Appendix B

T-SQL System Variables and Functions

The terms “variable” and “function” are often used interchangeably. SQL Server Books Online documents some variables as though they were functions. However, it is important to note that variables are used in expressions to obtain a value, whereas functions process specific business logic and may return a value. Many functions accept input arguments.

This appendix applies to SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2, and 2012. It is a reference of common T-SQL objects provided as a convenient guide to many functions and variables that may be useful in report queries. It is by no means meant to be a comprehensive reference. For complete details and examples of usage, consult Books Online.

System Global Variables

The system-supplied global variables are organized into the following categories:

  • Configuration
  • Cursor
  • System
  • System statistics


Variable Return Type Description
@@DATEFIRST tinyint The system setting for the first day of the week:
 1 = Monday
 2 = Tuesday
 3 = Wednesday
 4 = Thursday
 5 = Friday
 6 = Saturday
 7 = Sunday
 The U.S. default is 7.
@@DBTS varbinary The last assigned unique TimeStamp value.
@@LANGID smallint The current language ID for the server:
 0 = U.S. English
 1 = German
 2 = French

and so on.

@@LANGUAGE nvarchar The current language string for the server. Returns the language name in the native language form (us_english, Deutsch, Français, Dansk, Español, Italiano, and so on).
@@LOCK_TIMEOUT int Locks the time-out setting for the current session in milliseconds (ms).
@@MAX_CONNECTIONS int The maximum concurrent connections setting for the server.
@@MAX_PRECISION tinyint The maximum precision setting for the decimal and numeric types. The default is 38 significant digits (the total to the left and right of the decimal point).
@@MICROSOFTVERSION int An internal tracking number used by product development and support groups at Microsoft.
@@NESTLEVEL int The current number of nested stored procedure or trigger calls. This may be used to limit cascading and/or recursive calls prior to reaching the system limit of 32 recursive calls.
@@OPTIONS int The set of query-processing options for the current user session. Multiple options are combined mathematically using bitwise addition (such as If SELECT @@OPTIONS & (512 + 8192) > 0…).
 Any combination of option values can be added to determine whether all these options are enabled.
 Option values:
 512 = NOCOUNT
 16384 = XACT_ABORT
@@REMSERVER nvarchar The name of the remote server if executing remote procedures.
@@SERVERNAME nvarchar The name of the current server.
@@SERVICENAME nvarchar The name of the Windows service for the current SQL Server instance.
@@SPID int The process/session ID assigned to the current user's connection.
@@TEXTSIZE int The current value of the TEXTSIZE option for a query returning data from a text, ntext, or image type. The default setting is 4,096 (4 KB).
@@VERSION nvarchar A text string with detailed information about the current version of SQL Server. This includes the major version, build number, service pack, and copyright information.


Variable Return Type Description
@@CURSOR_ROWS int The row count for the currently open cursor. Used for explicit cursor processing following an OPEN command. If an asynchronous cursor is opened, the row count is unknown, and this variable returns -1.
@@FETCH_STATUS int Used as a flag to indicate whether the open cursor has navigated past the last row (EOF).
 Status values:
 0 = Normal fetch operation
 -1 = Fetch past last row or unsuccessful
 -2 = Fetched row has been removed


Variable Return Type Description
@@ERROR int The value of the most recent error within the current user session. Error numbers (from the sysmessages table) are used to determine the status of an error condition.
@@IDENTITY numeric The value of the most recently generated identity value. This is typically the result of an identity column insert.
@@ROWCOUNT int The number of rows affected by, or returned by, the last operation.
@@TRANCOUNT int The number of currently active transactions. Used to determine the number of nested transactions. The maximum number of nested transactions is 11.

System Statistics

Variable Return Type Description
@@CONNECTIONS int The total connects that have been opened or attempted since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@CPU_BUSY int The total time in milliseconds that the server has not been idle since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@IDLE int The total time in milliseconds that the server has been idle since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@IO_BUSY int The total time in milliseconds that the server has performed physical disk I/O operations since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@PACK_RECEIVED int The total number of network packets received by the server since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@PACK_SENT int The total number of network packets sent by the server since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@PACKET_ERRORS int The total number of network packet errors that have occurred since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@TIMETICKS int The number of milliseconds per CPU tick. Each tick takes 1/32nd of a second.
@@TOTAL_ERRORS int The total number of disk read/write errors that have occurred, while performing physical disk I/O, since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@TOTAL_READ int The total number of physical disk reads that have occurred since the SQL Server service was last started.
@@TOTAL_WRITE int The total number of physical disk writes that have occurred since the SQL Server service was last started.

System Functions

The system functions are organized into the following categories:

  • Aggregation
  • Checksum
  • Conversion
  • Cryptographic
  • Cursor
  • Date and time
  • Error handling
  • Image/text
  • Mathematical
  • Metadata
  • Ranking
  • Rowset
  • Security
  • String manipulation
  • System
  • System statistics


Function Return Type Description
AVG() (numeric — depends on input) Calculates the arithmetic average for a range of column values. Internally, this function counts rows and calculates the sum for all non-null values in the column and then divides the sum by the count. Returns the same numeric data type as the column.
COUNT() int Counts all non-null values for a column. The row count is returned using COUNT(*) regardless of null values.
COUNT_BIG() bigint The same as COUNT(), but returns a bigint type rather than an int type.
GROUPING() int Used in conjunction with ROLLUP and CUBE operations in a GROUP BY query. This function returns 0 to indicate that it is on a detail row and 1 to indicate a summary row.
MAX() (numeric or date — depends on input) Returns the largest value in a range of column values.
MIN() (numeric or date — depends on input) Returns the smallest value in a range of column values.
STDEV() float Calculates the standard deviation for a range of non-null column values.
STDEVP() float Calculates the standard deviation over a population for a range of non-null column values.
SUM() (numeric — depends on input) Calculates the arithmetic sum for a range of non-null column values. If all values are NULL, it returns NULL.
VAR() float Calculates the statistical variance for a range of non-null column values. If all values are NULL, it returns NULL.
VARP() float Calculates the statistical variance over a population for a range of non-null column values. If all values are NULL, it returns NULL.


Function Return Type Description
BINARY_CHECKSUM() int Calculates a checksum value for a row or range of column values. This function accepts a single column name, a comma-delimited list of columns, or * to use the entire row. Accepts columns of all types except text, ntext, image, cursor, and sql_variant. The returned value itself is meaningless but consistently yields the same result for a column or row unless a value changes. String comparisons are case-sensitive.
CHECKSUM() int Calculates a checksum value for a row or range of column values. This function accepts a single column name, a comma-delimited list of columns, or * to use the entire row. Accepts columns of all types except text, ntext, image, cursor, and sql_variant. The returned value itself is meaningless but consistently yields the same result for a column or row unless a value changes. String comparisons are case-insensitive.
CHECKSUM_AGG() int Calculates a single checksum value for a range of int type column values. When applied to the result of the CHECKSUM() or BINARY_CHECKSUM() functions, returns a scalar (single value) checksum value for the entire range of values. Can be used to detect value changes over a table or range of column values.


Function Return Type Description
CAST() Returns a specified type. Converts a value into a specified data type.
 CAST(the_value AS the_type)
CONVERT() Returns a specified type. Converts (and optionally formats) a value into a specified data type. Formatting can be applied to numeric and date types.
 CONVERT(the_type, the_value)


 CONVERT(the_type, the_value, format_number)


Function Return Type Description
AsymKey_ID() int Returns the ID of an asymmetric key.
Cert_ID int Returns the ID of a certificate.
CertProperty() sql_variant Returns the value of a specified certificate property.
DecryptByAsmKey() varbinary Decrypts data with an asymmetric key.
DecryptByCert() varbinary Decrypts data with a certificate's private key.
DecryptByKey() varbinary Decrypts data using a symmetric key.
DecryptByKeyAutoCert() varbinary Decrypts by using a symmetric key that is automatically decrypted with a certificate.
DecryptByPassPrase() varbinary Decrypts data that was encrypted with a passphrase.
EncryptByAsmKey() varbinary Encrypts data with an asymmetric key.
EncryptByCert() varbinary Encrypts data with a certificate's public key.
EncryptByKey() varbinary Encrypts a string of text using a unique identifier key.
EncryptByPassPhrase() varbinary Encrypts a string of text using a passphrase.
Key_GUID() uniqueidentifier Returns the global unique identifier of a named encryption key.
Key_ID() int Returns the integer ID of a named symmetric key.
SignByAsymKey() varbinary Applies a digital signature generated by an asymmetrical key to a block of plain text.
SignByCert() varbinary Applies a digital signature generated by a certificate key to a block of plain text.
VerifySignedByAsmKey() int Verifies that text signed by an asymmetrical key has not been altered.
VerifySignedByCert() int Verifies that text signed by a certificate has not been altered.


Function Return Type Description
CURSOR_STATUS() smallint Returns the status of a previously opened cursor.
 1 = Open and populated
 0 = Contains no records
 -1 = Closed
 -2 = No cursor or deallocated
 -3 = Doesn't exist

Date and Time

Function Return Type Description
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() datetime Returns the current date and time. Is synonymous with the GETDATE() function. It exists for ANSI-SQL compliance.
DATEADD() datetime or smalldatetime (depending on input type) Returns a date value (datetime or smalldatetime) from a date value added by X number of date interval units. Units may be Year, Quarter, Month, DayOfYear, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Millisecond.
DATEDIFF() int Returns an integer representing the difference between two date values (datetime or smalldatetime) in specified date interval units. Units may be Year, Quarter, Month, DayOfYear, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Millisecond.
DATENAME() nvarchar Similar to DATEPART(). Returns a character string representing the specified datepart for a date value. The datepart parameter is the same as the DATEDIFF() interval and includes Year, Quarter, Month, DayOfYear, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Millisecond.
DATEPART() int Similar to DATENAME(). However, it returns the integer value representing the specified datepart for a date value. The datepart parameter is the same as the DATEDIFF() interval and includes Year, Quarter, Month, DayOfYear, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, or Millisecond.
DAY() int Returns the day date part for a date as an integer.
GETDATE() datetime Returns the current date and time value.
GETUTCDATE() datetime Returns the current date and time value for the Universal Time Zone (UTC), based on the server's time zone settings. UTC is the same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
ISDATE() int Returns a flag to indicate whether a specified value is, or is capable of being converted into, a date value.
MONTH() int Returns the month part for a date as an integer.
SWITCHOFFSET() datetimeoffset (Date) Returns and/or modifies the UTC offset for a time zone.
SYSDATETIME() datetime Returns the current database system time stamp.
SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() datetimeoffset (Date) Returns the current database time offset.
SYSUTCDATETIME() datetime2 Returns the current database system UTC time stamp.
TODATETIMEOFFSET() datetimeoffset Modifies the time zone offset for a date and time.
YEAR() int Returns the year part for a date as an integer.

Error Handling

Function Return Type Description
ERROR_LINE() int Returns the line number of the last error when called in a CATCH block.
ERROR_MESSAGE() nvarchar Returns the full error text for the last error when called in a CATCH block.
ERROR_NUMBER() int Returns the system- or user-defined error number for the last error when called in a CATCH block.
ERROR_PROCEDURE() nvarchar Returns the name of the stored procedure or function that raised the last error when called in a CATCH block.
ERROR_SEVERITY() int Returns the system- or user-defined severity value for the last error when called in a CATCH block.
ERROR_STATE() int Returns the state number for the last error when called in a CATCH block.
XACT_STATE() smallint Tests the commitability of the current transaction within a CATCH block. Returns -1 if the transaction is uncommittable.


Function Return Type Description
PATINDEX() bigint or int (depending on input type) Returns the character index (first position) for a character string pattern occurring within another character string. Similar to CHARINDEX() but supports wildcards. Returns bigint for varchar(max) and nvarchar(max) type strings; otherwise, returns int.
TEXTPTR() varbinary Returns a varbinary text pointer handle to be used with the READTEXT(), WRITETEXT(), and UPDATETEXT() functions. Used to perform special operations on text, ntext, and image type column data.
TEXTVALID() int Verifies a varbinary text pointer value, obtained from the TEXTPTR() function.


Function Return Type Description
ABS() (numeric — same type as input) Returns the absolute value for a numeric value.
ACOS() float Computes the arccosine (an angle) in radians.
ASIN() float Computes the arcsine (an angle) in radians.
ATAN() float Computes the arctangent (an angle) in radians.
ATN2() float Computes the arctangent of two values in radians.
CEILING() (numeric — same type as input) Returns the smallest integer value that is greater than or equal to a number.
COS() float Computes the cosine of an angle in radians.
COT() float Computes the cotangent of an angle in radians.
DEGREES() (numeric — same type as input) Converts an angle from radians into degrees.
EXP() float Returns the natural logarithm raised to a specified exponent. The result is in exponential form.
FLOOR() (numeric — same type as input) Returns the largest integer value that is less than or equal to a number.
LOG() float Calculates the natural logarithm of a number using base-2 (binary) numbering.
LOG10() float Calculates the natural logarithm of a number using base-10 numbering.
PI() float Returns the value of pi.
POWER() float Raises a value to a specified exponent as FLOAT(the_value, the_exponent).
RADIANS() (numeric — same type as input) Converts an angle from degrees into radians.
RAND() float Returns a fractional number based on a randomizing algorithm. Accepts an optional seed value.
ROUND() (numeric — same type as input) Rounds a fractional value to a specified precision.
SIGN() float Returns -1 or 1 depending on whether a single argument value is negative or positive.
SIN() float Computes the sine of an angle in radians.
SQRT() float Returns the square root of a value.
SQUARE() float Returns the square (n2) of a value.
TAN() float Computes the tangent of an angle in radians.


Function Return Type Description
ASSEMBLYPROPERTY() sql_variant Returns descriptive information about a specified assembly property.
COL_LENGTH() int Returns the length of a column from the column name.
COL_NAME() sysname (nvarchar) Returns the name of a column from the object ID.
COLUMNPROPERTY() int Returns a flag to indicate the state of a column property.
DATABASEPROPERTY() int This function is maintained for backward compatibility with older SQL Server versions. Returns a flag to indicate the state of a database property.
DATABASEPROPERTYEX() sqlvariant Returns a numeric flag or string to indicate the state of a database property.
DB_ID() smallint Returns the database ID from the database name.
DB_NAME() nvarchar Returns the database name from the database ID.
FILE_ID() smallint Returns the file ID from the filename.
FILEGROUP_ID() int Returns the ID for a file group name.
FILEGROUP_NAME() nvarchar(128) Returns the file group name for a file group ID.
FILEGROUPPROPERTY() int Returns a specified file group property value for a file group name and property name.
FILEPROPERTY() int Returns a specified file property value for a filename and property name.
FILE_NAME() nvarchar Returns the filename from the file ID.
fn_listextendedproperty() table Returns a table object populated with extended property names and their settings.
FULLTEXTCATALOGPROPERTY() int Returns a flag to indicate the state of a full-text catalog property.
FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY() int Returns a flag to indicate the state of a full-text service property.
INDEX_COL() nvarchar Returns the name of a column contained in a specified index, by table, index, and column ID.
INDEXKEY_PROPERTY() int Returns a flag to indicate the state of an index key property.
INDEXPROPERTY() int Returns a flag indicating the state of an index property.
OBJECT_ID() int Returns an object ID from the object name.
OBJECT_NAME() nchar Returns an object name from the object ID.
OBJECTPROPERTY() int Returns property information from several different types of objects. It is advisable to use a function designed to query specific object types, if possible. Returns a flag indicating the state of an object property.
OBJECTPROPERTYEX() sql_variant Similar to OBJECTPROPERTY() but returns descriptive property values.
SCHEMA_ID() int Returns the schema ID for a schema name.
SCHEMA_NAME() sysname (nvarchar) Returns the schema name for a schema ID.
SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY() sql_variant Returns the base data type and other information about a sql_variant value.
TYPE_ID() int Returns the ID for a specified data type name.
TYPE_NAME() sysname Returns the data type name of a specified type ID.
TYPEPROPERTY() int Returns information about data type properties.


Function Return Type Description
DENSE_RANK() bigint Returns a running incremental value based on an ORDER BY clause passed into the function. Doesn't preserve the ordinal position of the row in the list if there are ties.
NTILE(n) bigint Returns an evenly distributed ranking value, dividing the result into a finite number of ranked groups.
RANK() bigint Returns a running incremental value based on an ORDER BY clause passed into the function. Preserves the ordinal position of the row in the list with duplicate values for ties followed by subsequent skips.
ROW_NUMBER() bigint Returns a running incremental value based on an ORDER BY clause passed into the function.


Function Return Type Description
CONTAINSTABLE() table Returns a table object that can be used in a join operation. Each row in this table contains a Key column value, which is the primary key value for qualifying rows of the queried table. This key value is useful for joining the resulting table object back to the physical table to obtain column values. Two arguments are passed: the name of the indexed table and a search string containing words to be matched.
FREETEXTTABLE() table Similar to CONTAINSTABLE(), but the search condition can match inexact phrasing rather than exact words.
OPENDATASOURCE() table Used to open an ad hoc connection to a remote OLE DB data source and return a table reference to a database object. Arguments include the name of a registered OLE DB provider, a connection string, and the four-part name of a database object.
OPENQUERY() table Used to reference an existing linked server and return the results of a query. Arguments include the name of the linked server and a query string.
OPENROWSET() table Used to connect to a remote OLE DB data source and return the results of a query. Arguments include the name of a registered OLE DB provider, a connection string, and a query string.
OPENXML() table Transforms an XML document string into a rowset table. The table structure conforms to the standard “edge” table format. The sp_xml_preparedocument system stored procedure must be called first to obtain a document handle ID, which is then passed to this function, along with the document text.


Function Return Type Description
fn_trace_geteventinfo() table Returns a table type populated with event information for a specified trace ID.
fn_trace_getfilterinfo() table Returns a table type populated with information about filters applied to a trace, for a specified trace ID.
fn_trace_getinfo() table Returns a table type populated with trace information for a specified trace ID.
fn_trace_gettable() table Returns a table type populated with file information for a specified trace ID.
HAS_DBACCESS() int Returns a flag indicating whether the current user has access to a specified database.
IS_MEMBER() int Returns a flag indicating whether the current user is a member of a Windows group or SQL Server role.
IS_SRVROLEMEMBER() int Returns a flag indicating whether the current user is a member of a database server role.
ORIGINAL_LOGIN() sysname (varchar) Returns the first user or login name for the first system login in the current session context.
SUSER_SID() varbinary Returns the security ID for a specified username.
SUSER_SNAME() nvarchar Returns the username for a specified security ID.
USER_ID() int Returns a username for a specified user ID.

String Manipulation

Function Return Type Description
ASCII() int Returns the numeric ASCII character value for a standard character.
CHAR() char Returns the ASCII character for a numeric ASCII character value.
CHARINDEX() int Similar to PATINDEX(), returns the index (character position) of the first occurrence of a character string within another character string.
DIFFERENCE() int Returns the numeric difference between two character strings based on the consensus Soundex values.
LEFT() varchar or nvarchar Returns the leftmost X characters from a character string.
LEN() int Returns the length of a character string.
LOWER() varchar or nvarchar Converts a character string into all lowercase characters.
LTRIM() varchar or nvarchar Removes leading spaces from the left side of a character string.
NCHAR() nchar Like the CHAR() function, returns the Unicode character for a numeric character value.
PATINDEX() int or bigint Returns the index (first character position) for the first occurrence of characters matching a specified pattern within another character string. Wildcard characters may be used.
QUOTENAME() nvarchar Returns a character string with square brackets around the input value. Used with SQL Server object names so that they can be passed into an expression.
REPLACE() varchar or nvarchar Returns a character string with all occurrences of one character or substring replaced with another character or substring.
REPLICATE() varchar or nvarchar Returns a character string consisting of a specified number of repeated characters.
REVERSE() varchar or nvarchar Returns a character string with all characters in reverse order.
RIGHT() varchar or nvarchar Returns a specific number of characters from the rightmost side of a character string.
RTRIM() varchar or nvarchar Removes trailing spaces from the right side of a character string.
SOUNDEX() varchar Returns a four-character alphanumeric string representing the approximate phonetic value of a word, based on the U.S. Census Soundex algorithm.
SPACE() char Returns a character string consisting of a specified number of spaces.
STR() char Returns a character string value that represents a converted numeric data type. Three arguments include the value, the overall length, and the number of decimal positions.
STUFF() Character or binary types, depending on input Returns a character string with one string placed into another string at a given position and for a specified length.
SUBSTRING() Character or binary types, depending on input Returns a portion of a character string from a specified position and for a specified length.
UNICODE() int Returns the numeric Unicode character value for a specified character.
UPPER() varchar or nvarchar Converts a character string into all uppercase characters.


Function Return Type Description
APP_NAME() nvarchar Each session is associated with an application name, passed to the database server by explicit program code or by the driver or data provider.
COALESCE() Same type as input Returns the first non-null value from a comma-delimited list of expressions.
COLLATIONPROPERTY() sql_variant Returns the value of a specific property for a specified collation. Properties include CodePage, LCID, and ComparisonStyle.
COLUMNS_UPDATED() varbinary Used only within an Insert or Update trigger. Returns a bitmap of modified column flags for the current table. Bytes are left-to-right, with the bits in each byte ordered right-to-left, representing the state (0 = unmodified, 1 = modified) of each column.
CURRENT_USER() sysname (varchar) Returns the name of the current user. Synonymous with the USER_NAME() function.
DATALENGTH() int Returns the number of bytes used to store or handle a value. For ANSI string types, this returns the same value as the LEN() function, but for other data types the value may be different.
fn_Get_SQL() table Returns a table type populated with the full text of a query based on a process handle. This value is stored in the sysprocesses table referencing a SPID. This function was introduced with SQL Server 2000 SP3.
fn_HelpCollations() table Returns a table type populated with a list of collations supported by the current version of SQL Server.
fn_ServerSharedDrives() table Returns a table type populated with a list of drives shared by the server.
fn_VirtualFileStats() table Returns a table type populated with I/O statistics for database files, including log files.
FORMATMESSAGE() nvarchar Returns an error message from the sysmessages table for a specified message number and comma-delimited list of parameters.
GETANSINULL() int Returns the nullability setting for the database, according to the ANSI_NULL_DFLT_ON and ANSI_NULL_DFLT_OFF database settings.
HOST_ID() char Returns the workstation ID for the current session.
HOST_NAME() nchar Returns the workstation name for the current session.
IDENT_CURRENT() sql_variant Returns the last identity value generated for a specified table regardless of the session and scope.
IDENT_INCR() numeric Returns the increment value specified in the creation of the last identity column.
IDENT_SEED() numeric Returns the seed value specified in the creation of the last identity column.
IDENTITY() Same as input Used in a SELECT INTO statement to insert an explicitly generated identity value into a column.
ISNULL() Same as input Determines whether a specified value is null and then returns a provided replacement value.
ISNUMERIC() int Returns a flag to indicate whether a specified value is, or is capable of being converted into, a numeric value.
NEWID() uniqueidentifier Returns a newly generated uniqueidentifier type value. This is a 128-bit integer, globally unique value, usually expressed as an alphanumeric hexadecimal representation (such as 89DE6247-C2E2-42DB-8CE8-A787E505D7EA). This type is often used for primary key values in replicated and semiconnected systems.
NULLIF() Same as input Returns a NULL value when two specified arguments have equivalent values.
PARSENAME() nchar Returns a specific part of a four-part object name.
ROWCOUNT_BIG() bigint Like the @@ROWCOUNT variable, returns the number of rows either returned by or modified by the last statement. Returns a bigint type.
SCOPE_IDENTITY() sql_variant Like the @@IDENTITY variable, returns the last Identity value generated, but is limited to the current session and scope (stored procedure, batch, or module).
SERVERPROPERTY() sql_variant Returns a flag indicating the state of a server property. Properties include Collation, Edition, EngineEdition, InstanceName, IsClustered, IsFullTextInstalled, IsIntegratedSecurityOnly, IsSingleUser, IsSyncWithBackup, LicenseType, MachineName, NumLicenses, ProcessID, ProductLevel, ProductVersion, and ServerName.
SESSION_USER nchar Returns the current username. The function is called without parentheses.
SESSIONPROPERTY() sql_variant Returns a flag indicating the state of a session property. Properties include ANSI_NULLS, ANSI_PADDING, ANSI_WARNINGS, ARITHABORT, CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL, NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT, and QUOTED_IDENTIFIER.
STATS_DATE() datetime Returns the date that statistics for a specified index were last updated.
SYSTEM_USER() nvarchar Returns the current username. The function is called without parentheses.
USER_NAME() nvarchar Returns the username for a specified user ID.

System Statistics

Function Return Type Description
sys.dm_io_virtual_file_stats() table Returns a table type populated with I/O statistics for database files, including log files.
sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats() table Returns current I/O, locking, latching, and access method activity for each table or index in the database.
sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats() table Returns size and fragmentation information for the data and indexes of a specified table or view.
sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats() rowset Returns counts of different types of index operations and the time each type of operation was last performed.
sys.dm_db_missing_index_columns() table Returns information about database table columns that are missing an index.
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