
Above-the-line cost, 308, 325

Accountability, 4, 534, 273, 284, 320

Accuracy:; actuality, 2201, 269; facts, 634, 79, 3012; sound effects, 261

Acoustic, 325; poor, 967; screen, 231, 325; use in drama, 2578, 322

Actors, 2557

Actuality, 179, 2201, 269, 325

Adaptation, for radio, 2434

Ad-lib, 166, 169, 263, 325

Administration, 2834

Advertising, 188203, 322; codes of practice, 189

Advice programmes, 10, 1456, 1478

AGC, 100, 105, 325

Agenda setting, 10, 59

AIDS, 146, 191, 197

Anonymity, 150

‘Any Questions?’, 130

Apologies, 121, 1245, 165, 2967

Appraisal, 287, 311

Appropriateness, 301

Archives, 82, 159, 2989

Artificial reverberation, 2367

Artists, 225, 227, 2312, 241, 27981

Atmosphere, 22, 96, 105, 259, 325

Audience research, 2, 288, 3037, 323, 326

Automatic Gain Control, 100, 105, 326

Auxiliary output, 19, 21, 23

Back announcement, 109, 112, 326

Back-timing, 1645, 185, 326, 334

Background listening, 5

Background noise:; interview, 967, 98; vox pop, 105

Backing track, 23940, 326

BBC policy:; news, 545, 56; surreptitious recording, 270

BBC Radio 3, 290; Radio 4, 274, 294, 322; Radio Norfolk, 74, 76, 147, 324; World Service, 137; Website, 323

Beginnings:; discussion, 1323; documentary, 271; music, 164; phone-in, 1467; talk, 47; vox pop, 107

Bennett, Alan, 263

Bias, 412, 43, 556, 61

Bi-directional microphone, 35, 233, 256, 326

Blind, programmes for, 174

Board, governing, 15, 16; studio, 1922, 326

Boundary effect mic, 233, 326

Boyer, J.H., 42

Bribes, 43, 61

British Airways, commercial, 200, 322

Broadcasting Acts 1990 and 1996, 54, 189, 295

Budget, 278, 285, 3089

Campaigning journalism, 623

Car, radio, 757

Cardioid, 35, 233, 327

Cassettes, 30, 31, 32, 327

Casting, 130, 255

CDs, 345, 327

Cellphone, 77, 207, 208

Chairperson, 1301, 1326, 1413

Characterization, 2478

Children, in programmes, 1045

Choir, 226, 2278

Citizen band, 1

Clean feed, 19, 210, 327

Clock format, 1602, 176

Codes of practice, 40, 54, 189, 295, 323

Commentary, 21324, 316

Commercials, 161, 188203, 242, 322

Commissioning programmes, 2915

Communications Act 2003, 54, 189

Compact disc, 345, 327

Competitions, 156, 180

Compilation CDs, 159

Complaints, 1534, 2967

Compression, digital, 267, 321, 327; dynamic, 230, 2356, 321, 327

Computer:; editing, 323,; for music, 162; for news, 73; music recording, 236, 239; studio systems, 257; training, 312

Condenser microphone, 232, 233, 327

Conflict:; drama, 245; resolution of, 21112, 241, 285

Consumer benefit, 1901

Consumer programmes, 1478

Contempt of court, 567

Contingency plans, 187, 224

Continuity presentation, 1234; in magazines, 114, 174, 1812

Contributors, 130, 132, 273, 27881

Control cubicle, 20

Control lines, 21, 206, 327

Control panel, 1922

Copy policy, 18890

Copyright, 327; clearance, 199200, 244, 278; music, 158, 241; reporting, 284

Correspondence, 1534, 1656, 179, 284, 3078

Costs, 78, 278, 3089

Counselling programmes, 1489

Course organization, 31214

Cox, Sir Geoffrey, 56

Creativity, 31, 274, 276, 286, 301

Credits, 320

Critic, 320

Crossfade, 22, 327

Cue, 327; light, 20, 328; line, 328; material, 10913; sheet, 328

Cume, 328

Current affairs, 545

Danger, 6970, 2089, 2224

DAT, 26, 30, 32, 328

Deaths, 289

Decca ‘tree’, 229

Decibel, 328

Dedications, 1623, 1656

Defamation, 578, 142, 145

Deighton, Len, 273

Delay equipment:; music balance, 237; phone-in, 144, 145

Democracy, broadcasting in a: discussion, 136; interview, 81, 101; news, 42, 53, 56; phone-in, 137

Department for International Development, 89, 445, 55, 323

Devil's advocate, 88

Dialogue, 24850, 317

Diana, Princess of Wales, 289

Digital audio broadcasting, 7, 9, 10

Digital audio tape, see DAT

Digital audio workstation, 2730, 72; processor, 240

Digital compression, 267, 321, 327

Digital editing, 32

Digital effects unit, 208, 236, 260, 322

Digital recording, 256, 30, 23940

Dimbleby, Richard, 2212

Direct inject box, 235

Directional microphone, 356, 233

Disasters, 689, 187, 2224

Disc jockeys, 16870

Discussions, 12836, 178

Documentary interview, 82

Documentary programmes, 26474, 322

Dorris, Bill, 2504

Double meanings, 48, 501

Double tracking, 23940

Drama, 24263, 322; inserts, 181; studio, 258

Drive time, 288, 328

Dry run, 262, 328

Dub editing, 32

Ducker, 159, 236, 328

Dynamic control, 19; automatic, 2356; compression, 230, 2356, 321, 327

Echo, 2367, 328

Editing, 313, 1078, 283, 329

Editorial policy, 42, 53, 546, 104, 2845, 294

Educational role, 9, 291

Effects, sound, 170, 179, 1989, 200, 25961, 269

e-mail, 73, 77, 130, 1523, 329

Embargoes, 79

Embedded reporters, 69

Emergencies, 1245, 187, 2224

Eminence, 302

Endings:; commentary, 221; discussion, 136; documentary, 2723; interview, 93; music, 1645; talk, 49; vox pop, 108

Equalization (EQ), 23, 25, 206, 235, 329

Equity, 329

Error, 121, 1245, 2967

Ethics, 3945, 54, 321

Evaluation, 286, 3009, 318

Executive producer, 28699

Exhibition, 156

Fabrication, 26970

Facsimile/Fax, 73

Faders, 19, 22, 23, 2378

Fair comment, 58

Fair play, 41, 667, 148, 3012, 319

Falklands war, 44, 70

Fault reporting, 38

Features, 180, 2645, 2745

Feedback, 286, 31516, 318

Figure of eight, 35, 233, 329

Fill-up material, 125, 211, 289

Finance, 78, 278, 3089

FM, 10, 200, 329

Foldback, 19, 231, 240, 260, 329

Follow-up materials, 5, 9, 1534, 155

Francis, Sir Richard, 44

Freberg, Stan, 242

Freelance, 73, 329

Frequency allocation, 8

Frequency response, 356, 235, 330

Funding, 1315

Gandhi, Prime Minister, 289

Gatekeeper, 277, 286

Gavigan, Bart, 247

Gilliam, Laurence, 274, 275

Governing Board, 1516

Government control, 13, 14, 15, 445, 55; interview, 94

Gratuities, 212

Greene, Sir Hugh, 56

GTS, 320, 330

Guests, 130, 132, 168

Hall, Lee, 263

Hammocking, 162, 330

Hand signals, 281, 330

Handout, 71, 789, 330

Hanrahan, Brian, 70

Hatch, David, 286

Hazard assessment, 2078, 284, 322

Headphones, 125, 135

Health Education Authority, 197, 322

Hearing damage, 22, 125, 209

Helpline, 149, 155, 179

Hooks, 47, 181

Howl-round, 140, 230, 233, 330

Humour, 126, 2013

Hyper-cardioid, 35, 233, 330

Ideas, development, 1767, 1856, 244, 2767

Imagination, 12, 1923, 2423, 314

Impartiality, 412, 556, 61, 129, 134

Inflection, vocal, 120, 315

Innovation, technical, 302

Intelligibility, 48, 501, 646

Interference, 10

Internet, 4, 27, 131, 143, 177, 210, 214, 331

Interview, 80101, 178, 321

Investigative reporting, 602

ISDN, 27, 77, 206, 331

Item order:; magazine, 1812; music, 164; news, 5860, 31415

Jones, Peter, 223

Journalism, 3945, 5379

Kolb, 310

Law, 54, 568

Lead sheet, 238, 331

Lead story, 5860, 1812, 31415, 331

Leading questions, 8990

Learning objectives, 31112

Legal advice, 146

Letters, listeners, 1523, 1656, 179, 284, 3078

Levels, 19, 212, 29, 92, 967, 1345, 230, 2356, 331

Libel, 578, 142

Limiter, 2356, 331

Lines, 2067, 210

Links, 114, 167, 174

Lip microphone, 77, 215

Listener, relationship with, 46, 101, 11516, 213, 319

Listener participation, 1527, 17980

Location interviews, 96101, 105, 2689

Log of output, 4, 148, 331

Magazine programmes, 17187

Managerial role, 2845, 2868

Marching box, 260, 332

Marie Curie Cancer Care commercial, 195, 322

Market research, 190

Medical advice, 1456

Microphone types, 356, 2335

Minidisc, 30, 32, 77, 99, 107, 332

Mixing, 1922, 21112, 2379, 332

Mobile phone, 77, 207, 208

Monitoring:; headphone, 125; loudspeaker, 19, 212; music, 229, 2389

Monologue, 263

Motivation, 16, 17, 41, 64, 68, 316, 319

Multi-track recording, 23940

Music:; in commercials, 198200; contracting out, 226; in documentary, 270; in drama, 261; fades, 159; in magazines, 172, 1789; recording, 22541; selection, 162, 1634

Musicians, 1589, 2256, 22732, 241, 261

NAB, 30, 189, 332

Narrator, 250, 263, 268

Nervousness, 115, 132, 27980

News, 5379; reading, 11522, 322; reporting, 6370; sources, 71; values, 5860, 31415

News booth, 72; copy flow, 73; diary, 712; training, 312, 31415

News conference, 78

Newspapers, comparison with, 56, 59, 67, 71, 73, 1712

Newsroom, 714

Non-verbal communication, 912, 281

Objectives, 1617, 2767, 2867, 3001, 319; documentary, 265 drama, 243; interview, 80, 81; training, 31112

Objectivity in news, 40, 412, 546, 67

Ofcom, 54, 189, 295, 323, 332

Omni-directional, 35, 77, 98, 332

Opera, 233

Operational technique, 1835, 23740

Oral history, 82, 299, 321, 342

Outside broadcasts, 20412; interviews, 96101, 105

Outside pressures, 1516, 612

Overload distortion, 23, 233, 333

Package, 28

Page layout, 51, 1835, 2545

Pan pot, 23, 37, 237, 333

Panel, 1925, 333

Parody, 194, 199200

Payments, 241, 284; gratuities, 212

Peak distortion, 23, 233, 333

Peak programme meter, 19, 37, 333

Performing Right Society, 127, 158

Personality, 6, 1301, 16970

Phone-in, 134, 13751, 180

Phonographic Performance Ltd, 158

Piano balance, 234

Planning, 1302, 1856, 2056, 21415, 2658, 2779, 2901

Playguide/Playlist, 162

Polar diagrams, microphone, 35, 333

Pop stopper, 232, 233, 333

Portable recorder, 77, 989, 1056

Post production, 240, 283

Post trauma syndrome, 70

PPL, 158, 333

Prefade, 21, 23, 34, 334

Prefading to time, 126, 1645, 184, 185, 334

Premise, 1901

Presence, 23, 197, 235, 334

Presentation, 11517, 1224

Presenter:; discussion, 1301; magazine, 1734; music, 16870; news, 11722; phone-in, 1413; training, 31516

Press councils, 40, 323

Press release, 71, 789

Primacy effect, 59, 191

Pritikin, Robert, 192

Private grief, 40, 689, 82, 2224

Privilege, 58

Programme aims, 2767, 286, 3001, 319; discussion, 128; documentary, 265; interviewing, 80, 81; music, 163; phone-in, 137; writing, 467

Programme analysis, 3003, 31718

Promos, 1257, 200, 322, 334

Pronunciation, 116, 11819, 1656

Propaganda, 412, 55

PRS, 127, 158, 334

Public address, 205, 210, 233, 237

Public relations, 71, 78, 143

Public service, 1213; announcements, 125, 18990, 317

Publicity, 211, 284

Purpose, statement of:; commissioning, 292; documentary, 2645; personal, 1617, 319; programmes, 2767, 2889, 3001; station, 745, 286; training, 313

Q and A, 178, 334

Quality, definition of, 3013, 31718

Question technique, 8691, 1034, 1067

Questionnaire, research, 3057

Quotes, 1201, 322

Racing results, 122

Radio car, 757

Radio mic, 36, 75, 205, 233, 334

Radio station, types, 1416

Rate card, 190

Ratings, 43, 277, 3037, 334

Reach, 2, 3037, 334

Reading speed, 57, 116

Real time, 2734

Recency effect, 59, 191

Reconstruction, 270

Recording off transmission, 4, 148, 151, 211, 216, 335

Reduction, 240, 334

Reference sources, 143, 214, 267

Rehearsal, 239, 262, 27981

Remotes (OBs), 20412 Repeats, 289

Reporting, 6070, 2224; equipment, 778

Request programmes, 1628

Research:; audience, 2, 3037; market, 190; panels, 305; questionnaires, 3057

Reverberation, 2367, 2578, 322, 335

Reverse talkback, 129, 335

Ribbon microphone, 233, 335

Risk, 6970, 2078, 2089, 284, 322

Roadshow, 156

RSL Station, 14, 335

Running order, 26, 335; documentary, 2667; magazine, 1815; outside broadcast, 211

Safety, 2078, 2089, 235

Sampling rate, 27, 321

Scheduling, 28990

Scripting, 4652; dialogue, 24853, 31617; layout, 51, 2545

SEAT commercial, 200, 322

Secret recording, 43, 62, 270, 295

Segue, 167, 335

Self-op, 19, 24, 25

Selling point, 1901

Sequence programmes, 17180

Setting, drama, 2467

Share, 2, 335

Signature tune, 1723, 335

Signposting, 49, 111, 112, 243

Simulation, 269

Site visit, 2056, 214, 216

Solid state, 8, 77, 99, 335

Sound effects, 179, 1989, 200, 25961, 269

Spin doctor, 78

Speed of reading, 51, 116

‘Spoonface Steinberg’, 263

Sports:; commentary, 21617, 21920; results, 121, 122

Spot information, 1745

Staff development, 287

Stand-by material, 125, 211, 289

Station sound, 1224, 1257

Statistics, 634

Stereo, 368, 97, 2001, 237

Story, 2456, 2503

Strategic planning, 2901

Stress, 85, 132, 142, 279

Stressing vocal, 11920

Studio discipline, 27982

Studio layout, 20, 245; drama, 258; music, 2302

Studio operations, 1838; errors, 1245; music, 23740; phone-in, 13841, 1435

Style:; commentary, 21719; magazine, 1734; news, 59; station, 1224

Style book, 745

Subbing, 73

Success criteria, 17, 286

Talkback, 20, 21, 118, 129, 135, 233, 241, 280, 336

‘Talking Heads’, 263

Talk-over, 159, 166, 167

Talks table, 128, 129, 336

Tape, care, 2989

Target audience, 46, 213, 277; commercials, 190; commissioning, 2915; evaluation, 3001; music, 160; news, 5860; scheduling, 2889

Taste, 282, 296

Television, comparison with, 2, 3, 5, 8, 112

Terrorism, 54, 56, 2224

Tie clip mic, 36, 226, 258

Titles, 172

Top 40, 9, 160, 161

Trails, 1257, 2824, 322, 336

Training, 287, 288, 31018

Translation, in interviews, 956

Transmission slot, 173, 277, 289

Triangle of trust, 101

Tri-media, 73, 336

TV, closed circuit, 210, 233

Two-way, 147, 178, 337

UN, 3940

Union agreements, 239

Voice-over, 159, 166, 167, 236, 337

Voice projection, 116, 11920, 356–7, 31516

Voice report, 177, 337

Voicework, 31516

Vox pop, 1028, 183, 316, 322, 337

War, 412, 44, 6970

Warm-up, 241, 337

Watchdog, role of media, 423, 601, 130

WAVE 105, 127, 322, 324

Website, 4, 73, 2978, 3234, 337

Windshield, 77, 101, 337

Writing, 4652; commercials, 1915; drama, 2434, 2456, 24854; news, 646; press release, 789

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