Escape from Gilligan's Island

A complete list of classic mistakes would go on for pages more, but those presented are the most common and the most serious. As Seattle University's David Umphress points out, watching most organizations attempt to avoid these classic mistakes seems like watching reruns of Gilligan's Island. At the beginning of each episode, Gilligan, the Skipper, or the Professor comes up with a cockamamie scheme to get off the island. The scheme seems as though it's going to work for a while, but as the episode unfolds, something goes wrong, and by the end of the episode the castaways find themselves right back where they started—stuck on the island.

Similarly, most companies at the end of each project find that they have made yet another classic mistake and that they have delivered yet another project behind schedule or over budget or both.

Your Own List of Worst Practices

Be aware of the classic mistakes. Create lists of "worst practices" to avoid on future projects. Start with the list in this chapter. Add to the list by conducting project postmortems to learn from your team's mistakes. Encourage other projects within your organization to conduct postmortems so that you can learn from their mistakes. Exchange war stories with your colleagues in other organizations, and learn from their experiences. Display your list of mistakes prominently so that people will see it and learn not to make the same mistakes yet another time.

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