
  • ABB, see Asea, Brown and Boveri
  • Abeid, Cesar
  • Acceptance:
    • corporate-wide
    • of methodologies
    • of risk
  • Accountability
  • Accreditation (qualification process)
  • Accuracy
  • Acquisitions. See also Mergers and acquisitions
  • Actel-Lucent (Nokia)
  • Action initiation (core competency)
  • Action teams
  • Activity phase mapping
  • Adaptive management
  • Adkins, Rodney, on project management
  • Advanced Delivery Management approach
  • Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) methodology
  • Advanced project management
  • Aerospace industry:
    • in 1950s and 1960s
    • customer-focused project offices of
    • new product development in
    • project management training in
  • Aggregate planning models
  • Aggressive anger
  • Agile coach
  • Agile Manifesto
  • Agile methodologies
    • change management in
    • and constraints
    • defined
    • at Deloitte
    • and levels of project management maturity
    • metrics in
    • and project closure
    • and Scrum
    • 12 Principles of
    • values of
    • waterfall vs.
  • Agile teams
  • AI (artificial intelligence)
  • AirBus Space and Defence:
    • APQP methodology at
    • Golden Rules for Project Management of
    • Integrated Multilevel Scheduling at
    • methodologies of
  • Alcatel-Lucent
  • Alcatel-Lucent University
  • Alexander, Jack
  • Alignment, governance and
  • Align phase (PLM VDM)
  • Allen-Bradley
  • Al Maktoum, Mohammad bin Rashid
  • Al Mur, Mohammed
  • Amazon
  • Amber traffic lights
  • American Greetings Corporation:
    • benefits of project management at
    • PMO of
  • American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
  • American Telephone and Telegraph, see AT&T
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Analytical approach
  • Anbari, Frank T., on managing project risk
  • Anger, in project environment
  • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
  • Antares Solutions (Medical Mutual)
  • Anticipatory delivery of knowledge
  • Apple, and excellence
  • Application of knowledge, by training program participants
  • Application Owner System
  • APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) methodology
  • Archibald, Russ
  • Arms race
  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • ASAP Methodology for Implementation
  • Asea, Brown and Boveri (ABB)
    • customer satisfaction management at
    • PMO at
    • risk management at
    • training at
  • Assessments (Six Sigma)
    • factors to consider for
    • life-cycle phases for
    • purpose of
    • tools for
  • ASTD (American Society for Training and Development)
  • AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph)
    • best practices library of
    • best practices of
    • culture of
    • excellence defined at
    • job descriptions of
    • key performance indicators at
    • portfolio management at
    • POs of
    • project success at
    • validating best practices at
  • Attack strategies, for political projects
  • Attention to detail (core competency)
  • “Attractive state,”
  • Audits, project
  • Austen, Jane, on pride
  • Authority:
    • challenges of
    • in emerging markets
    • envy about
    • loss of
  • Automated testing, in Scrum
  • Avalon Power and Light (pseudonym)
  • Avarice, in project environment
  • Awards:
    • cash
    • David Cleland Award
    • Hamdan Bin Mohamed
    • KM Pacesetter award
    • noncash
    • North American and Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise Awards
    • PMO of the Year
    • project
    • Project Team of the Year
  • Babcock and Wilcox
  • Backlog, in Scrum
  • Bad news
  • Baker, Christine, on PMO at Boeing
  • Balancing Individual and Organizational Values (Ken Hultman and Bill Gellerman)
  • Bancroft, George, on avarice
  • Banking industry methodologies
  • Barrow, W. F. “Bud,” on project management
  • Baselining
  • Basic project management
  • BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Model
  • BCR, for training
  • Behavioral culture
  • Behavioral excellence
    • and conflict resolution
    • keys to
    • and proactive vs. reactive management
    • rewarding teams for
    • and situational leadership
    • staffing for
    • for virtual project teams
  • Behavioral subjects
  • Behavioral success
  • Beliefs, collective
  • “Bells and whistles,”
  • Belliveau, P., on fuzzy front end
  • Benchmarking
    • for best practices
    • competitive
    • external
    • limitations of
    • process
    • and training trends
  • Bendix Corporation
  • Benefits:
    • and business case
    • categories of
    • company-specific
    • converting to value
    • defined
    • derived from
    • estimation of
    • and life-cycle phases
    • portfolio
    • realization of
    • templates for
  • Benefits management
  • Benefit metrics
  • Benefits monitoring
  • Benefits realization management (BRM)
  • Benefits Realization (BR) Phase
  • Benefit-to-cost analysis
  • Best (proven) practices
    • from 1945 to 1960
    • from 1960 to 1985
    • from 1985 to 2014
    • beliefs about
    • communicating
    • definitions of
    • and definitions of project success
    • discovery of
    • drivers for
    • ensuring usage of
    • failure of
    • identifying
    • implementation of
    • improper application of
    • learned from failure
    • levels of
    • management of
    • process for
    • for recovery project management
    • revalidating
    • seeking out
    • simplicity of
    • templates for
    • usage of
    • usefulness of
    • use of term
    • validating
  • Best practices applications:
    • of AT&T
    • of Churchill Downs
    • of Computer Associates
    • of EDS
    • of government
    • of Halifax Community Health Systems
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of HP Services
    • of IBM
    • of Indra
    • of Microsoft
    • of Motorola
    • of Nortel Networks
    • of Orange Switzerland
    • of Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center
    • of Sherwin-Williams
    • of Siemens
    • of Six Sigma
    • of Wärtsilä
  • Best practices audits
  • Best practices library (BPL)
    • communicating best practices with
    • creating
    • at Hewlett-Packard
    • levels of best practices in
    • and management of best practices
    • and validating best practices
  • Best practices overload
  • Best Practice Owner
  • Bhagavad Gita
  • Bidding, competitive
  • Biedermann, Michel
  • Billings, Josh, on gluttony
  • Binder, Jean
  • Bodega, Domenico
  • Boeing:
    • corporate culture of
    • informal project management at
    • integrated management processes of
    • PMO of
    • risk management of
    • and Thiokol Corporation
  • Boeing
  • Boilerplate proposal
  • Bolzman, Doug:
    • on best practices
    • on critical success factors
    • on culture at Hewlett-Packard
    • on excellence
    • on executives’ role
    • on key performance indicators
    • on methodology foundations
    • on PMO approach at HP
    • on project success
    • on Six Sigma–PM relationship
    • on sponsorship
  • Bonuses
  • Booz, Allen, and Hamilton
  • Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Model
  • Boundary boxes
  • Boutros, Sameh, on global PMOs
  • Boyd, Keri
  • BPL, see Best practices library
  • Braaflat, Kerry, on PMO at Boeing
  • Brand actions, of DFCU
  • Brandman, Jerry
  • Branson, Richard, on administrative support
  • BRM, see Benefits realization management
  • Brown, James C.n
    • and PMO of the Year Award
    • on portfolio managementn
  • Buchtik, Liliana
  • Buddha, on lust
  • Build phase (PLM VDM)
  • Bureaucracy
  • Burton, Robert, on gluttony
  • Business Analysis (new-product development)
  • Business Area Public Telecommunications
  • Business Change Process
  • Business component, in defining project success
  • Business drivers
  • Business education, need for
  • Business impact of training programs
  • Business knowledge
  • Business Lead
  • Business objectives, in Scrum
  • Business process, project management as
  • Business unit impact of training
  • Buy-in


  • CA (Computer Associates Technologies)
  • Cancellation (projects)
  • Capabilities, following mergers and acquisitions
  • Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)
  • Capacity planning
  • CapCom Credit Union
  • Capellanus, Andreas, on avarice
  • Capital projects
  • CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management)
  • CAQ (Certificates of Added Qualification)
  • Career Framework (IBM)
  • Career path, project management
  • Cash awards
  • Cash flow
  • Categorization, project
  • Cavanaugh, Kathleen:
    • on integrated processes
    • on stakeholder engagement and sponsorship
  • CDI, see Churchill Downs, Incorporated
  • The Center for Business Practices
  • Certificates of Added Qualification (CAQ)
  • Certification:
    • dual
    • at Nokia
    • PMP®
    • in qualification process
    • training for, at educational institutions
  • Certification, at IBM
  • Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
  • Challenger space shuttle disaster
  • Challenges, in agile methodology
  • Champions:
    • initiation and exit
    • for methodology development
    • of project teams
    • sponsors vs.
  • Change(s):
    • in benefits management
    • and conflicts
    • in corporate culture
    • to customer requirements
    • requests for, see Change requests
  • Change control process (Microsoft Solutions Framework)
  • Change management
    • in aerospace and defense industries
    • in agile methodology
    • following mergers and acquisitions
    • and integrated management processes
    • in project-driven organizations
    • as project management complement
    • and risk management
    • in Scrum
  • Change management applications:
    • of Churchill Downs
    • of Deloitte
    • of Naviair
  • Change requests
  • Charters:
    • of AT&T
    • of Churchill Downs, Incorporated
    • as foundation of projects
    • of GM Powertrain
    • in Golden Rules for Project Management
    • managing assumptions with
    • preparing
    • stakeholder signatures on
  • Charvat, Jason, on methodologies
  • Checklists
  • Chrysler Motors
  • “Chunking,”
  • Churchill, Winston, on lust
  • Churchill Downs, Incorporated (CDI):
    • best practices of
    • methodology of
    • PMO of
    • portfolio management at
    • project success at
    • scope change control at
  • CIP (contract implementation process)
  • Clarity, as DFCU brand action
  • Classification process (proactive risk management)
  • Client credibility tests
  • Client Program Management Office (CPMO)
  • Closed ended questions
  • Closeout, with Open Book Estimates
  • Close phase (PLM VDM)
  • Closure
    • in emerging markets
    • at Indra
    • measuring value at
    • of Rockwell Automation
    • at Sherwin-Williams
  • CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration)
  • Coaching, agile
  • Code of Conduct and Professional Responsibility
  • Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility
  • Codification strategy
  • Coffin, Harold, on envy
  • Cold War
  • Coleman, Randy
  • Collaboration
    • in agile methodology
    • at GEA and Heineken
  • Collective belief
  • Collectivism
  • Co-located governance
  • Color-coded status reporting
  • Colton, Charles Caleb, on avarice
  • Comau
    • contract management at
    • global project management process
    • lessons learned by
    • Paradigm Pyramid
    • PMO at
    • PMP certification at
    • Project Management Academy
    • risk management at
    • Risk Register tool
  • Comau Project Management Academy
  • Commercialization stage (new-product development)
  • Committees, governance
  • Committee sponsorship
  • Common product development (CPD)
  • Communication(s):
    • in agile methodology
    • of best practices
    • as core competency
    • face-to-face
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • in global projects
    • in Golden Rules for Project Management
    • in informal project management
    • at Naviair
    • at Nortel Networks
    • organizational
    • in proactive risk management
    • and project management politics
    • for recovery project management
    • UPPM™ methodologies for
  • Communities, at Fluor Corporation
  • Community building
  • Community franchise expectations
  • Community of Excellence
  • Community of Practice (CoP)
  • Community plan
  • Company specific benefits
  • Company specific best practices
  • Competency models
    • of Alcatel-Lucent
    • of Eli Lilly
    • job descriptions vs.
    • Six Sigma for
  • Competition for project funding
  • Competitive benchmarking
  • Competitive bidding
  • Competitive cultures
  • Competitiveness
  • Complementary project management processes, see Integrated management processes
  • Completion
  • Complexity management (core competency)
  • Compliance audits
  • Compromise
  • Computer Associates (CA) Technologies
  • Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC):
    • project audits at
  • Conceptual models
  • Conclusion phase
  • Concurrent engineering:
    • cost savings due to
    • and integrated management processes
    • and total quality management
    • and TQM
  • Cone of Uncertainty
  • Configuration control board
  • Conflict(s)
    • change causing
    • of interest
    • of personality
  • Conflict resolution
  • Confrontation
  • Conservation Measures Partnership
  • Consideration phase
  • Constraints:
    • and agile methodologies
    • in agile methodology
    • maintenance of
    • triple
  • Consultants, education ROI determination by
  • Context (cultural)
  • Contextual delivery of knowledge
  • Contingency planning, at Zurich America
  • Continuous improvement
    • DMAIC model for
    • and training trends
  • Continuous learning
  • Contract(s):
    • in agile methodology
    • and customer expectations
    • at GM Powertrain
    • in Golden Rules for Project Management
    • with Open Book Estimates
  • Contractco (pseudonym)
  • Contract implementation process (CIP)
  • Contractual dates
  • Contractual stage
  • Control, of Integrated Multilevel Schedules
  • Control model
  • Convex Corporation
  • Cooperation
  • Cooperative cultures
  • CoP, see Community of Practice
  • Core competency models. See also Competency models
  • Core coursework (project management degree)
  • Corporate culture. See also Culture
    • in agile methodology
    • of Boeing
    • changes in
    • creation of
    • of DFCU Financial
    • of Fluor Corporation
    • of GEA and Heikeken (collaboration)
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Indra
    • methodologies created around
    • methodologies requiring change to
    • of Midwest Corporation (pseudonym)
    • problems incorporating
    • of Texas Instruments
  • Corporate POs
  • Corporate values
  • Corporate-wide acceptance
  • Corruption, in emerging markets
  • Cost base, for Open Book Estimates
  • Cost effectiveness of Six Sigma
  • Costing:
    • life-cycle
    • project
    • as triple constraint
  • Cost management
  • Cost-monitoring system
  • Cost overruns
  • Cost performance index (CPI)
  • Cost reduction
  • Course design (training)
  • Coursework (education)
  • Covetousness
  • CPD (common product development)
  • CPI, see Cost performance index
  • CPMO (Client Program Management Office)
  • Creativity
  • Crises, defining
  • Crisis dashboards
  • Crisis management, maturity and
  • Critical projects, vital signs of
  • Critical success factors (CSFs):
    • and business impact of training
    • defining success in terms of
    • at Hewlett-Packard
    • identifying best practices from
    • and long-term benefits
    • in mission statement
  • Critical thinking (core competency)
  • “Critical to quality” (CTQ)
  • Crosby, Phillip B.
  • Crossman, Richard Howard Stafford, on lust
  • Cross-stream integration
  • Crotty, Jim, on training
  • CSC, see Computer Sciences Corporation
  • CSFs, see Critical success factors
  • CSS3
  • CTQ (“critical to quality”)
  • Cultural shock
  • Culture
    • corporate, see Corporate culture
    • and corporate values
    • defined
    • in emerging markets
    • and implementation of change
    • informal
    • as M&A integration problem
    • at Naviair
    • and project management in emerging markets
    • and technology use
    • types of
    • at Wärtsilä
  • Custom-designed courses
  • Customer(s)
    • advertising best practices to
    • in agile methodology
    • expectations of
    • external/internal
    • focus on
    • knowledge of
    • management of
    • methodologies accepted by
    • needs of, during closure
    • as references
    • success defined by
  • Customer base
  • Customer experience
  • Customer-focused project offices
  • Customer group POs
  • Customer Management Solution portfolio
  • Customer-related benefits
  • Customer-related projects
  • Customer relations
  • Customer requirements:
    • changes to
    • in Golden Rules for Project Management
  • Customer Requirements Document
  • Customer satisfaction
    • and internal controls
    • and PMO
    • problems with
    • in Six Sigma
    • and success
  • Customer satisfaction management
  • Customer service
  • DA (Disciplined agile)
  • Daily Scrum
  • Dashboards
    • in agile methodology
    • crisis
    • financial health
    • and governance
    • scorecards vs.
    • types of
    • at WWF
  • Data analysis phase (ROI)
  • Data-collection phase (ROI)
  • Data oriented culture
  • Dates, contractual. See also Scheduling
  • David Cleland Award
  • Davis, David, on canceling projects
  • Debriefing sessions
  • Decentralized decision making
  • Decision making:
    • about best practices
    • as core competency
    • in crises
    • decentralized
    • preacquisition
    • project governance and speed of
    • by project managers
    • sponsor support in
  • Dedication, in emerging markets
  • Defense industry:
    • in 1950s and 1960s
    • customer-focused project offices of
    • new product development in
    • project management training for contractors
  • Defensive projects
  • Definition of done (DoD)
  • Delayed investment, in PM improvements
  • Deliverables
    • open-ended
    • well-defined
  • Delivery channels
  • Delivery (D) Phase
  • Deloitte
    • agile methodology at
    • change management at
    • Enterprise Value Delivery at
    • Enterprise Value Map™ of
    • EPM framework at
    • leadership and governance at
    • People Dimension of Transformation framework
    • portfolio management at
    • program management at
    • project management method of
    • project teams at
    • project variance at
  • Deloitte Investment Framework
  • Deming, W. Edwards
  • Denryoku Work Breakdown Structure (D-WBS)
  • Departmental Portfolio Management Office (DPMO)
  • Department of Defense (DoD). See also Defense industry
  • Department of Energy
  • Dependencies
  • Deploy phase (PLM VDM)
  • de Sade, Marquis, on lust
  • Design, of training courses
  • Design alternatives
  • Design Solutions (pseudonym)
  • Design Thinking (Scrum)
  • Detailed Schedule
  • Development
  • Development stage (new-product development)
  • De Vries, Peter, on gluttony
  • DEWA (Dubai Electricity & Water Authority)
  • DFCU Financial, culture of
  • DIPMF (Dubai International Project Management Forum)
  • Direction, governance and
  • Disagreements
  • Disciplined agile (DA)
  • Discretionary zone
  • DMAIC model, with TQM
  • Doctorate degrees in project management
  • Documentation:
    • in agile methodology
    • amount of
    • hidden
    • maintenance of
    • in project selection
    • in Scrum
  • DoD, see Definition of done
  • DoD (Department of Defense). See also Defense industry
  • Dodge Viper sports car
  • “Dogs,”
  • Donohoe, John, on PMOn
  • Dow, Bill
  • Dow Chemical Corporation
  • Downsizing
  • D (Delivery) Phase
  • DPMO (Departmental Portfolio Management Office)
  • Driving forces:
    • for benefits management
    • for best practices
    • for excellence
    • and maturity
    • for PM improvement
    • for project management
  • Dual certification
  • Dual sponsorship
  • Duarte, D. L., on virtual teams
  • Dubai, excellence in
  • Dubai Canal
  • Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA)
  • Dubai International Project Management Forum (DIPMF)
  • Dubai Metro
  • Dubai Tram
  • Dunham, David, on risk management
  • D-WBS (Denryoku Work Breakdown Structure)


  • Earned Value Management (EVM)
  • Earned Value Management System (EVMS)
  • Earned Value Measurement System
  • Earned-value measurement (EVM) systems:
    • KPIs as critical components of
    • VMMs and EPMs vs.
  • Eckerson, W.:
    • on dashboards and scorecards
    • on key performance indicators
  • EDS, best practices at
  • Education. See also Learning; Training
    • business
    • changes to coursework
    • course design for
    • fundamentals of
    • ROI of
  • Effectiveness
  • Efficiency
  • Einstein, Albert
  • Electives (project management degree)
  • Elenbaas, Marv, on protect as brand action
  • Eli Lilly, competency model of
  • Elmo
  • Emaar Properties
  • Emerging markets
    • barriers in
    • cultures of
    • implementation of project management in
    • recommendations for
    • status and politics in
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo:
    • on anger
    • on envy
  • Employees:
    • in emerging markets
    • empowerment of
    • inappropriate allocation of
  • Empowerment
    • as DFCU brand action
    • of employees
    • and Golden Rules for Project Management
    • of project managers
    • of teams
  • Enakta, driving forces at
  • End-of-phase gate review
  • End-of-phase gate review meeting
  • End user documentation
  • Enemies, true
  • Engagement, stakeholder
  • Engagement project management
  • Engineering, concurrent, see Concurrent engineering
  • Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) contracts
  • Engineering and Construction Services Division (Dow Chemical)
  • Enhancement projects
  • Enterprise content management system
  • Enterprise PMO (EPMO)
  • Enterprise program management (EPM)
  • Enterprise Project Management (EPM)
    • change control process
    • client recommendations for
    • and excellence
    • and governance
    • methodologies for
    • for nontraditional projects
    • VMM and EVM vs.
  • Enterprise Value Delivery (EVD)
  • Enterprise Value Delivery (EVD) for Agile Method
  • Enterprise Value Map™
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Envy, in project environment
  • EPC contracts, see Engineering, Procurement & Construction contracts
  • Epics, in Scrum
  • EPM, see Enterprise Project Management
  • EPM (enterprise program management)
  • EPM (enterprise project management)
  • EPMO (enterprise PMO)
  • Erichsen, Steen Myhre Taschnern
  • Ericsson, Mikaeln
  • Ericsson Telecom AB:
    • methodologies of
    • PROPS model of
  • Estimate to Complete (ETC)
  • Etihad Museum
  • EVD (Enterprise Value Delivery)
  • EVMS (Earned Value Management System)
  • EVM systems, see Earned-value measurement systems
  • Evolutionary years (training)
  • Excellence. See also Behavioral excellence
    • actions for
    • in agile methodology
    • defining
    • and delay of maturity
    • driving forces for
    • in global project management, see Global project management excellence
    • hexagon of
    • and management support
    • managing assumptions about
    • and methodologies
    • roadblocks to
  • Excellence applications:
    • of AT&T
    • of Avalon Power and Light (pseudonym)
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Hitachi Ltd.
    • of Kombs Engineering (pseudonym)
    • of Motorola
    • of Naviair
    • of Nokia
    • and project governance
    • of Pursuit Healthcare Advisors
    • recognizing need for
    • roadblocks to
    • of Roadway Express
    • of RTA
    • in sponsorship
    • staffing for
    • steps for
    • and strategic planning
    • of Texas Instruments
    • of Williams Machine Tool Company (pseudonym)
    • of World Wide Fund for Nature International
  • ExCom (Executive Committee)
  • Execution phase:
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • purpose of
    • at Rockwell Automation
    • at Sherwin-Williams
  • Executives. See also Senior management
    • implementation by
    • as initiation and exit champions
    • IT governance by
    • rewards for
    • strategic planning by
    • training for
    • view of project management
  • Executive buy-in
  • Executive champions. See also Champions
  • Executive Committee (ExCom)
  • Executive management acceptance phase
  • Executive sponsors. See also Sponsors
    • in emerging markets
    • executive champions vs.
    • supportive roles of
  • Executive sponsorship. See also Sponsorship
  • Executive support, see Management support
  • Executive understanding
  • Exit audits
  • Exit champions
  • Expectations
  • Expectation management
  • Expertise:
    • accelerated delivery of
    • failure due to too much
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • and PMCP
    • in recovery PM
  • Exploration stage (new-product development)
  • Exposure training
  • External benchmarking
  • External customers
  • External growth. See also Mergers and acquisitions
  • External speakers
  • External trainers
  • “eXtreme” Programming (XP)


  • Facebook
  • Face-to-face communications
  • Facilitation
  • Failing projects, methodologies for
  • Failure:
    • accountability for
    • of best practices
    • criteria for
    • due to collective belief
    • due to hidden agenda
    • due to inflicting misfortune
    • due to information filtering
    • due to lust for power
    • due to too much expertise
    • due to union standard
    • due to unjust anger
    • due to wrong sponsor
    • in emerging markets
    • of governance
    • of greed for bonuses
    • of key performance indicators
    • of laziness
    • learning best practices from
    • of methodologies
    • of power
    • of project management integration
    • relationship
    • reorganizational
    • restructuring after
    • reward
    • of risk management
    • and Seven Deadly Sins
    • in Six Sigma
    • and sponsorship
    • of strategic plans
    • tests for
    • of too many resources
  • Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • Fallacies delaying project management maturity
  • False perceptions, project failure and
  • Feasibility study phase
    • and expectations
    • purpose of
    • at Rockwell Automation
  • Features, in Scrum
  • Federal Express
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
  • FEED, see Front-End Engineering Design
  • Feedback, in agile methodology
  • Feigenbaum, Norman
  • Femininity
  • Fence-sitters
  • Fenzi, Mauro
  • FFE (fuzzy front end)
  • FiatChrysler Motors
  • Fiat Group
  • Fibonacci sequence
  • Financial benefits
  • Financial health dashboards
  • Financial projects
  • Financial review
  • Financial risks
  • Financing
  • Firefighting, maturity and
  • Fishbone diagrams
  • Five Artifacts of Scrum
  • Fixed-price contracts
  • Flexibility
  • Fluor Corporation
    • communication at
    • design alternatives at
    • execution at
    • expertise at
    • future directions at
    • KM Pioneers at
    • knowledge communities at
    • knowledge management at
    • Knowledge OnLine™
    • knowledge sharing at
    • leadership at
  • Flying Tiger
  • FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
  • Foes, on political projects
  • Force
  • Ford Motor Company
  • Forensic team meetings
  • Forms
  • Formality
  • Formal project management
  • Forman, Mark, on portfolio management
  • Foster Defense Group (pseudonym)
  • Foundation
  • Fragmented cultures
  • Frameworks. See also Models
    • for collaboration
    • Deloitte’s EPM framework
    • Deloitte’s Investment Framework
    • enterprise program management
    • Global Program
    • IBM’s Career Framework
    • Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • Project Delivery
    • release management
    • value performance
  • Franch, Laura, on WWPMM at IBM
  • Franklin, Benjamin:
    • on anger
    • on avarice
    • on sloth
  • Franklin Engineering (pseudonym)
  • Fregnan, Ezio
  • Friends, on political projects
  • Front-End Engineering Design (FEED)
  • Functional managers
  • Functional POs
  • Funding, competition for
  • Future benefits
  • Future-related projects
  • Future Value ManagementTM
  • Fuzzy front end (FFE)


  • Gap analysis
  • Gap closure
  • Gate review:
    • end-of-phase
    • stage-
  • Gate reviews
  • Gateway
  • GEA
  • GEA Project Management Manual, stages in
  • Gellerman, Bill
  • General Electric (GE)
  • General Motors (GM)
  • General Motors Powertrain Group:
    • four-phase model of
    • methodology of
    • sponsorship by committee in
    • technical expertise of program managers in
  • General Project Manager Accreditation
  • Geographically dispersed governance
  • GE Plastics
  • Ghisolfi, Alexandre Sörensen
  • Githens, Gregory, on risk management
  • Gladwell, Malcolm
  • Global Excellence Leaders
  • Global PMOs, at Hewlett-Packard
  • Global Program Framework (GPF)
  • Global projects
  • Global project management excellence
    • at Comau
    • at Deloitte
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • at IBM
    • knowledge communities for
    • at Microsoft
    • at Siemens PLM Software
  • Gluttony, in project environment
  • GM (General Motors)
  • GM Powertrain Group, see General Motors Powertrain Group
  • Goals:
    • alignment of
    • as DFCU brand action
    • fallacy about
    • in Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • in planning stage
    • of Six Sigma
  • Golden Rules for Project Management
  • Goleman, Daniel
  • Go-live project management
  • Good intentions
  • Google
  • Governance
    • at Deloitte
    • by executives
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • and management support
    • and Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • with Siemens PLM VDM
    • at Tokio Marine Group
  • Governance committees
  • Government:
    • best practices of
    • and emerging markets
    • failure due to information filtering in
  • GPF (Global Program Framework)
  • Gray, Mark, on project health checks
  • Greed, in project environment
  • Green traffic lights
  • Greer, Rustyn
  • Gregerson, Steve, on integrated processes
  • Griffin, A., on fuzzy front end
  • Growth, internal vs. external
  • Growth phase
  • “Growth potential” value chains
  • Guida, Roberton,
  • Guidelines, evaluating maturity with
  • Guinness Book of World Records


  • Halifax Community Health Systems
  • Hamdan Bin Mohamed Award
  • Hansler, Jim, on HP project management
  • Hard values, measuring
  • Harrin, Elizabeth
  • Harris Corporation
  • Health Care Associates (pseudonym)
  • Health care organizations
  • Health checks, project
  • Heavy methodologies
  • Heavy Vehicle Systems Group
  • Heineken
  • Herbert, George, on gluttony
  • Hernia reports
  • Hershock, Robert:
    • on failure
    • on leadership
    • on team membership
  • Hester, Jeffn
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP):
    • best practices of
    • culture of
    • excellence at
    • key-performance indicators
    • management support at
    • methodology of
    • PMOs of
    • project success at
    • sponsorship at
    • training at
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP) Services
    • best practices of
    • commitment to project management
    • executive view of project management at
    • Global Method
    • processes and methodology
  • Hidden agendas
  • Hillson, David
  • Hiring
  • Hitachi Ltd.:
    • Denryoku Work Breakdown Structure of
    • excellence at
    • initiatives to strengthen project management capacity at
    • Phase-Gate Management at
  • “Hit the launch date” decision rule
  • Hornwall, Jan, on global project methodologyn
  • “How to Achieve Maturity in Project Management” (Dave Kandt)
  • HP, see Hewlett-Packard
  • HP Global Method
  • HP Services, see Hewlett-Packard Services
  • HRD (human resources development)
  • HTML5
  • Hubbard, D. W., on measurement and KPIs
  • Hubbard, Douglas W.n.
  • Hultman, Ken
  • Human behavior
  • Human resources development (HRD)
  • Human resource management
  • Huxley, Elizabeth, on sloth
  • Hybrid organizations
  • Hydra sessions
  • Hynes, Martin D.


  • IBM:
    • executive view of project management at
    • global project management excellence at
    • methodologies of
    • professional development at
  • IBM System and Technology Group
  • “Idea bank,”
  • Idea Generation (IG) Phase
  • ILL (International Institute for Learning)
  • Impact, measuring
  • Impediments, in agile methodology
  • Implementation
    • ASAP Methodology for
    • of best practices
    • blunders with
    • costs vs. benefits of
    • and culture
    • in emerging markets
    • as goal
    • at Hitachi Ltd.
    • of methodologies
    • overcoming barriers to
    • at Roadway Express
    • role of executives in
    • small vs. large projects for
    • spearheading of
    • of strategic plans
  • Improvement, driving forces for. See also Continuous improvement
  • Inaba, Yuichi “Rich,”
  • Incentives. See also Rewards
  • Incident Management
  • Inclusive Value MeasurementTM
  • Increments, in Scrum
  • Increment-Specific DoD
  • Individual best practices
  • Individualism
  • Indra:
    • best practices of
    • closing projects at
    • culture of
    • driving forces at
    • integrated management processes of
    • management support at
    • methodology of
    • PMO at
    • portfolio management at
    • project and program success at
    • project management at
    • stakeholder involvement at
  • Industry specific best practices
  • Inefficiencies, in emerging markets
  • Influence
  • Informality
  • Informal project management
    • at Boeing
    • and color-coded status reporting
    • communication in
    • cooperation in
    • and crisis dashboards
    • formal project management vs.
    • at Polk Lighting (pseudonym)
    • teamwork in
    • trust in
  • Information:
    • access to
    • filtering of
  • Information Services (IS) reengineering team
  • Information Technology (IT), governance of
  • Information Technology Enterprise Management (ITEM)
  • Information Technology Information Library (ITIL)
  • Information technology (IT) portfolio management
  • Infrastructure, to support value-added chain
  • Initiation champions
  • Initiation phase
    • at Rockwell Automation
    • at Sherwin-Williams
  • Innovation projects
  • In-process indicators
  • Insecurity, of emerging markets executives
  • Insourcing
  • Intangible benefits
  • Intangible benefits of training
  • Intangible values
  • Integrated management processes
    • and change management
    • and concurrent engineering
    • and empowerment
    • evolution of
    • and life-cycle costing
    • and reengineering
    • and risk management
    • with total quality management
    • understanding
    • UPPM™ methodologies for
  • Integrated management processes applications:
    • of Alcatel-Lucent
    • of Boeing aircraft
    • of Indra
    • of Wärtsilä
    • of Zurich America Insurance Company
  • Integrated Multilevel Scheduling
  • Integrated Project Management (IPM)
  • Integrated project plans
  • Integrated Project Schedule
  • Integration, cross-stream
  • Integration, following mergers and acquisitions
  • Integrative responsibility
  • Intel Corporation
  • Intellectual Capital RatingTM
  • Interactions, and agile methodology
  • Internal benefits
  • Internal controls
  • Internal customers
  • Internal equity
  • Internal growth
  • Internal projects
  • Internal training
  • International Institute for Learning (IIL)
  • International Project Management Day Symposium
  • Internet Explorer
  • Investment, in PM improvements
  • Investment Council (CDI)
  • IPM (Integrated Project Management)
  • IPMM methodology
  • Iridium LLP
  • Iridium Project
  • Iron constraints
  • IS (Information Services) reengineering team
  • Ishkawa diagrams
  • ISO 9000
  • Isolated cultures
  • Issue management
  • Issue Registry
  • IT (Information Technology), governance of
  • ITEM, see Information Technology Enterprise Management
  • Iterations, in agile methodology. See also Sprints (Scrum)
  • ITIL (Information Technology Information Library)
  • ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)
  • IT (information technology) portfolio management
  • IT Service Desk
  • ITSM Consultants
  • Jackson, Frank:
    • on information as power
    • on leadership
    • on team membership
  • Jagodzinski, Kamil
  • JCI, see Johnson Controls, Inc.
  • Job descriptions
  • Johnson, E. LaVeme, on IIL training
  • Johnson, Eric Alan:
    • on culture
    • on Six Sigma with TQM
  • Johnson, Samuel, on avarice
  • Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI):
    • excellence at
    • project management and TQM at
    • success at
    • TQM culture at
  • Joint ventures
  • Juran, Joseph M.
  • Just-in-time training


  • Kallas, Siim, on air navigation regulation
  • Kämi, Antti, on project management tools
  • Kandt, David:
    • on excellence
    • on ISO 9000
    • on success at Johnson Controls
    • on TQM culture at Johnson Controls
  • Kapur, Gopal, on critical project vital signs
  • Keep informed (stakeholder map)
  • Keep satisfied (stakeholder map)
  • Keithley, Taran
  • Kerzner, Haroldn.
  • Key benefits
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
    • and business drivers
    • on dashboards
    • defined
    • effective
    • failure of
    • identifying best practices from
    • leading indicators vs.
    • in mission statement
    • other performance measures vs.
    • selecting
    • success in terms of
    • and training
  • Key results indicators (KRIs)
  • Kidwell, Kerry, on being an expert
  • KM Pacesetter award
  • KM Pioneers
  • Knowledge:
    • anticipatory delivery of
    • application of
    • business
    • contextual delivery of
    • proprietary
    • tacit
    • value-based
  • Knowledge assist
  • Knowledge communities
  • Knowledge management:
    • codification and personalization strategies
    • in context of project management
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • future directions for
    • at IBM
    • in support of project execution
  • Knowledge of business (core competency)
  • Knowledge OnLine™
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Knowledge transfer
  • “Knowvember” celebration
  • Kodak
  • Kombs Engineering (pseudonym)
  • Konechnik, Thomas J.
  • KPIs, see Key performance indicators
  • KRIs (key results indicators)
  • Kumorowski, Sandra, on driving forces
  • Kytonen, Sherry, on PMO at Boeing


  • Lahr, John, on lust
  • Landlords
  • Landor, Walter Savage, on avarice
  • Language
  • Large companies
  • Large Scale Scrum (LeSS)
  • Law, Vernon, on experience
  • Laws, in emerging markets
  • Laziness, failure of
  • Leadership
    • and benefits
    • as core competency
    • at Deloitte
    • and executive sponsorship
    • at Fluor Corporation
    • following mergers and acquisitions
    • management
    • in portfolio management
    • programs for
    • at RTA
    • in Scrum
    • situational
    • strategic project management
    • of teams
    • and values
  • Leading indicators, KPIs vs.
  • Lean (Scrum tools)
  • Lean Startup (Scrum)
  • Learning. See also Education; Training
    • continuous
    • delivery systems for
    • from mistakes
    • responses to
    • of training program participants
  • Learning trends:
    • during evolutionary years
    • during revolutionary years
  • LeSS (Large Scale Scrum)
  • Lessons learned databases
  • Level 1 Plan (Master Schedule)
  • Level 1 project management
  • Level 2 Plan (Project Summary Schedule)
  • Level 2 project management
  • Level 3 Plan (Detailed Schedule)
  • Level 3 project management
  • Lewis, C. S., on pride
  • Life Cycle, customer
  • Life Cycle, product
  • Life-cycle costing
  • Life-cycle phases
    • expanding
    • at Indra
    • and methodology
    • overlapping of
    • and PMOs
    • in portfolio analysis
    • of ROI model
    • and SDLC
    • for Six Sigma assessments
  • Life-cycle planning and control model
  • Light methodologies
  • Line management
    • project management vs.
    • and project managers
    • support of
  • Line management acceptance phase
  • Locally dispersed governance
  • Logistics (success pyramid)
  • Long-term benefits
  • “Loss-cost,”
  • Low-ranking managers
  • LSTK Contracts
  • Lucas, Tom:
    • on view of project management
    • on vision for Sherwin-Williams
  • Ludwig, Helmuth, on project management
  • Lust, in project environment
  • Lyman, Christinen


  • McAdams, J., on rewarding project teams
  • McQuary, Johnn
  • Madsen, Susanne
  • Maintenance:
    • of constraints
    • of documentation
    • of projects
  • MAKE Awards
  • Maltzman, Rich
  • Manage closely (stakeholder map)
  • Management:
    • adaptive
    • of best practices
    • of change, see Change management
    • cost
    • customer satisfaction
    • executive, see Management support; Managers; Senior management
    • human resource
    • integrated processes for, see Integrated management processes
    • issues
    • leadership by
    • over-the-fence
    • of political projects
    • portfolio, see Portfolio management
    • proactive
    • procurement
    • program
    • project, see Project management
    • quality. See also Total quality management
    • reactive
    • relevance of project management staff for
    • risk, see Risk management
    • scope
    • time
    • walk-the-halls
  • Management office, see PMO
  • Management processes
  • Management support
    • in agile methodology
    • for best practices
    • and empowerment of project managers
    • and executives as champions
    • and line management
    • for PM excellence
    • problems solved by
    • and project governance
    • and project sponsorship
    • by top-level management
    • visible
  • Management support applications:
    • of AT&T
    • of Contractco (pseudonym)
    • of Health Care Associates (pseudonym)
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Indra
    • of Midline Bank (pseudonym)
    • of Motorola
    • of Tokio Marine Group
    • of Zurich America Insurance Company
  • Managers:
    • functional
    • line
    • low-ranking
    • project, see Project managers (PMs)
    • senior, see Senior management
    • as sponsors, see Executive sponsors
    • training
    • training for non–project
    • trust in
    • visible support by
  • Managing Challenges Across Cultures-A Multicultural Project Team Toolbox (Comau)
  • Manello, Carl, on methodologies
  • Mansbridge, Bob, on integrated processes
  • Manufacturing industries
  • Manufacturing Six Sigma
  • Many Methods of Learning™
  • “Map Days,” and excellence
  • Maps days
  • Mares, Lee Ann, on DFCU value proposition
  • Marketing, with Siemens PLM VDM
  • Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)
  • Marketplace trends
  • Market risk
  • Markgraf, Stephen, on PMO at Boeing
  • Markham, Stephen:
    • on champions
    • on “valley of death,”
  • Martyniuk, Danieln
    • on leadership and governance
    • on portfolio management
  • Masculinity
  • Masharei (program)
  • Master Schedule
  • Maturity:
    • at Alcatel-Lucent
    • defined by risk management
    • and driving forces
    • fallacies that delay
    • of hybrid organizations
    • at IBM
    • levels of project management
    • and managing assumptions
    • methodologies created around
    • of non-project driven firms
    • of project managers vs. clients
    • and recovery project management
    • in Scrum
    • speed of
    • for survival
    • and training trends
  • Maturity phase
  • Maurice, Eric, on project health checks
  • MCI
  • MDE (minimum delightful experience)
  • Measurement. See also Metrics
  • Medical Mutual (Antares Solutions), methodology of
  • Meetings:
    • end-of-phase gate
    • forensic team
    • senior management requirements of
  • Mega projects, at RTA
  • Member’s eye view of knowledge community
  • Membership, governance and
  • Mergers and acquisitions
    • culture management in
    • evaluating integration results after
    • impact on project management
    • and internal vs. external growth
    • landlord–tenant relationship and integration in
    • long-term benefits of
    • preacquisition decision-making for
    • and restructuring after failure
    • and value-added chain
    • value chain strategies for
  • Methodologies. See also specific methodologies
    • acceptance of
    • barriers to
    • characteristics of
    • and corporate culture
    • critical components of
    • defined
    • development of
    • enterprise
    • and excellence
    • for failing projects
    • failure of
    • for global projects
    • heavy
    • implementation of
    • incorporating best practices in
    • internally developed
    • and life-cycle phases
    • light
    • as M&A integration problem
    • in mergers and acquisitions
    • multiple
    • overcoming barriers
    • in project management chain
    • recognizing need for
    • risk management processes in
    • and risk tolerance
  • Methodology applications:
    • of AirBus Space and Defence
    • of Churchill Downs, Incorporated
    • of Deloitte
    • of Ericsson Telecom AB
    • of GM Powertrain Group
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Indra
    • of Rockwell Automation
    • of SAP
    • of Sherwin-Williams
    • of Sony Corporation
    • standard, benefits of
    • of Tecnicas Reunidas
    • value measurement
    • of Wärtsilä
    • of Yanfeng Global Automotive Interior Systems Co. Ltd.
  • Metrics. See also specific metrics
    • in agile methodology
    • for benefits
    • of benefits
    • evolution of
    • identifying
    • at Indra
    • lack of
    • for objectives
    • out-of-tolerance
    • pipeline
    • for PMOs
    • project managers’ use of
    • project tracking
    • and strategic business objectives
    • in value management
    • for value measurement
  • Metric mania
  • Metzeler Automotive Profile System, integrated processes of
  • Micromanagement
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)
    • best practices in
    • change control process in
    • flexibility of
    • goals in
    • and governance
    • milestones in
    • for proactive planning
    • risk management in
    • success criteria in
    • team model in
    • templates in
  • MIDAS library
  • Middle managers
  • Middleton, C. J., on benefits of project management
  • Midline Bank (pseudonym)
  • Midwest Corporation (pseudonym)
  • MidWest Financial Credit Union
  • Migraines, see Problems
  • Milestones
    • defined
    • in implementing methodologies
    • incentives at
    • in Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • in work model
  • Milestone reviews
  • Millhollan, Chuck:
    • on best practices
    • on methodology
    • on PMO at CDI
    • on portfolio management
    • on project success
    • on scope definition and change control
  • Minimum delightful experience (MDE)
  • Minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Minnesota Power and Light
  • Misfortune, inflicting
  • Misinformation, in emerging markets
  • Mission statements
  • Mistakes
  • Models. See also Frameworks
    • aggregate planning
    • Boston Consulting Group
    • competency
    • conceptual
    • control
    • core competency
    • DMAIC
    • Four-Gate/Nine-Step Management
    • life-cycle planning and control
    • probabilistic
    • project scoring
    • PROPS
    • return on investment
    • ROI
    • team
  • Molina, Enrique Sevilla
  • Monitoring, of Integrated Multilevel Schedules
  • Monitor only (stakeholder map)
  • Motorola
    • best practices theory of
    • critical success factors at
    • discovery of best practices at
    • excellence at
    • executive view of project management at
    • failure due to collective belief at
    • line management support at
  • MRD (Marketing Requirements Document)
  • MSF, see Microsoft Solutions Framework
  • Multinational companies, risk management for
  • Multinational projects:
    • excellence in, see Global project management excellence
    • with mergers and acquisitions
  • Multiple-boss reporting
  • Multiple methodologies
  • Multiple PMOs
  • Musil, Jann,
  • Mutchler, Michael, on product-focused organizations
  • MVP (minimum viable product)


  • NASA
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
  • National City Corporation
  • Naviair, excellence at
  • Neal, Jeffrey Alan:
    • on culture
    • on Six Sigma with TQM
  • Negative politics
  • Nelson, Gary
  • Network teams
  • New product development (NPD)
    • as driving force
    • and portfolio management
    • risk management in
    • “valley of death” for
  • New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies (NYU-SCPS)
  • Nexus
  • 9x9 rule
  • Nokia (Actel-Lucent)
  • Nokia EDU
  • Noncash awards
  • Noncooperative cultures
  • Non-project driven firms
  • Non–project managers, training for
  • Nontraditional Six Sigma
  • Nordea company, portfolio management at
  • Nortel Networks:
    • communications at
    • executive view of project management at
    • formal project management at
    • integrated processes of
    • project success at
    • risk management at
  • North American and Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Awards
  • “Not invented here” syndrome
  • NPD, see New product development
  • NTT DATA Services
  • NXP Semiconductor, project health checks at
  • Nyberg, Benny, on business skills
  • NYU-SCPS (New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies)
  • OBE (Open Book Estimate)
  • Objectives:
    • for mergers and acquisitions
    • and mission statements
    • of PMOs
    • in strategic planning
    • of training programs
  • Offensive projects
  • Office, project, see PMO
  • Office of Products and Operations
  • Offshoring, in agile methodology
  • Ohio Bell
  • OnDemand Process Asset Library (OPAL)
  • On-the-job training
  • Oosterveer, Peter, on knowledge sharing
  • OPAL (OnDemand Process Asset Library)
  • Open Book Estimate (OBE)
  • Open-door policy
  • Open-ended deliverables
  • Open-ended questions
  • Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation (Conservation Measures Partnership)n.
  • Operational dashboards
  • Operational projects
  • Operational Six Sigma
  • OPMS (organizational project management system), at RTA
  • Orange Switzerland, best practices of
  • Organization, support by
  • Organizational communications
  • Organizational culture, see Corporate culture
  • Organizational hierarchy, in emerging markets
  • Organizational maturity
  • Organizational milestones
  • Organizational politics, see Politics, project management
  • Organizational project management system (OPMS), at RTA
  • Organizational waste
  • Organization process, use of
  • Organizing projects
  • Orientation, at Fluor Corporation
  • O’Sullivan, Martin, on project management
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center
  • Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell)
  • “Out of bounds” concept
  • Out-of-tolerance metrics
  • Outputs
  • Outsourcing
  • Overlapping
  • Overload, best practices
  • Over-the-fence management
  • Overworked staff


  • Paperwork
  • Paradigm Pyramid (Comau)
  • Parallel teams
  • Parker, G., on rewarding project teams
  • Parmenter, David, on performance measures
  • Participants, training/selection of
  • Passive anger
  • PDUs (Professional Development Units)
  • Pellerin, Charlie
  • Penn, William, on avarice
  • People Dimension of Transformation framework (Deloitte)
  • People fit
  • People involvement
  • Perceptions, project failure and
  • Performance:
    • indicators of. See also Key performance indicators
    • value performance framework
  • Performance audits
  • Performance indicators (PIs)
  • Performance management, at Naviair
  • Performance measures
  • Personality conflicts
  • Personalization strategy
  • PERT, see Program evaluation and review technique
  • Peters, Lawrence J., on anger
  • Peters, Martha:
    • on mergers and acquisitions
    • on project initiation process
  • Phase-Gate Management
  • Phillips, J. J.n.
  • PIs (performance indicators)
  • Pile phenomenon
  • Pilot testing
  • Pinto, Donatella
  • Pipeline metrics
  • Pittiglio, Vince
  • PjMCoE (Project Management Community of Excellence)
  • Plan–do–check–act cycle
  • Planning
    • in agile methodology
    • at Deloitte
    • in emerging markets
    • goals during
    • long-term in agile methodology
    • in Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • at Sherwin-Williams
    • for Six Sigma
    • sprint
    • understanding assumptions in
  • Planning phase (ROI)
  • Plan phase (PLM VDM)
  • Pliny the Elder, on lust
  • PLM (Product Lifecycle Management)
  • PLM VDM (product lifecycle management value delivery methodology)
  • PMs, see Project managers
  • PMBOK® (Project Management Body of Knowledge) Guide
    • aligning methodologies to
    • and Comau PMO
    • and culture
    • and execution of strategic projects
    • knowledge areas of
    • on stakeholder involvement
  • PM Centre of Excellence (PMCOE)
  • PMCOE (PM Centre of Excellence)
  • PMCP, see Proactive Management Capacity Propensity
  • PMCP (Project Management Certification Program)
  • PMCP (Project Management Community of Practice)
  • PMG (Progress Maturity Guide)
  • PMI®, see Project Management Institute
  • PMIS, see Project management information system
  • PMI Standards
  • PM Newsflash
  • PM@Nokia
  • PMO (project office, project management office, PO)
    • activities of
    • benefits of
    • creation of
    • and customer satisfaction
    • and ensuring use of best practices
    • global
    • and life-cycle phases
    • management of best practices by
    • metrics for
    • multiple
    • PMO of the Year awards
    • portfolio management with
    • problems with
    • and project audits
    • project health checks by
    • role of
    • and Six Sigma
    • and training
    • types of
    • typical projects for
    • validation of best practices by
  • PMO applications:
    • of ABB
    • of Boeing
    • of Churchill Downs
    • of Comau
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Indra
    • at Pursuit Healthcare Advisors
    • of Sherwin-Williams
    • of Star Alliance
    • of Wärtsilä
    • of Zurich America
  • PMO of the Year Award
    • criteria for
    • essay for
    • recipients of
  • PMP® Certification, see Project Management Professional Certification
  • PMPnet
  • PMP Study Groups
  • PMS (Project Management Standards)
  • PMU (Project Management University)
  • PO, see PMO; Product owner (Scrum)
  • Policies, checklists vs.
  • Politics, in emerging markets
  • Politics, project management
    • attack vs. retreat strategies
    • classifying friends and foes
    • and effective communication
    • and governance committees
    • managing political projects
    • political risks
    • and power/influence
    • reasons for playing
    • situations for
  • Political risks
  • Polk Lighting (pseudonym)
  • Portfolio analysis
  • Portfolio management
    • identification of projects in
    • for IT projects
    • meeting expectations in
    • at Nordea Company
    • PMO in
    • portfolio analysis in
    • preliminary evaluation in
    • project selection obstacles in
    • project selection process in
    • senior management in
    • stakeholders in
    • strategic selection in
    • strategic timing in
  • Portfolio management applications:
    • of AT&T
    • of Churchill Downs
    • of Comau
    • of Deloitte
    • of Indra
    • of Rockwell Automation
    • of Wärtsilä
    • of World Wildlife Fund
  • Portfolio Project Management Office (PPMO)
  • Post-Project Evaluation Phase
  • Postship acceptance indicators
  • Posttraining surveys
  • Power
  • Power distance
  • Powertrain Group, see General Motors Powertrain Group
  • PPM (Project and Portfolio Management), at Nordea
  • PPM Clarity
  • PPMO (Portfolio Project Management Office)
  • PPM (Program and Project Management) Practices
  • Pre-Align phase (PLM VDM)
  • Precontractual stage
  • Predictive methodologies
  • Preliminary evaluation of projects
  • Prestudy phase
  • Pride, in project environment
  • Prioritization
    • in agile methodology
    • in defining project success
    • in portfolio management
    • and strategic planning
  • Proactive management
  • Proactive Management Capacity Propensity (PMCP):
    • and amount of work
    • benefits of
    • increasing of
    • overview of
  • Proactive risk management
  • Probabilistic models
  • Problems. See also Ten uglies of projects
    • cash flow dilemma
    • crises vs.
    • from customer requirements changes
    • customer satisfaction
    • enterprise project methodology
    • good intentions becoming
    • with meeting expectations
    • outsourcing
    • PMO
    • politics as cause of
    • project awards
    • project cancellation
    • scope change
    • and Seven Deadly Sins
    • smaller
    • trade-off
    • wrong culture placement
  • “Problem child” value chains
  • Procedures
  • Process benchmarking
  • Process definition
  • Process Skills (core competency)
  • Process structuring (core competency)
  • Procurement management
  • Product development
  • Product development teams
  • Production risk
  • Production teams
  • Productivity, in Scrum
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
  • Product lifecycle management value delivery methodology (PLM VDM)
  • Product owner (PO) (Scrum)
  • Product Realization Process (PRP)
  • Product Requirements Document
  • Professional Development Units (PDUs)
  • Professional (PMI) standards
  • Profit
  • Program and Project Management (PPM) Practices
  • Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)
  • Program management:
    • at Deloitte
    • with Siemens PLM VDM
  • Program Management Development Program, at HP Services
  • Program manager, AT&T job description for
  • Program Roadmap
  • Progress Maturity Guide (PMG)
  • Project(s):
    • cancellation of
    • classification of
    • global
    • maintenance of
    • managing business as series of
    • measurement of
    • operational
    • prioritization of
    • and Six Sigma
    • stakeholder involvement in
    • success measurements for
    • understanding success for
    • for value-driven project management
    • variance in
    • vital signs of
  • “Project and People Management” (Comau)
  • Project and People Management-An Operational Guide (Comau)
  • Project and Portfolio Management (PPM), at Nordea
  • Project Approval (PA) Phase
  • Project audits
  • Project awards
  • Project charters, see Charters
  • Project Collaboration Portals
  • Project Delivery Framework
  • Project development methodologies
  • Project-driven firms
  • Project financing
  • Project health checks
  • Project Incubation/Feasibility Phase
  • Projectized governance
  • Project management
    • from 1945 to 1960
    • from 1960 to 1985
    • advantages of
    • artificial intelligence and
    • and benefits
    • benefits of
    • as career path
    • and culture
    • development of
    • driving forces for
    • executive’s view of
    • formal
    • Golden Rules for
    • go-live
    • impact of mergers and acquisitions on
    • implementation of
    • informal
    • knowledge management in context of
    • levels of
    • life-cycle of
    • in manufacturing industries
    • misconceptions concerning
    • models of
    • modern
    • necessity for
    • need for
    • pockets of
    • as a profession
    • recovery
    • Six Sigma relationship with
    • standardization of
    • strategic planning for
    • with TQM and concurrent engineering
    • training for
    • and value management
    • values of
  • “Project Management at Indra” course
  • Project Management Body of Knowledge, see PMBOK® Guide
  • Project Management Certification Board (IBM)
  • Project Management Certification Program (PMCP)
  • Project Management Community of Excellence (PjMCoE)
  • Project Management Community of Practice (PMCP)
  • Project Management Development Program
  • Project Management Governance Board
  • Project management information system (PMIS)
  • Project Management Institute (PMI®)
  • Project management office, see PMO
  • Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification
  • Project Management Standards (PMS)
  • Project Management University (PMU)
  • Project managers (PMs):
    • accelerated expertise development by
    • anticipatory delivery of knowledge by
    • at AT&T
    • business education for
    • business knowledge of
    • and connections of project team members
    • contextual delivery of knowledge for
    • dual certification for
    • effective communication by
    • empowerment of
    • at Hitachi Ltd.
    • implementation of strategic plans by
    • at Indra
    • with integrative responsibility
    • job descriptions of
    • and line managers
    • maturity of clients vs.
    • myths about
    • political savvy of
    • power and influence of
    • selection of
    • and value management
  • Project office, see PMO
  • Project Planning (PP) Phase
  • Project plans
  • Project quality gates (Q-gates)
  • Project Race Track
  • Project Retrospectives
  • Project scoring model
  • Project selection (in portfolio management):
    • identification of projects
    • obstacles in
    • in portfolio management
    • preliminary evaluation
    • process for
    • strategic selection
  • Project selection (in Six Sigma)
  • Project specific best practices
  • Project sponsorship, see Sponsorship
  • Project Summary Schedule
  • Project sustainability
  • Project teams:
    • at Comau
    • connections beyond
    • debriefing, for best practices
    • at Deloitte
    • relevance of
    • rewards for
    • virtual
  • Project Team of the Year Award
  • “Project whack-a-mole,”
  • Promise, as DFCU brand action
  • Promotions
  • Proposal
  • Proprietary knowledge
  • PROPS model
  • Protect, as DFCU brand action
  • ProVantedge (Pursuit)
  • Proven practices, see Best (proven) practices
  • PRP (Product Realization Process)
  • Pryor, Bob
  • Publicly held training programs
  • Publilius Syrus, on avarice
  • Pursuit Healthcare Advisors
  • Putiri, Angelon


  • Q-gates (project quality gates)
  • Qualification process (IBM)
  • Quality
    • defining
    • as DFCU brand action
    • at IBM
    • project quality gates
    • at Pursuit Healthcare Advisors
    • at source
    • as trade-off
  • Quality audits
  • Quality Leadership (Kodak)
  • Quality management, UPPM™ methodologies for
  • Quality programs, Six Sigma and
  • Quantitative methods
  • Quantitative subjects
  • Quick wins
  • Quintilian, Marcus Fabius, on sloth


  • Rachlin, Sue, on portfolio management
  • R&D, see Research and development
  • Reaction, of training program participants
  • Reactive management
  • Recertification (qualification process)
  • Recognition, at Fluor Corporation
  • Recovery project management
  • Red flag issues
  • Red traffic lights
  • Reengineering
  • Registered Education Provider (REP)
  • Reinforcement model
  • Relational databases
  • Relationship failure
  • Release Management Methodology
  • Release phase, at Rockwell Automation
  • Reliance Electric
  • Reorganizational failure
  • REP, see Registered Education Provider
  • REP (Rewarding Employee Plan)
  • Reports:
    • color-coded
    • hernia
    • senior management requirements of
    • Status, in agile methodology
  • Reporting. See also Status reporting
    • Multiple-boss reporting
    • at Naviair
  • Reporting phase (ROI)
  • Requirements, in agile methodology
  • Research and development (R&D)
  • Resolution
  • Resources:
    • availability of
    • failure of too many
    • gluttony of
    • greed for
    • management at Nordea
    • prioritization of
    • as trade-off
    • and value management
  • Resource and Skills Management System (RSMS)
  • Resource management
  • Respect, as DFCU brand action
  • Responsibility:
    • as DFCU brand action
    • of executives
    • in Golden Rules for Project Management
    • integrative
  • Responsibility charts
  • “Restricted” best practices
  • Restructuring
  • Results (success pyramid)
  • Results chains
  • Results focus (core competency)
  • Results indicators (RIs)
  • Resumes
  • Retreat strategies, for political projects
  • Return on investment (ROI):
    • in agile methodology
    • history of modeling
    • and studies of project management benefits
    • for training
  • Return on investment (ROI) model
    • data analysis phase of
    • data-collection phase of
    • planning phase of
    • reporting phase of
  • Revalidating best practices
  • Revenga López, Felipe
  • Review process, for best practices
  • Reviews, in agile methodology
  • Revolutionary years (training)
  • Rewards:
    • failures with
    • for teams
  • Rework
  • RIs (results indicators)
  • Rigodanzo, Mike:
    • on excellence
    • on project management
  • Rigor
  • Risk:
    • acceptance of
    • financial
    • market
    • political
    • production
    • scheduling
    • technical
    • as trade-off
  • Risk growth
  • Risk management:
    • in aerospace and defense industries
    • at Boeing aircraft
    • and Challenger space shuttle disaster
    • and change management
    • in closure phase
    • at Comau
    • contemporary
    • as core competency
    • and customer service
    • defining maturity using
    • failure of
    • in health care organizations
    • and integrated management processes
    • and issue management
    • in methodology
    • in Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • proactive
    • in recovery project management
    • UPPM™ methodologies for
    • at Wärtsilä
  • Risk management process (proactive risk management)
  • Risk/Opportunity Management
  • Risk Register tool (Comau)
  • Risk tolerance
  • Roads & Transport Authority (RTA), excellence at
  • Roadway Express, excellence at
  • Rockwell Automation:
    • common product development at
    • PMO of the Year Award for
    • portfolio management at
  • ROI, see Return on investment
  • ROI model, see Return on investment model
  • Rolling wave concept
  • Royer, Isabelle, on exit champions
  • RSMS (Resource and Skills Management System)
  • RTA (Roads & Transport Authority), excellence at
  • Russett, Rose, on excellence at GM Powertrain


  • Sadowski, Alex, on training at Harris
  • Sadowski, Nani, on best practices
  • Sadowski-Alvarez, Nani, on project audits
  • SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework)
  • Samarotto, Claudion
  • Sanctioning direction (success pyramid)
  • Sanford, Linda S., on project management
  • SAP:
    • methodology of
    • project management career path at
    • project quality gates at
    • training at
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Law
  • Satisfaction. See also Customer satisfaction
  • SBUs (strategic business units)
  • Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
  • Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
  • Scheduling
    • ineffective
    • Integrated Multilevel
    • at Naviair
    • as triple constraint
  • Scheduling risks
  • Schornhorst, Eric, on brand action
  • Scientific/Technical Expertise (core competency)
  • Scope changes:
    • in agile methodology
    • at Churchill Downs, Incorporated
    • managing
    • in portfolio management
    • problems with
    • in Scrum
  • Scope management:
    • at Churchill Downs
    • at Deloitte
    • at Indra
    • as triple constraint
    • UPPM™ methodologies for
  • Scope of work (SOW):
    • defining
    • and key performance indicators
    • language of
  • Scorecards
  • Screening stage (new-product development)
  • Scrum
    • daily
    • defined
    • Five Artifacts of
    • four events in
    • and levels of project management maturity
    • roles in
  • Scrum ceremonies
  • Scrum master
  • Scrum-of-Scrums (SoS)
  • Scrum teams
  • SDLC (systems development life-cycle)
  • SDM (software development methodology)
  • Sears, Scott, on PMO at Boeing
  • SEI (Software Engineering Institute)
  • Self-confidence training
  • Self-managed work teams
  • Seneca, on anger
  • Senior management. See also Executives
    • meeting expectations of
    • performance measure support from
    • portfolio management role of
    • reports and meetings required by
    • visible support of
    • vision of
  • Servant leader, in Scrum
  • Service management teams
  • Sesame Street
  • Seven Deadly Sins
    • anger (wrath)
    • envy
    • gluttony
    • greed (avarice)
    • lust
    • pride
    • sloth
  • Seven virtues
  • Sevilla Molina, Enrique:
    • on best practices
    • on critical success factors
    • on culture
    • on driving forces at Indra
    • on importance of PMO
    • on key performance indicators
    • on methodology
    • on portfolio management
    • on project and program success
    • on project management as a profession
  • Sharing Knowledge platform
  • Sherwin-Williams:
    • best practices of
    • methodologies of
    • project management at
    • vision of
  • Shibuya, Hiroyuki
  • Shobe, Mark, on DFCU culture
  • Short-range attack missile (SRAM)
  • Short-term benefits
  • Siemens Industry Automation Division
  • Siemens PLM Software:
    • executive view of project management at
    • methodology of
  • Sinco Energy (pseudonym)
  • Single-source procurement
  • Siri
  • Situational leadership
  • Six Sigma
    • assessments for
    • best practices of
    • and Convex Corporation
    • goals of
    • myths of
    • PMO for
    • project management relationship with
    • project selection for
    • strategic planning for
    • and TQM
    • traditional vs. nontraditional
    • typical projects for
  • Sloth, in project environment
  • Small projects, PLM VDM for
  • SMEs (subject matter experts)
  • SME Protégé Program (Fluor Corporation)
  • Snyder, N. Tennant, on virtual teams
  • SOAR (solution and opportunity approval and review) process
  • Socialized project management
  • Social obligations, in emerging markets
  • Soft benefits
  • Soft skills
  • Soft values
  • Software
    • and agile methodology
    • in agile methodology
    • development
    • fallacies about
  • Software development methodology (SDM)
  • Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
  • Solution and opportunity approval and review (SOAR) process
  • Solution providers
  • Somermeyer, S., on fuzzy front endn.
  • Sony Corporation
  • Sophistication, in emerging markets
  • SoS (Scrum-of-Scrums)
  • Source, quality at
  • SOW (scope of work), see Scope of work
  • SOW (statement of work), see Statement of work
  • Space shuttle disaster
  • Speakers
  • SPI (Schedule Performance Index)
  • Spira, Jim, on benefits of project management
  • Sponsor Awareness Workshop
  • Sponsors. See also Executive sponsors
    • champions as
    • conflict resolution responsibilities of
    • in emerging markets
    • final acceptance by
    • role of
  • Sponsorship
    • in agile methodology
    • by committee
    • and customer relations
    • and decision-making
    • and decision making by project managers
    • dual
    • excellence in
    • executive
    • lacking in
    • and management support
    • phases of
    • and pride
    • strategic planning of
  • Sponsorship applications:
    • of Design Solutions (pseudonym)
    • of Franklin Engineering (pseudonym)
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Naviair
  • Spradley, Sue, on project management
  • Sprint
  • Sprints (Scrum). See also Iterations
  • SRAM (short-range attack missile)
  • SRD (Systems Requirements Document)
  • SSTs (strategy support teams)
  • Staffing
  • Stage-gate reviews
  • Stakeholders
    • decision-making processes of
    • and portfolio management
    • project involvement of
    • in value-driven project management
    • “value drivers” for
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Standards for Conservation Project and Programme Management (WWF International)
  • Standard methodologies
  • Star Alliance
  • Star Alliance Common IT Platform
  • “Star” value chains
  • Statement of work (SOW):
    • in aerospace and defense industries
    • for nontraditional projects
    • and politics in project management
  • Statistical tools, for Six Sigma
  • Status, in emerging markets
  • Status reporting
    • in agile methodology
    • color-coded
    • length of
    • and strategic planning
  • Steady state, in agile contracts
  • Stewardship
  • Stibora, Mattn,
  • Stories, in Scrum
  • Story points, in agile methodology
  • Stouffer, Debra, on portfolio management
  • Strategic benefits
  • Strategic business objectives, alignment of metrics to
  • Strategic business units (SBUs)
  • Strategic dashboards
  • Strategic leadership
  • Strategic plans
  • Strategic planning
    • benefits of project management for
    • and executive view of project management
    • failure of strategic plans
    • and implementation by project manager
    • myths about
    • project management perspective on
    • strategic project management leadership
    • and training trends
  • Strategic Planning for Project Management Using a Project Management Maturity Modele (Harold Kerzner)
  • Strategic POs
  • Strategic project management leadership
  • Strategic selection of projects
  • Strategic support (core competency)
  • Strategic timing, in portfolio management
  • Strategy support teams (SSTs)
  • Subcontracting
  • Subject matter experts (SMEs)
  • Success:
    • accountability for
    • behavioral
    • criteria for
    • CSFs and KPIs in defining
    • defining. See also Best practices
    • fallacy about
    • four cornerstones of
    • and gluttony of resources
    • identifying best practices from
    • internal measurements of
    • measuring
    • Microsoft® Operations Framework criteria for
    • in non-project driven firms
    • problem with
    • in project-driven firms
    • redefining
    • value component of
  • Success pyramid
  • Suitability criteria
  • Suppliers, as solution providers
  • Support, see Management support
  • Supporters, true
  • Surveys, posttraining
  • Survival
  • Systems development life-cycle (SDLC)
  • Systems Requirements Document (SRD)


  • Tacit knowledge
  • Tacitus, Publius Cornelius, on envy
  • Tactical dashboards
  • Tangible values, measuring
  • Tarantini, Riccardo, on project management
  • Tasks, in Scrum
  • Taylor, Peter
  • Team(s):
    • action
    • in agile methodology
    • composition of
    • core
    • defined
    • leadership of
    • membership into
    • multicultural
    • network
    • performance measures for
    • for product development
    • production
    • project, see Project teams
    • rewards for
    • Scrum
    • service management
    • for service management
    • size of
    • strategy support
    • virtual project
    • work
  • Team building
  • Team empowerment
  • Team meetings
  • Team members (Scrum)
  • Team model, in Microsoft Solutions Framework
  • Team players
  • Team success (success pyramid)
  • Team velocity
  • Teamwork
    • characteristics of
    • as DFCU brand action
    • in informal project management
    • success pyramid for
  • Technical expertise, in recovery PM
  • Technical risk
  • Technical risk management
  • Technology:
    • cultural factors with
    • supporting global project management
    • supporting value-added chain
  • Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA)
  • Tecnicas Reunidas, methodology of
  • Templates:
    • for benefit realization
    • for best practices
    • evaluating maturity with
    • in Microsoft Solutions Framework
    • in Six Sigma
  • Tenants
  • Ten uglies of projects
    • dates are just numbers (10)
    • lack of community plan (8)
    • lack of maintained documentation (1)
    • lack of right people (5)
    • lack of rigor (7)
    • lack of sponsorship (6)
    • and maintenance of projects
    • no plan for rework (9)
    • no quality at source (3)
    • pile phenomenon (2)
    • and proactive management
    • remedies for
    • and team empowerment
    • wrong people on job (4)
  • Testing, in Scrum
  • Testing stage (new-product development)
  • Test phase (PLM VDM)
  • Texas Instruments (TI), excellence at
  • Thiokol Corporation
  • Third-party administrators (TPAs)
  • 3M
  • thyssenkrupp North America
  • TI (Texas Instruments)
  • Time and material contract
  • Time management, UPPM™ methodologies for
  • Timing, strategic
  • Tokio Marine Group, management support at
  • Tolerance
  • Tollgates
  • Tools:
    • for methodology support of PM
    • PM
    • for Six Sigma assessments
  • Top-level management, see Senior management
  • Total quality management (TQM)
    • and concurrent engineering
    • integrated management processes with
    • at Johnson Controls
    • and Six Sigma
    • Six Sigma tools with
    • Sprint process for
  • TPAs (third-party administrators)
  • TQM, see Total quality management
  • Tradeoffs:
    • in traditional vs. nontraditional projects
    • in value-driven projects
  • Traditional Six Sigma
  • Traffic light dashboards
  • Trainers
  • Training. See also Education; Learning
    • amount needed
    • benefits of
    • business skills in
    • competency models for
    • course design for
    • in emerging markets
    • fundamentals of
    • identifying need for
    • internal
    • for modern project management
    • need for
    • in project-driven firms
    • and project management as a profession
    • and Project Management Capacity Propensity
    • publicly held
    • ROI of
    • selecting participants for
    • with Siemens PLM VDM
    • in Six Sigma
  • Training applications:
    • of ABB
    • of Churchill Downs
    • at Comau
    • of Ford Motor Co.
    • of Harris Corporation
    • of Hewlett-Packard
    • of Hitachi Ltd.
    • of IBM
    • of Indra
    • of International Institute for Learning
    • of Nokia
    • of SAP
    • of thyssenkrupp North America
  • Training directors
  • Training managers
  • Transactional Six Sigma
  • Transitional checklists
  • Transparency, in Scrum
  • Trends:
    • during evolutionary years
    • learning
    • and learning responses
    • marketplace
    • during revolutionary years
  • Trickey, David
  • Triompo, Jim, on PMOs
  • Triple constraint
  • True enemies
  • True supporters
  • True unknowns
  • Trust
    • and customers at end-of-phase review meetings
    • in informal project management system
    • of managers
  • TSIA (Technology Services Industry Association)
  • Turner, Mike, on Microsoft Solutions Framework


  • UAE
  • Uglies, see Ten uglies of projects
  • UGS
  • UI (user interface)
  • Uncertainty
  • Understaffing
  • Unemployment, in emerging markets
  • Unified Project Management® Methodology (UPMM™)
  • Union employees, evaluating
  • Union standard
  • U.S. Air Force
  • Unit testing, in Scrum
  • University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business
  • Unjust anger, failure due to
  • Unknowns, true
  • UPMM™ (Unified Project Management® Methodology)
  • Upper-level managers
  • User interface (UI)
  • User stories, in Scrum
  • User-Story-Specific DoD


  • VAC (Variance at Completion)
  • Vaill, Peter B., on Six Sigma
  • Validating best practices
  • “Valley of death,”
  • Value(s):
    • capture, quantification, and reporting of
    • converting benefits to
    • and culture
    • defined
    • in defining project success
    • and leadership
    • measuring
    • in project management. See also Value-driven project management
    • and Scrum
    • in Scrum
    • and success
  • Value added, rewards for
  • Value-added chain. See also Mergers and acquisitions
  • Value Analysis (VA) Phase
  • Value-based knowledge, evolution of
  • Value chain analysis
  • Value chain strategies
  • Value-driven project management
    • capture, quantification, and reporting of value in
    • committee sponsorship in
    • and evolution of value-based knowledge
    • leadership style in
    • stakeholders in
    • and types of projects
    • value trade-offs in
  • “Value drivers,” for stakeholders
  • Value management
    • in agile methodology
    • and business case
    • categories of
    • and life-cycle phases
    • and project management
    • redefining
    • and time
  • Value measurement methodology (VMM)
  • Value performance framework (VPF)
  • Value proposition
  • Value trade-offs, in value-driven project management
  • Vannoni, Brian
  • Vargas, Ricardo
  • Variable scope, in Scrum
  • Variance
  • Variance at Completion (VAC)
  • Vasciminno, Paolon
  • Vázquez Díaz, Alfredon,
  • Velocity, in Scrum
  • Viper sports car
  • Virtual Projects
  • Virtual project teams
  • Visible management support
  • Vision, of senior management
  • Visioning, in agile contracts
  • Vital signs, of critical projects
  • VMM (value measurement methodology)
  • VoC (Voice of customer)
  • Voice, as DFCU brand action
  • Voice of customer (VoC)
  • Voltaire, on pride
  • VPF (value performance framework)


  • Wage and Salary Administration Program
  • Walk-the-halls management
  • Wärtsilä:
    • benefits management at
    • integrated management processes of
    • methodology of
    • risk management at
  • Waterfall methodology:
    • agile methodology vs.
    • delayed start due to
    • and Scrum teams
    • and short iterations
  • WBS, see Work breakdown structure
  • Weiss, Brian
  • Weiss, Jeff, on project management
  • Weiss, Zev, on project management
  • Welch, Jack, on Six Sigma
  • Westfield Group
  • “Whack-a-mole,”
  • Wibelius, Michaeln
  • Wickham, Mike, on excellence at Roadway
  • Williams Machine Tool Company (pseudonym)
  • Willis, Kerry R.:
    • on proactive management
    • on Ten Ugliesn
  • Withdrawal
  • Wojala, Karenn,
  • Work breakdown structure (WBS)
    • in aerospace and defense industries
    • at Churchill Downs, Incorporated
    • as critical methodology component
    • Denryoku
    • at SAP
    • for strategic planning
  • Work ethic, in emerging markets
  • Work kickoff, in agile contracts
  • Work teams
  • World-class project management methodologies, see Methodologies
  • World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International:
    • excellence at
    • portfolio management at
  • Wrath, in project environment
  • WWF International, see World Wide Fund for Nature International
  • WWPMM (Worldwide Project Management Method)
  • XP (eXtreme Programming)


  • Yanfeng Global Automotive Interior Systems Co. Ltd. (YFAI)
  • (YFAI) Yanfeng Global Automotive Interior Systems Co. Ltd.
  • Yellow flag issues
  • Yellow traffic lights


  • Zale, Suzanne:
    • on best practices
    • on communications
    • on organizational structure
  • Zielinski, D., on rewarding project teams
  • Zurich America Insurance Company:
    • integrated processes of
    • management support at
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