
With the rise of web-based applications, more programmers use databases for data storage and manipulation, so don’t be surprised if you are asked questions about your experience with databases, and asked to solve some database problems


Tools are available to help you create and manage databases, many of which hide the complexities of the underlying data structures. Ruby on Rails, for example, abstracts all database access and makes most direct access unnecessary, as do component technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans and many object-oriented frameworks. Still, you need an understanding of how databases work to make good design decisions.

Relational Databases

Data in a relational database is stored in tables, which consist of rows and columns (also known as tuples and attributes). A set of table definitions is referred to as a schema. Each column has a name and data type associated with it. The column data type limits the range of data that can be stored in the column; the column may also have additional constraints beyond those imposed by the type. Typically, the columns of a table are defined when the database is created; columns are modified infrequently (or never). Data is added and removed from a table by inserting and deleting rows. Although the columns are typically ordered, the rows aren’t. If ordering of rows is required, it is done when the data is fetched (via a query) from the database.

Most tables have keys. A key is a column or set of columns used to identify rows in the table. One of the keys is usually designated the primary key. Each row in the table must have a value for the primary key, and each of these values must be unique. For example, in a table of employees, you might use the employee identification number—guaranteed to be unique for each employee—as the primary key. When the data being stored does not naturally contain guaranteed unique values that can be used as primary keys, the database is often configured to automatically assign a unique serial numbered value as the primary key for each row inserted in the table.

A table can be linked to another table using a foreign key. A foreign key is a column where the values match values from a key column in the other table (usually the primary key). When every foreign key value exists as a key in the table it references, the database has referential integrity. This can be enforced through the use of foreign key constraints. Depending on how the constraints are configured, an attempt to delete a row with a key value that exists in another table as a foreign key is either prevented or causes deletion or modification of the rows that reference it.

The most common way to manipulate and query databases is through the use of Structured Query Language (SQL). Some variations in syntax exist across different database management systems (DBMS), particularly for advanced features, but the basic syntax is fairly consistent.


SQL is the lingua franca of relational database manipulation. It provides mechanisms for most kinds of database manipulations. Understandably, SQL is a big topic, and numerous books are devoted just to SQL and relational databases. Nevertheless, the basic tasks of storing and retrieving We begin with the following schema:

Player (
  name   CHAR(20),
  number INTEGER(4)
Stats (
  number      INTEGER(4),
  totalPoints INTEGER(4),
  year        CHAR(20)

Table 13-1 shows some sample data for Player, and Table 13-2 shows sample Stats data.

TABLE 13-1: Player Sample Data

Larry Smith 23
David Gonzalez 12
George Rogers 7
Mike Lee 14
Rajiv Williams 55

TABLE 13-2: Stats Sample Data

7 59 Freshman
55 90 Senior
23 150 Senior
23 221 Junior
55 84 Junior

In this schema, neither table has a primary key defined. The number column in Player is a good candidate for a primary key because every player has a number, and the player number uniquely identifies each player. (This wouldn’t work so well if the database was used long enough that some players graduated and had their uniforms and numbers reassigned to new players.) The number column in the Stats table is a foreign key—a reference to the number column in the Player table. Explicitly defining these relationships in the schema makes it easier for others to understand—and the database to maintain—the relationship between these tables:

Player (
  name   CHAR(20),
Stats (
  number      INTEGER(4),
  totalPoints INTEGER(4),
  year        CHAR(20),

With these changes, the database takes an active role in ensuring the referential integrity of these tables. For example, you can’t add a row to the Stats table that references a player not listed in the Player table; the foreign key relationship between Stats.number and Player.number forbids this.

One fundamental SQL statement is INSERT, which is used to add values to a table. For example, to insert a player named Bill Henry with the number 50 into the Player table, you would use the following statement:

INSERT INTO Player VALUES('Bill Henry', 50);

SELECT is the SQL statement most commonly seen in interviews. A SELECT statement retrieves data from a table. For example, the statement:


returns all the values in the table Player:

| name           | number |
| Larry Smith    |     23 |
| David Gonzalez |     12 |
| George Rogers  |      7 |
| Mike Lee       |     14 |
| Rajiv Williams |     55 |
| Bill Henry     |     50 |

You can specify which columns you want to return like this:

SELECT name FROM Player;

which yields:

| name           |
| Larry Smith    |
| David Gonzalez |
| George Rogers  |
| Mike Lee       |
| Rajiv Williams |
| Bill Henry     |

You may want to be more restrictive about which values you return. For example, if you want to return only the names of the players with numbers less than 10 or greater than 40, you would use the statement:

SELECT name FROM Player WHERE number < 10 OR number > 40;

which would return:

| name           |
| George Rogers  |
| Rajiv Williams |
| Bill Henry     |

Much of the power of a relational database comes from the relationships between data in different tables, so you frequently want to use data from more than one table. For example, you may want to print out the names of all players along with the number of points that each player has scored. To do this, you have to join the two tables on the number field. The number field is called a common key because it represents the same value in both tables. The query is as follows:

SELECT name, totalPoints, year FROM Player, Stats
WHERE Player.number = Stats.number;

It returns this:

| name           | totalPoints | year     |
| George Rogers  |          59 | Freshman |
| Rajiv Williams |          90 | Senior   |
| Rajiv Williams |          84 | Junior   |
| Larry Smith    |         150 | Senior   |
| Larry Smith    |         221 | Junior   |

Some players have played on the team for more than one year, so their names appear multiple times; others have no rows in Stats (apparently they’ve been warming the bench) so they don’t appear at all in the results of this query. Conceptually, when you include two tables in the FROM clause, the query constructs a Cartesian product of the tables: a single table containing all possible combinations of rows from the first table with rows from the second table. Then the WHERE limits the results returned by the query to rows where the two keys are equal. This is the most common type of join, called an inner join. An alternative syntax that accomplishes exactly the same query is:

SELECT name, totalPoints, year FROM Player INNER JOIN Stats
ON Player.number = Stats.number;

This syntax provides a cleaner separation between the logic of joining tables and the logic of choosing rows. Inner joins are the default type of join, so the INNER keyword is optional for an inner join. When the key columns in the tables being joined have the same name, a more succinct syntax can be used:

SELECT name, totalPoints, year FROM Player JOIN Stats
USING (number);

A query that performs a join with USING is not exactly the same as one that performs the join with ON. With USING, the key column appears in the result of the join only once, labeled with an unqualified name (in this example number). With ON, the key columns from both tables appear in the result and must be referenced with qualified names to avoid ambiguity (in this example Player.number and Stats.number).

A less commonly used type of join is the outer join. Unlike inner joins, which exclude rows with key values that don’t match the corresponding key in the joined table, outer joins include these rows. Because included rows with no match in the other table have no values for the columns from the other table, these values are returned as NULL. The three kinds of outer joins are left, right, and full. A left outer join retains all rows from the first table, but only matching rows from the second; a right outer join retains all rows from the second table but only matching rows from the first, and a full outer join retains all rows from both tables. For this database, a left outer join of the two tables would include the names of the benchwarmers:

SELECT name, totalPoints, year FROM Player LEFT OUTER JOIN Stats
ON Player.number = Stats.number;

It returns:

| name           | totalPoints | year     |
| George Rogers  |          59 | Freshman |
| David Gonzalez |        NULL | NULL     |
| Mike Lee       |        NULL | NULL     |
| Rajiv Williams |          90 | Senior   |
| Rajiv Williams |          84 | Junior   |
| Larry Smith    |         150 | Senior   |
| Larry Smith    |         221 | Junior   |
| Bill Henry     |        NULL | NULL     |

The aggregates, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, and AVG, are another commonly used SQL feature. These aggregates enable you to retrieve the count, maximum, minimum, sum, and average, respectively, for a particular column. For example, you may want to print the average number of points each player has scored. To do this, use the following query:

SELECT AVG(totalPoints) FROM Stats;


| AVG(totalPoints) |
|         120.8000 |

Other times, you may want to apply aggregates separately over subsets of the data. For example, you may want to calculate each player’s average total points per year. You accomplish this with the GROUP BY clause, as in the following query:

SELECT name, AVG(totalPoints) FROM Player INNER JOIN Stats
ON Player.number = Stats.number GROUP BY name;

which produces:

| name           | AVG(totalPoints) |
| George Rogers  |             59.0 |
| Rajiv Williams |             87.0 |
| Larry Smith    |            185.5 |

Most interview problems focus on using these sorts of INSERT and SELECT statements. You’re less likely to encounter SQL problems related to other features, such as UPDATE statements, DELETE statements, permissions, or security.


While SQL relational databases have long been the standard for data storage, other types of databases have become increasingly common and popular. A NoSQL database is, as its name suggests, any database that does not conform to the relational model embodied by SQL. Many such databases could be fair game in an interview. You’re most likely to be asked about NoSQL if you mention experience with it or you’re interviewing for a job where one of these databases is used extensively. We’ll focus on two common types: object databases (like Firebase) and denormalized key-value/column hybrids (like Cassandra). You should also expect questions on other types of databases which you list on your resume.

Object Databases

An object database is a database that stores data in an object model as used in object-oriented programming, instead of in tables as in a relational database. It typically has a hierarchical structure and relies on function calls through an API to store and retrieve data rather than a domain-specific language like SQL. A major advantage of an object database is that you can maintain consistency between your object model and your object database schema. Depending on your application and class hierarchy, it can be trivial to store and retrieve objects. Also, depending on the usage, object databases can be faster as their hierarchical structure can allow them to quickly access certain data elements by following nodes.

For example, in a messenger application, individual messages can be stored as objects, with all of their associated data (content, sender ID, recipient ID, time, read receipt, and so on). Because these messages would always be associated with a conversation between a sender and a recipient, you could define a structure that enabled quick and easy retrieval of all of a user’s conversations, and then all of the messages within a conversation. Additionally, the structure of conversations would closely follow an object model where each conversation contains messages, as opposed to a SQL database where relationships between objects might require separate tables for conversations and messages.

Most object databases, as in this messenger example, are hierarchical, where each instance represents an instance of an object within the application’s data model. They are generally optimized for storing and retrieving objects, but can be less flexible for queries based on the properties of the data. For example, querying the previously described messenger object database to determine each user’s most frequent message recipient could require an inefficient exhaustive search of each user’s conversations and messages.

Hybrid Key-Value/Column Databases

These databases evolved out of a common problem with SQL databases: the flexibility that enables arbitrary joins inherent in the relational model limits performance. This can result in poor scaling for use cases with high volumes of reads and writes, even when this flexibility is unneeded. For example, status updates for social networks have a very high read/write volume, but rarely need to associate with more than one user.

Consequently, a class of databases like Cassandra was developed to enable high scalability (and some other properties like reliability) at the expense of SQL’s flexibility. Often this scaling is horizontal, meaning that adding additional servers allows linear scaling with increasing load.

When using these databases there’s an element of denormalization and duplication that has generally been actively avoided in SQL. This may require more storage space and place more of the burden of maintaining data consistency and integrity on the programmer, but in cases where performance, especially reads, needs to be optimized this can be a positive trade-off, particularly given how inexpensive storage has become. For the example of social network status updates, it might be necessary to write the status update to two tables, one where the key is the user and the other where the key is a group the user is in. Though this denormalization duplicates the data, this design would allow for looking up all updates in a group very quickly and efficiently because you can create two tables with the same data, and place a primary key on different elements in each table.

One final advantage of this type database is that it can use a query language that is similar to (but more restrictive than) SQL, allowing users who are familiar with relational databases to come up to speed quickly. For example, in simple cases the insert and select statements are identical to SQL:

INSERT INTO student (student_id, first_name, last_name)
VALUES (4489, 'Suzanne', 'Gonzalez');
SELECT * FROM student;

Database Transactions

The integrity of the data stored in a database is paramount. If the data is corrupted, every application that depends on the database may fail or encounter errors. Although referential integrity helps keep the data consistent, other forms of inconsistency can occur, even in a database that has referential integrity. An additional mechanism to maintain data integrity is the database transaction.

A transaction groups a set of related database manipulations together into a single unit. If any operation within the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and any changes made by the transaction are abandoned (rolled back). Conversely, if all the operations succeed, all the changes are committed together as a group.

Chapter 10 includes a simple example involving the addition and removal of money from a bank account. If you expand the example to involve the transfer of money between two accounts with account balances maintained in a database, you can see why transactions are so important. A transfer is actually two operations: removing money from the first account and then adding it to the second account. If an error occurs immediately after the money is removed from the first account, you want the system to detect the problem and redeposit the withdrawn money into the original account. As long as both operations are contained in a transaction, there won’t be any problems with this: Either both of them are successfully committed and the transfer succeeds, or neither one is committed and the transfer fails. In either case, no money is lost or created.

The four properties of a transaction are as follows:

  • Atomicity. The database system guarantees that either all operations within the transaction succeed or else they all fail.
  • Consistency. The transaction must ensure that the database is in a correct, consistent state at the start and the end of the transaction. No referential integrity constraints can be broken, for example.
  • Isolation. All changes to the database within a transaction are isolated from all other queries and transactions until the transaction is committed.
  • Durability. When committed, changes made in a transaction are permanent. The database system must have some way to recover from crashes and other problems so that the current state of the database is never lost.

These four properties are generally referred to as ACID. As you might imagine, there is a significant performance penalty to be paid if all four properties are to be guaranteed on each transaction. The isolation requirement can be particularly onerous on a system with many simultaneous transactions, so most systems allow the isolation requirements to be relaxed in different ways to provide improved performance.

Note that ACID compliance is not a relational database requirement, but most modern databases support it.

Distributed Databases

As databases and datasets grow, they almost inevitably become distributed—data is stored at multiple locations, across a network. This has the advantages of low latency, redundancy, and often lower cost. As such, many real-world databases consist of multiple nodes, frequently in different data centers.

The CAP theorem is one of the core distributed network database concepts. At its core, it recognizes that all distributed networks have delays and the connections will sometimes fail. The theorem states that a database can only possess two of the following three properties:

  • Consistency. Every read returns the most recent write. For example, if you have a distributed banking application and you have recently made a deposit into your account on one node, a read on any other node would reflect the most recent account balance.
  • Accessibility. Every request receives a response, though not necessarily reflecting the most recent writes. For example, in a distributed banking application, if you queried any node at any time for your account information, you would always get a response, though it may not be the most recent value for the account balance.
  • Partitionability. The system can be partitioned into nodes and the system continues to function even if data is dropped between nodes on the network. For example, in a distributed banking application, even if several nodes go down, the system as a whole still functions.

It would be great to have all three of these properties—a database that is always accessible, can be split up across nodes on an unreliable real-world network, and only returns the most recent information. But, unfortunately, all three properties are not simultaneously achievable. (Another way of looking at the CAP theorem is that it states that you can’t have both consistency and accessibility in a distributed system, because if you have both of these it can’t be partitioned, so it’s not distributed.)

Given the CAP theorem, many databases (for example, most distributed banking systems) choose availability over consistency. The system then applies limits, such as how much money can be withdrawn at once or in a day, so that the magnitude of potential inconsistency in account data can be limited, while maintaining availability in a distributed system. Because it is not possible for a high availability distributed system to be truly consistent, such systems are instead often designed to achieve eventual consistency. The properties of eventual consistency are summarized by the acronym BASE: Basically Available, Soft state, Eventual consistency. (Note that BASE is the opposite of ACID in a chemical sense.) In this model, eventual consistency means that every piece of data entered into the system will eventually propagate to all nodes and (if the system stops receiving input) this propagation will eventually result in systemwide consistency.

A database that sacrifices accessibility in favor of consistency is not available or provides no response when it is not able to provide the most recent data. This may manifest as “shutting down” while it is updating, or locking out all users for periods of time. Systems that are not 24x7 (such as a stock market), often take advantage of downtimes to allow for updates.


Database operations are so common in most programming roles, that you should expect a few questions if you indicate on your résumé that you have even the slightest experience.

Simple SQL

This is an extremely easy problem that an interviewer might use to determine whether you have ever used SQL before or whether you were padding your résumé when you mentioned it. If you know SQL, you’re all set. It’s a straightforward SQL INSERT statement; no tricks. If you don’t know SQL, you’re in trouble. The correct answer is:

INSERT INTO Olympics VALUES( 'Montreal', 1976 );

Company and Employee Database

TABLE 13-3: Company Sample Data

Hillary Plumbing 6
John Lawn Company 9
Dave Cookie Company 19
Jane Electricity 3

TABLE 13-4: Employees Hired Sample Data

3 3 3
3 2 4
19 4 1
6 2 1

This problem involves retrieving data from two tables. You must join the two tables to get all the needed information; id is the only key common to both tables, so you want to join on the column id. After you join the two tables, you can select the company name where the fiscal quarter is 4. This SQL statement looks like:

SELECT companyName FROM Company, EmployeesHired
WHERE Company.id = EmployeesHired.id AND fiscalQuarter = 4;

There is a small problem with this SQL statement. Consider what might happen if a company did not hire anyone in the fourth quarter. There could still be a tuple (a row of data) such as EmployeesHired(6, 0, 4). The company with id 6 would be returned by the preceding query even though it didn’t hire anyone during fiscal quarter 4. To fix this bug, you need to ensure that numHired is greater than 0. The revised SQL statement looks like this:

SELECT companyName FROM Company, EmployeesHired
WHERE Company.id = EmployeesHired.id AND fiscalQuarter = 4
      AND numHired > 0;

The best way to start this problem is by looking at the previous answer. You know how to get the names of all the companies that hired an employee in quarter 4. If you remove the WHERE condition that fiscalQuarter = 4, you have a query that returns the names of all companies that hired employees during all fiscal quarters. If you use this query as a subquery and select all the companies that are not in the result, you get all the companies that did not hire anyone in fiscal quarters 1 through 4. As a slight optimization, you can select just the id from the EmployeesHired table and select the companyName for company id values not in the subquery. The query looks like this:

SELECT companyName FROM Company WHERE id NOT IN
(SELECT id from EmployeesHired WHERE numHired > 0);

You’re asked to retrieve the totals of some sets of values, which indicates that you must use the SUM aggregate. In this problem, you don’t want the sum of the entire column, you want only a sum of the values that have the same id. To accomplish this task, you need to use the GROUP BY feature. This feature enables you to apply SUM over grouped values of data. Other than the GROUP BY feature, this query is similar to the first query except you omit fiscalQuarter = 4 in the WHERE clause. The query looks like this:

SELECT companyName, SUM(numHired)
FROM Company, EmployeesHired
WHERE Company.id = EmployeesHired.id
GROUP BY companyName;

This query is almost, but not quite, correct. The problem asks for the names of all companies, but the preceding query performs an inner join, so only companies that have rows in EmployeesHired appear in the results. For instance, with the provided sample data, John Lawn Company would not appear in the results. As the query is currently written, you want to retain unmatched rows from the first table, Company, so you must perform a left outer join. (Due to the foreign key constraint, there can’t be any unmatched rows in EmployeesHired.) A query performing a left outer join looks like:

SELECT companyName, SUM(numHired)
FROM Company LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeesHired
     ON Company.id = EmployeesHired.id
GROUP BY companyName;

There’s one final wrinkle: you’re instructed to return the total number of employees each company hired, but by the definition of an outer join, numHired will be NULL for companies with no rows in EmployeesHired. SUM(NULL) is NULL, so for these companies the preceding query returns NULL as the number hired instead of 0. You can fix this by applying a SQL function to the result that replaces any NULL values with 0 (if you know the name of this function without having to look it up, you’re a real SQL wizard):

SELECT companyName, COALESCE(SUM(numHired), 0)
FROM Company LEFT OUTER JOIN EmployeesHired
     ON Company.id = EmployeesHired.id
GROUP BY companyName;

Max, No Aggregates

In this problem, your hands are tied behind your back; you must find a maximum without using the feature designed for finding the maximum. A good way to start is by drawing a table with some sample data, as shown in Table 13-5.

TABLE 13-5: Sample Values for num

− 6

For this sample data, you want the query to return 23. 23 has the property that all other numbers are less than it. Though true, this way of looking at things doesn’t offer much help with constructing the SQL statement. A similar but more useful way to say the same thing is that 23 is the only number that does not have a number that is greater than it. If you could return every value that does not have a number greater than it, you would return only 23, and you would have solved the problem. Try designing a SQL statement to print out every number that does not have a number greater than it.

First, figure out which numbers do have numbers greater than themselves. This is a more manageable query. Begin by joining the table with itself to create all possible pairs for which each value in one column is greater than the corresponding value in the other column, as in the following query (AS gives the table a temporary alias for use within the query, allowing you to use the same table twice in a query):

SELECT Lesser.num, Greater.num
FROM Test AS Greater, Test AS Lesser
WHERE Lesser.num < Greater.num;

Using the sample data, this yields the results shown in Table 13-6.

TABLE 13-6: Temporary Table Formed after Join

−6 23
5 23
7 23
−6 7
5 7
−6 5

As desired, every value is in the lesser column except the maximum value of 23. Thus, if you use the previous query as a subquery and select every value not in it, you get the maximum value. This query would look like the following:

(SELECT Lesser.num FROM Test AS Greater, Test AS Lesser
WHERE Lesser.num < Greater.num);

There is one minor bug in this query. If the maximum value is repeated in the Test table, it will be returned twice. To prevent this, use the DISTINCT keyword. This changes the query to the following:

(SELECT Lesser.num FROM Test AS Greater, Test AS Lesser
WHERE Lesser.num < Greater.num);

Three-Valued Logic

This problem seems simple. The immediately obvious solution is this query:

SELECT * FROM Address WHERE apartment = NULL;

This won’t return any addresses, however, because of SQL’s use of ternary, or three-valued, logic. Unlike the two-valued Boolean logic used in most programming languages, three possible logical values exist in SQL: TRUE, FALSE and UNKNOWN. As you might expect, UNKNOWN means that the truth is uncertain because it involves a value that is unknown, missing, or not representable.

The familiar AND, OR, and NOT operations return different values in the presence of an UNKNOWN value, as shown in Tables 13-7, 13-8, and 13-9.

TABLE 13-7: Ternary AND Operations


TABLE 13-8: Ternary OR Operations


TABLE 13-9: Ternary NOT Operations


The preceding query fails because it uses the equality operator ( = ) to test for a NULL column value. In most databases, a comparison to NULL returns UNKNOWN—even when comparing NULL to NULL. The rationale for this is that NULL represents missing or unknown data, so it’s unknown whether two NULL values represent the same value or two unequal pieces of missing data. Queries return rows only where the WHERE clause is TRUE; if the WHERE clause contains = NULL, then all the rows have UNKNOWN value and none are returned. The proper way to check for a NULL or non-NULL column is to use the IS NULL or IS NOT NULL syntax. Thus, the original query should be restated as follows:

SELECT * FROM Address WHERE apartment IS NULL;

Not accounting for UNKNOWN values in WHERE clause conditions is a common error, especially when the appearance of NULL values is less obvious. For instance, the following query doesn’t return every row except those where apartment = 1; it returns only rows that have a non-NULL apartment not equal to 1:

SELECT * FROM Address WHERE apartment <> 1;

School Schemata

Start with an example. Assume a student, Eric, takes five classes. Each class (for example, “Advanced Programming”) has 30–90 students in it. If you take an approach that started with students, you could keep track of all of the students and the classes that they take, using a schema like:

"students": {
   "eric": {
     "name": "Eric Giguere",
     "classes": {
         "Advanced Programming": true,
        "Math 205": true

In this example, you are able to quickly look up a student, and then find out all of the classes that the student is taking. However, to find all of the students in a given class, you would have to retrieve every single student, and go through every class of every student. The current schema is clearly not optimized for this use case.

Alternatively, you could start with classes as the root, as in:

"classes": {
   "Advanced Programming": {
     "name": "Advanced Programming:  NoSQL databases",
     "students": {
       "eric": true,
       "john": true,
       "noah": true

This approach has the opposite problem. It’s very fast to find the students within a given class, but very time consuming to find all of the classes a certain student is taking.

Since you want two properties—fast lookup of a student’s classes and fast lookup of a class’s students—you can use both of the preceding representations in your schema. If you use both, you have data redundancy, and would have to maintain consistency with operations for adding and deleting students and classes. However, you would be able to achieve the properties that you want for this dataset.

This is just a trivial translation of the requirements:

CREATE TABLE student (
    student_id int PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name varchar(255),
    last_name varchar(255),
    email varchar(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL
    class_id int PRIMARY KEY,
    title varchar(255),
    room_number varchar(255),
    instructor varchar(255)
CREATE TABLE enrollment (
    student_id int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES student(student_id),
    class_id int NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES class(class_id)

This is a straightforward SQL SELECT statement, where you can join the class table and enrollment tables and use the COUNT function:

FROM student JOIN enrollment USING (student_id)
WHERE email = '[email protected]';

In the preceding SQL schema, every time you want to use an email to look up the number of classes that a student is taking, you need to perform a join across tables. One potential way to denormalize and avoid the join would be to add email as a column inside the enrollment table. This would allow you to then count the number of classes without having to join tables to identify the student by email. Doing this results in an enrollment table that looks like:

CREATE TABLE enrollment {
       student_id int NOT NULL,
       class_id int NOT NULL,
       email varchar(255)

Then, your query is a straightforward count of rows in the enrollment table:

FROM enrollment WHERE email = '[email protected]';

This produces the answer without a join. However, it is still not as optimized for speed as it could be—because you need to search for the rows where the email matches the desired value every time you call the query. While an index on email would speed this up considerably, you would still have to count at least the number of rows that had the desired value for email. If you wanted to further speed up this query, (particularly if you imagine a similar schema where the number of class-type entities associated with a student-type entity became very high) you could denormalize the database by creating a column in the student table that directly tracks the number of classes a student is taking. Then, every time you inserted or deleted from the class function, you would update this column in the student table.

In this approach, the student table becomes:

CREATE TABLE student (
    student_id int NOT NULL,
    first_name varchar(255),
    last_name varchar(255),
    email varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY UNIQUE NOT NULL,
    num_classes int

Now, the query to look up the number of classes is trivial:

SELECT num_classes from student where email = '[email protected]';


This query becomes very efficient as it only has to read a single value from a single row identified by a unique key.

Trade-offs exist for everything, and this change to the schema does come with some disadvantages. You’ve introduced a new column to represent information that was already present in the original schema. This requires additional storage space, and also creates a potential for inconsistency in the database (if the value of num_classes for a student is not equal to the number of rows in enrollment associated with that student).

Now, when you add or remove a row from enrollment, you also need to update num_classes in the student table. You would need to make both of these changes inside a single transaction to avoid inconsistency in case one of the changes failed. This makes inserts and deletes slower, but that could be a worthwhile trade-off in a system where updates are rare and reads need to be efficient.

As previously discussed, you need to ensure that your statements are inside a single transaction to avoid inconsistency. The syntax and mechanism for this varies by database system, so we don’t represent it explicitly in the following solution.

Assuming the transaction has been taken care of, for enrollment you have to both insert into the enrollment table, and then increment num_classes in the student table:

INSERT INTO enrollment VALUES (334, 887);

UPDATE student
SET num_classes = num_classes + 1
WHERE student_id = 334;

Unenrollment looks very much like the reverse of the insert and the update—again making sure this occurs within a transaction:

DELETE FROM enrollment WHERE student_id = 334 AND class_id = 887;

UPDATE student
SET num_classes = num_classes - 1
WHERE student_id = 334;

You should work through a couple of examples to make sure that both sets of statements are correct. When you do, you may find a few special cases that require your attention. When inserting a new row into student, you would need to ensure that you start num_classes at 0. Then you have some edge cases. For example, if you try to delete a row from enrollment that does not exist, you would not want to decrement the number of classes. Additionally, you would want to make sure that you do not insert a duplicate into rows in the enrollment table.

This is a real-world issue: a distributed database is not guaranteed to be always consistent. In general, the guarantee is for eventual consistent consistency.

One way to think about this is by considering a common distributed system that already meets this criterion—the banking system. In banking, limits exist on updates; for instance, how much money you can withdraw at any one time, or how long before a deposited check is credited to your account. These limits allow time for a potentially inconsistent network to update, and minimize the size of inconsistency that can occur in an account while still providing the usability and convenience of high availability.

Similarly, in a student system, you could create rules such as having an enrollment period for students, a time delay between the end of class enrollment and final class roster announcement, and a time delay between when grades are due and when they are announced. Not coincidentally, these rules bear a striking resemblance to those employed in most universities’ class registration systems.


Databases are common building blocks of applications, especially web-based applications. Most database systems are based on the concepts of relational database theory, so you can expect most problems you encounter to involve accessing and manipulating relational data. To do this, you need to understand basic SQL commands such as SELECT and INSERT. Transactions and foreign key constraints are among the mechanisms that databases provide to maintain consistency. NoSQL concepts and questions also come up occasionally, as do properties of transactions and distributed databases.

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