Time for action designing the wiki data model

As with any application, when we start developing our wiki application we must first take a few steps to create a data model that can act as a starting point for the development:

  1. Identify each entity that plays a role in the application. This might depend on the requirements. For example, because we want the user to be able to change the title of a topic and we want to archive revisions of the content, we define separate Topic and Page entities.
  2. Identify direct relations between entities. Our decision to define separate Topic and Page entities implies a relation between them, but there are more relations that can be identified, for example, between Topic and Tag. Do not specify indirect relations: All topics marked with the same tag are in a sense related, but in general, it is not necessary to record these indirect relations as they can easily be inferred from the recorded relation between topics and tags.

The image shows the different entities and relations we can identify in our wiki application. Note that like in the books application, a User is a separate entity that is distinct from any user in, for example, a password database.

In the diagram, we have illustrated the fact that a Topic may have more than one Page while a Page refers to a single User in a rather informal way by representing Page as a stack of rectangles and User as a single rectangle. In this manner, we can grasp the most relevant aspects of the relations at a glance. When we want to show more relations or relations with different characteristics, it might be a good idea to use more formal methods and tools. A good starting point is the Wikipedia entry on UML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modelling_Language.

Time for action designing the wiki data model

What just happened?

With the entities and relations in our data model identified, we can have a look at their specific qualities.

The basic entity in a wiki is a Topic. A topic, in this context, is basically a title that describes what this topic is about. A topic has any number of associated Pages. Each instance of a Page represents a revision; the most recent revision is the current version of a topic. Each time a topic is edited, a new revision is stored in the database. This way, we can simply revert to an earlier version if we made a mistake or compare the contents of two revisions. To simplify identifying revisions, each revision has a modification date. We also maintain a relation between the Page and the User that modified that Page.

In the wiki application that we will develop, it is also possible to associate any number of tags with a topic. A Tag entity consists simply of a tag attribute. The important part is the relation that exists between the Topic entity and the Tag entity.

Like a Tag, a Word entity consists of a single attribute. Again, the important bit is the relation, this time, between a Topic and any number of Words. We will maintain this relation to reflect the words used in the current versions (that is, the last revision of a Page) of a Topic. This will allow for fairly responsive full text search facilities.

The final entity we encounter is the Image entity. We will use this to store images alongside the pages with text. We do not define any relation between topics and images. Images might be referred to in the text of the topic, but besides this textual reference, we do not maintain a formal relation. If we would like to maintain such a relation, we would be forced to scan for image references each time a new revision of a page was stored, and probably we would need to signal something if a reference attempt was made to a non-existing image. In this case, we choose to ignore this: references to images that do not exist in the database will simply show nothing:

from entity import Entity
from relation import Relation
class User(Entity): pass
class Topic(Entity): pass
class Page(Entity): pass
class Tag(Entity): pass
class Word(Entity): pass
class Image(Entity): pass
class UserPage(Relation): pass
class TopicPage(Relation): pass
class TopicTag(Relation): pass
class ImagePage(Relation): pass
class TopicWord(Relation): pass
def threadinit(db):
def inittable():
	User.inittable(userid="unique not null")
	Topic.inittable(title="unique not null")
						modified="not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")
	Tag.inittable(tag="unique not null")
	Word.inittable(word="unique not null")
						modified="not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",

Because we can reuse the entity and relation modules we developed earlier, the actual implementation of the database layer is straightforward (full code is available as wikidb.py). After importing both modules, we first define a subclass of Entity for each entity we identified in our data model. All these classes are used as is, so they have only a pass statement as their body.

Likewise, we define a subclass of Relation for each relation we need to implement in our wiki application.

All these Entity and Relation subclasses still need the initialization code to be called once each time the application starts and that is where the convenience function initdb() comes in. It bundles the initialization code for each entity and relation (highlighted).

Many entities we define here are simple but a few warrant a closer inspection. The Page entity contains a modified column that has a non null constraint. It also has a default: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (highlighted). This default is SQLite specific (other database engines will have other ways of specifying such a default) and will initialize the modified column to the current date and time if we create a new Page record without explicitly setting a value.

The Image entity also has a definition that is a little bit different: its data column is explicitly defined to have a blob affinity. This will enable us to store binary data without any problem in this table, something we need to store and retrieve the binary data contained in an image. Of course, SQLite will happily store anything we pass it in this column, but if we pass it an array of bytes (not a string that is), that array is stored as is.

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