
Merging with a BY Statement

Merging with a BY statement enables you to match observations according to the values of the BY variables that you specify. Before you can perform a match-merge, all data sets must be sorted by the variables that you want to use for the merge.
In order to understand match-merging, you must understand three key concepts:
BY variable
specifies a variable that is named in a BY statement.
BY value
specifies the value of a BY variable.
BY group
specifies the set of all observations with the same value for the BY variable (if there is only one BY variable). If you use more than one variable in a BY statement, then a BY group is the set of observations with a unique combination of values for those variables. In discussions of match-merging, BY groups commonly span more than one data set.

Input SAS Data Set for Examples

The director of a small repertory theater company, the Little Theater, maintains company records in two SAS data sets, COMPANY and FINANCE.
Table 19.1 Variables in the COMPANY and FINANCE Data Sets
Data Set
player's name
player's age
player's gender
player's name
player's employee ID number
player's annual salary
The following program creates, sorts, and displays the COMPANY and FINANCE data sets:
data company;
   input Name $ 1-25 Age 27-28 Gender $ 30;
Vincent, Martina          34 F
Phillipon, Marie-Odile    28 F
Gunter, Thomas            27 M
Harbinger, Nicholas       36 M
Benito, Gisela            32 F
Rudelich, Herbert         39 M
Sirignano, Emily          12 F
Morrison, Michael         32 M

proc sort data=company;
   by Name;

data finance;
   input IdNumber $ 1-11 Name $ 13-37 Salary;
074-53-9892 Vincent, Martina         35000
776-84-5391 Phillipon, Marie-Odile   29750
929-75-0218 Gunter, Thomas           27500
446-93-2122 Harbinger, Nicholas      33900
228-88-9649 Benito, Gisela           28000
029-46-9261 Rudelich, Herbert        35000
442-21-8075 Sirignano, Emily         5000

proc sort data=finance;
   by Name;

proc print data=company;
   title 'Little Theater Company Roster';

proc print data=finance;
   title 'Little Theater Employee Information';
The following output displays the COMPANY and FINANCE data sets. Notice that the FINANCE data set does not contain an observation for Michael Morrison:
Display 19.6 The COMPANY Data Set
The COMPANY Data Set
Display 19.7 The FINANCE Data Set
The FINANCE Data Set

The Program

To avoid having to maintain two separate data sets, the director wants to merge the records for each player from both data sets into a new data set that contains all of the variables. The variable that is common to both data sets is Name. Therefore, Name is the appropriate BY variable.
The data sets are already sorted by Name, so no further sorting is required. The following program merges them by Name:
data employee_info;
   merge company finance;
   by name;

proc print data=employee_info;
   title 'Little Theater Employee Information';
   title2 '(including personal and financial information)';
The following output displays the merged EMPLOYEE_INFO data set:
Display 19.8 Match-Merging: The EMPLOYEE_INFO Data Set
Match-Merging: The EMPLOYEE_INFO Data Set


The new data set contains one observation for each player in the company. Each observation contains all the variables from both data sets. Notice in particular the fourth observation. The data set FINANCE does not have an observation for Michael Morrison. In this case, the values of the variables that are unique to FINANCE (IdNumber and Salary) are missing.

Match-Merging Data Sets with Multiple Observations in a BY Group

Input SAS Data Set for Examples

The Little Theater has a third data set, REPERTORY, that tracks the casting assignments in each of the season's plays. REPERTORY contains these variables:
specifies the name of one of the plays in the repertory.
specifies the name of a character in Play.
specifies the employee ID number of the player playing Role.
The following program creates and displays the REPERTORY data set:
data repertory;
   input Play $ 1-23 Role $ 25-48 IdNumber $ 50-60;
No Exit                 Estelle                  074-53-9892
No Exit                 Inez                     776-84-5391
No Exit                 Valet                    929-75-0218
No Exit                 Garcin                   446-93-2122
Happy Days              Winnie                   074-53-9892
Happy Days              Willie                   446-93-2122
The Glass Menagerie     Amanda Wingfield         228-88-9649
The Glass Menagerie     Laura Wingfield          776-84-5391
The Glass Menagerie     Tom Wingfield            929-75-0218
The Glass Menagerie     Jim O'Connor             029-46-9261
The Dear Departed       Mrs. Slater              228-88-9649
The Dear Departed       Mrs. Jordan              074-53-9892
The Dear Departed       Henry Slater             029-46-9261
The Dear Departed       Ben Jordan               446-93-2122
The Dear Departed       Victoria Slater          442-21-8075
The Dear Departed       Abel Merryweather        929-75-0218

proc print data=repertory;
   title 'Little Theater Season Casting Assignments';
The following output displays the REPERTORY data set:
Display 19.9 The REPERTORY Data Set
To maintain confidentiality during preliminary casting, this data set identifies players by employee ID number. However, casting decisions are now final, and the manager wants to replace each employee ID number with the player's name. Of course, it is possible to re-create the data set, entering each player's name instead of the employee ID number in the raw data. However, it is more efficient to make use of the FINANCE data set, which already contains the name and employee ID number of all players.
When the data sets are merged, SAS adds the players' names to the data set. Of course, before you can merge the data sets, you must sort them by IdNumber.
proc sort data=finance;
   by IdNumber;

proc sort data=repertory;
   by IdNumber;

proc print data=finance;
   title 'Little Theater Employee Information';
   title2 '(sorted by employee ID number)';

proc print data=repertory;
   title 'Little Theater Season Casting Assignments';
   title2 '(sorted by employee ID number)';
The following output displays the FINANCE and REPERTORY data sets, sorted by IdNumber:
Display 19.10 The FINANCE Data Set Sorted by IdNumber
The FINANCE Data Set Sorted by IdNumber
Display 19.11 The REPERTORY Data Set Sorted by IdNumber
The REPERTORY Data Set Sorted by IdNumber
These two data sets contain seven BY groups. That is, among the 23 observations are seven different values for the BY variable, IdNumber. The first BY group has a value of 029-46-9261 for IdNumber. FINANCE has one observation in this BY group; REPERTORY has two. The last BY group has a value of 929-75-0218 for IdNumber. FINANCE has one observation in this BY group; REPERTORY has three.

The Program

The following program merges the data sets FINANCE and REPERTORY. It also illustrates what happens when a BY group in one data set has more observations in it than the same BY group in the other data set.
The resulting data set contains all variables from both data sets.
data repertory_name;
   merge finance repertory;
   by IdNumber;

proc print data=repertory_name;
   title 'Little Theater Season Casting Assignments';
   title2 'with employee financial information';
The following output displays the merged data set:
Display 19.12 Match-Merge with Multiple Observations in a BY Group
Match-Merge with Multiple Observations in a BY Group


Carefully examine the first few observations in the new data set and consider how SAS creates them.
  1. Before executing the DATA step, SAS reads the descriptor portion of the two data sets and creates a program data vector that contains all variables from both data sets:
    • IdNumber, Name, and Salary from FINANCE
    • Play and Role from REPERTORY.
    IdNumber is already in the program data vector because it is in the FINANCE data set. SAS sets the values of all variables to missing, as the following figure illustrates.
    Figure 19.4 Program Data Vector Before Reading from Data Sets
    Program Data Vector before Reading from Data Sets
  2. SAS looks at the first BY group in each data set to determine which BY group should appear first. In this case, the first BY group, observations with the value 029-46-9261 for IdNumber, is the same in both data sets.
  3. SAS reads and copies the first observation from FINANCE into the program data vector, as the next figure illustrates.
    Figure 19.5 Program Data Vector After Reading FINANCE Data Set
    Program Data Vector after Reading FINANCE Data Set
  4. SAS reads and copies the first observation from REPERTORY into the program data vector, as the next figure illustrates. If a data set does not have any observations in a BY group, then the program data vector contains missing values for the variables that are unique to that data set.
    Figure 19.6 Program Data Vector After Reading REPERTORY Data Set
    Program Data Vector after Reading REPERTORY Data Set
  5. SAS writes the observation to the new data set and retains the values in the program data vector. (If the program data vector contained variables created by the DATA step, then SAS would set them to missing after writing to the new data set.)
  6. SAS looks for a second observation in the BY group in each data set. REPERTORY has one; FINANCE does not. The MERGE statement reads the second observation in the BY group from REPERTORY. Because FINANCE has only one observation in the BY group, the statement uses the values of Name (Rudelich , Herbert) and Salary (35000) that were retained in the program data vector for the second observation in the new data set. The next figure illustrates this behavior.
    Figure 19.7 Program Data Vector with Second Observation in the BY Group
    Program Data Vector with Second Observation in the BY Group
  7. SAS writes the observation to the new data set. Neither data set contains any more observations in this BY group. Therefore, as the final figure illustrates, SAS sets all values in the program data vector to missing and begins processing the next BY group. It continues processing observations until it exhausts all observations in both data sets.
    Figure 19.8 Program Data Vector before New BY Groups
    Program Data Vector before New BY Groups

Match-Merging Data Sets with Dropped Variables

Now that casting decisions are final, the director wants to post the casting list, but does not want to include salary or employee ID information. As the next program illustrates, Salary and IdNumber can be eliminated by using the DROP= data set option when creating the new data set.
data newrep (drop=IdNumber);
   merge finance (drop=Salary) repertory;
   by IdNumber;

proc print data=newrep;
   title 'Final Little Theater Season Casting Assignments';
Note: The difference in placement of the two DROP= data set options is crucial. Dropping IdNumber in the DATA statement means that the variable is available to the MERGE and BY statements (to which it is essential), but that it does not go into the new data set. Dropping Salary in the MERGE statement means that the MERGE statement does not even read this variable, so Salary is unavailable to the program statements. Because the variable Salary is not needed for processing, it is more efficient to prevent it from being read into the PDV in the first place.
The following output displays the merged data set without the IdNumber and Salary variables:
Display 19.13 Match-Merging Data Sets with Dropped Variables
Match-Merging Data Sets with Dropped Variables

Match-Merging Data Sets with the Same Variables

You can match-merge data sets that contain the same variables (variables with the same name) by using the RENAME= data set option, just as you would when performing a one-to-one merge (see Performing a One-to-One Merge on Data Sets with the Same Variables).
If you do not use the RENAME= option and a variable exists in more than one data set, then the value of that variable in the last data set that is read is the value that goes into the new data set.

Match-Merging Data Sets That Lack a Common Variable

You can name any number of data sets in the MERGE statement. However, if you are match-merging the data sets, then you must be sure they all have a common variable and are sorted by that variable. If the data sets do not have a common variable, then you might be able to use another data set that has variables common to the original data sets to merge them.
For example, consider the data sets that are used in the match-merge examples. The following table displays the names of the data sets and the names of the variables in each data set.
Table 19.2 Data Sets and Variables That Are Used in Match-Merge Examples
Data Set
Name, Age, Gender
Name, IdNumber, Salary
Play, Role, IdNumber
These data sets do not share a common variable. However, COMPANY and FINANCE share the variable Name. Similarly, FINANCE and REPERTORY share the variable IdNumber. Therefore, as the next program shows, you can merge the data sets into one with two separate DATA steps. As usual, you must sort the data sets by the appropriate BY variable. (REPERTORY is already sorted by IdNumber.)
   /* Sort FINANCE and COMPANY by Name */
 proc sort data=finance;
   by Name;

proc sort data=company;
   by Name;

   /* Merge COMPANY and FINANCE into a */
   /* temporary data set.              */
data temp;
   merge company finance;
   by Name;

proc sort data=temp;
   by IdNumber;

   /* Merge the temporary data set with REPERTORY */
data all;
   merge temp repertory;
   by IdNumber;

proc print data=all;
   title 'Little Theater Complete Casting Information';
In order to merge the three data sets, this program performs the following tasks:
  • sorts FINANCE and COMPANY by Name
  • merges COMPANY and FINANCE into a temporary data set, TEMP
  • sorts TEMP by IdNumber
  • merges TEMP and REPERTORY by IdNumber
The following output displays the resulting data set, ALL:
Display 19.14 Match-Merging Data Sets That Lack a Common Variable
Match-Merging Data Sets That Lack a Common Variable
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