

A Comment Is Held for Moderation option (Discussion Settings screen, Email Me Whenever section), 68

A Static Page option (Reading Settings screen, Front Page Displays setting), 63

About Yourself section (profiles)

Biographical Info area, 21

completing, 25

passwords, 22–23


activating, 12

passwords, creating, 9

profiles, updating, 11

setting up, 9

user names, creating, 9

Active category (Plug-ins Dashboard), 170

Add New option (Plug-ins Dashboard), 172

Add New Post page, 28

Add This to the (Current) Theme’s CSS Stylesheet option (CSS Stylesheet Editor page), 110


RSS feeds, 116

widgets to blogs, 102

Admin Color Scheme, 17

Admin passwords, 151

Administrative Dashboard

managing comments, 82

Recent Comments Dashboard widget, 83–84

Advertising Manager plug-in, 184

advertising plug-ins, 184

Akismet spam filtering plug-in, 184

Akismet spam filtering software, 80–81

All category (Plug-ins Dashboard), 170

Allow Link Notifications from Other Blogs (Pingbacks and Trackbacks) option (Discussion Settings screen), 78

Allow People to Post Comments on New Articles option (Discussion Settings screen), 78

allowing comments, 77

alternate text image descriptions, 46

Anyone Posts a Comment option (Discussion Settings screen, Email Me Whenever section), 68

API (Application Programming Interface)

defining, 17

Personal API keys, profiles, 16

App Store, WordPress application, 192–193

applying themes, 97, 166

approving comments

comments list, 86–88

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84

archives widget, 101


Attempt to Notify and Blogs Linked To from the Article option (Discussion Settings screen), 78

comments, changing settings for individual articles, 79–80

posting, Press This feature, 120

Atom Publishing, remote publishing, 188

Attempt to Notify any Blogs Linked To from the Article option (Discussion Settings screen), 78

audio, adding to pages, 51–52

authentication, 123

Author column (comments list), 86

Auto Renew setting (registrars), 134

Auto-embeds option (Media Settings screen), 71

automated script services, WordPress installations, 139

Automatically Close Comments on Articles Older Than __ Days setting (Other Comment Settings section (Discussion Settings screen), 67

Automattic, paid technical support via, 209

avatars. See also gravatars

Avatar Display option (Discussion Settings screen), 69

Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

Default Avatar option (Discussion Settings screen), 69

Maximum Rating option (Discussion Settings screen), 69

uploading images as, 58


backups, 123–124, 128

bandwidth, web hosting, 136

Before a Comment Appears setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

Bing Webmaster Center, webmaster tools verification, 123

Biographical Info area (profiles, About Yourself section), 21


remote publishing from, 194–195

viewing posts, 196

Blog Pages Show at Most option (Reading Settings screen), 64

Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

Blog Title setting (General Settings screen), 56


activating, 12

comments, configuring settings, 78–80

configuring settings

comments, 78–80

discussion settings, 65–69

formatting settings, 60–61

general settings, 55–58

media settings, 70–71

privacy settings, 71–72

reading settings, 62–65

writing settings, 58–59


CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 108–111

Extras page, 103

header images, 107

header images, 107

lateral navigation, 105–106

mobile browsers, 104

mShots preview links, 103

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

themes, 93–97

widgets, 100–102

databases, creating, 146

deleting, 72

development strategies, 9

domains, choosing, 10

finding, 77

folders, creating, 146

folds, 156


bandwidth costs, 136

bandwidth requirements, 136

costs of, 133

disk space costs, 136

disk space requirements, 136

finding support, 137

Go Daddy web hosting service, 140

maintenance, 132–133

plug-ins, 132

pre-existing themes, 132

reasons for hosting, 131

registering domain names, 133–135

requirements, 139

responsibilities of, 132–133

uploading files to web hosts, 143–145

WordPress operational requirements, 136

importing content from other blogs, 128

migrating, 124–125

content to WordPress, 13

importing data from exported WordPress (XML) files, 126

transferring blogs, 126–127 blogs to sites, 129

naming, 10, 56, 129

OpenID, 73


CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 108–111

Extras page, 103

header images, 107

lateral navigation, 105–106

mShots preview links, 103–104

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

themes, 93–97

widgets, 100–102

Primary Blog setting (profiles, Personal Options section), 18

remote publishing

Atom Publishing, 188

BlackBerry, 194–195

technical support, 200–205

configuring, 187–188

email, 196–199

Flickr, 189–190

iPhone, 192–193

mobile applications, 192–195

Posterous, 191

ScribeFire plug-in, 200–204 email posts, 197 email posts, 197–199

XML-RPC, 188

renaming, 129

taglines, 56

themes, 153

applying, 166

browsing at, 158–159

deleting, 166

downloading, 158, 164–165

finding, 157

fixed layouts, 157

fluid layouts, 157

free themes, 154–155

installing, 162–165

premium themes, 154–155

resolution and, 156

three-column themes, 156

two-column themes, 155

types of, 154

viewing details of, 160

transferring, 126–127

upgrades, transferring blogs, 127

widgets, adding/removing, 102

BluBrry PowerPress plug-in, 185

branding (corporate) themes, 95



Always Use HTTPS When Visiting Administration Pages dialog, 18

encryption, 18

remote publishing from, 200–204

Bulk Actions drop-down list (comments list), 88

Bulk Edit menu, Quick Edit option, 39



calendar widget, 101

Week Starts On option (General Settings screen), 57

categories widget, 101

categorizing posts, 36

ChangeLog, plug-in upgrades, 182

code, editing, 177


A Comment Is Held for Moderation option (Discussion Settings screen, Email Me Whenever section), 68

allowing, 77

Anyone Posts a Comment option (Discussion Settings screen, Email Me Whenever section), 68


comments list, 86–88

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84

Automatically Close Comments on Articles Older Than __ Days setting (Discussion Settings screen), 67

Before a Comment Appears setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

best practices, 90

blog settings, configuring, 78–80

bulk actions, making to comments list, 88

checking, 90

Comment Author Must Fill Out Name and Email setting (Other Comment Settings section, Discussion Settings screen), 67

Comment Blacklist setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

Comment Moderation setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

Comment Reply via Email setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

comments list

approving comments, 86–88

Author column, 86

deleting comments, 87–88

filtering comments, 88–89

In Response To column, 86

making bulk actions, 88

replying to comments, 87

searching comments in, 88

spam filtering, 86–89

unapproving comments in, 88

Comments Should be Displayed with the _ Comments at the Top of Each Page (Discussion Settings screen), 67


comments list, 87–88

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 85

denying, 77

Discussion Settings screen, configuring, 78–80


Quick Edit link (comments list), 87

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84


email aliases, 91

receiving notifications, 90

Enable Threaded (Nested) Comments __ Levels Deep setting (Discussion Settings screen), 67

filtering in comments list, 88–89

leaving, 76–77


Administrative Dashboard, 82–84

comments list, 85–88

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 83–84

Notify Me of Follow Up Comments via Email option, 77

Other Comment Settings section (Discussion Settings screen), 66

page index (comments list), 89

replying to, 91

comments list, 87

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84

searching in comments list, 88

spam filtering, 68, 80–81

comments list, 86–89

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 85

Subscribe to Comments setting (Discussion Settings screen), 69

unapproving in comments list, 88

Users Must Be Registered and Logged In to Comment setting (Discussion Settings screen), 67

viewing all, 85


blog settings, 55

discussion settings, 65–69

formatting settings, 60–61

general settings, 55–58

media settings, 70–71

privacy settings, 71–72

reading settings, 62–65

writing settings, 58–59

comment settings, 78–80

discussion settings, 78–80

remote publishing, 187–188

RSS feeds, 114–116

Contact Info section (profiles), 20

copying WordPress files to websites, 143–145

copyrighted material, adding to pages, 52

corporate branding themes, 95

CSS Stylesheet Editor page

customizing blogs, 108–111

previewing changes in, 110

saving changes in, 110



CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 108–111

Extras page, 103

header images, 107

lateral navigation, 105–106

mobile browsers, 104

mShots preview links, 103

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

themes, 93–97

widgets, 100–102

header images, 107

themes (blogs), 153

applying, 166

browsing at, 158–159

deleting, 166

downloading, 158, 164–165

finding, 157

fixed layouts, 157

fluid layouts, 157

free themes, 154–155

installing, 162–165

premium themes, 154–155

resolution and, 156

three-column themes, 156

two-column themes, 155

types of, 154

viewing details of, 160



browsing themes in, 160

Plug-ins Dashboard

Active category, 170

Add New option, 172

All category, 170

Editor option, 172

Featured view, 174

Inactive category, 170

Installed option, 172

Newest view, 174

plug-in searches, 174–175

Recently Active category, 171

Recently Updated view, 175

Search view, 174

Upgrade Available category, 171

Upload view, 174

widgets, 167

data backups, 123–124

databases, creating, 146

Date Format setting (General Settings screen), 57

deactivating plug-ins, 183

Default Article Setting (Discussion Settings screen), 66

Default Avatar option (Discussion Settings screen), 69

Default Link Category (Writing Settings screen), 61

Default Post Category (Writing Settings screen), 61


blogs, 72


comments list, 87–88

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 85

plug-ins, 171

themes, 166

denying comments, 77

descriptions (blogs), taglines, 56

development strategies, 9

disabling mShots preview links, 104

Discussion Settings screen, 65, 79–80

Allow People to Post Comments on New Articles option, 78

Avatar Display option, 69

Before a Comment Appears setting, 68

Comment Blacklist setting, 68

Comment Moderation setting, 68

Comment Reply via Email setting, 68

Default Article Setting, 66

Default Avatar option, 69

Email Me Whenever section, 68

Maximum Rating option, 69

Other Comment Settings section, 66

Subscribe to Comments setting, 69

discussions, setting post options, 34

disk space

web hosting costs, 136

web hosting requirements, 136

Display a Mobile Theme When This Blog Is Viewed with a mobile browser option (Extras page), 104

Display Name Publicly As list (profiles), 20

documentation, WordPress documentation as free support, 206–207

domain names, registering, 133–135

Domains section (Settings section), 73

domains, choosing, 10


plug-ins, 173

themes, 158, 164–165

drafts (posts)

changing status of, 34

saving, 34


Edit button (Add New Post page), 28


code, best practices, 177


Quick Edit link (comments list), 87

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84

pages, 41

plug-ins, 172

posts, 36–39

HTML editing, 32

Visual Editor, 29–31

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing, 32

Editor option (Plug-ins Dashboard), 172



email aliases, 91

receiving email notifications, 90

email address field (General Settings screen), 57

Email Me Whenever section (Discussion Settings screen), 68

Notify Me of Follow Up Comments via Email option, 77

Post by Email option (Writing Settings screen), 61

Posterous, remote publishing, 191

remote publishing from, 196, 197, 197–199

embedded content

Auto-embeds option (Media Settings screen), 71

Maximum Embed Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Enable mShots Site Previews on This Blog option (Extras page), 103

Enable Threaded (Nested) Comments __ Levels Deep setting (Other Comment Settings section, Discussion Settings screen), 67

Encoding for Pages and Feeds setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

encrypted browser connections, 18

Excerpt view (Edit list), 39

excerpts, 33

export files

creating, 125

media and, 125

saving, 124

Extras page

customizing blogs, 103

Display a Mobile Theme When This Blog Is Viewed with a Mobile Browser option, 104

Enable mShots Site Previews on This Blog option, 103

Related Links option, 105–106


Featured view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 174

file permission plug-ins, 172

filtering comments in comments list, 89


blogs, 77

plug-ins, 172–173

Plug-ins Dashboard searches, 174–175

WordPress site searches, 176–177

profiles, 15

themes, 95–96, 157

web hosting support, 137

Firefox, ScribeFire plug-in, 200–204

First Name, Last Name fields (profiles), 19

fixed layouts, 157

Flickr, remote publishing, 189–190

fluid layouts, 157

folds (layouts), 156

For Each Article in a Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

For Each Article in an Enhanced Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65


Date Format setting (General Settings screen), 57

Formatting option (Writing Settings screen), 60

Post by Email option (Writing Settings screen), 61

Time Format setting (General Settings screen), 57

forums, finding support via, 208

free themes versus premium themes, 154–155

Front Page Displays setting (Reading Settings screen), 63–64


Gallery (media library), adding images to pages, 49

Gears (Google), Turbo mode, 118–120

General Settings screen, 55

Blog Picture/Icon area, 58

Blog Title setting, 56

Date Format setting, 57

email address field, 57

Language field, 56

taglines, 56

Time Format setting, 57

Timezone setting, 57

Week Starts On option, 57

GNU GPL (General Public License), 131–132

Go Daddy web hosting service, Hosting Connection script service, 140


AdSense for feeds plug-in, 184

Analyticator plug-in, 185

Gears, Turbo mode, 118–120

webmaster tools verification, 122

GPL (General Public License), 131–132

gravatars, 23–24. See also avatars

grouping posts, 36


header images, customizing, 107


free support, 205

forums, 208

search engines, 207

WordPress documentation, 206–207

WordPress website, 207

NetTuts website, 210

paid support, 209

Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes 10 Minute Podcast, 211

web hosting, 137

WordPress Codex website, 210 website, 210

hosting blogs

bandwidth, 136

costs of, 133, 136

disk space, 136

domain names, registering, 133–135

finding support, 137

Go Daddy web hosting service, 140

maintenance, 132–133

plug-ins, 132

pre-existing themes, 132

reasons for hosting, 131

requirements, 139

responsibilities of, 132–133

uploading files to web hosts

choosing blog folders, 143

copying WordPress files to websites, 143–145

WordPress operational requirements, 136

Hosting Connection script service, 140

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), editing in posts, 32


adding to pages, 42–44

Default Link Category (Writing Settings screen), 61

images, 51

lateral navigation, 105–106

links widget, 101

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106


I Would Like My Blog to Be Visible Only to Users I Choose option (Privacy Settings screen), 72

I Would Like to Block Search Engines, but Allow Normal Visitors option (Privacy Settings screen), 71


Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

uploading images as, 58


adding to pages

alternate text descriptions, 46

images from computer, 44–46

images from Gallery (media library), 49

images from media library, 50

images from URL, 46–48

storage limitations, 46

Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

Flickr, remote publishing, 189–190

header images, customizing, 107

hyperlinks, 51

Large Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Medium Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Thumbnail Size option (Media Settings screen), 70

uploading, 58


content from other blogs, 128

data from exported WordPress (XML) files, 126

In Response To column (comments list), 86

Inactive category (Plug-ins Dashboard), 170

Installed option (Plug-ins Dashboard), 172


plug-ins, 177

automated installations, 179

fully automatic installations, 178

manual installations, 180

themes, 162–165


automated script services, 139

creating blog folders, 146

creating databases, 146

initial logins, 150

manual installations, 140–142

running install scripts, 147–151

uploading files to web hosts, 143–145

Interface Language setting (profiles, Personal Options section), 18

iPhone, remote publishing from, 192–193


keyboard shortcuts, 17, 32

Language field (General Settings screen), 56


blogs, selecting language for, 56

Interface Language setting (profiles, Personal Options section), 18

Large Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Last Name, First Name fields (profiles), 19

lateral navigation, 105–106


fixed layouts, 157

fluid layouts, 157

folds, 156

resolution and, 156

three-column themes, 156

two-column themes, 155

Limit Width option (CSS Stylesheet Editor page), 110

links (hyperlinks)

adding to pages, 42–44

Default Link Category (Writing Settings screen), 61

images, 51

lateral navigation, 105–106

links widget, 101

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

List view (Edit list), 39


login names versus nicknames, 20

WordPress, 150


maintenance, blog hosting, 132–133

manual WordPress installations, 140–142

Maximum Embed Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Maximum Rating option (Discussion Settings screen), 69


audio, adding to pages, 51–52

export files, creating, 125

video, adding to pages, 53–54

media library

adding media library images to pages, 50

Gallery, adding images to pages, 49

Media Settings screen

Auto-embeds option, 71

Large Size option, 71

Maximum Embed Size option, 71

Medium Size option, 71

Thumbnail Size option, 70

Medium Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

meta widget, 101

migrating blogs, 13, 124–125

importing data from exported WordPress (XML) files, 126

transferring blogs, 126–127 blogs to sites, 129

mobile applications, remote publishing

BlackBerry, 194–195

iPhone, 192–193

mobile browsers, 104

mobile themes, 104

moderating comments

Administrative Dashboard, 82

Recent Comments Dashboard widget, 83–84

comments list, 85, 88

Author column, 86

In Response To column, 86

moving blogs, 13, 124–125

importing data from exported WordPress (XML) files, 126

transferring blogs, 126–127 blogs to sites, 129

mShots preview links

customizing blogs, 103

disabling, 104



blogs, 10, 56, 129

Display Name Publicly As list, 20

domain names

registering names, 133–135

registrars, 133

First Name, Last Name fields (profiles), 19

nicknames, 20

usernames, 19

NetTuts website, technical support via, 210

New Post button, 27

Newest view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 174

nicknames versus login names, 20

Notify Me of Follow Up Comments via Email option, 77


open source software, 131–132

OpenID section (Settings section), 73

organizing posts, 36

Other Comment Settings section (Discussion Settings screen), 66

page index (comments list), 89


Add New Post page, 28

audio, adding, 51–52

copyrighted material, adding, 52

creating, 40–41

editing, 41

hyperlinks, adding, 42–44

images, adding

alternate text descriptions, 46

images from computer, 44–46

images from Gallery (media library), 49

images from media library, 50

images from URL, 46–48

storage limitations, 46

video, adding, 53–54

pages widget, 101


account passwords, creating, 9

Admin passwords, 151

copying WordPress files to websites, 145

profiles, 22–23

performance, improving via Turbo mode (Gears), 118–120

permissions, plug-in files, 172

Personal API keys, profiles, 16

Personal Options section (profiles)

Admin Color Scheme, 17

Always Use HTTPS When Visiting Administration Pages dialog, 18

Interface Language setting, 18

Keyboard Shortcuts, 17

Primary Blog setting, 18

Proofreading section, 19

Visual Editor, 17



CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 108–111

Extras page, 103

header images, 107

lateral navigation, 105–106

mobile browsers, 104

mShots preview links, 103

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

themes, 93–97

widgets, 100–102

header images, 107


adding to pages

alternate text descriptions, 46

images from computer, 44–46

images from Gallery (media library), 49

images from media library, 50

images from URL, 46–48

storage limitations, 46

Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

Flickr, remote publishing, 189–190

header pictures, customizing, 107

hyperlinks, 51

Large Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Medium Size option (Media Settings screen), 71

Thumbnail Size option (Media Settings screen), 70

uploading, 58

pingbacks, 78–79


Advertising Manager plug-in, 184

advertising plug-ins, 184

Akismet spam filtering plug-in, 184

blog hosting plug-ins, 132

BluBrry PowerPress plug-in, 185

creating, 174

defining, 169

deleting, 171

downloading, 173

editing, 172

file permissions, 172

finding, 172–173

Plug-ins Dashboard searches, 174–175

WordPress site searches, 176–177

Google AdSense for feeds plug-in, 184

Google Analyticator plug-in, 185

installing, 177

automated installations, 179

fully automatic installations, 178

manual installations, 180

Plug-ins Dashboard

Active category, 170

Add New option, 172

All category, 170

Editor option, 172

Featured view, 174

Inactive category, 170

Installed option, 172

Newest view, 174

plug-in searches, 174–175

Recently Active category, 171

Recently Updated view, 175

Search view, 174

Upgrade Available category, 171

Upload view, 174

podcasting plug-ins, 185

promotional/publicity plug-ins, 184

publicity/promotional plug-ins, 184

removing, 183

ScribeFire plug-in, remote publishing via, 200–204

Sociable plug-in, 185

Social Bookmarks plug-in, 185

social networking plug-ins, 185

spam filtering plug-ins, 184

statistics plug-ins, 185

Twitter Tools plug-in, 185

upgrading, 181–182 Stats plug-in, 185

Wp-pubsubhubbub plug-in, 184

WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plug-in, 184

writing, 174


plug-ins, 185

Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes 10 Minute Podcast, technical support via, 211

Post by Email option (Writing Settings screen), 61

Posterous, remote publishing, 191


Add New Post page, 28

BlackBerry, viewing on, 196

categorizing, 36


Add New Post page, 28

discussion options, 34

excerpts, 33

New Post button, 27

tags, 35–36

trackbacks, 33

Visual Editor, 29–31

Default Post Category (Writing Settings screen), 61

discussions, setting options, 34


changing status, 34

saving, 34

editing, 36–39

HTML editing, 32

Visual Editor, 29–31

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing, 32

excerpts, 33

lateral navigation, 105–106

New Post button, 27

Post by Email option (Writing Settings screen), 61

Press This feature, 120

previewing, 34

publishing, 34–35

saving drafts, 34

Size of the Post Box setting (Writing Settings screen), 59

summaries, 65

tags, 35–36

trackbacks, 33

visibility of, changing, 35

Posts Page option (Reading Settings screen, Front Page Displays setting), 63

premium themes versus free themes, 154–155

Press This feature, posting articles via, 120


CSS changes in CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 110

posts, 34

themes, 96

websites, mShots preview links, 103

Primary Blog setting (profiles, Personal Options section), 18

Privacy Settings screen

I Would Like My Blog to Be Visible Only to Users I Choose option, 72

I Would Like to Block Search Engines, but Allow Normal Visitors option, 71


About Yourself section

Biographical Info area, 21

completing, 25

passwords, 22–23

Contact Info section, 20

Display Name Publicly As list, 20

finding, 15

First Name, Last Name fields, 19

gravatars, 23–24

nicknames, 20

passwords, 22–23

Personal API keys, 16

Personal Options section

Admin Color Scheme, 17

Always Use HTTPS When Visiting Administration Pages dialog, 18

Interface Language setting, 18

Keyboard Shortcuts, 17

Primary Blog setting, 18

Proofreading section, 19

Visual Editor, 17

saving changes, 25

updating, 11, 25

usernames, 19

promotional/publicity plug-ins, 184

Proofreading section (profiles, Personal Options section) and Visual Editor, 19

publicity/promotional plug-ins, 184


posts, 34–35


Atom Publishing, 188

BlackBerry, 194–195

browsers, 200–204

configuring, 187–188

email, 196–199

Flickr, 189–190

iPhone, 192–193

mobile applications, 192–195

Posterous, 191

ScribeFire plug-in, 200–204

XML-RPC, 188


Quick Edit link (comments list), 87

Quick Edit option (Bulk Edit menu), 39

Reading Settings screen

Blog Pages Show at Most option, 64

Encoding for Pages and Feeds setting, 65

For Each Article in a Feed, Show setting, 65

For Each Article in an Enhanced Feed, Show setting, 65

Front Page Displays setting, 63–64

Syndication Feeds Show the Most Recent setting, 65

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 83–84

Recently Active category (Plug-ins Dashboard), 171

Recently Updated view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 175

redirected RSS feeds, 117–118


domain names, 133

renewals, 134

Related Links option (Extras page), 105–106

remote publishing

Atom Publishing, 188

browsers, 200–204

configuring, 187–188

email, 196, 197, 197–199

Flickr, 189–190

mobile applications

BlackBerry, 194–195

iPhone, 192–193

Posterous, 191

ScribeFire plug-in, 200–204

XML-RPC, 188


plug-ins, 183

widgets from blogs, 102

renaming blogs, 129

renewals, registrars, 134

replying to comments, 91

comments list, 87

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 84

resolution, themes, 156

restoring backups, 128

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, 8, 113

adding feeds, 116

configuring, 114–116

For Each Article in a Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

For Each Article in an Enhanced Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

redirected feeds, 117–118

RSS Links widget, 115–116

Syndication Feeds Show the Most Recent setting (Reading Settings screen), 65


Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes 10 Minute Podcast, technical support via, 211


CSS changes in CSS Stylesheet Editor page, 110

exported files, 124

post drafts, 34

profile changes, 25

ScribeFire plug-in, remote publishing via, 200–204

script services (automated), WordPress installations, 139

scripts (install), running, 147–151

Search view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 174


comments in comments list, 88


Plug-ins Dashboard searches, 174–175

WordPress site searches, 176–177

search engines, finding support via, 207

search widget, 101

themes, 157


browser connections, 18

privacy settings, configuring, 71–72

Settings section

Discussion Settings screen, 65

Avatar Display option, 69

Before a Comment Appears setting, 68

Comment Blacklist setting, 68

Comment Moderation setting, 68

Comment Reply via Email setting, 68

Default Article Setting, 66

Default Avatar option, 69

Email Me Whenever section, 68

Maximum Rating option, 69

Other Comment Settings section, 66

Subscribe to Comments setting, 69

Domains section, 73

General Settings screen, 55

Blog Picture/Icon area, 58

Blog Title setting, 56

Date Format setting, 57

email address field, 57

Language field, 56

taglines, 56

Time Format setting, 57

TimeZone setting, 57

Week Starts On option, 57

Media Settings screen

Auto-embeds option, 71

Large Size option, 71

Maximum Embed Size option, 71

Medium Size option, 71

Thumbnail Size option, 70

OpenID section, 73

Privacy Settings screen

I Would Like My Blog to Be Visible Only to Users I Choose option, 72

I Would Like to Block Search Engines, but Allow Normal Visitors option, 71

Reading Settings screen

Blog Pages Show at Most option, 64

Encoding for Pages and Feeds setting, 65

For Each Article in a Feed, Show setting, 65

For Each Article in an Enhanced Feed, Show setting, 65

Front Page Displays option, 63–64

Syndication Feeds Show the Most Recent setting, 65

Writing Settings screen

Default Link Category, 61

Default Post Category, 61

Formatting option, 60

Post by Email option, 61

Size of the Post Box setting, 59

Short Link button (Add New Post page), 29

shortcuts (keyboard), 17, 32

Sign Up screen, 9

Simple Scripts script service, 140

Size of the Post Box setting (Writing Settings screen), 59

Sociable plug-in, 185

Social Bookmarks plug-in, 185

social networking plug-ins, 185

spam filtering

comments, 80–81

Comment Blacklist setting (Discussion Settings screen), 68

comments list, 86–89

Recent Comments Dashboard widget (Administrative Dashboard), 85

plug-ins, 184

Start from Scratch and Just Use This option (CSS Stylesheet Editor page), 110

statistics plug-ins, 185


filtering comments by (comments list), 88

post drafts, changing, 34

strong passwords, 22–23

subscriptions, RSS feeds, 8

summaries (blog posts), 65



free support, 205–208

NetTuts website, 210

paid support, 209

Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes 10 Minute Podcast, 211

WordPress Codex website, 210 website, 210

web hosting, 137

syndication (RSS feeds), 8, 113

adding feeds, 116

configuring, 114–116

For Each Article in a Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

For Each Article in an Enhanced Feed, Show setting (Reading Settings screen), 65

redirected feeds, 117–118

RSS Links widget, 115–116

Syndication Feeds Show the Most Recent setting (Reading Settings screen), 65


tag clouds, 175

taglines, 56

tags, 35–36, 175

technical support

free support

forums, 208

search engines, 207

WordPress documentation, 206–207

WordPress website, 207

NetTuts website, 210

paid support, 209

Sams Teach Yourself WordPress in 10 Minutes 10 Minute Podcast, 211

WordPress Codex website, 210 website, 210

text, alternate text image descriptions, 46

text widget, 102

themes, 93, 153

applying, 97, 166

blog hosting themes, 132

branding (corporate) themes, 95

browsing at, 158–159

changing, 97

deleting, 166

downloading, 158, 164–165

finding, 95–96, 157

fixed layouts, 157

fluid layouts, 157

free themes, 154–155

header images, customizing, 107

installing, 162–165

mobile themes, 104

premium themes, 154–155

previewing, 96

resolution and, 156

three-column themes, 156

two-column themes, 155

types of, 154

viewing details of, 160

three-column themes, 156

Thumbnail Size option (Media Settings screen), 70

Time Format setting (General Settings screen), 57

Timezone setting (General Settings screen), 57

titles, blogs, 56

trackbacks, 33, 78–79

transferring blogs, 126–127

Turbo mode (Gears), improving blog performance via, 118–120

Twitter Tools plug-in, 185

two-column themes, 155


unapproving comments from comments list, 88


profiles, 11, 25

Recently Updated view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 175


CSS customizations, 109

plug-ins, 181–182

transferring blogs, 127

Upgrade Available category (Plug-ins Dashboard), 171, 18, 18

Upload view (Plug-ins Dashboard), 174


files to web hosts

choosing blog folders, 143

copying WordPress files to websites, 143–145

images, Blog Picture/Icon area (General Settings screen), 58

URL (uniform resource locators)

images from URL, adding to pages, 46–48

OpenID, 73

user names (accounts), creating, 9

user profiles

About Yourself section

Biographical Info area, 21

completing, 25

passwords, 22–23

Contact Info section, 20

Display Name Publicly As list, 20

finding, 15

First Name, Last Name fields, 19

gravatars, 23–24

nicknames, 20

passwords, 22–23

Personal API keys, 16

Personal Options section

Admin Color Scheme, 17

Always Use HTTPS When Visiting Administration Pages dialog, 18

Interface Language setting, 18

Keyboard Shortcuts, 17

Primary Blog setting, 18

Proofreading section, 19

Visual Editor, 17

saving changes, 25

updating, 11, 25

usernames, 19

Users Must Be Registered and Logged In to Comment setting, Other Comment Settings section (Discussion Settings screen), 67


verifying webmaster tools

Bing Webmaster Center, 123

Google webmaster tools, 122

Yahoo! Site Explorer, 122–123

video. See also embedded content

adding to pages, 53–54

export files, 125


comments, 85

posts on BlackBerry, 196

visibility of posts, changing, 35

Visual Editor, 17

editing posts, 29–31

keyboard shortcuts, 32

Proofreading section (profiles, Personal Options section) and, 19

voice, export files, 125


web hosting

Go Daddy web hosting service, 140

requirements, 139

uploading files to web hosts

choosing blog folders, 143

copying WordPress files to websites, 143–145

webmaster tools verification

Bing Webmaster Center, 123

Google webmaster tools, 122

Yahoo! Site Explorer, 122–123


Automattic, paid technical support via, 209

folds, 156

NetTuts website, technical support via, 210

previewing, mShots preview links, 103

themes, 153

applying, 166

browsing at, 158–159

deleting, 166

downloading, 158, 164–165

finding, 157

fixed layouts, 157

fluid layouts, 157

free themes, 154–155

installing, 162–165

premium themes, 154–155

resolution and, 156

three-column themes, 156

two-column themes, 155

types of, 154

viewing details of, 160

WordPress Codex website, technical support via, 210

WordPress website, finding support at, 207 website, technical support via, 210

Week Starts On option (General Settings screen), 57

widgets, 100, 166–167

archives widget, 101

blogs, adding to/removing from, 102

calendar widget, 101

categories widget, 101

links widget, 101

meta widget, 101

pages widget, 101

RSS Links widget, 115–116

search widget, 101

text widget, 102

width, Limit Width option (CSS Stylesheet Editor page), 110

WordPress, 5

Admin passwords, 151

development of, 8

features of, 7

history of, 8


automated script services, 139

creating blog folders, 146

creating databases, 146

initial logins, 150

manual installations, 140–142

running install scripts, 147–151

uploading files to web hosts, 143–145

logins, 150

migrating outside blog content to WordPress, 13

operational requirements, 136


documentation, 206–207

WordPress website, 207

WordPress application (App Store), 192–193

WordPress Codex website, technical support via, 210

WordPress MU (multiuser), 6, 6

email posting, 197

feature comparison table, 7

profiles, differences from profiles, 15

remote publishing

configuring, 187

via email, 197

Sign Up screen, 9

Stats plug-in, 185

upgrades, 18, 6

email posting, 197–199

feature comparison table, 7

manual WordPress installations

downloading software, 140

unpacking software, 142

profiles, differences from profiles, 15

remote publishing

configuring, 187

via email, 197–199

themes, browsing, 158–159

upgrades, 18 website, technical support via, 210

Wp-pubsubhubbub plug-in, 184

WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam plug-in, 184

Writing Settings screen

Default Link Category, 61

Default Post Category, 61

Formatting option, 60

Post by Email option, 61

Size of the Post Box setting, 59

wsers, 204

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editing, 32


XML (Extensible Markup Language)

exported WordPress (XML) files, importing data from, 126

XML-RPC, remote publishing, 188

Yahoo! Site Explorer, webmaster tools verification, 122–123

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