Multimedia and XML

An XML application language might not seem, at first sight, to be an appropriate choice to support multimedia because many formats, such as video and audio files, are binary in nature. However, SMIL does not attempt to create or define the underlying binary files. It simply aims to provide a way to say which parts of a multimedia presentation are to be presented—depending on a variety of circumstances—and to define the timing and screen placement of those media components.

SMIL and Internationalization

One of the benefits of XML is the way in which it supports internationalization of data contained in XML documents or documents created in XML application languages.

SMIL is no exception. One useful localization technique using SMIL is the use of SMIL's switch element. If, for example, visitors to your SMIL Web site were German or Spanish speaking, you could use the switch element to provide content appropriate to users with those language preferences.

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