Click-through prediction with decision tree

After several examples, it is now time to predict ad click-through with the decision tree algorithm we just thoroughly learned and practiced. We will use the dataset from a Kaggle machine learning competition Click-Through Rate Prediction (

For now, we only take the first 100,000 samples from the train file (unzipped from the train.gz file from for training the decision tree and the first 100,000 samples from the test file (unzipped from the test.gz file from the same page) for prediction purposes.

The data fields are described as follows:

  • id: ad identifier, such as 1000009418151094273, 10000169349117863715
  • click: 0 for non-click, 1 for click
  • hour: in the format of YYMMDDHH, for example, 14102100
  • C1: anonymized categorical variable, such as 1005, 1002
  • banner_pos: where a banner is located, 1 and 0
  • site_id: site identifier, such as 1fbe01fe, fe8cc448, d6137915
  • site_domain: hashed site domain, such as 'bb1ef334', 'f3845767
  • site_category: hashed site category, such as 28905ebd, 28905ebd
  • app_id: mobile app identifier
  • app_domain
  • app_category
  • device_id: mobile device identifier
  • device_ip: IP address
  • device_model: such as iPhone 6, Samsung, hashed by the way
  • device_type: such as tablet, smartphone, hashed
  • device_conn_type: Wi-Fi or 3G for example, again hashed in the data
  • C14-C21: anonymized categorical variables

We take a glance at the data by running the command head train | sed 's/,,/, ,/g;s/,,/, ,/g' | column -s, -t:

id app_domain app_category device_id device_ip device_model device_type device_conn_type C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20  C21
1000009418151094273 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a ddd2926e 44956a24 1 2 15706 320 50 1722 0 35 -1 79
10000169349117863715 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 96809ac8 711ee120 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79
10000371904215119486 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a b3cf8def 8a4875bd 1 0 15704 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79
10000640724480838376 0 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a e8275b8f 6332421a 1 0 15706 320 50 1722 0 35 100084 79
10000679056417042096 0 14102100 1005 1 fe8cc448 9166c161 0569f928 ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 9644d0bf 779d90c2 1 0 18993 320 50 2161 0 35 -1 157
10000720757801103869 0 14102100 1005 0 d6137915 bb1ef334 f028772b ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 05241af0 8a4875bd 1 0 16920 320 50 1899 0 431 100077 117
10000724729988544911 0 14102100 1005 0 8fda644b 25d4cfcd f028772b ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a b264c159 be6db1d7 1 0 20362 320 50 2333 0 39 -1 157
10000918755742328737 0 14102100 1005 1 e151e245 7e091613 f028772b ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a e6f67278 be74e6fe 1 0 20632 320 50 2374 3 39 -1 23
10000949271186029916 1 14102100 1005 0 1fbe01fe f3845767 28905ebd ecad2386 7801e8d9 07d7df22 a99f214a 37e8da74 5db079b5 1 2 15707 320 50 1722 0 35 -1 79

Don't be scared by the anonymized and hashed values. They are categorical features and each possible value of them corresponds to a real and meaningful value, but it is presented this way due to the privacy policy. Maybe C1 means user gender, and 1005 and 1002 represent male and female respectively.

Now let's get started with reading the dataset:

>>> import csv
>>> def read_ad_click_data(n, offset=0):
... X_dict, y = [], []
... with open('train', 'r') as csvfile:
... reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
... for i in range(offset):
... i = 0
... for row in reader:
... i += 1
... y.append(int(row['click']))
... del row['click'], row['id'], row['hour'],
row['device_id'], row['device_ip']
... X_dict.append(row)
... if i >= n:
... break
... return X_dict, y

Note, that we at this moment exclude the id, hour, and device_id, device_ip from features:

>>> n_max = 100000
>>> X_dict_train, y_train = read_ad_click_data('train', n_max)
>>> print(X_dict_train[0])
{'C21': '79', 'site_id': '1fbe01fe', 'app_id': 'ecad2386', 'C19':
'35', 'C18': '0', 'device_type': '1', 'C17': '1722', 'C15': '320',
'C14': '15706', 'C16': '50', 'device_conn_type': '2', 'C1':
'1005', 'app_category': '07d7df22', 'site_category': '28905ebd',
'app_domain': '7801e8d9', 'site_domain': 'f3845767', 'banner_pos':
'0', 'C20': '-1', 'device_model': '44956a24'}
>>> print(X_dict_train[1])
{'C21': '79', 'site_id': '1fbe01fe', 'app_id': 'ecad2386', 'C19':
'35', 'C18': '0', 'device_type': '1', 'C17': '1722', 'C15': '320',
'C14': '15704', 'C16': '50', 'device_conn_type': '0', 'C1':
'1005', 'app_category': '07d7df22', 'site_category': '28905ebd',
'app_domain': '7801e8d9', 'site_domain': 'f3845767', 'banner_pos':
'0', 'C20': '100084', 'device_model': '711ee120'}

Next, we transform these dictionary objects (feature: value) into one-hot encoded vectors using DictVectorizer. We will talk about one-hot encoding in the next chapter. It basically converts a categorical feature with k possible values into k binary features. For example, the site category feature with three possible values, news, education, and sports, will be encoded into three binary features, is_news, is_education, and is_sports. The reason we do such transformation is because the tree-based algorithms in scikit-learn (current version 0.18.1) only allow numerical feature input:

>>> from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
>>> dict_one_hot_encoder = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)
>>> X_train = dict_one_hot_encoder.fit_transform(X_dict_train)
>>> print(len(X_train[0]))

We transformed the original 19-dimension categorical features into 5725-dimension binary features.

Similarly, we construct the testing dataset:

>>> X_dict_test, y_test = read_ad_click_data(n, n)
>>> X_test = dict_one_hot_encoder.transform(X_dict_test)
>>> print(len(X_test[0]))

Next, we train a decision tree model using the grid search techniques we learned in the last chapter. For demonstration, we will only tweak the max_depth parameter, but other parameters, for example min_samples_split and class_weight are recommended. Note that the classification metric should be AUC of ROC, as it is an imbalanced binary case (only 17490 out of 100000 training samples are clicks):

>>> from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
>>> parameters = {'max_depth': [3, 10, None]}
>>> decision_tree = DecisionTreeClassifier(criterion='gini',
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
>>> grid_search = GridSearchCV(decision_tree, parameters,
n_jobs=-1, cv=3, scoring='roc_auc')
>>>, y_train)
>>> print(grid_search.best_params_)
{'max_depth': 10}

Use the model with the optimal parameter to predict unseen cases:

>>> decision_tree_best = grid_search.best_estimator_
>>> pos_prob = decision_tree_best.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
>>> from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
>>> print('The ROC AUC on testing set is:
{0:.3f}'.format(roc_auc_score(y_test, pos_prob)))
The ROC AUC on testing set is: 0.692

The AUC we can achieve with the optimal decision tree model is 0.69. It does not seem perfect, but click-through involves many intricate human factors and its prediction is a very difficult problem.

Looking back, a decision tree is a sequence of greedy searches for the best splitting point at each step based on the training dataset. However, this tends to cause overfitting as it is likely that the optimal points only work for the training samples. Fortunately, random forest is the technique to correct this, and it provides a better-performing tree model.

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