
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


“Check all that apply” statements, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
“concept testing”, Other Methods
“consent to contact” question, Screener Introduction
“dummy” information, user entry of, When to Go Remote
“emerging themes”, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
“experience sampling”, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
“fake” users, Paying Remote Recruits, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
risk of, Paying Remote Recruits
spotting, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
“mask” tools, to hide private information in video, Making Highlight Clips
“opt out,” as participant choice, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
“progressive disclosure of information”, Introducing the Study
“Safe Harbor” laws (European Union), Local Research Practitioners, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
certifying adherence to, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
“synchronous” research, Moderated vs. Automated
“Track Your Happiness” study, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
“usage context”, Moderated Analysis
“vicarious consent”, Privacy Policy for Minors


access, as Safe Harbor principle, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
accidents, portable testing and, Challenges and Logistics
acknowledgments of observers’ contributions, After the Session
Acorn Marketing and Research Consultants, Recruiting Services
active listening, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone
Adaptive Path, Is Lab Research Dead?
Adium, Smart Note Taking
Adobe Acrobat Connect Pro, Adobe Connect
Adobe Captivate, iShowU HD
Adobe Connect, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now, Screen Sharing, Screen Sharing, Taking Notes, Preparing Observers for Testing, Screen Sharing
observer instructions on, Preparing Observers for Testing
session window, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
subscription plan, Screen Sharing
video conferencing, Taking Notes
Adobe Premiere, Smart Note Taking, Making Highlight Clips
Albert, Bill, Recruiting for Automated Studies gift certificates, Paying Remote Recruits
annotation tools, Other Methods
Apogee Group Recruitment, Recruiting Services
Apple, research, Not All Research Is Research
area codes, checking for recurring, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
asynchronous research, Automated Research
automated analysis, Making Highlight Clips, Automated Analysis
task elicitation and analytics, Automated Analysis
automated research, Moderated vs. Automated, When to Use Which Remote Method, Automated Research, Automated Research, The Structure of an Automated Study, Recruiting for Automated Studies, Recruiting for Automated Studies, Different Kinds of Automated Research, Find the Right Level of Task Specificity, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Surveys, Other Methods, Other Methods, Other Methods, Other Methods, Presenting Moderated Findings
annotation tools, Other Methods
basics, Automated Research
different kinds, Recruiting for Automated Studies
input tracking, Other Methods
multivariate testing, Other Methods
online diaries and ethnographies, Other Methods
presenting findings, Presenting Moderated Findings
qualitative and quantitative methods, Find the Right Level of Task Specificity
recruiting for, Recruiting for Automated Studies
remote card sorting, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
structure of study, Automated Research
task elicitation, Different Kinds of Automated Research
vs. moderated research, The Structure of an Automated Study
Web analytics, Surveys
automated tools and services, Other Recording Options
AVI files, Recording, Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac
Axure, When to Go Remote


back button usage, Task Elicitation and Analytics
backup for screen sharing tools, LiveLook
BaseCamp, Smart Note Taking
Beaver, Brian, Is Lab Research Dead?
behaviors, vs. opinions, The Appeal of Lab Research
Beyond the Usability Lab: Conducting Large-Scale User Experience Studies (Albert, Tullis, Tedesco), Recruiting for Automated Studies
blue jeans debacle, Basic Participation Consent
bookmarks, The Technological Ecosystem
bored participant, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
Brighton University, usability lab, Why Remote Research?
Budd, Andy, When to Go Remote


CAMREC format, Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac
CamStudio, CamStudio
Card Sort Cluster Analysis Tool, Card Sorting Tools
card sorting, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Closed Sorts, Card Sorting, Presenting Automated Findings, Survey Tools
(see also analysis; content; methodologies; need for card sorting; user research techniques)
analysis, Card Sorting
moderated or automated, Closed Sorts
presenting findings, Presenting Automated Findings
tools for, Survey Tools
cars, research on technology use in, Bringing Game Research Home
CastingWords, Smart Note Taking, Challenges and Logistics
Chalkmark, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
charity, donation as recipient incentive, Paying Remote Recruits
chatting, Screen Sharing, GoToMeeting
GoToMeeting and, GoToMeeting
Chisnell, Dana, Professional Recruiter’s advice, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener
choice, in Safe Harbor principles, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
Cisco WebEx, LiveLook
clarity, in consent statement, Basic Participation Consent
Clearleft, When to Go Remote
Click Density, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
ClickHeat, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
ClickTale, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
clickwrap agreement, Basic Participation Consent, Consent for Minors
Clixpy, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
closed sorts, Remote Card Sorting
closed-ended questions, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
in automated research, sample, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
collaboration for note taking, Smart Note Taking
collectivism, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
communication, high- and low-context, Smart Note Taking
competitive analysis, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
computers, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script, The Technological Ecosystem
at corporate institutions, use restriction, The Technological Ecosystem
for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
note taking on, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
conference call in GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting
two-line desk phone for, GoToMeeting
confidentiality, Multitasking
consent agreement, Set Up Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy, Basic Participation Consent, Basic Participation Consent, Basic Participation Consent
for recording, Basic Participation Consent
invalid, Basic Participation Consent
sample, Basic Participation Consent
consent from participants, Privacy and Consent, Set Up Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy, Consent to Record, Consent for Minors
and trust, Consent to Record
basics, Set Up Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy
for minors, Consent for Minors
context-dependent interfaces, Other Benefits of Remote Research
Cooper-Symons Associates, Recruiting Services
costs, Is Lab Research Dead?, Other Benefits of Remote Research, When to Go Remote, Screen Sharing, Technology Failures
for testing labs, When to Go Remote
of remote research, Technology Failures
of screen sharing software, Screen Sharing
savings from remote research, Is Lab Research Dead?, Other Benefits of Remote Research
craigslist, Recruiting for Automated Studies
CrazyEgg, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
culture, dimensions of, Smart Note Taking
cultures, testing across, Smart Note Taking, After the Session, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean


data analysis of findings, Recruiting for Automated Studies
data integrity, as Safe Harbor principle, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
debriefing sessions, After the Session
design, recruiting screener, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting
The Designful Company (Neumeier), Not All Research Is Research
desktop wallpapers, The Technological Ecosystem
DHTML layer, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
DHTML recruiting screener, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting
Digsby, Smart Note Taking
downtime between sessions, observers’ expectations on, Preparing Observers for Testing
drop-down menus, in screener, Screener Questions
drop-off rate for task, Task Elicitation and Analytics
due diligence, Hiring a Local Lawyer


eCamm’s Call Recorder for Mac, Recording
email, Recruiting for Automated Studies
for automated research, Recruiting for Automated Studies
email domains, checking for recurring, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
enforcement, of Safe Harbor principles, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
equipment, Is Lab Research Dead?, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes), Method, Technology Failures
checklist for testing, Technology Failures
confirming user’s, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
for one-to-many remote moderating, Method
special needs, and lab research, Is Lab Research Dead?
ESOMAR, Screener Questions
ethical issues, in screener design, Screener Questions
Ethnio, Logistics of Screener Implementation, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting, Card Sorting Tools
ethnographies, Moderated vs. Automated, Other Methods
European Union,, “Safe Harbor” laws, Local Research Practitioners, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
certifying adherence to, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
exaggeration in language, Smart Note Taking
Excel spreadsheet, for note taking, Smart Note Taking
executable file, installing for screen sharing, Screen Sharing
eye-tracking studies, Is Lab Research Dead?


facilitator guide, Drafting the Research Documents, The Remote Facilitator Guide, Presession Setup (1 Minute), Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes), Natural Tasks (15–25 Minutes), Predetermined Tasks (5–15 Minutes), Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
greeting and introduction, Presession Setup (1 Minute)
natural tasks, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
predetermined tasks, Natural Tasks (15–25 Minutes)
presession setup, The Remote Facilitator Guide
vs. improvisation, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
wrap-up and debrief, Predetermined Tasks (5–15 Minutes)
Farnsworth, Carol, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Consent to Record
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”, Consent for Minors, Consent for Minors
“Drafting a COPPA Compliant Privacy Policy”, Consent for Minors
“How to Comply with The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule”, Consent for Minors
femininity, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
FeraLabs, Webnographer, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
Final Cut, Making Highlight Clips, Making Highlight Clips
Firefox, The Technological Ecosystem
Fireworks, When to Go Remote
first click, Automated Analysis
first-timers, recruiting, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
focus groups, The Appeal of Lab Research
forms, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
for live recruiting, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
free trial of Adobe Connect, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now


Hall, Edward, Smart Note Taking
happiness, study on, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
hard drive space for recordings, Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac
HaveASec, Survey Tools
Hawthorne effect, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings
headset for the phone, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
high-context communication, Smart Note Taking
highlight clips, The Technological Ecosystem
Hofstede, Geert, Smart Note Taking
Houck-Whitaker, Julia, When to Go Remote
HTML form-building tool, for screener creation, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
HTML wrapper, for testing images, When to Go Remote


iChat, Screen Sharing
iChat for OS X Leopard, Other Screen Sharing Services
iMarkIt, Other Automated Research Tools
Immersyve, Method
iMovie, The Technological Ecosystem
improvisation, facilitator guide vs., Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
in-person testing, positives in, When to Go Remote
incentives for participants, Paying Remote Recruits, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener, Introducing the Study, Recruiting for Automated Studies
considering increase, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener
for automated research recruiting, Recruiting for Automated Studies
for partial completion, Introducing the Study
individualism, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
info security, lab research on, Is Lab Research Dead?
input tracking, Other Methods
installing executable file for screen sharing, Screen Sharing
instant messaging clients, for timestamping, Smart Note Taking
instructions for observers, Wrap-up and Debrief (3–5 Minutes)
interaction researchers, After the Session
international consent, Consent to Record
international research, Paying Remote Recruits, UserVue
incentives for participants, Paying Remote Recruits
with UserVue, UserVue
Internet law, Certain Assumptions
interpreter, After the Session
iShowU HD, CamStudio
ITracks, Other Automated Research Tools


Java-enabled browser, for screen-sharing software, Screen Sharing, Method


lab research, Why Remote Research?, The Appeal of Lab Research, Is Lab Research Dead?, When to Go Remote, When to Go Remote
appeal of, The Appeal of Lab Research
case study, When to Go Remote
recruiting for, When to Go Remote
uses for, Is Lab Research Dead?
LabsMedia, ClickHeat, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
landline desk phone, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
language, Basic Participation Consent, Smart Note Taking
and invalid consent, Basic Participation Consent
cultural differences and, Smart Note Taking
lawyer, hiring local for international consent issues, Hiring a Local Lawyer
Leiva, Luis, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
LEOTrace, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
liability release waivers, Challenges and Logistics
liability, for failure to disclose information gathering terms, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
Likert scales, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
live recruiting, What’s Remote Research Good For?, Recruiting for Remote Studies, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script, Organizational Challenges of Web Recruiting
and realism, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
web traffic requirements, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting
with forms and pop-ups, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
live streaming video, quality of, Challenges and Logistics
LiveLook, Screen Sharing, Screen Sharing, GoToMeeting
LiveLook Assistant, LiveLook
local research practitioners, in international research, Hiring a Local Lawyer
login names, user methods of storing, The Technological Ecosystem
login process for your Web site, testing, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
long-distance charges, Screen Sharing
long-term orientation, vs. short-term, Smart Note Taking
Loop11, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
low-context communication, Smart Note Taking


m-pathy, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
macro script for Excel, Smart Note Taking
ManyEyes double word tool, Presenting Moderated Findings
market research, The Appeal of Lab Research, The Appeal of Lab Research
goals, The Appeal of Lab Research
vs. user experience research, The Appeal of Lab Research
masculinity, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
Measuring the User Experience (Tullis and Albert), Recruiting for Automated Studies
medication, and invalid consent, Basic Participation Consent
mentally impaired, and invalid consent, Basic Participation Consent
Merholz, Peter, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings
Middle East, exaggeration in, Smart Note Taking
language, Smart Note Taking
MindCanvas, “Sticky” tool, Other Methods
minors, Basic Participation Consent, Consent for Minors, Privacy Policy for Minors
and invalid consent, Basic Participation Consent
avoiding recording with, Privacy Policy for Minors
consent for, Consent for Minors
mobile device research, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
moderated analysis, Analysis and Reporting, Moderated Analysis
technological ecosystem, Moderated Analysis
moderated card sorts, Closed Sorts
moderated research, Moderated vs. Automated, Moderated vs. Automated, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now, Webcams, Moderating, Moderating, The Structure of an Automated Study, Before the Presentation, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones), Not Seeing the Users’ Faces
basics, Moderating
introducing study to participants, Moderating
one-to-many, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
presenting findings, Before the Presentation
research document draft, Webcams
screen sharing, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
technology failures, Not Seeing the Users’ Faces
vs. automated research, The Structure of an Automated Study
when to use, Moderated vs. Automated
moderated research setup, Moderated Research: Setup, Moderated Research: Setup, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
equipment, Moderated Research: Setup
pilot test, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
moderator, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone, Getting Better All the Time, Natural User Behavior
abuse from users, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
desktop of, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone
disruption and intrusion, Getting Better All the Time
multitasking by, Natural User Behavior
moderator script, Drafting the Research Documents
Molich, Rolf, When to Go Remote
monitors (computer display), Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, Other Screen Sharing Services
for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
multiple, and screen sharing, Other Screen Sharing Services
mouse, giving control to participant in GoToMeeting, Method
multitasking, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone, Natural User Behavior


native environment, and remote research, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
natural tasks, in facilitator’s guide, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
natural user behavior, Natural User Behavior
negativity of stakeholders, Security and Confidentiality
Neumeier, Marty, Not All Research Is Research
neutral language, During the Session
Nielsen, Jakob, The Appeal of Lab Research
no-shows, in prescheduled research studies, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
nondisclosure form, users’ signing of, Is Lab Research Dead?
nonverbal communication, Smart Note Taking
note taking, Recording, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
NoteTaker for Mac, Smart Note Taking
notice, in Safe Harbor principles, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”


observation room, for one-to-many moderating, Equipment Setup
observational data, vs. gut instincts, The Appeal of Lab Research
observers, The Remote Facilitator Guide, Wrap-up and Debrief (3–5 Minutes), Preparing Observers for Testing, Working with Observers, Working with Observers, During the Session, During the Session
after session, During the Session
cue to join session, The Remote Facilitator Guide
during session, Working with Observers
instructions about participation, During the Session
preparing for testing, Wrap-up and Debrief (3–5 Minutes)
sample instructions, Preparing Observers for Testing
offline activities of users, The Technological Ecosystem
one-on-one interviews, Moderated vs. Automated
one-party states, consent laws in, Consent to Record
one-to-many remote moderating, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones), One-to-Many Remote Moderating (Video Games), Method
equipment setup, Method
method, One-to-Many Remote Moderating (Video Games)
online diaries, Other Methods
online meeting, user logon to, When to Go Remote
online services for transcribing dialogue, Smart Note Taking
Onward Transfer, as Safe Harbor principle, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
open sorts, Remote Card Sorting, Card Sorting
analysis, Card Sorting
open-ended questions, Screener Questions, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers, Find the Right Level of Task Specificity, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
for user screening, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
in automated research, sample, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
in screener, Screener Questions
sample responses, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
open-ended user comments, for card sort, Card Sorting
OpenHallway, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
opinions, behaviors vs., The Appeal of Lab Research
Optimal Workshop, Chalkmark, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
OptimalSort, Closed Sorts, Survey Tools
organizing set of elements, card sort to understand, Remote Card Sorting
orientation, long-term vs. short-term, Smart Note Taking


panel recruiting services, Recruiting for Automated Studies
paralanguage, Smart Note Taking
paraphrase, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone
parental consent, Consent for Minors
for testing with minors, Consent for Minors
participants, Is Lab Research Dead?, Presession Setup (1 Minute), Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes), Paying Remote Recruits, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers, Moderating, Moderating, Introducing the Study, Introducing the Study, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script, After the Session, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean, The Technological Ecosystem, Adobe Connect, New Approaches to User Research, Legitimacy
avoiding interference with, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
choosing good, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
common questions from, Introducing the Study
confirming willingness to participate, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
dismissing potential, Introducing the Study
guide on establishing contact, Presession Setup (1 Minute)
installing Adobe Connect plug-in, Adobe Connect
introducing study to, Moderating
motivation, Is Lab Research Dead?
not seeing faces of, Legitimacy
offline activities of, The Technological Ecosystem
payment for, Paying Remote Recruits
problems with, After the Session
rapport with, Moderating
telephone for connecting with, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
viewing or controlling your computer, New Approaches to User Research
participants’ station, for one-to-many moderating, Equipment Setup
payment for participants, Paying Remote Recruits, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener, Introducing the Study, Recruiting for Automated Studies
PayPal, Paying Remote Recruits
phone recording adaptor, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
phrases for troubleshooting, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
Pitiyanuvath, Visnu, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS), Method
plug-in usage, The Technological Ecosystem
PocketMeeting, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
PollDaddy, Survey Tools
pop-up blockers, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
pop-ups, for live recruiting, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
portable testing, Bringing Game Research Home, Method, Challenges and Logistics
challenges and logistics, Challenges and Logistics
method, Method
Power Distance, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
privacy, Basic Participation Consent, Introducing the Study
software bugs and, Basic Participation Consent
spying and, Introducing the Study
privacy policy, Certain Assumptions, Set Up Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy
for participants’ information, Set Up Your Web Site’s Privacy Policy
for Web site, Certain Assumptions
professional survey-takers, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
projects, When to Go Remote (see information architecture (IA) projects)
prototype software, When to Go Remote, Top Secret (Reverse Screen Sharing and Remote Access)
remote research on, When to Go Remote
user’s remote access to, Top Secret (Reverse Screen Sharing and Remote Access)
purpose of research, explaining, Introducing the Study


rapport with users, Moderating
RealPlayer, Making Highlight Clips
recording, Recording, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes), Basic Participation Consent, Privacy Policy for Minors, UserVue, Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac
avoiding with minors, Privacy Policy for Minors
consent agreement for, Basic Participation Consent
consent for, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
hard drive space for, Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac
with UserVue, UserVue
recording software, Recording, Recording, CamStudio
CamStudio, CamStudio
Camtasia Studio/Camtasia for Mac, Recording
recruiting, Is Lab Research Dead?, When to Go Remote, Recruiting for Remote Studies, Recruiting for Remote Studies, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers, Recruiting Services, Recruiting for Automated Studies, Moderated or Automated Card Sorts?, Not as Inexpensive as You’d Think, Organizational Challenges of Web Recruiting, Getting the Right Recruits
adjusting screener to increase numbers, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
basics, Recruiting for Remote Studies
dealing with slow, Getting the Right Recruits
for automated research, Recruiting for Automated Studies
for card sort, Moderated or Automated Card Sorts?
for international participants, Recruiting Services
for lab research, When to Go Remote
live, Recruiting for Remote Studies, Organizational Challenges of Web Recruiting
methods compared, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
of first-timers, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
organizational challenges, Not as Inexpensive as You’d Think
recruiting agencies, Other Benefits of Remote Research, Consent for Minors
for contacting minors, Consent for Minors
time requirements, Other Benefits of Remote Research
recruiting funnel, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting
recruiting screener, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Screener Questions, Screener Questions, Screener Submission Confirmation, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener
implementing, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
logistics of implementing, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
placement in Web site, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener
requiring completed forms before submission, Screener Questions
submission confirmation, Screener Questions
testing, Screener Submission Confirmation
recruiting screener design, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting, Screener Introduction
questions, Screener Introduction
recruting screener design, Designing the Screener
introduction, Designing the Screener
reflecting, Ain’t Nothing Wrong with Using the Phone
RelevantView, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools, Survey Tools, Card Sorting Tools
remote access, New Approaches to User Research
remote behavioral observation, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
remote card sorting, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
remote recruiting, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
vs. remote testing, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
remote research, Is Lab Research Dead?, Is Lab Research Dead?, What’s Remote Research Good For?, Other Benefits of Remote Research, When to Go Remote, When to Go Remote, Moderated vs. Automated, Remote Research Tools, The Challenges of Remote Testing, Technology Failures, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
benefits from, Is Lab Research Dead?
best uses for, What’s Remote Research Good For?
case against, When to Go Remote
case study, When to Go Remote
costs, Technology Failures
legitimacy, The Challenges of Remote Testing
moderated vs. automated, Moderated vs. Automated
reasons for switching to, Is Lab Research Dead?
tools for screen sharing, Remote Research Tools
unique qualities, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
uses for, Other Benefits of Remote Research
remote sessions, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
failure rates, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
remote testing, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
vs. remote recruiting, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, Presession Setup (1 Minute)
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press Web site, Consent to Record
reporting, Surveys, Reporting, Before the Presentation, Presenting Moderated Findings, Presenting Automated Findings, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings
before presentation, Reporting
fielding questions from newbies, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings
findings accessible to designers and decision makers, Other Approaches to Presenting Findings
presenting automated findings, Presenting Moderated Findings
presenting moderated findings, Before the Presentation
presenting remotely, Presenting Automated Findings
research, Introducing the Study, Not All Research Is Research, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
by Apple, Not All Research Is Research
explaining purpose to participant, Introducing the Study
mobile device, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
researchers, Preparing Observers for Testing
results, Other Methods
analysis of, Other Methods (see analysis)
Revelation, Other Methods, Other Methods
“Help Mabel”, Other Methods
reverse screen sharing, New Approaches to User Research


screen annotation, Other Automated Research Tools
screen resolutions, The Technological Ecosystem
screen sharing, Is Lab Research Dead?, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes), Introducing the Study, Other Screen Sharing Services, New Approaches to User Research
consent for, Greeting and Introduction (5 Minutes)
explaining to participants, Introducing the Study
inability to use, and lab research, Is Lab Research Dead?
multiple monitors and, Other Screen Sharing Services
reverse, New Approaches to User Research
solutions, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
user setup for Connect, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
screen sharing tools, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now, Screen Sharing, Remote Research Tools, Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting, LiveLook, LiveLook
Adobe Connect, Remote Research Tools
backup for, LiveLook
GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting
LiveLook, GoToMeeting
other services, LiveLook
selecting, Screen Sharing
UserVue, Adobe Connect
Screenflow, iShowU HD
Screensplitr, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
search engine, testing accuracy, Don’t Lead the Users
security, Screener Questions, Certain Assumptions, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”, Multitasking
as Safe Harbor principle, International Consent Example: EU’s “Safe Harbor”
for collected information, Screener Questions, Certain Assumptions
self-introduction, Presession Setup (1 Minute)
setup for remote research, Other Benefits of Remote Research
short-term orientation, vs. long-term, Smart Note Taking
simulated native environment, One-to-Many Remote Moderating (Video Games), Equipment Setup, Pros and Cons of Simulated Native Environments
equipment setup, Equipment Setup
pros and cons, Pros and Cons of Simulated Native Environments
SirValUse, LEOTrace, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
Skype, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, Screen Sharing, Taking Notes, UserVue, Other Screen Sharing Services
video chat, Taking Notes
with UserVue, for international research, UserVue
SMT (Simple Mouse Tracking), Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
Snapz Pro X, Other Recording Options
Sony, Is Lab Research Dead?
Sony Vegas, Making Highlight Clips, Making Highlight Clips
Spencer, Donna, Card Sorting
Spool, Jared, The Appeal of Lab Research, Presenting Automated Findings
Spore, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones), Pros and Cons of Simulated Native Environments
spreadsheet, Taking Notes, Task Elicitation and Analytics, Card Sorting
for card sort analysis, Card Sorting
for data analysis, Task Elicitation and Analytics
for note taking, Taking Notes
stakeholders, Is Lab Research Dead?, Preparing Observers for Testing, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers, During the Session, Reporting, Natural User Behavior, Security and Confidentiality
as observers, During the Session
expectations, Natural User Behavior
in recruiting process, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
negativity of, Security and Confidentiality
presence in lab, Is Lab Research Dead?
summaries of daily testing for, Reporting
standalone web page, for recruiting screener form, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
Stickam, Method
Sticky tool (MindCanvas), Other Methods
stress, and invalid consent, Basic Participation Consent
subconscious biases, in participant selection, Choosing Good Users and Spotting the Fakers
success rate, Automated Analysis
summaries of daily testing, Reporting
SurveyGizmo, Survey Tools
SurveyMonkey, Survey Tools
surveys, Surveys, Card Sorting, Survey Tools
analysis, Card Sorting
tools, Survey Tools


tag cloud generators, Presenting Moderated Findings
TagCrowd, Presenting Moderated Findings
talkative participants, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
tardiness, in prescheduled research studies, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
task elicitation, Different Kinds of Automated Research, Automated Analysis, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
tools, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
task validity, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
task-specific Web analytics, Automated Research
TeamSpeak, Method
technological ecosystem, Moderated Analysis
technology failures, in moderated remote research, Not Seeing the Users’ Faces
technology transfer, Smart Note Taking
research on problems in, Smart Note Taking
TechSmith, Recording, Adobe Connect
Camtasia Studio, Recording
UserVue, Adobe Connect
Tedes, Donna, Recruiting for Automated Studies
teenagers, consent for, Consent for Minors
telephone, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, Basic Participation Consent, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
for connecting with participants, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
legality of recording conversations, Basic Participation Consent
Terms of Service/EULA agreements, Basic Participation Consent
testing, Screener Submission Confirmation, Smart Note Taking, After the Session, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean, Don’t Lead the Users, Bringing Game Research Home, Technology Failures
across cultures, Smart Note Taking, After the Session, Quiet, Chatty, Bored, Drunk, and Mean
equipment checklist for, Technology Failures
portable, Bringing Game Research Home
recruiting screener, Screener Submission Confirmation
search engine accuracy, Don’t Lead the Users
testing labs, When to Go Remote
costs, When to Go Remote
Testled, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
themes, emerging, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
time on task, Automated Analysis
time requirements for recruiting agencies, Other Benefits of Remote Research
time-aware research, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
and going off-script, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
Time-Aware Research (TAR), What’s Remote Research Good For?, What’s “Live Recruiting”?, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
live recruiting for, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
timestamping notes, Taking Notes, Smart Note Taking, Doing a Pilot Test Right Now
To-do lists, The Technological Ecosystem
TotalAudio, GoToMeeting
touchtone desk phone, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
transcribing dialogue, Smart Note Taking
online services for, Smart Note Taking
TreeJack (Beta), Other Automated Research Tools
Trillian, Smart Note Taking
troubleshooting phrases, Time-Aware Research and Going Off-Script
trust, Consent to Record
consent and, Consent to Record
Tullis, Tom, Recruiting for Automated Studies
two-line desk phone, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment, GoToMeeting
for conference call in GoToMeeting, GoToMeeting
for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
two-party states, Consent to Record
consent laws in, Consent to Record


U.S. Department of Commerce, web site, Local Research Practitioners
uncertainty avoidance, as dimension of culture, Smart Note Taking
understatement, as cultural preference, Smart Note Taking
unmoderated research, Moderated vs. Automated, Automated Research
Usability Exchange, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
usability research, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
Usabilla, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
user experience (UX) research, The Appeal of Lab Research, The Appeal of Lab Research
goals, The Appeal of Lab Research
vs. market research, The Appeal of Lab Research
user interaction, task elicitation to learn about, Different Kinds of Automated Research
users, Is Lab Research Dead?, Is Lab Research Dead?, The Technological Ecosystem
cross-shopping with browser tabs, Is Lab Research Dead?
learning from viewing body, Is Lab Research Dead?
typical desktop appearance, The Technological Ecosystem, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
UserVue, Recording, Smart Note Taking, Adobe Connect, UserVue
international research with, UserVue
recording function, Recording
video marking function, Smart Note Taking
UserZoom, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Recruiting for Automated Studies, Task Elicitation, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools, Method
UZ Self-Serve Edition, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools, Survey Tools, Card Sorting Tools


validity of study, What’s “Live Recruiting”?
Veency, Mobile Device Research (Smartphones)
verbal consent, Basic Participation Consent
video, Making Highlight Clips, Before the Presentation, UserVue
annotating with UserVue, UserVue
availability to stakeholders, Before the Presentation
hiding private information, Making Highlight Clips
video chat in Adobe Connect, Adobe Connect
video files, Smart Note Taking
automatic transcription of, Smart Note Taking
video marking function in UserVue, Smart Note Taking
VLC, Making Highlight Clips
VNC, When to Go Remote
VoIP service, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment


Web analytics, Automated Research, Surveys, Task Elicitation and Analytics
task-specific, Automated Research
web browser, user cross-shopping with tabs, Is Lab Research Dead?
Web conferencing service, GoToMeeting
web resources, Presession Setup (1 Minute), Consent to Record, Consent for Minors, Consent for Minors, Presession Setup (1 Minute)
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Consent to Record
“Drafting a COPPA Compliant Privacy Policy” (FTC), Consent for Minors
“How to Comply with The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule” (FTC), Consent for Minors
Web sites, Is Lab Research Dead?, When to Go Remote, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener, Certain Assumptions, Other Methods
privacy policy for, Certain Assumptions
products or services structure, Other Methods
remote testing for, Is Lab Research Dead?, When to Go Remote
screener placement on, Recruiting Slow? Don’t Sit Around—Fix the Screener
standalone web page for recruiting screener form, Implementing the Recruiting Screener
web traffic requirements for live recruiting, Web traffic Requirements for Live Recruiting
Web video streaming service, Method
webcam chat, Adobe Connect
in Adobe Connect, Adobe Connect
webcams, Taking Notes
WebEffective, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods, Task Elicitation and Analytics, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools, Survey Tools
online reporting tools, Use Both Qualitative and Quantitative Methods
“Key Performance Indicators”, Task Elicitation and Analytics
WebEx (Cisco), LiveLook
Webnographer, Task Elicitation and Analytics Tools
WebSort, Closed Sorts, Card Sorting Tools
Wikipedia Usability Initiative, Legitimacy, Multitasking
Wilkens, Todd, Conclusion: Don’t Waste Your Life Doing Pointless Research
Williams v. Williams (Michigan, 1998), Privacy Policy for Minors
Windows Movie Maker, The Technological Ecosystem
wired Internet connection, for moderated research, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
wireframes, remote research on, When to Go Remote
wireless connection, Challenges and Logistics
wireless connections, Gearing Up: Physical Equipment
WMCapture, Other Recording Options
WMV files, Recording
word processing document for note taking, Taking Notes
Wordle, Presenting Moderated Findings
Wufoo, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Implementing the Recruiting Screener, Other Automated Research Tools


ZDSoft Screen Recorder, Other Recording Options
Zoomerang, Survey Tools
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