
[ ] (bracket keys), 46, 171

5% slimming rule, 261

5-minute retouch, 296–309

15-minute retouch, 310–323

30-minute retouch, 324–341

100% size setting, xix


abdominal retouching, 280–284

about this book, x–xiii

actions, recording, xxii

Add a Layer Style icon, 65

Add Layer Mask icon, 3, 45

Add Noise filter, 33, 94, 325

adjustment layers

advantages of, 18

blend modes vs., 15

toggling on/off, 9

Adjustments panel, 4, 10

Adobe Photoshop. See Photoshop

aligning facial features, 176–183

Amount slider (Camera Raw), 165

Angle Jitter slider, 63, 331

Angle preview, Brush panel, 64

arm and leg thinning, 271–279

automating tasks, xxii


Background layer, xviii, 2, 24

Backspace key, 9

Barker, Corey, 57, 113, 140

beauty-style retouch

before and after examples of, 340–341

overview of workflow for, 324–339 See also thirty-minute retouch

Black & White adjustment layer, xxi

blemish removal, 86–88

digital make-up and, 140

in five-minute retouch, 299–300

in fifteen-minute retouch, 310–311

in thirty-minute retouch, 335, 339

blend modes

adjustment layers vs., 15

Color, 185

Linear Light, 98, 313

Luminosity, 4, 79, 82, 315, 316

Multiply, 8, 77, 142, 148, 212

Overlay, 94, 108

Screen, 24, 27, 143, 192, 212, 229

Soft Light, 2, 14, 94, 106, 184, 239, 281

Bloat tool, 46–47

Blue channel, 113, 160

Blur filters

Gaussian Blur, 14, 90, 96, 97, 109, 188

Surface Blur, 102, 114

blurring techniques

for porcelain skin look, 155

for skin softening, 89, 90–91, 96, 97, 109

for sparkling eyes, 14

body retouching, 259–291

accentuating abs, 280–284

checklist for, 295

double chin reduction, 266–270

in fifteen-minute retouch, 318–319

fixing clothes issues, 285–291

overall slimming technique, 260–262

slimming one person in group shot, 263–265

thinning arms and legs, 271–279

bracket keys ([ ]), 46, 171

brightening techniques

for eye sockets, 27

for sculpting the face, 186–187

for teeth, 250, 252–256

for whites of eyes, 24–31 See also lightening techniques

Brush panel

Brush Tip Shape options, 64, 332

eyelash brush adjustments, 63–64

Pen Pressure settings, 141

Brush Picker

choosing brushes from, 3

custom eyelash brushes in, 57–58

resizing brushes in, 59

Brush Size slider, 46

Brush Tip Shape adjustment, 64, 332

Brush tool

Eyedropper tool used with, 32, 76

keyboard shortcut for, 3

Brush tool (retouching examples)

adding highlights to hair, 193–194

arm/leg thinning process, 273, 274, 276

brightening whites of eyes, 25–26, 30

catch light enhancement/creation, 18, 21

darkening parts in hair, 215

digital makeup techniques, 141–149

double chin reduction, 269

enlarging eyes, 45, 46–47

eye color changes, 36

eyebrow beautification, 75–76, 79

eyelash enhancement, 57–58, 63–64, 330, 331

fixing gaps in hair, 206

hair color changes, 211, 212

hiding hair roots, 218

iris retouching, 3, 9

lightening eye sockets, 27

lip retouching, 229, 233, 237

porcelain skin look, 153, 154, 158

portrait sharpening, 163

removing eye veins, 32–33

sculpting the face, 184–188

skin softening, 91–92, 100, 103–104, 110, 115–116

swapping eyes, 52–53

whitening teeth, 253–254

wrinkle removal, 125


advice on choosing, xvi

custom eyelash, 57–58, 330, 331

Hardness setting for, 146–147, 275

resizing in Brush Picker, 59

shortcut for resizing, 46, 171

stroke direction for, xx

buckle removal, 300–302

Burn tool

abdominal retouching with, 280–282

sculpting the face with, 320

burning and dodging

abdominal retouching by, 280–283

sculpting the face by, 184–189, 320

used by high-end retouchers, 184


Camera Raw

opening images in, 151, 163

porcelain skin technique in, 151–159

sharpening portraits in, 163–165

Camera Raw Defaults option, 154

catch light in eyes, 17–23

creating, 20–23

enhancing, 17–19

repositioning, 53–55


loading as selections, 114

sharpening portraits using, 160–162

skin softening using, 113–118

Channels panel

Lab Color mode, 162

RGB mode, 113, 160

checklist for portrait retouching, xiii, 294–295


digital makeup applied to, 142–144

wrinkle removal around, 123–124

chin reduction, 266–270

Clone Stamp tool

arm/leg thinning with, 275

clothes retouching with, 289, 290, 301, 317

eye retouching with, 39–40, 54–55, 56

eyebrow retouching with, 70, 330

fixing gaps in hair with, 338

lip area retouching with, 241

stray hair removal with, 140, 196–199, 201, 333–334, 335–336

stubble reduction with, 136–138

tooth repair with, 248

clothes retouching, 285–291

in five-minute retouch, 300–302, 304–305

in fifteen-minute retouch, 316–317


removing with Desaturate command, 157

sampling with Eyedropper tool, 32, 54, 76, 141, 185, 217

color adjustments

eye color changes, 35–37

hair color changes, 209–213

lip color changes, 236–242

porcelain skin look and, 154–155 See also tonal adjustments

Color blend mode, 185

color channels. See channels

Color Picker, 144, 146

Color Range feature, 227–228

Colorize checkbox

eye color and, 35

hair color and, 211, 212

lip color and, 234

Colors pop-up menu, 156

companion website, xi

Contract Selection dialog, 8

contrast adjustments

clothes retouching and, 319

eye retouching and, 2–5, 314, 326

Create a New Layer icon, 2, 12

Create New Action icon, xxii

Create New Adjustment Layer icon, 4

Create New Channel icon, 114

Crop tool, 261, 264

cropping images, 261, 264

crosshair cursor, 120

Current Layer setting, 275


crosshair, 120

plus-sign, 275

two-headed arrow, 60, 178

Curves adjustment layer

contrast adjustments using, 4, 79, 314, 319, 326

finding potential fixes using, xxi

tonal adjustments using, 132–133, 134, 315

Curves pop-up menu

Darker (RGB) option, 315

Medium Contrast (RGB) option, 319

Strong Contrast (RGB) option, 4, 314, 326

Cyan slider, 236, 238, 240


dark circle removal, 38–41

Darken mode, Clone Stamp tool, 139

darkening techniques

for eyebrows, 79–80, 315–316

for facial stubble, 139

for lips, 157–158

for outer rim of iris, 6–11, 327

for part lines in hair, 214–216

for sculpting the face, 185–186

Darker (RGB) option, 315

Delete key, 9

Desaturate command, 157, 185

Deselect command, 9

Detail panel (Camera Raw), 164

digital makeup, 140–150

digital photos. See images

distorting selections, 6, 202, 276, 335

Dodge tool

abdominal retouching with, 283

double chin retouching with, 268

lip retouching with, 240

sculpting the face with, 320

dodging and burning

abdominal retouching by, 280–283

sculpting the face by, 184–189, 320

used by high-end retouchers, 184

double chin reduction, 266–270

Down Arrow key, 178

downloading practice images, xi

Drop Shadow layer style, 65, 332


channels, 114

layers, 2, 22, 81

Smart Object layers, 152



removing hair over, 336

retouching, 172–173, 181, 336

Edge Detection options, 210

Elliptical Marquee tool

eye retouching and, 6, 12, 20, 42, 49

ring color changes and, 185

enlarging features

eyes, 42–48, 177

lips, 224–226

Eye icon, xviii, 9

eye retouching, 1–83

adding sparkle to eyes, 12–16, 328

brightening whites of eyes, 24–31

catch light enhancement/creation, 17–23

changing color of eyes, 35–37

darkening outer rim of iris, 6–11

digital makeup techniques, 145–147

enlarging size of eyes, 42–48

eyebrow beautification, 68–80

eyelash enhancement, 57–67

in five-minute retouch, 297

in fifteen-minute retouch, 314–315

increasing iris contrast, 2–5, 314, 326

lightening eye sockets, 27

reducing dark circles, 38–41

removing veins from eyes, 32–34, 325

sharpening eyes, 81–83, 307, 321, 328

swapping one eye for the other, 49–56

symmetry adjustments, 176–178

in thirty-minute retouch, 325–328

wrinkle removal around eyes, 120–122

eye shadow technique, 145

eyebrow retouching, 68–80

basic technique, 68–74

darkening eyebrows, 79–80, 315–316

digital makeup technique, 145, 147

in fifteen-minute retouch, 315–316

making fuller eyebrows, 75–78

in thirty-minute retouch, 329–330

Eyedropper tool

digital makeup and, 141, 142, 143, 147, 148

eye retouching and, 32, 54

eyebrow enhancement and, 76

hair root retouching and, 217, 219

keyboard shortcut for, 32


brushes for retouching, 57–58, 330, 331

enhancing appearance of, 57–67

eye swapping technique and, 55

thirty-minute retouch and, 330–332

eyeliner technique, 145–146


facial feature reshaping, 169–189

dodging-and-burning technique for, 184–189

double chin reduction, 266–270

face and head reshaping methods for, 170–175

symmetrically aligning features, 176–183

facial line removal

in five-minute retouch, 298

in fifteen-minute retouch, 311

in thirty-minute retouch, 333 See also wrinkle removal

facial retouching

checklist for, 294–295

sculpting the face, 184–189, 320 See also specific facial features

Fade dialog, 128–129

Feather Selection dialog, 7, 43, 69

feathering selections

body sculpting and, 318

eye retouching and, 7, 43

eyebrow enhancement and, 69, 73

facial feature alignment and, 176

hair retouching and, 202, 204

lip retouching and, 224

skin tone balancing and, 131

slimming methods and, 266

tooth repair and, 248, 250

fifteen-minute retouch, 310–323

before and after examples of, 322–323

blemish removal in, 310–311

body sculpting in, 318–319

clothes retouching in, 316–317, 319

eye retouching in, 314–315

eyebrow darkening in, 315–316

goose bump removal in, 310–311

sculpting the face in, 320

sharpening process in, 321 See also five-minute retouch; thirty-minute retouch

Fill dialog, 93

Fill Pixels icon, 21


Add Noise, 33, 94, 325

Gaussian Blur, 14, 90, 96, 97, 109, 188

High Pass, 97, 105, 109

Liquify, 46, 147, 170, 243, 269, 278, 285

Pinch, 267

Surface Blur, 102, 114

Unsharp Mask, 81, 161, 162

five-minute retouch, 296–309

before and after examples of, 308–309

blemish removal in, 299–300

clothes retouching in, 300–302, 304–305

eye retouching in, 297

sharpening process in, 306–307

skin softening in, 302–304

wrinkle removal in, 298 See also fifteen-minute retouch; thirty-minute retouch

F-key assignments, xxii

flattening layers, 255

Flip Horizontal command, 50, 54, 62, 207

Flip X checkbox, Brush panel, 64

Flow Jitter pop-up menu, 141

Foreground color swatch, 144, 146

Format pop-up menu, 163

Forward Warp tool

clothes retouching with, 285–288, 304

double chin reduction and, 269

facial symmetry adjustments, 178, 179, 181

lip retouching technique, 147

repairing teeth using, 243–247, 255

reshaping the face and head with, 171, 173

Free Transform bounding box

distorting selections with, 202

resizing selections with, 44, 52, 177, 225, 261, 264

rotating selections with, 205, 272, 276, 277

selecting specific points on, 272, 276

Free Transform commands

Flip Horizontal command, 50, 54, 62, 207

Warp command, 60–61, 62, 331

Freeze Mask tool

clothes retouching with, 288

facial symmetry adjustments, 178, 181

reshaping the face and head with, 170, 173

tooth repair with, 251, 255


Gaussian Blur filter

face sculpting and, 188

iris retouching and, 14

skin softening and, 90, 96, 97, 109

Giard, Shelley, 57, 140

glossy lips, 227–231

goose bump removal, 310–311

Green channel, 113, 161

group shots, slimming one person in, 263–265

grouping layers, 66, 144


hair, 191–221

adding highlights to, 192–195

changing color of, 209–213

checklist for retouching, 295

darkening parts in, 214–216

fixing gaps in, 204–208, 337–338

hiding roots of, 217–221

porcelain skin look and, 154–155

removing stray hairs, 140, 196–203, 333–336

halos, avoiding, 165

Hardness setting, 146–147, 275

head and face reshaping, 170–175

Healing Brush tool

blemish removal with, 86–87, 140, 299

eye retouching with, 38–39

eyebrow retouching with, 330

lip area retouching with, 241

neck line removal with, 338

stray hair removal with, 196, 200, 334, 336

wrinkle removal with, 119–125, 298

“helmet head” effect, 198


hair roots, 217–221

layer mask effects, 116

selections, xix, 70, 71, 128

High Pass filter, 97, 105, 109

high pass skin softening, 108–112, 312

highlight adjustments

abdominal retouching and, 283

adding highlights to hair, 192–195

dodging technique for, 186–187, 283

eye retouching and, 17, 29

lip retouching and, 149, 228–230, 240 See also shadow adjustments

History Brush tool, 289

History States, 197

Hollywood, Calvin, 151

hot spot removal, 127–130

HSL/Color/B&W panel (Lightroom), 151

HSL/Grayscale panel (Camera Raw), 151, 153

Hue slider

eye color changes, 35

hair color changes, 211, 212

lip color changes, 234

Hue/Saturation adjustments

eye color changes, 35

facial slimming and, 268

hair color changes, 211–212

lip color changes, 233

tooth whitening, 249, 252–254



downloading for practice, xi

evaluating for retouch process, 324–325

opening in Camera Raw, 151, 163

Inverse command, 69, 71

Invert command, 4


adding sparkle to, 12–16, 328

darkening outer rim of, 6–11, 327

increasing contrast in, 2–5, 314, 326

sharpening technique, 82, 328 See also eye retouching



double chin reduction, 266–270

reshaping technique, 170–172

K website, xi

keyboard shortcuts

Brush tool, 3

creating custom, 43

Desaturate command, 157

Eyedropper tool, 32

feathering selections, 43

hiding selections, xix, 70, 128

merging layers, xix, 53

resizing brushes, 46, 171

Undo command, 47, 179, 197

Zoom tool, 2

Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog, 43


Lab Color mode, 162

Lasso tool

body sculpting and, 318

clothes retouching and, 289, 300

eyebrow retouching and, 72, 329

facial feature alignment and, 176

hair retouching and, 202, 204, 337

lip retouching and, 224, 232

skin tone balancing and, 131, 133, 134

slimming techniques and, 266, 271, 273, 275, 277

tooth repair and, 248, 249, 250

layer masks

adding to images, 3

channels and, 115

displaying, 92, 104

hiding effects of, 116

inverting, 4, 18

selections and, 7, 104

thumbnails for, 8, 92, 115, 116, 234, 303

layer style, Drop Shadow, 65, 332


creating new, 2, 12

duplicating, 2, 22, 81

flattening, 255

grouping, 66, 144

merged, xix, 53, 255, 273

naming/renaming, 63, 65

reason for working on, xviii

Smart Object, 152 See also adjustment layers

Layers panel

Add a Layer Style icon, 65

Add Layer Mask icon, 3

Create a New Layer icon, 2

Create New Adjustment Layer icon, 4

Eye icon, xviii

Left Bracket key, 46, 171

leg and arm thinning, 271–279

Levels adjustment layer

blend modes vs., 15

highlight adjustments, 17, 29

layer mask creation, 7

midtone adjustments, 10, 157, 250

shadow adjustments, 157, 250

Lighten mode, Clone Stamp tool, 39, 136

lightening techniques

for dark circles under eyes, 39

for eye sockets, 27

for facial stubble, 136

for sculpting the face, 186–187

for teeth, 250, 252–256 See also brightening techniques

Lightness channel, 162

Lightness slider, 35, 37

Lightroom Develop Module, 151

line removal

facial lines, 298, 311, 333

neck lines, 338–339 See also wrinkle removal

Linear Light blend mode, 98, 313

lips, 224–242

changing the color of, 234

checklist for retouching, 295

color shade changes for, 236–242

darkening the appearance of, 148, 157–158

enlarging the size of, 224–226

glossy/shiny look for, 227–231

increasing red color of, 156, 238–239

lipstick color adjustments, 232–235

removing hairs around, 241

retouching center dip in, 147

smoothing rough areas of, 148

symmetry adjustments for, 182

Liquify adjustments

arm/leg thinning, 278

clothes retouching, 285, 304

eye resizing, 46–47

face/head reshaping, 170–174

facial symmetry, 178–182

lip retouching, 147, 224

repairing teeth, 243–247, 251, 255

slimming the face, 269, 270

Liquify filter tools

Bloat tool, 46–47

Forward Warp tool, 147, 171, 173, 178, 179, 243–247, 255, 269, 285

Freeze Mask tool, 170, 173, 178, 181, 251, 255, 288

Pucker tool, 179

Thaw Mask tool, 170, 288

Twirl Clockwise tool, 180

Load Brushes command, 57

Luminosity blend mode

clothes retouching and, 319

eye retouching and, 4, 79, 82, 315, 326

eyebrow darkening and, 316

facial sculpting and, 320


Magenta slider, 236, 238


applying digital, 140–150

importance of, 140

Masking slider (Camera Raw), 164

masks. See layer masks

Medium Contrast (RGB) option, 319


retouching applied to, xx

stubble reduction on, 136–139

merged layers, xix, 53, 255, 273

midtone adjustments

eyebrow darkening and, 315

iris retouching and, 10

lip darkening and, 157

skin tone balancing and, 132–133, 134

tooth whitening and, 250


checklist for retouching, 295

wrinkle removal around, 123 See also lips; teeth

Move tool

arm/leg thinning and, 272, 274

eye retouching and, 22, 50, 62, 73, 330

hair retouching and, 202, 205, 207, 337

Multiply blend mode

digital makeup and, 142, 143, 145, 146, 148

eyebrow retouching and, 77, 329

hair retouching and, 212, 214, 334

iris retouching and, 8, 327



groups, 66

layers, 63, 65, 66

neck retouching

dodging-and-burning technique for, 186

Liquify filter used for, 270

removing neck lines, 338–339

New Action dialog, xxii

New Group from Layers command, 66

New Layer dialog, 281

New Smart Object via Copy command, 152

noise, adding to images, 33, 94, 325

nose retouching

symmetry adjustments and, 179–181

wrinkle removal and, 122


Opacity Jitter pop-up menu, 141

Opacity settings

abdominal retouching and, 283

advice on choosing, xvi

aligning images using, 51

catch light adjustments and, 18, 21, 22

dark circle removal and, 40

digital makeup techniques and, 141, 143

dodging/burning layers and, 188

eye retouching and, 10, 15, 27, 36

eyebrow retouching and, 77

eyelash enhancements and, 61, 65

hair retouching and, 194, 212, 220

hot spot removal and, 128–129

lip retouching and, 230

porcelain skin look and, 155, 158

skin softening and, 91, 93, 99, 103, 106, 111, 117

stubble reduction and, 138

tooth whitening and, 254

wrinkle removal and, 125

Opacity slider, 27

Open Object button, 152

Oranges slider (Camera Raw), 151–152

Overlay blend mode, 94, 108


part lines in hair, 214–216

Patch tool

clothes retouching with, 317

hot spot removal with, 127–128


drawing with Pen tool, 68

turning into selections, 69

Pen tool

eyebrow retouching and, 68

Pen Pressure settings, 141

tooth repair and, 248

video on using, 68


professional retouchers vs., x

retouching checklist for, xiii, 294–295

time considerations for, x, xxiii, 293


opening Smart Objects in, 152

recording new actions in, xxii

retouching checklist panel for, xiii, 294

Pinch filter, 267

plus-sign cursor, 275

Polygon tool, 20–21

Polygonal Lasso tool, 328

porcelain skin look, 151–159

portrait retouching

author’s philosophy on, xv

checklist for, xiii, 294–295

five-minute workflow, 296–309

fifteen-minute workflow, 310–323

thirty-minute workflow, 324–341

time considerations for, xxiii

twelve things to know about, xvi–xxiii

portrait sharpening, 160–166

practice images, xi

presets, tool, xvii

Pressure Sensitivity, 141, 184


eyelash adjustments, 63, 64

Gaussian Blur effects, 188

portrait sharpening, 162, 164

Protect Detail checkbox, 81

Protect Tones checkbox, 280

Pucker tool, 179


catch lights and, 21, 22

retouching iris and, 3–4 See also eye retouching


Quick Selection tool, 209

“quickie” skin softening, 90–95


Radius setting

Gaussian Blur filter, 90, 109, 188

High Pass filter, 105

Refine Edge dialog, 210

Surface Blur filter, 102

Radius slider (Camera Raw), 165

recording actions, xxii

Rectangular Marquee tool

eye retouching and, 13, 20

slimming techniques and, 263

Red channel, 113, 114, 160, 161–162

Reds slider (Camera Raw), 153

Refine Edge dialog, 210


blemishes, 86–88, 140, 299–300, 310–311, 335

dark circles under eyes, 38–41

distracting buckles, 300–302

double chin, 266–270

hair around lips, 241

hot spots, 127–130

neck lines, 338–339

stray hairs, 140, 196–203, 333–336

stubble, 136–139

veins from eyes, 32–34, 325

wrinkles from face, 119–126, 298

renaming. See naming/renaming

repairing teeth, 243–251, 255

reshaping facial features, 169–189

face and head reshaping methods, 170–175

sculpting the face by dodging and burning, 184–189

symmetrically aligning features, 176–183

resizing. See sizing/resizing

retouching portraits

author’s philosophy on, xv

checklist for, xiii, 294–295

five-minute workflow, 296–309

fifteen-minute workflow, 310–323

thirty-minute workflow, 324–341

time considerations for, xxiii

twelve things to know about, xvi–xxiii website, 96

RGB channel, 162, 307, 321

RGB Color mode, 163

Right Bracket key, 46, 171

rotating selections, 205, 272, 276, 277, 318–319, 331


Sample pop-up menu, 38, 275

sampling images

with Brush tool, 38

with Clone Stamp tool, 39, 137

with Eyedropper tool, 32, 54, 76, 141, 185, 217

with Healing Brush tool, 86, 119

Saturation slider

eye color changes, 35

hair color changes, 211, 212

lip color changes, 234

teeth whitening, 252

Schuler, Christy, 217

Screen blend mode

digital makeup and, 143, 147

eye retouching and, 24, 27, 297

hair retouching and, 192, 212

lip retouching and, 229

sculpting the face, 184–189, 320

selection tools

Elliptical Marquee tool, 6, 12, 20, 42, 49, 185

Lasso tool, 72, 131, 176, 202, 224, 232

Pen tool, 68

Quick Selection tool, 209

Rectangular Marquee tool, 13, 20


distorting, 6, 202, 276, 335

entire image, 260

hiding, xix, 70, 71, 128

inversing, 69, 71

layer masks and, 7, 104

loading channels as, 114

refining edges of, 210

resizing, 44, 52, 177, 225, 261

rotating, 205, 272, 276, 277, 318–319, 331

softening edges of, 7, 43, 69

turning paths into, 69

Selective Color adjustment layer, 156, 236–240

shadow adjustments

abdominal retouching and, 281–282

burning technique for, 185–186

lip darkening and, 157–158

slimming techniques and, 268

tooth whitening and, 250 See also highlight adjustments

Shadows Amount slider, 268

Shadows/Highlights dialog, 268

shape distortion, 202

Shape Dynamics checkbox, 63

Sharpen tool

Protect Details checkbox, 81, 328

Strength setting, 82, 321, 328

Sharpening sliders (Camera Raw), 164

sharpening techniques

for eye sharpening, 81–83

for five-minute retouch, 306–307

for fifteen-minute retouch, 321

for portrait sharpening, 160–166

for thirty-minute retouch, 328, 339

shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts

Show Backdrop checkbox, 244

Show Mask checkbox, 171

Size Jitter slider, 63, 331


brushes, 46, 59

selections, 44, 52, 177, 225, 261 See also enlarging features

skin retouching, 85–166

blemish removal, 86–88

blurring techniques, 89, 302

channel skin softening, 113–118

checklist for, 294–295

digital makeup techniques, 140–150

in five-minute retouch, 302–304

in fifteen-minute retouch, 312–314

high pass skin softening, 108–112

hot spot removal, 127–130

porcelain skin look, 151–159

“quickie” skin softening, 90–95, 302–304

retaining texture with skin softening, 96–101, 339

sharpening techniques, 160–166

skin tone balancing, 131–135

stray hair removal, 200

stubble reduction, 136–139

texture added after skin softening, 102–107

wrinkle removal, 119–126

slimming/trimming techniques, 260–279

abdominal retouching, 280–284

double chin reduction, 266–270

fixing clothes issues, 285–291

overall slimming technique, 260–262

slimming one person in a group shot, 263–265

thinning arms and legs, 271–279

Smart Objects, 152

Smart Radius checkbox, 210

smile lines, 123–124

Smudge tool, 198

Soft Light blend mode

abdominal retouching and, 281

dodging and burning using, 184

hair root retouching and, 218–219

increasing contrast using, 2

iris retouching and, 2, 14

lip retouching and, 239

skin texture effect and, 94, 106

softbox reflections, 20

softening skin

adding texture after, 102–107

blurring methods used for, 89

channels used for, 113–118

in five-minute retouch, 302–304

in fifteen-minute retouch, 312–314

high pass technique for, 108–112

“quickie” technique for, 90–95, 302–304

retaining texture while, 96–101, 339

sparkle, adding to eyes, 12–16, 328

stray hair removal, 140, 196–203, 333–336

stroke direction, xx

Strong Contrast (RGB) option, 4, 314, 326

stubble reduction, 136–139

Surface Blur filter, 102, 114

swapping eyes, 49–56

symmetry adjustments, 176–183


tablet sensitivity settings, 141

Targeted Adjustment tool (TAT)

facial slimming and, 268

lip retouching and, 233

teeth, 243–256

repairing, 243–251, 255

whitening, 252–256


adding after softening skin, 102–107

faking with skin softening, 93–94

removing for porcelain skin look, 155

retaining with skin softening, 96–101, 339

Thaw Mask tool, 170, 288

thinning methods

arm and leg thinning, 271–279

double chin reduction, 266–270 See also slimming/trimming techniques

thirty-minute retouch, 324–341

before and after examples of, 340–341

blemish removal in, 335, 339

evaluating images for, 324–325

eye retouching in, 325–328

eyebrow retouching in, 329–330

eyelash retouching in, 330–332

facial line removal in, 333

fixing gaps in hair in, 337–338

neck line removal in, 338–339

sharpening process in, 339

skin smoothing technique in, 339

stray hair removal in, 333–336 See also fifteen-minute retouch; five-minute retouch

Threshold slider, Surface Blur filter, 102


Brush Picker, 58

color channel, 114

layer mask, 8, 92, 115, 116, 234, 303

time considerations, xxiii

tonal adjustments

eyebrow enhancement, 315

Protect Tones checkbox, 280

skin tone balancing, 131–135 See also color adjustments

tool presets, xvii

Transform Selection command, 6 See also Free Transform bounding box

trimming techniques. See slimming/trimming techniques

Twirl Clockwise tool, 180

two-headed arrow cursor, 60, 178


Undo command, 47, 179, 197

Unsharp Mask filter, 81

five-minute retouch and, 306

fifteen-minute retouch and, 321

portrait sharpening and, 161, 162

thirty-minute retouch and, 339 See also sharpening techniques


veins in eyes, 32–34, 325

video on Pen tool, 68

View Options, 171


Wacom pen and tablet, xvii, 141

Warp command, 60–61, 62, 331

websites, xi, 96


whites of eyes, 24–31

yellow teeth, 252–256

workflows, xii

five-minute retouch, 296–309

fifteen-minute retouch, 310–323

thirty-minute retouch, 324–341

wrinkle removal, 119–126, 298 See also line removal


X key, 3


Yellow slider, 238

yellow teeth, 252–256


Zoom tool, 2, 32

zooming in/out, xix

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