Chapter 1. Choosing Your Tools

In this chapter, we look at the many aspects of designing web applications. The idea is to provide you with an overview that may help you recognize components in subsequent chapters and give you some insight into the arguments used to decide which tool or library to use.

Also, as this book covers more than just developing example applications, we illustrate some issues that are relevant when designing an application that does not deal with coding directly, like security or usability.

In this chapter, we will be:

  • Indentifying the components that a web application consists of
  • Choosing suitable tools
  • Considering what designing for maintainability and usability implies

There is a lot of ground to cover, so let's get started.

Identifying the components of a web application

A web application is not a monolithic object. In designing such an application, it might help focus if you look at an application as a collection of related objects, each with its well-defined purpose. This can be done with multiple levels of detail and even the mile high view may already give some valuable insights.

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