DK variations

These rotational-crunch abdominal variations involve all the abs—transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, and the internal and external obliques. When performing these variations, make sure to train both sides of your body evenly. Focus on your breathing and ensure both the lowering and rotation phases of each exercise are smooth and controlled.

oblique twist with Plate weight

The internal and external obliques are the principal muscles used here, with the abdominals providing stability. You can increase the challenge of the exercise by keeping your legs lifted off the ground throughout the set.

preparatory stage

In a seated position, lean back and flex your legs at the hips and knees to form a V-shape between your torso and your thighs. Hold the weight over your chest.


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Breathe in to engage your core, then breathe out as you rotate your upper body to one side, holding your legs still and maintaining tension in your core.


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Breathe in to return to the starting position, with control. Repeat stages 1 and 2 rotating to the other side, then perform desired reps, alternating sides.


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DK Internal and external obliques

With their muscle fibers running perpendicular to one another, the internal and external obliques work synergistically across the torso to generate the rotational component of this movement.


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External oblique

Flat, superficial muscle whose fibers run downward toward the midline

Internal oblique

Deep muscle that is broad and thin; its fibers slant toward the hip

bicycle crunch

This variation, which mimics the motions of a cyclist, is an accessible alternative to the more challenging alternating V-up crunch, below. To increase the difficulty, hold for 1 second at the top position and keep both legs raised throughout the set.

preparatory stage

Lie flat on your back with your hands positioned behind your head and your legs slightly flexed at the hips and knees. Lift your head off the ground slightly.


Inhale to engage your core. Breathe out to lift your left knee and bring your opposite elbow toward it. Flex at the trunk and rotate your upper body toward your leg.


Breathe in as you return to the starting position, with control. Repeat, raising the opposite leg and elbow, then repeat an equal number of reps on both sides.


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alternating v-up crunch

This exercise involves coordinating movements on opposite sides of the body while maintaining a neutral spine and pelvis. For more of a challenge, hold for 1 second at the top position and keep both legs raised throughout the set.

preparatory stage

Lie flat on your back with your arms fully flexed at the shoulders, reaching behind you, and your legs straight. Lift your head off the ground slightly.


Breathe in to brace your core. Exhale as you lift your left leg up and bring your right arm toward it, then flex at the trunk to rotate your upper body toward your lifted leg.


Breathe in to return to the starting position, with control. Repeat, raising the opposite arm and leg, then repeat an equal number of reps on both sides.


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