Configuring WebLogic 7.0

When the installation is complete, you must configure the WebLogic Server environment. From the Start menu, select Programs, BEA WebLogic Platform 7.0, and choose the Configuration Wizard application. You'll be presented with the screen in Figure A.1.

Figure A.1. Domain selection dialog.

Select the WLS Domain template and give it the name mydomain. Choose the Single Server (Standalone Server) server type and click Next. Notice that for the purpose of the examples in this book, you're using a single server configuration. However, for real-world enterprise applications in a production environment, you would probably install the clustered version, where load-balancing and failover capability can be utilized for high performance and fully redundant services (see Figure A.2).

Figure A.2. Server type dialog.

The screen in Figure A.3 will prompt you for the location of your domain. Input the following path <bea-home>weblogic701config. So, if your BEA home directory were c:ea, the domain location would be c:eaweblogic701config.

Figure A.3. Domain location dialog.

Next, you'll be presented with the server configuration parameters. You shouldn't change the default parameters provided because they are the most common and safest configuration for the listen ports. The listen address is not provided with a default value, and if you leave it blank, you'll be able to access your server through the URL http://localhost:7001/. Your configuration should look like the one shown in Figure A.4.

Figure A.4. Server type selection dialog.

Now you'll be prompted for a username and password. Choose a username and password that you'll remember—you won't be able to run or administer the server without them. We recommend using the username system, and the password administrator for this installation or WebLogic. After you've entered that information, proceed by clicking Next. When prompted to choose whether you would like to run the server as a Windows service, you may choose No for the purposes of running the examples in this book. Proceed by clicking Next.

Now you'll be prompted to choose whether to install this server on the Windows Start menu. You may choose No for the purposes of this book. Proceed by clicking Next. Finally, you're presented with the Configuration Summary page shown in Figure A.5, which contains the information that you have previously entered.

Figure A.5. Configuration Summary screen.

Click the Create button to proceed. Configuration is now complete for the domain and server you'll use to run examples in this book. Now you can choose End Configuration Wizard, and click the Next button to finish.

Congratulations! After you've entered your server's configuration parameters in the setEnvWeblogic.bat file located in the examples' root directory (as per the instructions contained in README.txt located in the same directory), you can start running the examples provided with this book.


If you choose a different installation directory than the one we suggested earlier (c:ea), you must set the environment variable WEBLOGIC_HOME (in the setEnvWebLogic.bat script) to the new location. Other parameters, such as STYEJB_HOME (location of your examples root directory), WLS_USER (for the username) and WLS_PW (for the password) also must be set.

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