Enhancing the Plot

Specifying the Axes Labels

Sometimes you might want to supply additional information about the axes. You can enhance the plot by specifying the labels for the vertical and horizontal axes.
The following program plots the log transformation of DowJonesHigh for each year and uses the LABEL statement to change the axes labels:
proc plot data=highlow;
   plot LogDowHigh*Year;
   label LogDowHigh='Log of Highest Value'
         Year='Year Occurred';
   title 'Dow Jones Industrial Average Yearly High';
The following output shows the plot:
Display 30.4 Specifying the Labels for the Axes
Specifying the Labels for the Axes
Plotting the log transformation of DowJonesHigh changes the exponential trend to a linear trend. The label for each variable is centered parallel to its axis.

Specifying the Tick Marks Values

In the previous plots, the range on the horizontal axis is from 1960 to 2010. Tick marks and labels representing the years are spaced at intervals of 10. You can control the selection of the range and the interval on the horizontal axis with the HAXIS= option in the PLOT statement. A corresponding PLOT statement option, VAXIS=, controls the values of the tick mark on the vertical axis.
The forms of the HAXIS= and VAXIS= options follow. You must precede the first option in a PLOT statement with a slash.
PLOT vertical*horizontal / HAXIS=tick-value-list;
PLOT vertical*horizontal / VAXIS=tick-value-list;
where tick-value-list is a list of all values to assign to tick marks.
For example, to specify tick marks every five years from 1969 to 2010, use the following option:
haxis=1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Or, you can abbreviate this list of tick marks:
haxis=1960 to 2010 by 5
The following program uses the HAXIS= option to specify the tick mark values for the horizontal axis:
proc plot data=highlow;
   plot LogDowHigh*Year / haxis=1968 to 2008 by 4;
   label LogDowHigh='Log of Highest Value'
         Year='Year Occurred';   
   title 'Dow Jones Industrial Average Yearly High';
The following output shows the plot:
Display 30.5 Specifying the Range and the Intervals of the Horizontal Axis
Specifying the Range and the Intervals of the Horizontal Axis
The range of the horizontal axis is from 1968 to 2008, and the tick marks are now arranged at four-year intervals.

Specifying Plotting Symbols

By default, PROC PLOT uses the letter A as the plotting symbol to indicate one observation, the letter B as the plotting symbol if two observations coincide, the letter C if three coincide, and so on. The letter Z represents 26 or more coinciding observations.
If you are plotting two sets of data on the same pair of axes, you can use the following form of the PLOT statement to specify your own plotting symbols:
PLOT vertical*horizontal='character';
where character is a plotting symbol to mark each point on the plot. PROC PLOT uses this character to represent values from one or more observations.
The following program uses the plus sign (+) as the plotting symbol for the plot:
proc plot data=highlow;
   plot LogDowHigh*Year='+' / haxis=1968 to 2008 by 4;
   label LogDowHigh='Log of Highest Value'
         Year='Year Occurred';   
   title 'Dow Jones Industrial Average Yearly High';
The plotting symbol must be enclosed in either single or double quotation marks.
The following output shows the plot:
Display 30.6 Specifying a Plotting Symbol
Specifying a Plotting Symbol
Note: When a plotting symbol is specified, PROC PLOT uses that symbol for all points on the plot regardless of how many observations might coincide. If observations coincide, then a message appears at the bottom of the plot telling how many observations are hidden.

Removing the Legend

Often, a few simple changes to a plot can improve its appearance. You can draw a frame around the entire plot, rather than just on the left side and bottom. This makes it easier to determine the values that the plotting symbols represent on the left side of the plot. Also, you can suppress the legend when the labels clearly identify the variables in the plot or when the association between the plotting symbols and the variables is clear.
The following program uses the NOLEGEND option to suppress the legend and the BOX option to box the entire plot:
proc plot data=highlow nolegend;
   plot LogDowHigh*Year='+' / haxis=1968 to 2008 by 4
   label LogDowHigh='Log of Highest Value'
         Year='Year Occurred';   
   title 'Dow Jones Industrial Average Yearly High';
The following output shows the plot:
Display 30.7 Removing the Legend
Removing the Legend
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