Time for action putting it all together

Now that we have all the requisite components in place (that is, tasklistdb.py, taskapp.py, and tasklistajax.js), it is straightforward to put them together. If you run the code below (available as tasklist.py) and point your browser at http://localhost:8080/, you will get a familiar looking login screen and after entering some credentials (username admin and password admin are configured by default) the resulting screen will look almost the same as the application we developed in the previous chapter, as illustrated in the following screenshot:

Time for action putting it all together

What just happened?

For the CherryPy application, we need a root class that can act as the root of the tree of pages we serve the user. Again, we call this class simply Root and assign an instance of our TaskApp application to the task variable and an instance of the LogonDB application to the logon variable (highlighted in the code below). Together with the index() method, this will create a tree of pages looking like this:


If the user starts on the top-level page or on the logon page, he/she will be redirected to the /task page after successful authentication. Below the /task page are, of course, the other pages that implement the server side of the AJAX communications like, for example, /task/add.


import cherrypy
from taskapp import TaskApp
from logondb import LogonDB
import os.path
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
theme = "smoothness"
class Root(object):
	logon = LogonDB()
	task = TaskApp(dbpath='/tmp/taskdb.db', logon=logon, logoffpath="/
	def index(self):
		return Root.logon.index(returnpage='/task')
if __name__ == "__main__":
	def connect(thread_index):
	# Tell CherryPy to call "connect" for each thread, when it starts up
	cherrypy.engine.subscribe('start_thread', connect)
	{ 'log.access_file' : os.path.join(current_dir,"access.log"),
	'log.screen': False,
	'tools.sessions.on': True
	{ 'tools.staticdir.on':True,
	{ 'tools.staticfile.on':True,
	{ 'tools.staticfile.on':True,
	{ 'tools.staticfile.on':True,
	{ 'tools.staticdir.on':True,

Before the CherryPy application is started in the usual way by calling the quickstart() function, we first initialize the authentication database and create a function connect() (highlighted). This is the function we will register with CherryPy to execute each time CherryPy starts a new thread. The function will create a connection to the SQLite databases containing the authentication and tasklist data.

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