Q1:Which JDBC driver is best for my J2EE applications?
A1: Each JDBC driver has its usage environment and depends on the availability of the driver. Type 2 is best used when high transaction rate is required because itís optimized for the native DBMS API. Type 4 is all Java, and is attractive for most J2EE applications because itís optimized with the underlying JVM technology.
Q2:What is the appropriate sequence to access a DataSource through JDBC?
A2: There are two important group of tasks to be performed: one by the administrator and the other by the application developer.

The administrative tasks are

  • Configure a DataSource and registered it in into the JNDI service provider.

  • Configure a connection pool and map it to the defined DataSource.

The developer writes code in the following sequence:

  • Connect to a JNDI service, and establish a Context by looking up a named DataSource.

  • Create a Connection object from the DataSource factory. A Connection is assigned from the connection pool. A Connection represents a database session.

  • Create a Statement object from Connection (can be PreparedStatement or CallableStatment).

  • Perform SQL statements (both DDL and DML database operations) on the Statement object, such as execute(), executeQuery(), updateQuery(), and executeBatch().

  • Retrieve output in a ResultSet object, and process it according to the application's needs.

  • Close all allocated resources in proper sequence: First, close all Statement objects in the reverse order of how they were allocated, then close the Connection objects, and finally the Context object.

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