© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
G. ByrneTarget C#https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-8619-7_3

3. Introduction

Gerard Byrne1  
Belfast, Ireland

Computer Program

We will be using C# to write computer programs, just like many programmers in companies around the world use C# to write programs in the commercial environment. So a very good starting point before writing code is to fully understand what a computer program is. We can think of a computer program as
  • A sequence of data instructions created by a programmer

  • Instructions that tell the computer what operations it should execute

  • Instructions that tell the computer how it should execute an operation

  • Instructions written in a special programming language, for example, C#, Java, C++, or COBOL

Besides C# there are a large number of programming languages available to developers. Each programming language will have particular advantages and disadvantages when compared with the other programming languages, but they will all be useful for writing software applications. It is important to understand that some programming languages are
  • More powerful than others, for example, C#

  • Better for developing applications requiring fast processing, for example, C

  • Better for developing web-based software applications, for example, JavaScript

  • Better for developing computer games, for example, C++

  • Better for data analytics, for example, Python

  • Better for scripting, for example, Perl

The preceding points should help us understand that there are many programming languages available for software developers, but they all have concepts that can be applied across many of the languages. So, by the time we finish reading this book, entering and running all the example code, and doing all the exercises, we will be in a strong position to recognize and apply constructs in the Java programming language or the C++ language and indeed other programming languages, as well as our main focus, the C# language.

Programming Languages

It is certainly great to have a choice of programming languages but at times this makes it difficult to choose the correct one when writing a software application. In the following list, we can see some facts about programming languages:
  • There are many different programming languages to choose from.

  • Each language has its own set of very strict language rules.

  • C# is one such programming language.

  • Other languages include Java, C++, Visual Basic, Python, JavaScript, COBOL, Swift, Objective-C, Ruby, and Go.

  • Programming languages such as C#, Java, C++, and Visual Basic are high-level languages, since they have a high correlation with a spoken and written language.

  • Assembly language is a low-level language, as it has a low correlation with a spoken and written language and is more like the language the computer can understand.

  • Every computer program will need to be “translated” into “machine code” that the computer can understand, for example, byte code, object code, and binary code.

  • The process of “translation” is carried out by compilers, interpreters, or assemblers.

A Computer Program: A Recipe

Can we compare a computer program to a recipe used for baking or cooking? Let us think about a recipe that we might use in our kitchen to create the end product of fifteens, as in Figure 3-1.

A photograph of fifteens. Observed is a cookie-shaped food with bits of marshmallows and cherries.

Figure 3-1

A fifteen, the output from my favorite recipe

The information we need might be written in a book or on a website like that shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1

A recipe for fifteens



15 digestive biscuits

15 marshmallows

15 glacé cherries, cut into halves or smaller

About 150 ml of condensed milk

100 g of desiccated coconut

Add 15 digestive biscuits to a bag and “smash” the biscuits with a rolling pin until they are fine crumbs.

Place the crumbs in a mixing bowl.

Slice the 15 marshmallows into pieces; we decide how big the marshmallows should be.

Slice the 15 cherries in half or smaller; we decide how big the cherries should be.

Add the cherries and marshmallows to the digestive biscuit crumbs in the mixing bowl.

Stir the mixture until the cherries and marshmallows are spread evenly around the biscuit crumbs.

Pour the 150 ml of condensed milk on top of the biscuit, glacé cherry, and marshmallow mix.

Mix the contents in the bowl and add more condensed milk if required, so that the mixture is not dry.

Cut a large piece of tinfoil and spread half of the coconut onto the tinfoil.

Scoop the wet biscuit, glacé cherry, and marshmallow mix onto the tinfoil and add the other half of the coconut to the mixture.

Roll the tinfoil over the mixture to create a sausage shape.

Move the rolled mixture to the fridge and leave in the fridge for 3 or 4 hours.

Remove the roll from the fridge and cut it into 15 slices.

As we can see, the recipe contains
  • A list of instructions, directions, written in a language – in this case it is English.

    Likewise, a computer program contains a list of statements, directions, written in a programming language such as C#.

  • A list of ingredients . The ingredients are of various types, for example, biscuits, marshmallows, glacé cherries, condensed milk, and desiccated coconut.

    Likewise, a computer program contains a list of variables, ingredients. The variables will be of various types, for example, numbers, text, Customer, and Policy.

The following two code examples show the structure of code for C# and Python. Even at this early stage, by looking at the code examples, we should see some similarities between the two different programming languages, C# and Python. By completing the chapters in this book, we will become more familiar with C# programming, and other programming languages will be less “daunting” to look at and to program with.

Listing 3-1 shows C# code, which will ask the user to input two values and then totals the values. The program is like our recipe; it is a set of instructions.

Listing 3-1

Sample C# program

19 lines of c sharp code that ask for a number, add the number to the total, add 1 to the value of the count, and print out the total of the claims that have been entered.

Listing 3-2 shows Python code, which will ask the user to input two values and then totals the values. The program is like our recipe; it is a set of instructions.
Listing 3-2

Sample Python program

16 lines of Python code that ask for a number, add the number to the total, add 1 to the value of the count, and print out the total of the claims that have been entered.

Type in C#

In C# we will often refer to the variables and their types. So, when we see the word type in relation to a variable, we need to say to ourselves type means a variable that has a particular type, for example, int, float, or char. A type indicates the data type of the variable, which will be stored, for example, bool, byte, sbyte, char, decimal, double, float, int, long, or short.

In C# all data is defined within a type. So we could have a type called Car and the data might include the odometer reading. The odometer reading might be of type int and we would say that the odometer type is int and it is contained within a Car type.

For now, we just need to understand we will have variables in our C# code and they will have a type. We will get more information and knowledge of types as we progress through the chapters and topics. C# is a strongly typed programming language and this means the type of a variable cannot be changed once it has been declared. This is not the same principle in some other programming languages.

Following up on the last point on types , it is important to understand that C# is a collection of types and these can be thought of as
  • Built-in types, also called predefined or primitive data types, which include the ones we previously mentioned, for example, bool, byte, sbyte, char, decimal, double, float, int, long, and short.

  • User-defined types, which we as developers create because we wish to have our own custom types. We said earlier that the odometer type could be int and it could be contained within a Car type. But we should think, Where did the Car type come from? Well, the answer is we would have to create it. C# does not provide us with a primitive or predefined type called Car. When building applications, we may wish to have types like Car, Customer, Policy, Agent, Claim, etc. This will be covered when we meet Chapter 13.

When we write a C# program, we are linked to .NET, and we can avail of what is called the Common Type System (CTS) . Think about professional programmers in companies throughout the world who use a variety of programming languages. Within a company there may be a team of developers building an application using Visual Studio, but some developers are writing their code using C#, while others are writing their code using VB.NET and each language has its own data types. So how will it work when they wish to put the application together and have the C# parts communicate with the VB.NET parts. Well, that is one of the benefits of .NET and its Common Type System as it takes control and ensures that the different types from the individual languages are compiled to a common data type.

The Common Type System defines types as being one of two kinds:
  1. 1.

    Value type

    Value type variables directly contain their values. The value types handled by the Common Type System are
    • Primitives, for example, bool, byte, sbyte, char, decimal, double, float, int, long, and short

    • Enumerations, which are used to assign constant names to a group of integer values, as in Listing 3-3

enum PolicyStatus
Listing 3-3

Example of an enumeration

In this example, Listing 3-3, the compiler will assign the integer 0 to the constant value called Live, 1 to the constant value called Finished, and 2 to the constant value called Held.
enum PolicyStatus
  Live = 1,        // We are assigning the value as 1 rather than a default of 0
  Finished = 99,   // We are assigning the value as 99
  Held = 2         // We are assigning the value as 2
Listing 3-4

Example of an enumeration with the default values overwritten

In this example, Listing 3-4, we as developers have assigned the integer value 1 to Live, 99 to Finished, and 2 to Held, thereby overriding the default values.
enum WeekDays
    Monday,      // Monday is assigned a value of 0
    Tuesday,     // Tuesday is assigned a value 1
    Wednesday,   // Wednesday is assigned a value 2
    Thursday,    // Thursday is assigned a value 3
    Friday,      // Friday is assigned a value 4
    Saturday,    // Saturday is assigned a value 5
    Sunday       // Sunday is assigned a value 6
Listing 3-5

Example of an enumeration with default values assigned

In this example, Listing 3-5, the compiler will assign the integer values 0–6 to the constant values held in the enum, the days of the week.
  • Structure (struct), which is used to store data

struct Policy
  public int PolicyId;
  public string PolicyType;
  public double MonthlyPaymentAmount;
Listing 3-6

Example of a struct

In this example, Listing 3-6, we as developers have created a structure that will be used to hold data about a policy.
struct Claim
  public int PolicyId;
  public double ClaimAmount;
Listing 3-7

Another example of a struct

In Listing 3-7, we as developers have created a structure that will be used to hold data about a claim. We will see more about enumerations and structs when we study them in their separate chapters.
  1. 2.

    Reference type

    When we talk about a reference type, we mean we are not dealing with the actual value, the real data, but we are dealing with a reference to the data held in memory. The reference types handled by the Common Type System are
    • Root, for example, Object

    • String, for example, string policyType;

    • Arrays, for example, string[] repairShopClaims = new string[8];

    • Classes

      Listing 3-8 shows an example of a class called Policy.

namespace insurances
    class Policy
        public int PolicyId;
        public string PolicyType;
        public double BasePremiumAmount;
        public  void CalculateBasePremium()
            if (policyType.Equals("Home"))
                basePremiumAmount = 100;
                basePremiumAmount = 200;
        } // End of CalculateBasePremium() method
    } // End of Policy class
} // End of namespace
Listing 3-8

Example of a class

  • Interfaces

  • Delegates

We should not be concerned about these Common Type System types, for now. It is just important that we realize there are different types within C# and the Common Type System of .NET. As we progress through the chapters, we will gain more knowledge of the types, and more importantly we will consistently use them in all our coding examples.

The Basic Operations of a Computer

Under the direction of a program, written in a programming language and converted to machine-readable code, the computer can perform operations as shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2

Basic operations of a computer


The computer can accept user input from the keyboard.


The computer can perform arithmetic calculations and other types of processing.


The computer can display a message or a result on the screen or some other output source.


The computer can combine these operations in three ways:

Sequentially – A sequence of operations is performed one after the other.

Repeatedly – A sequence of operations is performed a number of times.

Selectively – One, two, or more sequences of operations are performed depending upon a condition, for example, is counter <2.


A program can contain a number of smaller programs. We can for now call a subprogram a method or a function .

C# Program Application Formats

Every programming language will have a structure that we need to understand and abide by if we wish to write code using that language. In the C# programming language , there are basic elements that all C# programs must have, and these basic elements depend on which format of application we are developing. In this book we will be concentrating on writing code for console applications, and as we go through the chapters in the book, we will gain more understanding of console applications. Using C#, we can write applications for different formats, three of which are discussed in the following.

Format 1: Console Application

In a console application , we use the Command Prompt, better known as the console, to accept input from the user and to display output data to the user. In the distant past, we only had console applications. There were no “windowed” applications and fancy graphics. Figure 3-2 shows what the console might look like.

2 screenshots of a Microsoft visual studio debug console displaying a line of text that reads, hello comma world exclamation mark.

Figure 3-2

Console application sample output

We can think of the console as a two-tone screen like the black and white screen in the top section of Figure 3-2, although it can be changed, as shown in the lower section of Figure 3-2. The console is where input from the user is accepted and output from the computer program is displayed. Nowadays, while Windows and web-based applications are the predominant application formats for C#, console applications are still used to perform many tasks, which are not dependent on a “pretty” user interface (UI) .

We will be using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Visual Studio Community Edition , and when we write our C# code in the editor of Visual Studio, we will need to run it to make sure it works properly. Our C# console application will run in a console window, which may have a black background and white text or some other combination of colors.

In learning to program, it is very important that we understand the programming concepts and forget about user interface design. The interface design can be built into the applications that we create, after learning all the core programming concepts. In reality we need to concentrate on ensuring that our code is well designed, has no errors or bugs, and works as required. There would be no point in having code that did not work properly, and there would be absolutely no point in having a well-designed, “pretty” user interface that was not functioning as expected because the code behind it was not working correctly.

Figure 3-3 shows the console window for a very basic C# console application. It also shows the code that has been written to produce the console application. The code will be explained later in this chapter.

A screenshot of a program tab. To the left are 12 lines of code and on the right is a core c sharp console window.

Figure 3-3

Console application code and sample output

Format 2: .NET MAUI

Using .NET MAUI , we can develop apps that run on Windows, Android, iOS, and MacOS, as in Figure 3-4. .NET MAUI is a shortened version of .NET Multi-platform App UI. So .NET MAUI is a cross-platform framework for creating mobile and desktop applications with C# and XAML.

A diagram presents the platforms for dot net multi-platform app U I which include i O S, android, mac O S, and Windows.

Figure 3-4

Cross-platform development using .NET MAUI

Figure 3-5 shows an example from the Microsoft website showing C# code and an Android emulator displaying an application.

A website depicts 23 lines of code that function by counting clicks. To the right is a window of an android emulator with a click me button and a number counter labeled current count.

Figure 3-5

.NET MAUI sample code from the Microsoft website

Format 3: ASP.NET Web Applications

ASP.NET is a free web framework, created by Microsoft, to allow us to build modern web apps and services with .NET and C#. With ASP.NET we can use C# alongside HTML, CSS, and JavaScript allowing us to develop dynamic web pages, the “front end” of our application. For the “back end” of our application, we can use C# with ASP.NET to develop code for our business logic and that can interact with databases.

The Structure of a C# Program

In this book we will concentrate on console applications, and this will allow us to focus on the C# programming language concepts rather than concerning ourselves about the design of a user interface. We saw in Figure 3-3 the general code of a C# console application, and the program code in Listing 3-9 shows similar “traditional” code so we can talk about a feature that can be used.
using System;
namespace ConsoleVersion1
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
        } // End of Main() method
    } // End of Program class
} // End of ConsoleVersion1 namespace
Listing 3-9

General syntax and format for a C# program

The 11 lines of code shown in Listing 3-9 represent what has been a “typical” starting point for a new console application when using Visual Studio. Interestingly, from all the lines of code, only one of them contains executable code, Console.ReadLine().

However, we can use a new feature called top-level statements , shown in Listing 3-10, that will allow us to simplify the code. We only need two lines of code. Really, one as the first line is a comment added by Microsoft.
// See https://aka.ms/new-console-template for more information
Listing 3-10

Top-level statements, two lines

With the C# templates for .NET version 6, we will be given top-level statements by default as a starter, which is very nice, but if we do not want to have them, we can either
  • Delete them when the code appears and add our own code, which we will do throughout the chapters in the book.

  • Switch them off when we are creating the project, as in Figure 3-6.

A window for additional information. A checkmark highlights the do not use top-level statements tick box, and an x symbol is drawn over a web link and a line of code for, hello world.

Figure 3-6

Switching off top-level statements

We will delete the top-level statements when they appear so we are reinforcing the fact that “under the hood” of these top-level statements there is code. When we are starting to learn C# code, it is good to see what the “real” code looks like, not the cut-down version. As we become experienced, it will be fine to use the top-level statements and indeed it would be expected that as developers we would do so. It is also important to understand that top-level statements can only be used in one source file in our project application, and we will be creating more than one file in our projects. If we tried to use top-level statements in more than one file in the project application, the compiler would give us an error.

Code Analysis

This analysis of the code in Listing 3-9 will help us fully understand the basic form of the C# console application code.

  • All code is enclosed within a namespace. In this example our namespace is called ConsoleVersion1. The name starts with the line

namespace ConsoleVersion1

Essentially, a namespace is like a folder, an area to store classes, the code. Namespaces provide us as developers with a way to keep one set of names separate from another. The class names declared in one namespace do not conflict with the same class names declared in another.

Think about a Microsoft Word document that we might create and save as CSharpNotes.docx :
  • Understand that we cannot create a new Word document and save it with the same name in the same folder as the CSharpNotes.docx document, as this would cause the operating system to ask us if we wanted to replace, overwrite, the existing file.

  • On the other hand, if we save the file with the same name but in a different folder, this will be fine.

The reason for this is that the folders allow us to keep files separate from one another and the actual name of the file will include the folder name.




In the same way that we have different folders to separate our Word or other documents, we have namespaces in C# to separate our classes, code files. Just like every Word document will be in a folder, every class must be inside a namespace.
  • Below the namespace name is the opening curly brace, which is matched by the closing curly brace at the end. Therefore, all code is wrapped within the namespace braces. So the namespace code looks like Listing 3-11.

namespace ConsoleVersion1
} // End of namespace
Listing 3-11

Namespace syntax

Opening and closing braces are widely used to contain blocks of code and segregate the blocks of code from each other.

Namespaces are therefore used in C# to avoid name conflicts and to control the access to classes and so on. With namespaces it makes it easier to locate related classes that hold our code, and they provide a structure for projects, which, in a commercial application, could contain hundreds of classes and other files. This is what we read earlier when we said .NET contains many libraries of code that are useful to us when we write our code.

  • The C# code is wrapped within the namespace but it must also then be written or contained within a class. In this example our class is called Program. So the class looks like Listing 3-12.

    public class Program
    } // End of Program class
Listing 3-12

Class syntax

  • Below the class name is the opening curly brace, which is matched by the closing curly brace, just above the namespace closing brace. Therefore, our code is wrapped within the class braces.

  • The main entry point of our console application will be the method called Main. A method is simply a number of lines of code, a block of code. Later in this book, we will look at methods in detail.

  • Our lines of code for the Main() method are enclosed between the opening curly brace and the closing curly brace. So the Main() method looks like Listing 3-13.

    public static void Main(string[] args)
    } // End of Main() method
Listing 3-13

Main() method syntax

The Main method has two keywords before it:
  • static – Later in the book when we look at classes and methods in detail, we will become familiar with the use of the keyword static. For now, just forget about static and simply accept its use in the code as shown.

  • void – This means that when all the lines of code within a method are executed, no value will be returned from the method – it is a void return. We will see more about this later in the book when we look at methods in detail.

The Main method has some text within the brackets:
  • string[] – We will see more about this later in the book when we look at arrays in detail. Essentially, it means that the Main() method can accept, be given, input values that are of type string. The [] means that it is an array of strings, one or more string values. So the Main() method can accept a number of values, variables, of type string.

  • args – args is the name of the string array. If we change the name from args to something else, it will not affect the running of the program. In Figure 3-7, args has been amended to gerry and the program has been run. The result is the same as that shown earlier, the only difference being the name of the array.

A screenshot of a program tab. To the left are 17 lines of code of namespace console version 1, and to the right is a core c sharp console window.

Figure 3-7

Renaming the args array to gerry

It should be noted that not all our code will be written inside the Main() method or indeed any method, but it will be written within a class, which is always contained within a namespace.


As we have read earlier, a console application is contained within a namespace. A namespace may be thought of as a storage area for some classes, which themselves contain methods. Microsoft has written thousands of base classes and stored them in namespaces. When we write our C# code, we will create many more classes and we must follow the same practices as Microsoft and store our classes within our own namespaces. Storing our classes in namespaces makes code more manageable and easier to maintain.

A namespace can be likened to the folders that we keep our files in. We create different folders to hold different files in a structure that best suits our system. Likewise, we can create namespaces to hold our classes, and we can use the namespaces created by Microsoft in our code to get access to the Microsoft base classes. The lines of code at the start of the program code usually have a format that starts with the keyword using. The keyword using, as shown in Listing 3-14, refers to the fact that we wish to use classes that are contained in the namespace that follows the word using. In our earlier code example, Listing 3-9, we used the Console class. Therefore, the compiler needs to know where to look for this class, and that is why we have the using System statement at the top of the code. Remember, namespaces contain classes that themselves contain methods and it will be these methods, blocks of code, that we will use.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleVersion1
    public class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
        } // End of Main() method
    } // End of class
} // End of namespace
Listing 3-14

The using keyword for importing namespaces


As stated earlier a console application is contained within a namespace and within the namespace there will be a class or classes . A class is used to allow us to create our own types using C# code. A class is like an outline that will let us define the type we want, using other types, methods, and variables. In the example code, Listing 3-14, we have a class called Program. As we become more proficient in our C# coding, we will begin to develop our own more complex classes.

Here we will look at some examples that could be created in real applications:
  • A class for the type Pizza, to define that all pizzas have
    • A pizza base

    • A pizza sauce

    • Toppings

Once we define the blueprint class for the pizza, we will be able to use the class to create specific types of pizza. For example, we can create a Hawaiian pizza or a vegetarian pizza. The two classes, Hawaiian pizza and vegetarian pizza, are called instances of the class, and each instance will contain a pizza base, a pizza sauce, and a topping(s).
  • A class for the type InsuranceQuote to define that all quotes must have
    • An applicant's forename

    • An applicant's surname

    • An applicant's date of birth

    • A method to calculate the insurance premium

Once we define the blueprint class for InsuranceQuote , we will be able to use the class to create specific types of InsuranceQuote. For example, we can create a CarInsuranceQuote or a HomeInsuranceQuote. The two classes, CarInsuranceQuote and HomeInsuranceQuote, are called instances of the class, and each instance will contain an applicant's forename, an applicant's surname, an applicant's date of birth, and a method to calculate the insurance premium.

What we should be clear about is that by the time we start Chapter 13 on classes and objects, which is a complex topic, we will be well prepared and should find the complex topic more manageable.

The starting point, before we code, is to be clear about the following concepts :
  • A class exists inside a namespace.

  • A class can contain variables, for example, forename, surname, and dateofbirth.

  • A class can contain methods, for example, CalculateInsurancePremium().

The term instance has been used to describe our copy of the class. More importantly it is possible to say our “copy” is an object. We will study classes and objects in more detail in a future chapter.

As we go through the course chapters, we will be reminded of the fact that a class contains methods and variables. This is a key concept and will be relevant when programming all the code examples. We will also see later that, instead of saying variable, we will say property or field or member when we talk about them in classes, but in our learning just think variables.

To expand this key concept of variables and methods within a class, take a closer look at the way they have been written:
  • variable forename

  • variable surname

  • variable dateofbirth

  • method CalculateInsurancePremium()

  • Notice that a variable has a name that we give to it. It is one word.

  • Notice that a method has a name that we give to it followed by the open bracket, followed by the close bracket, that is, ().

So () means a method, like the Main() method as shown in Listing 3-15.
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    } // End of Main() method
Listing 3-15

Main() method has open and close brackets ()

The Main() method is interesting because it accepts an input. As developers we can code any method to accept input. Alternatively, we can code a method so it does not accept a value or values.

Naming a Class: Class Identifiers

When using C#, we will notice that there are two naming conventions that are followed:
  • camelCase – Where the first letter of the first word in an identifier is lowercase and the first letter of all other words are uppercase, for example, carInsurance

  • PascalCase – Where the first letter of each word in an identifier is uppercase, for example, CarInsurance

In terms of clean code, some things should be considered as good practices:
  • When naming a class, we should use a noun phrase.

  • The class name should describe what the class does; make the name descriptive.

  • Use the singular rather than the plural, for example, use Agent rather than Agents.

  • Start the class name with a capital letter.

  • Keep the class name and the filename the same. This is not always required, but it would be seen as the norm and makes for consistent naming across all classes.

  • Use PascalCase, which means every word in the class name starts with a capital letter. This is better than using underscores, as in Table 3-3.

  • The class name could begin with an @ symbol, which would also allow us to use C# keywords as the class name, but maybe not a good idea!

Table 3-3

Valid and invalid class identifiers

Valid class identifier

Invalid class identifier


Program Version 1







@double (but don't use it)



Bank Account


Customer Order


Mailing List For Customers


Student Results For Test



When we are learning to code, using naming conventions can be helpful, but do not obsess over them. The important thing is to get to understand and program in the C# language.

Chapter Summary

In this chapter we have learned about programming languages and some features that apply to C#. We have learned that
  • A computer program is a set of instructions created by a programmer.

  • A computer program is like a cooking or baking recipe.

  • The computer can perform input, process, and output using the program.

  • C# programs can be used in writing console applications, .NET MAUI mobile applications, ASP.NET web applications, and many other types.

  • There is a structure to all C# programs, which includes the use of namespaces, classes, and methods, including the Main() method.

  • The keyword using is used with a namespace to “import” another namespace.

  • Classes contain variables (properties, fields, members) and methods.

  • Methods always have the () after them, for example, Main().

In finishing this chapter and increasing our knowledge, we are advancing to our target.

An illustration of a two-colored concentric circles with a text below that reads, our target is getting closer.

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