Pseudo Classes

Pseudo classes function similarly to pseudo elements; however, pseudo classes do not need to be linked to a specific physical element. For example, if you wanted to use the pseudo class to make all the links in your document bold and 14 point, you could use the following:

:link {font-style: bold; font-size: 14pt} 

The pseudo classes function similarly to the pseudo elements; however, they do not need to be linked to real elements in order to be used in a style sheet.

  • :link— The :link pseudo class refers to all hypertext links in the document.

  • :visited— The :visited pseudo class refers to all hypertext links in the document which have already been visited by the user.

  • :active— The :active pseudo class refers to the hypertext link in the document which is currently being selected by the user.

The pseudo classes enable you to establish styles for a broad category of elements within the document, such as links with one rule. However, most of the pseudo class related to links, and so on, will not have much meaning in the context of an XML document.

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