Risk, High Risk, and Gambling

For purposes of rapid development, some projects are risks, some are high risks, and some are gambles. It's hard to find a software project that doesn't involve some risk, and projects that are merely "risks" are the kind best-suited to achieving maximum development speed. They allow you to move in an efficient, straight line from the beginning of the project to the end. Fast development, while not necessarily easy to achieve, is well within the grasp of the person who understands the strategies and practices described in this book.


It is not only the magnitude of the risk that we need to be able to appraise in entrepreneurial decisions. It is above all the character of the risk. Is it, for instance, the kind of risk we can afford to take, or the kind of risk we cannot afford to take? Or is it that rare but singularly important risk, the risk we cannot afford not to take— sometimes regardless of the odds?

 --Peter Drucker

High risk and rapid development make a less compatible combination. Risks tend to extend development schedules, and high risks tend to extend them a lot. But business realities sometimes require you to commit to an ambitious development schedule even when a project involves many risks—vague requirements, untrained personnel, unfamiliar product areas, strong research elements, or all of the above.

If you find yourself forced to commit to an ambitious schedule in such circumstances, be aware of the nature of the commitment. With two or three high-risk areas, even your best schedule projections will be nearly meaningless. Be careful to explain to the people who depend on you that you are willing to take calculated risks, even high risks, but more likely than not you won't be able to deliver what everyone is hoping for. In such cases, not just active but vigorous risk management will help you to make the best of a difficult situation.


For more on projects that have their schedules, feature sets, and resources dictated to them, see Development-Speed Trade-Offs, Development-Speed Trade-Offs. For more on code and fix, see Code-and-Fix, Code-and-Fix.

At the extreme end of the risk scale, some projects are scheduled so aggressively that they become out-and-out gambles—they are more like the purchase of a lottery ticket than a calculated business decision. About one-third of all projects have an impossible combination of schedules, feature sets, and resources dictated to them before they start. In such circumstances, there is no incentive to practice risk management because the project starts out with a 100-percent chance of failure. With no chance of meeting their schedules through the use of any known development practices, it becomes rational to gamble on 1000-to-1 long shots such as code-and-fix development. These projects, which know they need maximum development speed, ironically become the projects that are most likely to throw effective, proven speed-oriented practices out the window.

The results are inevitable. The long shot doesn't pay off, and the project is delivered late—much later than it would have been if the project had been set up to take calculated risks rather than desperate gambles.

Do one-third of the projects in the industry really need to take desperate gambles? Do one-third of the projects have business cases for taking 1000-to-1 long shots? I don't think so. Beware of the risk level on your project, and try to keep it in the "risk" or "high-risk" category.

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