrumb Bar, 352353

footer section, 358359

Hero Content area, 353355

Menu Area, 356358

Page Title element, 350352

top bar section, 349350

native-like design for, 173177

aesthetic, 176

deliverable, 177

interaction, 176177

research phase, 174

structure, 174175

tools for UI design, 177

page model, 4041, 50, 180, 347

usability, 38

user experience limitations of, 181

user interface, 41

using on the go, 180

viewport, 321

Web optimization and compatibility, 361

iPhone/iPad simulator, 115

IR (information research) phase, 12

isEqualNode( ) method, 316

isSameNode( ) method, 316

iterative cycles, 389390

iterative-incremental lifecycle, 389390

iWebKit 5 framework, for iPhone, 5459

linking framework elements, 54

UI elements, 5459

iWebKit framework, 353, 356357

images J

Javascript, 290317

adding to webpage, 292

arrays, 305307

best practices, 316317

best practices for, 103106

adding behaviors, 106

allowing maintenance and customization, 105

code, 104106

DOM, 106

global variables, 104

mix technologies, 104

optimizing loops, 105

progressive enhancement, 105

shortcut notation, 105

testing elements, 106

BOM, 309310

conditional statements, 300302

data categories, 293295


versus HTML structure, 312313

overview, 310312

working with, 314316

files, combining with CSS files, 365

functions, 303304

loop statements, 302303

objects, 308309

operators, 298300

reserved words, 295296

search engine oriented design, 386

strings, 307308

structure, 293

variable scope, 304305

variables, 296298

JavaScript file, 53, 272, 303

Javascript object, 307, 309

Javascript statement, 293, 296

join( ) method, 306

images K

keyframes, in CSS 3, 101102, 289

images L

Landscape mode, 49

lastIndexOf( ) method, 308

Law of Closure, 129

Law of Common Fate, 129

Law of Continuity, 128

Law of Figure Ground, 129131

Law of Past Experience, 130

Law of Proximity, 127128

Law of Similarity, 128


designing, with Adobe Fireworks program, 192, 222223, 238242

for touch-screen devices, 164166

Lee, Stan, 154

<li class="menu">, 357

life cycles, development, SDKs, 118

lifecycles, web development, 389390

link emulation, 328

LinkedIn, 422423, 426

linking, framework elements, 54

links, Google PageRank concept, 383385

loop statements, Javascript, 302303

loops, in JavaScript language, 105

images M

Mail application, 331332

Mailto attributes, 331

maintenance, allowing customization and, 105

manifest attribute, 377

manifest files, 375378

manipulating objects, HTML5 Canvas, 267

Maps application, 332333

market, for mobile design, 45

markup syntax, HTML5, 244246

match( ) method, 308

media queries, 342343

MenuArea, 356358

menuitems, 5758

meta tags, 381

methods, HTML5 Canvas, 254256

mix technologies, in JavaScript language, 104

mobile applications, 60

mobile design, 18

hardware for, 8

history of, 24

augmented reality, 3

GPS, 3

improved ergonomics and usability, 4

Internet, 4

making payments, 3

smart networks, 3

TV, 3

market for, 45

mobile-oriented approach, 6

mobile-oriented guidelines, 67

reasons for investing in now, 5

mobile development, tools and frameworks for, 119

mobile devices, and communications, 427428

mobile Safari browser, tools for, 114115

mobile strategies, 21, 413

mobile websites, 60

modularizing, code, in JavaScript language, 105

monetizing, WebApps, 424

monochromatic color schemes, 144

multi-touch events, 335336

Multiple Background property, CSS 3, 279

Multiple Columns property, CSS 3, 283

multitouch technology, next-generation computing

effect on, 430431

with touch screen and multitouch technology, 428

Munsell color scheme, 139140

images N

native apps, Webapps vs., 6973

HCI, 7273

UI, 6971

UX, 7172

native design implementation


native interface emulation, 348359

page model, 347

native-like page structure, 347348

native environment, 319346


full-screen mode, 323324

redirecting, 326327

startup image, 325326

configuring, 319320

defining viewport, 321322


elements, 329330

links, 328

scrolling, 330

text, 328329

expanding frameworks, 343345

head section, 327328

resources for coding, 345

service interaction, 330332

springboard icon, 324325

touch events and gestures, 334343

design elements for, 340

native and customized handler for, 339

orientation change event, 340342

touch event paradigm, 334339

native-like approach, to Webapps, 6869

native-like design

for iPad, 170173

aesthetic, 172173

deliverables, 173

interaction, 173

research phase, 170

structure, 171172

for iPhone, 173177

aesthetic, 176

deliverable, 177

interaction, 176177

research phase, 174

structure, 174175

tools for UI design, 177

native-like page structure, 347348

native user interface (NUI), 4142, 4748

navigation paths, providing orientation with, 2526

negative space, passive, 130138

active negative space, 137138

dominance, 135

eliminating visual tension, 133134

improving reading experience, 136

separating groups of content, 133

spotlighting elements, 134

user experience, 137

nesting loops, heavy, 105

Network tool, for Safari browser, 114

networks, smart, 3

next-generation computing

effect of multitouch technology on, 430431

with touch screen and multitouch technology, 428

Nielsen, Jakob, 36

notation shortcut, in JavaScript language, 105

Note application, 45

NUI (native user interface), 4142, 4748

images O

Object( ) method, 309

Objective-C class, 116

Objective-C language, 116

objectName.methodName( ) method, 306

objects, Javascript, 308309

Offline feature, WebApp with, 375378

open captions, 35

OpenAppMktWebApp portal, 420422

operators, Javascript, 298300

optimized approach, to Webapps, 67

optimized information architecture, agile information architecture and, 1618

orange, color psychology and user mood, 142

orientation change events, 340343

orientation, providing with navigation path, 2526

Outline property, CSS 3, 278

outlines, in CSS 3, 85

Overflow property, 90

overflow, text, 9091

images P, Q

page model, iPhone, 40, 180, 347

page structure, native-like, 347348

Page Title element, 350352

page titles, 381

paper prototypes, 17, 30, 391, 398401

passive interface, 125126, 147

passive negative space, 132138

active negative space, 137138

dominance, 135

eliminating visual tension, 133134

improving reading experience, 136

separating groups of content, 133

spotlighting elements, 134

user experience, 137

patterns, 148157

F-shaped, 151152

guidelines for, 155157

images in, 152153

influencing, 153155

Z-shaped, 149151

payments, making with mobile devices, 3

perception, rules for UI design, 127130

performance, 361375

application compressing, 369371

code optimization, 362366

combining CSS and Javascript code files, 365

minimizing DOM, 365366

reducing HTTP requests, 363365

web standards complaint, 362363

writing slim, 363

image optimization, 366369

avoiding scaling, 368369

color depth, 366

CSS sprites, 366368

using CSS rules instead of, 368

usability optimization, 371375

Phone application, 330331

pixels, versus vectors, 252253

PNB (primary navigation bar), 214, 223225

PNG (Portable Network Graphic), 324

pop( ) method, 306

Portable Network Graphic (PNG), 324

Portrait mode, 49

presentation, web, 244

press releases, 415

primary navigation bar (PNB), 214, 223225

Primitive data type, 293

print( ) method, 109

prioritizing elements, removing elements and, 206207

progressive enhancement

of browser support, 111113

in JavaScript language, 105

promoting, 413426

mobile strategy, 413

WebApps, 414423

Beta Invitation testers, 414415

email marketing, 417418

monetizing, 424

press releases, 415

resources on market, 425

social networks, 422423

submitting to WebApp portals, 419422

web site for, 415417

YouTube video tutorials, 418419

prototypes, 2831

electronic, 3031, 159, 399403

paper, 30, 398401

purple, color psychology and user mood, 142

push( ) method, 306

images R


improving experience with passive negative space, 136

patterns of, 148157

F-shaped, 151152

guidelines for, 155157

images in, 152153

influencing, 153155

Z-shaped, 149151

red, color psychology and user mood, 142

redirecting, applications, 326327

Reference data type, 293

Reflection property, CSS 3, 289

reflections, in CSS 3, 102

removeChild( ) method, 316

removing elements, and prioritizing elements, 206207

replace( ) method, 308

replaceChild( ) method, 316

research phases, for design

native-like, 170174

of UIs, 158164

reserved words, Javascript, 295296

Resources tool, for Safari browser, 114

restore( ) method, 269270

Retina Display, 4344

reuse, of designs, 198200

reverse( ) method, 306

Rounded Borders property, CSS 3, 274

rules of perception, in UI design, 127130

images S

Safari Bar, 38

Safari browser

mobile, tools for, 114115

resources and tools for, 113114

Elements, 113

Network, 114

Resources, 114

Script, 114

Timeline, 114

Web Inspector, 113

save( ) method, 269270

Scalable Vector Graphics, HTML5. See SVG

scaling images, avoiding, 368369

Script tool, for Safari browser, 114

scrolling emulation, 330

SDKs (Software Development Kits), 115119

development for iPhone using web standards, 118119

development life cycle, 118

models for

Cocoa Touch framework, 116118

iPhone/iPad simulator, 115

Objective-C language, 116

SDK development life cycle, 118

Xcode IDE, 115

tools and frameworks for mobile development, 119

Search Engine Algorithm, 380

search engine databases, 380

Search Engine Optimization. See SEO

search engine oriented design, 380387

content, 381382

domain title, 380

images, 385386

Javascript code, 386

links, 383385

meta tags, 381

page title, 381

SEO tools, 386387

Search Engine Result Page (SERP), 380

search engines, anatomy of, 379380

search( ) method, 308

secondary navigation bar (SNB), 214, 223

semantics, HTML5, 246247

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), 378387

resources on optimization and, 387

search engine oriented design, 380387

content, 381382

domain title, 380

images, 385386

Javascript code, 386

links, 383385

meta tags, 381

page title, 381

SEO tools, 386387

search engines, anatomy of, 379380

SERP (Search Engine Result Page), 380

service interaction, applications, 330332

Mail, 331332

Maps, 332

Phone, 330331

SMS, 332

setAttribute( ) method, 315

shadows, in CSS 3

box shadow, 84

text shadow, 8990

shaping elements, hiding elements and, 207209

Sharing box, 320

shift( ) method, 306

shortcut notation, in JavaScript language, 105

showModalDialog( ) method, 109

shrinking elements, and grouping elements, 209

Sidebar Main Header, 167168, 176

simplicity-complexity paradox, 210

simplicity, of UI, 180181

iPhone, 180181

user cognitive resources, 181

simulators, iPhone/iPad, 115

single resource, 364

single-touch events, 334335

site maps, representing information architecture with, 2326

limiting user mistakes, 2425

providing orientation with navigation path, 2526

Sizing property, 277

sketching, UI design, 179184, 210212

slice( ) method, 306, 308

slideshow, HTML5 Canvas, 270272

smart networks, 3

SMS application, 332

SNB (secondary navigation bar), 214, 223

social media networks, 424

social network interconnection, 423

social networks, promoting WebApps on, 422423

social sharing options, 416

Soft Line border, 196, 198

Software Development Kits. See SDKs

sort( ) method, 306

<span class="name">, 358

<span="arrow"> element, 358

spanning columns, in CSS 3, 94

Spanning Columns property, 284

splash screens, 325326

splice( ) method, 306

split complementary color schemes, 145

split( ) method, 308

spotlighting, with passive negative space, 134

springboard icons, 324325

sprites, CSS, 366368

SQL database, 114

startup images, 325326

Status Bar, 38, 4143, 4748

String object, 307

strings, Javascript, 307308

Stroke( ) method, 260


for design

native-like, 171175

of UIs, 158, 164167

Javascript, 293

style guides, 159160

substr( ) method, 308

substring( ) method, 308

subtitling, 35

sum( ) method, 304

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), HTML5

versus Canvas, 253254

overview, 252253

swapCache( ) method, 377378

switchImage( ) method, 271

images T

tabs, closing, 364

tap highlight, in CSS 3, 92

Tap Highlights property, CSS 3, 282

Task-Oriented Test, 400

technologies, in JavaScript language, 104

technology, ubiquitous computing, 429430

tel protocol, 330332

telecommunication, resources for ubiquitous computing and, 434

test feedback evaluation, 411

test variable evaluation, 410411

testing, 389412

agile, 391392

elements, in JavaScript language, 106

evaluating, variables for, 405411

Heat Map, 393394

introduction to, 389

organizing, 394400

assets, 398400

use-cases, 394398

performing, 400403

electronic prototype, 403

paper prototype, 401

resources on, 412

web application, 390391

web development lifecycles, 389390

tetradic color schemes, 146147


overflow, 9091

shadow, 8990

text boxes, header and description, 57

text emulation, 328329

Text Overflow property, CSS 3, 281

Text Shadow property, CSS 3, 280

Textual Use Cases, 395397

TFT (thin-film transistor), 220

Timeline tool, for Safari browser, 114

toDataURL( ) method, 255

toLowerCase( ) method, 308


for mobile development, 119

for mobile Safari browser, 114115

for Safari browser, 113114

Elements, 113

Network, 114

Resources, 114

Script, 114

Timeline, 114

Web Inspector, 113

SEO, 386387

for UI design, 177, 201, 242

Balsamiq Mockups interface, 185186

representing connections, 187188

for web development

frameworks, 5259

mobile website, 60

Tools command, 113

top bar section, 349350

toString( ) method, 306

touch events

finger-friendly development, 110111

and gestures, 334343

design elements for, 340

native and customized handler for, 339

orientation change event, 340342

touch event paradigm, 334339



layout for, 164166

typography for, 166167

next-generation computing with multitouch technology and, 428

toUpperCase( ) method, 308

Transform property, CSS 3, 285286

transforms, in CSS 3, 9596

Transition property, CSS 3, 284

transitions, in CSS 3, 94

triadic color schemes, 146

tutorials, YouTube video, 418419

TV, viewing with mobile devices, 3

Twitter, 416, 422423, 425426

typography, for touch-screen devices, 166167

images U

ubiquitous computing, 427435

Domotic computing and ambient intelligence, 432433

mobile devices and communications, 427428

multitouch technology

effect on next-generation computing, 430431

next-generation computing with touch screen and, 428

new technology, usability, and opportunity, 429430

resources for telecommunication and, 434

UE (usability engineering) phase, 1415

UIKit framework, 117118

UIs (User Interfaces), 121, 178179, 201203

Adobe Fireworks program, 188201, 219242

canvas, 189190

design, 192200

organizing levels, 191

tools for UI design, 201

versions of, 220242

color psychology, 138147

color schemes, 144147

and user mood, 140144

designing, 157160

aesthetic, 158

deliverables, 159160

interaction, 159

native-like, 170177

research phase, 158

structure, 158

elements of

content box container, 56

content region, 56

footer, 5859

header bar, 5456

menu items, 5758

text box, 57


definition of, 123125

hierarchy of, 147148

inverted simple approach to, 204212

hiding and shaping elements, 207209

removing and prioritizing elements, 206207

shrinking and grouping elements, 209

simplicity-complexity paradox, 210

sketching UI, 210212

for iOS devices, 125130

iPhone and iPad compatible, 160170

aesthetic, 167168

deliverables, 170

interaction, 168169

research phase, 161164

structure, 164167

negative space, 130138

reading patterns, 148157

F-shaped, 151152

guidelines for, 155157

images in, 152153

influencing, 153155

Z-shaped, 149151

simplicity of, 180181

iPhone, 180181

user cognitive resources, 181

sketching design, 203204

anatomy of, 181184

overview, 179180

tools for designing, 184188, 213219

Balsamiq Mockups interface, 185186

representing connections, 187188

Webapps vs. native apps, 6971

<ul id="pageitem">, 357

UML (Unified Modeling Language), 395, 410, 412

unshift( ) method, 306

update( ) method, 377378

URL Bar, 4143, 4748

usability, 3031, 3640

ergonomics and, of mobile devices, 4

inspection, 372

optimization, 371375

test, 372

ubiquitous computing, 429430

usability engineering (UE) phase, 1415

Usability Problems study, 374

use-cases, 394398

Textual, 395397

Use-Case Diagram, 397398

user experience

effect of problems with usability on, 373375

improving with passive negative space, 137

limitations of iPhone, 181

user experience phase. See UX

User Interfaces. See UIs


cognitive resources of, 181

interaction with, 159, 168169

limiting mistakes of, 2425

mood of, color psychology and, 140144

needs of, 21

UX (user experience) phase, 14

finger-friendly development, 110111

Webapps vs. native apps, 7172

images V

valueOf( ) method, 306, 308

variable scope, Javascript, 304305


for evaluating tests, 405411

collecting feedback, 407409

ETA, 406407

number of mistakes, 406

number of touches, 405

techniques, 409411

global, in JavaScript language, 104

Javascript, 296298

vectors, versus pixels, 252253

version history, 416

vibrating alerts, 35

<video> tag, HTML5, 249

video tutorials, YouTube, 418419

Viewport Metatag properties, 322

viewports, defining, 321322

Virzi, Robert, 373

visible option, 35

visual tension, eliminating with passive negative space, 133134

voice control, 34

VoiceOver feature, 33

images W

WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative), 23, 32

waterfall lifecycle, 389390

WDM (Web Development Model), 51, 6162

Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), 23, 32

web applications, 390391

web development

introduction to, 51

lifecycles, 389390

mobile applications, 60

model for

pros and cons of, 62

web standards, 73, 106

Webapps, 6669

SDK, 115119

development for iPhone using web standards, 118119

models for, 115118

tools and frameworks for mobile development, 119

tools for, 60

development frameworks, 5259

mobile website, 60

Web Development Model (WDM), 51, 6162

web fonts, in CSS 3, 92

Web Fonts property, CSS 3, 282

Web Inspector tool, for Safari browser, 113

Web optimization, 361388

iPad and iPhone compatibility, 361

Offline feature, WebApp with, 375378

performance, 361375

application compressing, 369371

code optimization, 362366

image optimization, 366369

usability optimization, 371375

SEO, 378387

resources on optimization and, 387

search engine oriented design, 380387

search engines, 379380

web sites, for promoting WebApps, 415417

web standards, 243318

browser support for, 106115

being finger-friendly, 110111

limitation and constraints, 108110

progressive enhancement, 111113

resources and tools for Safari, 113114

tools for mobile Safari, 114115

code complaint with, 362363

comparing iPhone and iPad for web presentation, 244

CSS 3, 272289

Animation property, 286287

Background Origin property, 279

Background Size property, 278

Border Images property, 274

Box Shadow property, 277

Box Sizing property, 276

Gradients property, 275

keyframes, 289

Multiple Background property, 279

Multiple Columns property, 283

new features of, 78, 102

Outline property, 278

Reflection property, 289

Rounded Borders property, 274

Spanning Columns property, 284

Tap Highlights property, 282

Text Overflow property, 281

Text Shadow property, 280

Transform property, 285286

Transition property, 284

Web Fonts property, 282

Word Wrapping property, 281

development for iPhone using, 118119

HTML, new features of, 7478

HTML5, 244272

< audio>tag, 251

<canvas>tag, 252

<video>tag, 249

Canvas, 252272

definitions, 246

markup syntax, 244246

semantics, 246247

SVG, 252253

Javascript, 290317

adding to webpage, 292

arrays, 305307

best practices, 103106, 316317

BOM, 309310

conditional statements, 300302

data categories, 293295

DOM, 310316

functions, 303304

loop statements, 302303

objects, 308309

operators, 298300

reserved words, 295296

strings, 307308

structure, 293

variable scope, 304305

variables, 296298

resource on web standards, 317

WebApp mode, 321, 323

WebApp portal, 419420, 422, 426

Webapps, 6669, 414423

Beta Invitation testers, 414415

compatible approach to, 66

dedicated approach to, 6768

email marketing, 417418

vs. native apps, 6973

HCI, 7273

UI, 6971

UX, 7172

native-like approach to, 6869

with Offline feature, 375378

optimized approach to, 67

press releases, 415

social networks, 422423

submitting to WebApp portals

Apple, 419420

eHub, 420422

OpenAppMkt, 420422

web site for, 415417

webpage, adding Javascript to, 292

websites, mobile, 60

white, color psychology and user mood, 143

white on black effect, 34

whitespace, 130

window.applicationCache, 377378

wireframes, 2324, 2629, 38

word wrapping, in CSS 3, 91

Word Wrapping property, 281

Wordpress theme, 414

images X

Xcode IDE, 115

XD (experience design) phase, 1314

images Y

yellow, color psychology and user mood, 141

YouTube video tutorials, 418419

images Z

Z-shaped reading patterns, 149151

zen software, 184

ZenWare, 184

zenware program, 184

zoom function, 34

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