dumbbell trap shrug

This exercise trains the upper trapezius muscles (or traps) in a safe and effective way. The extra load of two dumbbells makes your muscles work even harder.

the big picture

Using dumbbells rather than a barbell removes the constraints of the bar so you can adapt your form to your individual mechanics and mobility limitations. If you have access to a machine, the cable variation allows for the greatest individualization and best resistance.

Beginners can start with 4 sets of 8–10 reps; discover other variations on and other targeted sets in the training programs. If you experience discomfort during this exercise, try the cable or resistance-band variations overleaf.

preparatory stage

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grip the dumbbells with a neutral wrist position (palms facing inward) and hold them at the sides of your body. Keep a neutral head position—do not look up or down.


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stage one

Take a breath in and engage your abs. Keeping your torso stable, exhale as you shrug your shoulders up toward your ears, taking both dumbbells upward. Stand still without any movement at your hips or torso. Hold for 1–2 seconds.


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Upper body and arms

Muscles of the upper back, specifically the upper divisions of the trapezius, receive the tension in this exercise along with the medial deltoids. The muscles of the upper and lower arm help hold and stabilize the weight in your hands. Developing strength and function in your upper traps can carry over into other overhead pressing-style movements, such as bench or shoulder presses.

stage two

Keeping your core engaged, breathe in as you return the weights to the starting position, resisting the lowering motion of the dumbbells with your upper traps. Reset your breathing and repeat stages 1 and 2.


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