

1 x 1 convolutions 176 – 179


a(...) function 26

activation function 96

adam optimizer 54, 58, 88, 113, 183, 229

Albert 643644

Anaconda 615616, 618619

APIs (application programming interfaces) 599612

evaluating model 602608

predicting with TensorFlow serving API 608612

pushing final model 608

resolving correct model 602

TFX (TensorFlow-Extended) Trainer API 576596

defining Keras model 577584

defining model training 584586

SignatureDefs 586589

training Keras model with 589596

validating infrastructure 600601

apply() function 160, 307

apply_buckets() function 572

arr variable 31

ASICs (application-specific integrated circuits) 10

ASPP (atrous spatial pyramid pooling) module 273275

assign() operation 31

atrous convolution 269270

attention 435445

defining final model 440443

implementing Bahdanau attention in TensorFlow 436440

training model 443445

visualizing 445451

Attention layer 436

attention_visualizer() function 446

augmenting data 244

autoencoder model 8590

autoregressive model 639

auxiliary output layers 179181

auxiliary outputs 244

averaged_perceptron_tagger 303


Bahdanau attention in TensorFlow 436440

BART (bidirectional and auto-regressive Transformers) 640642

batch normalization 213

beam search 379383

beam_search function 381

bert.bert_models.classifier_model() function 480

BERT (bidirectional encoder representations from Transformers) 350, 639

DistilBERT model 495502

question answering with 505508

spam classification using 463483

in TensorFlow 470483

overview 465469

bert_viz library 507

bfloat16 special data type 10

bidirectional and auto-regressive Transformers (BART) 640642

bilinear interpolation 258

binning 322

black boxes 238

BLEUMetric object 419

BN (Batch normalization) 213

broadcasting 37

bucketing 322

bucketized features 569

build() function 6263, 436


call() function 62, 64, 136, 333, 436

categorical_columns variable 596

categorical_crossentropy loss 54, 58, 335

categorical features 569

CBOW (continuous bag-of-words) 457

central processing unit (CPU) 910

ce_weighted_from_logits() outer function 280

class imbalance 301, 471474

cleaning data 4

CLI (command line interface) 619

Cloze task 351

CNNs (convolutional neural networks) 14, 90105, 194242, 522

data 9092

Grad-CAM (gradient class activation map) 238240

image classification with 149193

creating data pipelines using Keras ImageData-Generator 160165

exploratory data analysis 150160

Inception net 165188

training model and evaluating performance 149192

implementing network 92105

Minception 210231

reducing overfitting 195210

dropout 203207

early stopping 207210

image data augmentation with Keras 196203

using pretrained networks 232238

computer graphic computations 19

computer vision 625638

Grad-CAM (gradient class activation map) 625631

image segmentation 632638

defining U-Net model 632633

pretrained encoder 634638

Concatenate layer 58, 275

conda environment 615623

context vector 401

continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) 457

Conv2D layer 9698, 101, 103104, 150

convolution operation 4143

cooking competition analogy 135136

covariate shift 213

CPU (central processing unit) 910

Cropping2D Keras layer 637

CsvExampleGen component 573

CSVLogger callback 208209, 586

CUDA 616618, 620622

CUDNN 618, 622


DAG (directed acyclic graph) 25

data leakage 309 function 536

datasets library 485

datetime library 514

declarative graph – based execution 27

decoder 405409

Decoder layer 141, 145

DecoderRNNAttentionWrapper layer 440

decorators 25

DeepLabv3 266277

atrous convolution 269270

implementing ASPP module 273275

implementing Deeplab v3 using Keras functional API 270273

ResNet-50 model 268

deep learning 80117, 119146

CNNs (convolutional neural networks) 90105

FCNs (fully connected networks) 8190

generating text with 365370

prototyping deep learning models 10

representing text as numbers 120122

RNNs (recurrent neural networks) 105117

TensorFlow and 14

transformers 123146

DeepLearning4J framework 5

denoising 88

DenseFeatures layer 582

Dense layer 53, 58, 87, 96, 103104, 111113, 145, 150, 179, 181, 218, 331, 334, 336, 369, 397, 522

describe() function 158, 315

dilation rate 269

dimensionality reduction method 176179

directed acyclic graph (DAG) 25

DistilBERT 495502, 640

DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained() function 488489

Docker 596599

dropout 203207

Dropout layer 331, 334


eagerly executing code 25

EagerTensor class 33

early stopping 207210, 244

EarlyStopping callback 207209

EDA (exploratory data analysis) 150, 564567

Elman networks 113

embedding layer 144, 643

embeddings 457460

encoder 401405

encoder-decoder pattern 123124

English-German seq2seq machine translator 395410

compiling model 409410

define TextVectorization layers for seq2seq model 400401

defining decoder and final model 405409

defining encoder 401405

TextVectorization layer 398400

entropy 370

environments 615623

activating and deactivating conda environment 622623

running Jupyter Notebook server and creating notebooks 623

Unix-based environment 615618

creating virtual Python environment with Anaconda distribution (Ubuntu) 615616

prerequisites for GPU support (Ubuntu) 616618

Windows Environments 618622

creating Virtual Python Environment (Anaconda) 618619

prerequisites for GPU support 619622

evaluate() function 483

evaluating model

image segmentation 290293

image segmentation metrics 284289

language modeling 372374

sequence-to-sequence learning 410423

TFX (TensorFlow-Extended) model 602608

word vectors 344346

ExampleValidator object 595

exploratory data analysis 150160, 564567


factorization of embedding layer 643

FCNs (fully connected networks) 8190

autoencoder model 8590

feature engineering 4

feature map 93

featurewise_center parameter 197

featurewise_std_normalization parameter 197

fill_mode parameter 199

fit() function 55, 398, 523

fit_on_texts() function 318

fit_resample() function 471

fix_random_seed function 56, 88

flat_map() function 360

Flatten() layer 104, 181, 229, 522

float16 type 539

float32 type 539

flow() method 161

flow_from_dataframe() function 73, 161, 164

flow_from_directory() function 161, 163164

flow_from_directory() method 161162

FnArgs object 584585

forget gate 366

forward(...) function 25

from_pretrained() function 495

fully connected layer 139141, 456

fully connected networks 20

functional API 5661, 65

Functional layer 401


Gamma correction 202

gated recurrent units (GRUs) 10, 325, 350, 365370, 396

generator-iterator 162

get_bert_inputs() function 477

glorot_uniform initializer 64

GLUE (General Language Understanding Evaluation) 468

GPT (generative pre-training) model 639640

GPU (graphical processing unit) 910

Grad-CAM (gradient class activation map) 238240, 625631

greedy decoding 374379

GRUCell object 441

GRUs (gated recurrent units) 10, 325, 350, 365370, 396


hashing, locality sensitive 644645

head() operation 107

Holonyms relationship 306

Hugging Face Transformers 483509

ask BERT question 505509

defining DistilBERT model 495502

processing data 487494

defining and using tokenizer 488493

from tokens to pipeline 493494

training model 502505

Hypernyms relationship 306

Hyponyms relationship 306


i.i.d (independent and identically distributed) 105

ILSVRC (ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge) 151

image classification 149193

creating data pipelines using Keras ImageData-Generator 160165

exploratory data analysis 150160

classes in data set 155158

computing simple statistics on data set 158160

Inception net 165188

Inception-ResNet v1 and Inception-ReSNet v2 187

Inception v1 169181, 183184

Inception v2 184186

Inception v3 187

Inception v4 187

training model and evaluating performance 149192

image data augmentation 196203

image segmentation 243295

data 245251

DeepLabv3 266277

atrous convolution 269270

implementing ASPP module 273275

implementing Deeplab v3 using Keras functional API 270273

ResNet-50 model 268

evaluating model 290293

evaluation metrics 284289

loss functions 277284

cross-entropy loss 278282

dice loss 280283

TensorFlow data pipeline 251265

final pipeline 264265

optimizing pipelines 263264

training model 289290

U-Net model 632638

defining 632633

pretrained encoder 634638

imbalanced-learn library 471

immutable data structure 34

imperative style execution 25

imshow() function 449

Inception blocks 244

connection between sparsity and 175176

overview 173175

Inception net 165188

Inception-ResNet v1 and Inception-ReSNet v2 187

Inception v1 169181, 183184

1 x 1 convolutions as dimensionality reduction method 176179

auxiliary output layers 179181

connection between Inception block and sparsity 175176

Inception block 173175

Inception v2 184186

Inception v3 187

Inception v4 187

Inception-ResNet type A block 216223

Inception-ResNet type B block 223225

inheritance 62

input gate 366

Input layer 5758, 582

input_shape parameter 53, 98, 117

input_shape (Sequential API) 70

inputs tensor 439

instance segmentation 245

int32 type 494

iteration 189


Jupyter Notebook 623


keepdims parameter 37


image data augmentation with 196203

model-building APIs 4865

data set 4951

functional API 5661, 270273

Sequential API 5255

sub-classing API 6165

Keras DataGenerators 7274

Keras ImageDataGenerator 160165

Keras Model object 400

kernel size 99, 167

knowledge distillation 640

K.rnn() function 439


lambda function 324

lambda layer 171

language modeling 297, 349384

beam search 379383

greedy decoding 374379

GRUs (gated recurrent units) 365370

measuring quality of generated text 370372

overview 351

processing data 350365

defining pipeline 360365

downloading 351356

n-grams 356358

tokenizing text 358359

training and evaluating language model 372374

Layer base class 6263

layer objects 7, 57, 62

lemmatization 297, 305

load_data() method 83

logits 280

loss functions 277284

cross-entropy loss 278282

dice loss 280283

lower() function 303

lr_callback callback 290

LRN (local response normalization) 171172, 213, 238

LSH (locality sensitive hashing) 644

LSTM (long short-term memory) 10, 326331, 349


machine learning models 8, 12

machine translation 297

machine translation data 388395

MacOS 618

map() function 68, 255, 538

Markov property 351

masked language modeling 351, 466

masked self-attention layers 136138, 456

masking layer 331

matplotlib library 448, 631

matrix multiplication 3941

MaxPool2D layer 103104, 150

Mean IoU (mean intersection over union) 287

meronyms 306

MetricsSpec object 603

Minception 210231

training 229231

mixed precision training 539544

MLM (masked language modeling) 351, 466

MLP (multilayer perceptron) 2021, 85

model compilation 54

model debugging 5 function 190, 586

model.metric_names attribute 208

Model object 58, 143

ModelOutput object 497

model.predict() function 293, 399

model serving 5

MSE (mean squared error) 113

MulBiasDense custom layer 63

multi-head attention 138139

MXNet framework 5


NCE (Noise contrastive estimation) loss 355

nearest interpolation 258

negative dimension 102

NER (Named entity recognition) 297

neural network-related computations 3945

convolution operation 4143

matrix multiplication 3941

pooling operation 4345

neural networks with TFX Trainer API 576596

defining Keras model 577584

defining model training 584586

SignatureDefs 586589

training Keras model with TFX Trainer 589596

next sentence prediction 466, 644

n-grams 356358

NLP (natural language processing) 120, 296348, 639645

defining end-to-end NLP pipeline with TensorFlow 319325

language modeling 349384

beam search 379383

greedy decoding 374379

GRUs (gated recurrent units) 365370

measuring quality of generated text 370372

processing data 350365

training and evaluating 372374

sentiment analysis 325336

defining final model 331336

LSTM networks 326331

text 308319

analyzing sequence length 315316

analyzing vocabulary 313315

splitting training, validation and testing data 309313

text to words and then to numbers with Keras 316319

training and evaluating model 336339

Transformer models 639645

Albert 643644

BART 640642

DistilBERT 640

GPT model 639640

Reformer 644645

RoBERT and ToBERT 640

XLNet 642643

word vectors 339346

defining final model with word embeddings 341344

training and evaluating model 344346

word embeddings 340341

nlp.optimization.create_optimizer() function 481

NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit) 302

Noise contrastive estimation (NCE) loss 355

normalization 460463

np.random.normal() function 131

np.random.permutation() function 412

NSP (next-sentence prediction) 466, 644

Number of filters parameter 166

num_parallel_calls 536

NVIDIA driver 616, 620


omw-1.4 external resource 303

one-hot encoding 51

optimized hardware 1011

optimizing input pipeline 536538

output gate 366

overfitting, reducing 195210

dropout 203207

early stopping 207210

image data augmentation with Keras 196203


Padding 167

palettized images 249

ParseFromString() function 569

partial() function 163, 493

Part of speech (PoS) tagging 297

PCA (Principal Component Analysis) 56, 548

pd.DataFrame 155

pd.DataFrame.from_records() function 159

pd.read_csv() function 545

pd.read_json() function 300

pd.Series.apply() function 156

pd.Series object 155, 317

pd.Series.str.len() function 315

performance bottlenecks 104, 529544

mixed precision training 539544

optimizing input pipeline 536538

performance monitoring 5

permutation language modeling 643

perplexity 370

PIL library 249

pooled variance 43

pooling operation 4345

PoS (Part of speech) tagging 297

predict(...) method 116

prefetch() function 537

prepare_data(...) function 412

pretrained encoder 634638

pretrained networks

image segmentation with 266277

atrous convolution 269270

implementing ASPP module 273275

implementing Deeplab v3 using Keras functional API 270273

ResNet-50 model 268

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 56, 548

probabilistic machine learning 19

productionizing models 11

profiling models 529544

mixed precision training 539544

optimizing input pipeline 536538

projecter.visualize_embeddings() function 549

Protobuf library 569

prototyping deep learning models 10

pyramidal aggregation module 266

Python 1617, 615616

Pytorch framework 5


quantile() function 315

question answering with Hugging Face Transformers 483509

ask BERT question 505509

data 485486

defining DistilBERT model 495502

processing data 487494

defining and using tokenizer 488493

from tokens to pipeline 493494

training model 502505


ragged tensor 319

RandomContrast layer 228

RandomCrop layer 228

randomly_crop_or_resize function 257, 259

random occlusions 202

read_csv() function 50

Reconstruction phase 86

recurrent neural networks. See RNNs

recursive functions 380

ReduceLROnPlateau callback 230231

reduction block 225226

Reformer 644645

ReLU (rectified linear units) 53, 58, 223

reset gate 366

residual connections 187, 216

residuals 460463

resize function 257

ResNet-50 model 268

resolvers 602

re.sub() function 304

return keyword 162

return_sequences parameter unit 367

return_state parameter unit 368

rnn layer 111

RNNs (recurrent neural networks) 10, 14, 105117, 134, 325, 402

data 107111

implementing model 111115

predicting future CO2 values with trained model 115117

RoBERT (recurrence over BERT) 640

rotation_range parameter 197


same padding 101

samplewise_center parameter 197

samplewise_std_normalization parameter 197

save_pretrained() function 505

SBD (semantic boundary data set) 291

scalars 131134

scale_to_z_score() function 572

SchemaGen object 567

seg_dir directory 265

self-attention layer 456

cooking competition analogy 135136

locality sensitive hashing in 644645

masked self-attention layers 136138

overview 128131

scalars 131134

SelfAttentionLayer objects 141

semantic segmentation 245

sentence-order prediction 644

sentiment analysis 325336

defining final model 331336

LSTM (long short-term memory) networks 326331

sequence length 315316

sequence-to-sequence learning 387452

defining inference model 423430

improving model with attention 435445

defining final model 440443

implementing Bahdanau attention in TensorFlow 436440

training model 443445

machine translation data 388395

training and evaluating model 410423

visualizing attention 445451

writing English-German seq2seq machine translator 395410

compiling model 409410

define TextVectorization layers for seq2seq model 400401

defining decoder and final model 405409

defining encoder 401405

TextVectorization layer 398400

Sequential API 5255

Sequential object 53

seq variable 377

shear_range parameter 199

SignatureDefs 586589

signatures dictionary 587

SimpleRNN layer 112114

skip connections 187

small-scale structured data 1213

softmax normalization 58

spam classification 463483

in TensorFlow 470483

compiling model 480482

data 470471

defining model 474480

evaluating and interpreting results 482483

training model 482

treating class imbalance in data 471474

overview 465469

sparsity 175176

state variables 377

state vector state 377

statistics 158160

stem 169, 214

steps_per_epoch parameter 290

stop word removal 297, 303

stratified sampling 311

Stride parameter 167

StringLookup function 415

StringLookup layer 415

sub-classing API 6165


take() function 67 function 255

teacher forcing 405

TensorBoard 511553

profiling models to detect performance bottlenecks 529544

mixed precision training 539544

optimizing input pipeline 536538

tracking and monitoring models with 517526

using tf.summary to write custom metrics during model training 526529

visualizing data with 512516

visualizing word vectors with 544550

tensorboard_plugin_profile package 532

tensorboard.plugins.projector object 549

TensorFlow 318

Bahdanau attention in 436440

data pipeline 251265

final pipeline 264265

optimizing pipelines 263264

deep learning algorithms 14

GPU vs. CPU 910

language modeling 349384

beam search 379383

greedy decoding 374379

GRUs (gated recurrent units) 365370

measuring quality of generated text 370372

processing data 350365

training and evaluating 372374

machine learning model 8

monitoring and optimization 1415

NLP (natural language processing) with 296348

defining end-to-end NLP pipeline with TensorFlow 319325

sentiment analysis 325336

text 298319

training and evaluating model 336339

word vectors 339346

Python and TensorFlow 2 1617

spam classification using BERT 470483

compiling model 480482

data 470471

defining model 474480

evaluating and interpreting results 482483

training model 482

treating class imbalance in data 471474

TensorBoard 511553

profiling models to detect performance bottlenecks 529544

tracking and monitoring models with 517526

using tf.summary to write custom metrics during model training 526529

visualizing data with 512516

when not to use 1213

creating complex natural language processing pipelines 13

implementing traditional machine learning models 12

manipulating and analyzing small-scale structured data 1213

when to use 1012

creating heavy-duty data pipelines 1112

implementing models that run faster on optimized hardware 1011

monitoring models during model training 11

productionizing models/serving on cloud 11

prototyping deep learning models 10

TensorFlow 2.0 1979

building blocks 2838

tf.Operation 3538

tf.Tensor 3235

tf.Variable 2932

Keras model-building APIs 4865

functional API 5661

Sequential API 5255

sub-classing API 6165

neural network-related computations 3945

convolution operation 4143

matrix multiplication 3941

pooling operation 4345

overview 2028

Python and 1617

retrieving data for 6578

Keras DataGenerators 7274

tensorflow-datasets package 7578 API 6672 API 6

tensorflow-dataset package 48, 7578, 512

tensorflow_data_validation library 595

tensorflow.keras.layers.Dense() layer 140

tensorflow.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.TextVectorization layer 397

tensorflow.keras.layers.Flatten layer 104

tensorflow.keras.layers.MaxPool2D layer 103

tensorflow.keras.layers submodule 63

tensorflow_model_analysis library 602

tensorflow_transform library 572

tensor processing units (TPUs) 4

tensors 3233

text 308319

analyzing sequence length 315316

analyzing vocabulary 313315

generating with deep learning 365370

measuring quality of generated 370372

processing 298308

representing as numbers 120122

splitting training, validation and testing data 309313

text to words and then to numbers with Keras 316319

tokenizing 358359

texts_to_sequences() function 318

text_to_sequences() function 318

TextVectorization layers

defining for seq2seq model 400401

overview 398400

tf.argmax mathematical function 38

tf.argmin mathematical function 38

tf.cond function 259

tf.constant objects 27

tf.cumsum mathematical function 38 API 6, 8, 6672, 7475 object 360 function 324 function 253, 261, 494 function 321 function 360, 362363 function 253, 494 function 321, 324 function 255, 260, 362363, 513 objects 362, 526, 583 function 261 function 360, 362 function 69 function 323 object 67 pipelines 252255, 261, 263264, 319, 331332, 350, 360, 365, 487, 493494, 531

final 264265

language modeling 360365

optimizing 263264

tf_dataset_factory() function 584

tf.Dataset.filter() method 79 function 72

tfds.load() function 76

tfdv.display_anomalies() function 595

tfdv.validate_statistics() function 595

tfdv.visualize_statistics() function 595

tf.feature_column objects 581

tf.feature_column-type objects 578

tf.feature_column types 578

@tf.function decorator 2526, 28, 587

TF_GPU_THREAD_COUNT variable 537

TF_GPU_THREAD_MODE=gpu_private variable 538

TF_GPU_THREAD_MODE variable 537

tf.image.resize operation 257 function 589 function 252

tf.keras.applications module 270

tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping callback 210

tf.keras.initializers submodule 29

tf.keras.layers.AbstractRNNCell interface 436

tf.keras.layers.Add layer 336

tf.keras.layers.BatchNormalization() layers 527

tf.keras.layers.Conv2D layer 271

tf.keras.layers.DenseFeatures layer 582

tf.keras.layers.Input layers 582

tf.keras.layers.Lambda layer 172

tf.keras.layers.Masking layer 332

tf.keras.layers.RepeatVector(5) layer 410

tf.keras.layers.RepeatVector layer 410

tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy parent object’s 285

tf.keras.metrics.Mean class 371372

tf.keras.metrics.Metric class 283284 function 482

tf.keras.Model objects 583 method 162

tf.keras.models.Model object 404

tf.keras.preprocessing.text.Tokenizer.fit_on_texts() function 318

tf.linalg.band_part() function 138

tf.math.add_n() function 141

tf.math.top_k(batch_loss, n) function 293

tf.matmul() function 39

tf.matmul operation 28

tf.matmul(x,W)+b expression 23

tf-models-official library 475

tf.nn.convolution() function 42

tf.nn.convolution operation 96

tf.nn.max_pool() function 43

tf.numpy_function operation 254

tf.one_hot() function 333

tf.Operation 3538

tf.ragged.constant() function 320

tf.RaggedTensor objects 320, 324, 360

TFRecord objects 559

tf.reshape() function 45

tf.SparseTensor objects 567

tf.squeeze() function 40, 44, 261

tf.string elements 253

tf.string operations 416

tf.summary 526529

tf.summary.<data type> object 514

tf.summary.image object 514

tf.Tensor 3235

tf.Tensor objects 567

tf.Variable 2932

tf_wrap_model() function 504

tfx.components.CsvExampleGen object 560

tfx.dsl.Channel object 602

TFX (TensorFlow-Extended) 554614

deploying model and serving it through API 599612

evaluating model 602608

predicting with TensorFlow serving API 608612

pushing final model 608

resolving correct model 602

validating infrastructure 600601

setting up Docker to serve trained model 596599

training simple regression neural network with TFX Trainer API 576596

defining Keras model 577584

defining model training 584586

SignatureDefs 586589

training Keras model with TFX Trainer 589596

writing data pipeline with 556575

converting data to features 569575

EDA (exploratory data analysis) 564567

inferring schema from data 567569

loading data from CSV files 560564

TFX (TensorFlow-Extended) Trainer API 576596

defining Keras model 577584

defining model training 584586

SignatureDefs 586589

training Keras model with TFX Trainer 589596

tiny-imagenet-200 data set 153154, 232

ToBERT (Transformer over BERT) 640

tokenization 302, 316, 358359, 488494

torch tensors 508

TPUs (tensor processing units) 4

tracking models 517526

trainable parameter 30

TrainArgs object 590

Trainer component 589

training model

attention 443445

evaluating performance 149192

Hugging Face Transformers, question answering with 502505

image segmentation 289290

language modeling 372374

monitoring models during 11

NLP (natural language processing) 336339

sequence-to-sequence learning 410423

spam classification using BERT 482

TFX (TensorFlow-Extended) Trainer API 584586

using tf.summary to write custom metrics during 526529

word vectors 344346

training phase 227

training pipeline 265

train_model() function 421, 443, 527

transfer learning 233238, 244

Transform component 572

_transformed_name() function 575

Transformer decoder 639

Transformer encoder 639

transformers 123146, 453510, 639645

Albert 643644

cross-layer parameter sharing 643644

factorization of embedding layer 643

sentence-order prediction instead of next sentence prediction 644

BART (bidirectional and auto-regressive Transformers) 640642

components of 455457

DistilBERT 640

encoder-decoder pattern 123124

fully connected layer 139141

GPT (generative pre-training) model 639640

multi-head attention 138139

question answering with Hugging Face Transformers 483509

ask BERT question 505509

data 485486

defining DistilBERT model 495502

processing data 487494

training model 502505

Reformer 644645

residuals and normalization 460463

RoBERT and ToBERT 640

self-attention layer

cooking competition analogy 135136

masked self-attention layers 136138

overview 128131

scalars 131134

spam classification using BERT 463483

in TensorFlow 470483

overview 465469

XLNet 642643

transformers library 454

transpose convolution 266

typing library 583



creating virtual Python environment with Anaconda distribution 615616

prerequisites for GPU support 616618

installing CUDA 616618

installing CUDNN 618

installing NVIDIA driver 616

notes on MacOS 618

U-Net model 632638

defining 632633

pretrained encoder 634638

unet_pretrained_encoder() function 638

Unix-based environment 615618

creating virtual Python environment with Anaconda distribution (Ubuntu) 615616

prerequisites for GPU support (Ubuntu) 616618

installing CUDA 616618

installing CUDNN 618

installing NVIDIA driver 616

notes on MacOS 618

[UNK] tokens 417418

update_char_to_token_positions_inplace() function 491

update gate 366

update_state() function 284288, 372

upsample_conv layer 638


val_accuracy validation accuracy 374

validating infrastructure 600601

validation/testing phase 227

validation data 161

validation_data parameter 290

validation pipeline 265

validation_split parameter 199

valid_mask filter 285

valid padding 101

val_loss validation loss value 210

val_perlexity validation perplexity 374

value_counts() function 301

vertical_flip parameter 199

Virtual Python Environment

Unix-based environment 615616

Windows Environments 618619

visualize_attention() function 448


attention 445451

with TensorBoard

data 512516

word vectors 544550


analyzing 313315

n-grams 356358


width_shift_range parameter 197

window() function 360

WindowDataset object 360

window element 362

Windows Environments 618622

creating Virtual Python Environment (Anaconda) 618619

prerequisites for GPU support 619622

installing CUDA 620622

installing CUDNN 622

installing NVIDIA driver 620

wnids 152

word embeddings

defining final model with 341344

overview 340341

wordnet external resource 303

WordNet IDs 152

WordNetLemmatizer 305

word_tokenize() function 304

word vectors 339346

defining final model with word embeddings 341344

training and evaluating model 344346

word embeddings 340341


XLNet 642643


yield keyword 162


zca_whitening 197

zip() function 69


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