Getting started with Flex application development

In the previous recipe, we saw how we can scaffold a complete GWT application using Roo. In this recipe, we'll see how Roo simplifies setting up Flex for your Roo project. In the next recipe Scaffolding Flex application from JPA entities we'll look at how Roo generates a fully-functional Flex application to perform CRUD operations on JPA entities.

Getting ready

At the time of writing this book, Flex addon is not compatible with Spring Roo 1.1.3 and above; therefore, download Spring Roo 1.1.2.

At the time of writing this recipe, the Flex addon used is the snapshot version dated 15-Aug-2011 from the Flex Spring Roo addon repository ( Download the JAR file named org.springframework.flex.roo.addon-xx.jar and copy it to Roo's bundle directory or install it using the osgi start (explained in Chapter 7, Developing Add-ons and Removing Roo from Projects) command.


Flex add-on is an example of an installable add-on. For more information on installable add-ons, see Chapter 7, Developing Add-ons and Removing Roo from Projects.

Create a new directory C: oo-cookbookch05-flex in your system and start the Roo shell from the ch05-flex directory. Enter the help command and check whether you see flex setup, flex remoting scaffold, and flex remoting all commands in the output. If you see the flex commands in the output of the help command, it means you have successfully installed the Flex addon.

Copy the ch05_flex_app.roo script that accompanies this book to the ch05-flex directory. Now, execute the ch05_flex_app.roo script using the script command. Executing the ch05_flex_app.roo script creates a flightapp_flex Eclipse project, sets up Hibernate as persistence provider, configures MySQL as the database for the application, creates Flight and FlightDescription JPA entities, and defines a many-to-one relationship between the Flight and FlightDescription entities. If you are using a different database than MySQL or your connection settings are different than what is specified in the script, then modify the script accordingly.

Though not required, you may also want to download Flash Builder 4 and install it as the Eclipse plugin to simplify editing MXML and ActionScript files generated by Roo in this recipe.

How to do it...

To set up the flex application, follow the steps given here:

  1. Execute the flex setup command to create Spring BlazeDS integration-related configuration artifacts in the flightapp_flex project:
    ... roo> flex setup
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFflexservices-config.xml
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspring
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspringflex-config.xml
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspringwebmvc-config.xml
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFweb.xml
    Managed SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFweb.xml
    Managed SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPWEB-INFspringwebmvc-config.xml
    Managed ROOTpom.xml [Added dependency com.adobe.flex.framework:flex-framework:]
    Managed ROOTpom.xml [Added dependency org.springframework.flex:spring-flex-core:1.5.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT]
    Created ROOT.flexProperties
    Created ROOT.actionScriptProperties
    Created ROOTsrcmainflexflightapp_flex_scaffold.mxml
    Created SRC_MAIN_WEBAPPflightapp_flex_scaffold.html
    Created ROOTsrcmainflexflightapp_flex_scaffold-config.xml
  2. Include the Maven repository for Spring snapshot versions in your pom.xml file so that the Flex add-on can download Flex add-on dependencies that are not yet available in milestone or in the release Maven repository of Spring:
        <name>Spring Maven Snapshot Repository</name>

  3. Configure the plugin repository for the Flexmojos Maven plugin (refer to the plugin documentation for more details: in the pom.xml file, as shown here:
  4. Execute the perform eclipse command to update the project's classpath settings with the newly added dependencies in pom.xml file. It also adds Flex and ActionScript nature to the flightapp_flex Eclipse project.

How it works...

The flex setup command is processed by the Flex add-on of Roo.

The flex setup command configures Spring BlazeDS integration and creates the necessary artifacts that are required for developing a Flex 4 application. The following table describes some of the important directories and files that were created by the flex setup command:

Directory / File



Contains history.css, history.js, and historyFrame.html files that are responsible for managing browser history.


The services-config.xml is a BlazeDS configuration file that contains channels and corresponding endpoint configurations for the BlazeDS.


The flex-config.xml configures BlazeDS MessageBroker as a Spring-managed bean.


Spring's web application context XML, which is loaded by DispatcherServlet defined in the web.xml file. Additionally, the webmvc-config.xml file imports bean definitions from flex-config.xml.


The html-template directory contains an index.template.html file that acts as an HTML template for embedding the Flex application.

Roo generates a flightapp_flex_scaffold.html file (based on the index.template.html file) in the SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP directory for embedding our Flight App Flex application. So, to load our Flight App Flex application, we'll need to load the flightapp_flex_scaffold.html page in the web browser.


The flightapp_flex_scaffold.mxml is the main application MXML file that defines the layout of the application and the initial user interface.


The flightapp_flex_scaffold-config.xml XML file overrides the default Flex compiler settings. In the Scaffolding Flex application from JPA entities recipe we'll see that this XML file contains fully-qualified ActionScript class names that correspond to the main views (MXML files) scaffolded by Roo for each JPA entity.

Let's now look at the important configuration files created by Spring Roo.

The webmvc-config.xml file is Spring's web application context XML file, and is loaded by DispatcherServlet configured in the web.xml file of the flightapp_flex project. The webmvc-config.xml file imports bean definitions in the flex-config.xml application context XML file, as shown here:

<beans ....>
  <import resource="flex-config.xml"/>


For information on other elements defined in webmvc-config.xml file, please refer to Chapter 4, Web Application Development with Spring Web MVC.

The flex-config.xml makes use of the <message-broker> element of Spring's flex schema to configure and initialize a BlazeDS MessageBroker, as shown here:

<beans xmlns=""
 <flex:message-broker mapping-order="1">
   <flex:mapping pattern="/messagebroker/*"/>
   <flex:message-service default-channels="longpolling-amf" />

By default, the <message-broker> element considers the /WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml file as the configuration file for BlazeDS MessageBroker. If you change the name or location of the services-config.xml file in flightapp_flex, then use the services-config-path attribute of the <message-broker> element to specify your BlazeDS configuration XML file.

The <mapping> element of the flex schema maps incoming requests from the DispatcherServlet to /messagebroker/* path—the path to which BlazeDS MessageBroker channels are mapped in services-config.xml, as we'll see shortly.

The <message-service> element configures a BlazeDS object that provides a publish-subscribe messaging between producers and consumers of messages in the application. The default-channels attribute specifies the message channel(s) used by Flex clients to access MessageService or to receive messages from it. The longpolling-amf value refers to the AMFChannel configured in services-config.xml, with polling enabled.


It is important to note that even though Roo configures MessageService, it is not used by the Roo-generated Flex application.

The following listing shows the channels configured in the Roo-generated services-config.xml file:

  <channel-definition id="amf"
  <channel-definition id="longpolling-amf" 
     <endpoint url="http://{}:{server.port}/

This code listing shows channel definitions as created by Roo. A <channel-definition> element defines a channel. The id attribute is a unique identifier of a channel and is used by Flex clients to connect to an endpoint. The class attribute identifies the type of the channel. The enclosing <endpoint> element defines the endpoint corresponding to the channel. The url attribute of the <endpoint> element specifies the URL of the server and class attribute specifies the endpoint class. Flex components make use of channels to communicate with BlazeDS endpoints. For instance, the above code listing indicates that AMFChannel is used by Flex to communicate with the AMFEndpoint.

The {} and {server.port} tokens used by the url attribute value are replaced at runtime based on the URL of the server from which the SWF file is downloaded. The {context.root} token is replaced with a value that is calculated at compile-time based on the <contextRoot> configuration option defined in the pom.xml file for the Flexmojos Maven plugin. Later in this recipe, we'll look at the Flexmojos Maven plugin configuration generated by Roo for the flightapp_flex project.

The incoming requests to DispatcherServlet are routed to the BlazeDS MessageBroker, because the <mapping-pattern> element value (that is, /messagebroker/*) in flex-config.xml maps to the url attribute value (http://../messagebroker/..) of the <endpoint> elements in services-config.xml.

We saw earlier that the longpolling-amf channel is used as the default channel by MessageService for transporting messages. The <polling-enabled> property of the channel is set to true, which means that polling is enabled for the longpolling-amf channel.

The following <services> element of the services-config.xml file shows the application-level default channels configuration:

    <channel ref="amf"/>

This <default-channels> element specifies that if a Flex component doesn't specify the channel to be used, then use the amf channel for communication.

Roo also configures server-side logging in services-config.xml using the <logging> element, as shown here:

  <target class="flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget" 
      <prefix>[BlazeDS] </prefix>

The logging configuration specifies where the log messages are written, what types of messages are written, how they are written, and the log messages generated by each category (like Endpoint, Service, and so on) are written. The class attribute (of target element) value of flex.messaging.log.ConsoleTarget means that the log messages are written to standard ouput. level="Warn" means that only warning level messages are written. In the above code, the <properties> element specifies that log messages are prefixed with [BlazeDS] and include date, time, logging level, and category. The <filters> element limits the logging to the categories defined by the <pattern> sub-elements.

Let's now look at the scaffolded MXML file which serves as the main application file—the MXML file that contains the Application component of Flex's Spark component library.

The following code listing shows the flightapp_flex_scaffold.mxml file:

<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
   protected function 

  <s:ArrayList id="entities">
  <s:ChannelSet id="remotingChannels">
   <s:AMFChannel id="amf" url=
 <s:Group id="mainGroup" height="100%" width="100%">
  <s:Panel id="entityPanel" title="Entity List" height="100%">
   <s:List id="entityList" dataProvider="{entities}" 
      width="100%" height="100%" 
     toolTip="Double-Click the selected Entity" 

This MXML shows the user interface of the flightapp_flex application. The <Panel> tag creates a Spark Panel component which contains a Spark List component. The List component shows the list of entities that can be managed from the user interface. The list of entities is defined by the <ArrayList> tag. Notice that the value of the dataProvider attribute of the <List> tag is {entities} and the id attribute value of the <ArrayList> tag is entities, which means that the list of entities displayed by the List component comes from the list defined by the <ArrayList> tag. Well, the <ArrayList> tag doesn't contain any element; therefore, for now, the list is empty.


The <ArrayList> tag is populated with child elements when we execute flex remoting all or flex remoting scaffold commands to scaffold a remoting destination corresponding to a JPA entity, as we'll see in the Scaffolding Flex application from the JPA entities recipe.

The doubleClick attribute of <List> specifies that the entityList_doubleClickHandler(event) ActionScript method to be invoked when a user double clicks an item in the list. In the Scaffolding remoting destination from the JPA entities recipe, we'll go through the implementation detail of the entityList_doubleClickHandler(event) method.

The <ChannelSet> tag creates a ChannelSet—a set of channels for communication with the BlazeDS server. We saw earlier that Roo defines the amf channel (channel type being AMFChannel) as the default application-wide channel in services-config.xml; therefore, the Roo-generated <ChannelSet> tag creates an AMFChannel using the <AMFChannel> tag. The url attribute of <AMFChannel> specifies the corresponding endpoint URL.


As the url attribute of the <AMFChannel> tag specifies the location of the BlazeDS server as localhost, your Roo-generated flightapp_flex application will work only if your BlazeDS server is running locally. To avoid hard-coded endpoint URLs, it is recommended that you externalize ChannelSet configuration into an XML file that is parsed when the Flex application is initialized and later used to communicate with the BlazeDS server.

As mentioned earlier, Roo generates a flightapp_flex_scaffold-config.xml configuration file that overrides the default Flex compiler settings. Notice that the naming convention followed by the file is: <MXML file name>-config.xml, where <MXML file name> is the name of the MXML file corresponding to the configuration file which was created. When an MXML file named myApp.mxml is compiled, Flex compiler looks for a configuration file named myApp-config.xml in the same location as the MXML file, and uses it to override the default compiler options.

The following listing shows the content of the flightapp_flex_scaffold-config.xml file:

<flex-config xmlns="">
   <includes append="true">

As this code shows, flightapp_flex_scaffold-config.xml doesn't do anything interesting. In the Scaffolding Flex application from JPA entities recipe, we'll discuss this file in detail once it's updated after the execution of the flex remoting all or flex remoting scaffold command.

There's more...

We mentioned earlier that Roo configures the Flexmojos Maven plugin in the pom.xml file of the flightapp_flex project. Let's now look at the Flexmojos plugin configuration in detail.

Flexmojos Maven plugin configuration

Flexmojos Maven plugin offers many features, but for brevity we'll focus only on the flexmojos:compile-swf goal, which is responsible for compiling the Flex project's sources (MXML and ActionScript files) and package it into an SWF file. The following listing shows the configuration of Flexmojos Maven plugin in the pom.xml file of the flightapp_flex project:



In this listing, the <configuration> element configures the Flexmojos Maven plugin. The <sourceFile> element identifies the main application MXML file to be compiled by the plugin, which is the flightapp_flex_scaffold.mxml file. The <sourcePaths> specifies the base directory or directories where the project's ActionScript files are located, which corresponds to /src/main/flex— the directory, which is created when you execute the flex remoting all or flex remoting scaffold command. The <output> specifies the name and location of the generated SWF file, which is SRC_MAIN_WEBAPP/flightapp_flex_scaffold.swf for the flightapp_flex project. The <contextRoot> element specifies the context root of the web application, which corresponds to the value /flightapp_flex-0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. The value of <contextRoot> element is used to replace the {context.root} token specified in the endpoint URLs defined in services-config.xml file. The <services> element specifies the services-config.xml file that defines channels and corresponding endpoints.

The <dependency> element specifies that the Flexmojos Maven plugin is dependent on Flex compiler. Note that the dependency type is pom and not jar. As the dependency type is pom, dependencies specified in the corresponding pom file (which you can find at are added to the required dependencies of the Flexmojos Maven plugin.

See also

  • Refer to the Scaffolding a Flex application from JPA entities recipe, to see how to scaffold remoting destinations and Flex user interface using Roo
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