hack squat

This squat strengthens the quadriceps, adductors, and glutes, and also challenges the hamstrings. This machine-based exercise has a predefined movement pattern, so it works the big leg muscles while minimizing injury risk or working around preexisting injuries.

the big picture

This compound or multijoint squatting move is often built into workouts to complement other lower-body strength movements. Keep your core engaged to avoid straining your lower back and be sure to train within your available (active) range of motion. Before you start, set the weights and check your movement up and down on the machine.

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other targeted sets in the training programs.


Position yourself onto the machine and get into the standing starting position. Your stance on the foot platform will closely mimic that in the back squat—your feet should be slightly outside shoulder-width with feet angled slightly outward.


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stage one

Breathe in and allow your legs to bend at the knees and the hips. Your knees should track forward in line with your feet until they are roughly at 90°. Control the descent and start to decelerate as you near the bottom position.


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Upper body and arms

Similar to the back squat, the muscles of the upper back and arms play a key role in helping stabilize the upper body during the hack squat’s large range of motion. Think of creating and maintaining tension in the upper back, arms, and shoulders throughout the exercise to help prevent injury.


The legs are the main muscles resisting and moving the load during this exercise. The quadriceps, glutes, and adductors will be the main movers, while the hamstrings, psoas, abdominals, and calf muscles will help stabilize the pelvis and knee, respectively. The lowering stage is the eccentric action.

stage two

While keeping your lower back against the back pad and with abs engaged, breathe out and push through the foot platform, extending at the hips and the knees to return to the starting position. Reset your breathing and repeat stages 1 and 2.


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DKCommon mistakes

Watch your foot position. If your heels rise as you squat or if you experience heightened stress at the knees, move your feet up slightly on the platform.

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