Making mischief

So, we have random phrases being displayed, but what if we now want to make them less random? What if you want to show your program to a friend, but make sure that it only ever says nice things about you, or bad things about them? In this section, we'll extend the program to do just that.


The first thing we're going to do is replace one of our lists with a dictionary. A dictionary in Python uses one piece of information (a number, some text, or almost anything else) to search for another. This is a lot like the dictionaries you might be used to, where you use a word to search for its meaning. In Python, we say that we use a key to look for a value.

We're going to turn our adjectives list into a dictionary. The keys will be the existing descriptive words, and the values will be tags that tell us what sort of descriptive words they are. Each adjective will be "good" or "bad".

My adjectives list becomes the following dictionary. Make similar changes to yours.

adjectives = {"fast":"good", "slow":"bad", "pretty":"good", "smelly":"bad"}

As you can see, the square brackets from the list become curly braces when you create a dictionary. The elements are still separated by commas, but now each element is a key-value pair with the adjective first, then a colon, and then the type of adjective it is.

To access a value in a dictionary, we no longer use the number which matches its position. Instead, we use the key with which it is paired. So, as an example, the following code will display "good" because "pretty" is paired with "good" in the adjectives dictionary:

print adjectives["pretty"]

If you try to run your program now, you'll get an error which mentions random.choice(adjectives). This is because random.choice expects to be given a list, but is now being given a dictionary. To get the code working as it was before, replace that line of code with this:

adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())

The addition of .keys() means that we only look at the keys in the dictionary—these are the adjectives we were using before, so the code should work as it did previously. Test it out now to make sure.


You may remember the forever and repeat code blocks in Scratch. In this section, we're going to use Python's versions of these to repeatedly choose random items from our dictionary until we find one which is tagged as "good". A loop is the general programming term for this repetition—if you walk around a loop, you will repeat the same path over and over again, and it is the same with loops in programming languages.

Here is some code, which finds an adjective and is tagged as "good". Replace your existing adjective = line of code with these lines:

while True:
    adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())
    if adjectives[adjective] == "good":

The first line creates our loop. It contains the while key word, and a test to see whether the code should be executed inside the loop. In this case, we make the test True, so it always passes, and we always execute the code inside. We end the line with a colon to show that this is the beginning of a block of code. While in Scratch we could drag code blocks inside of the forever or repeat blocks, in Python we need to show which code is inside the block in a different way. First, we put a colon at the end of the line, and then we indent any code which we want to repeat by four spaces.

The second line is the code we had before: we choose a random adjective from our dictionary.

The third line uses adjectives[adjective] to look into the (adjectives) dictionary for the tag of our chosen adjective. We compare the tag with "good" using the double = sign (a double = is needed to make the comparison different from the single = case, which stores a value in a variable). Finally, if the tag matches "good", we enter another block of code: we put a colon at the end of the line, and the following code is indented by another four spaces. This behaves the same way as the Scratch if block.

The fourth line contains a single word: break. This is used to escape from loops, which is what we want to do now that we have found a "good" adjective.

If you run your code a few times now, you should see that none of the bad adjectives ever appear.


In the preceding section, we saw a simple use of the if statement to control when some code was executed. Now, we're going to do something a little more complex. Let's say we want to give Alice a good adjective, but give Bob a bad adjective. For everyone else, we don't mind if their adjective is good or bad.

The code we already have to choose an adjective is perfect for Alice: we always want a good adjective. We just need to make sure that it only runs if our random phrase generator has chosen Alice as its random person. To do this, we need to put all the code for choosing an adjective within another if statement, as shown here:

if name == "Alice":
    while True:
        adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())
        if adjectives[adjective] == "good":

Remember to indent everything inside the if statement by an extra four spaces.

Next, we want a very similar piece of code for Bob, but also want to make sure that the adjective is bad:

elif name == "Bob":
    while True:
        adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())
        if adjectives[adjective] == "bad":

The only differences between this and Alice's code is that the name has changed to "Bob", the target tag has changed to "bad", and if has changed to elif. The word elif in the code is short for else if. We use this version because we only want to do this test if the first test (with Alice) fails. This makes a lot of sense if we look at the code as a whole: if our random person is Alice, do something, else if our random person is Bob, do something else.

Finally, we want some code that can deal with everyone else. This time, we don't want to perform another test, so we don't need an if statement: we can just use else:

    adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())

With this, our program does everything we wanted it to do. It generates random phrases, and we can even customize what sort of phrase each person gets. You can add as many extra elif blocks to your program as you like, so as to customize it for different people.


In this section, we're not going to change the behavior of our program at all; we're just going to tidy it up a bit.

You may have noticed that when customizing the types of adjectives for different people, you created multiple sections of code, which were almost identical. This isn't a very good way of programming because if we ever want to change the way we choose adjectives, we will have to do it multiple times, and this makes it much easier to make mistakes or forget to make a change somewhere.

What we want is a single piece of code, which does the job we want it to do, and then be able to use it multiple times. We call this piece of code a function. We saw an example of a function being created in the comparison with Scratch at the beginning of this chapter, and we've used a few functions from the random module already. A function can take some inputs (called arguments) and does some computation with them to produce a result, which it returns.

Here is a function which chooses an adjective for us with a given tag:

def chooseAdjective(tag):
    while True:
        item = random.choice(adjectives.keys())
        if adjectives[item] == tag:
    return item

In the first line, we use def to say that we are defining a new function. We also give the function's name and the names of its arguments in brackets. We separate the arguments by commas if there is more than one of them. At the end of the line, we have a colon to show that we are entering a new code block, and the rest of the code in the function is indented by four spaces.

The next four lines should look very familiar to you—they are almost identical to the code we had before. The only difference is that instead of comparing with "good" or "bad", we compare with the tag argument. When we use this function, we will set tag to an appropriate value.

The final line returns the suitable adjective we've found. Pay attention to its indentation. The line of code is inside the function, but not inside the while loop (we don't want to return every item we check), so it is only indented by four spaces in total.

Type the code for this function anywhere above the existing code, which chooses the adjective; the function needs to exist in the code prior to the place where we use it. In particular, in Python, we tend to place our code in the following order:

  1. Imports
  2. Functions
  3. Variables
  4. Rest of the code

This allows us to use our functions when creating the variables. So, place your function just after the import statement, but before the lists. We can now use this function instead of the several lines of code that we were using before. The code I'm going to use to choose the adjective now becomes:

if name == "Alice":
    adjective = chooseAdjective("good")
elif name == "Bob":
    adjective = chooseAdjective("bad")
    adjective = random.choice(adjectives.keys())

This looks much neater! Now, if we ever want to change how an adjective is chosen, we just need to change the chooseAdjective function, and the change will be seen in every part of the code where the function is used.

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