How to Read the Code Examples

This book takes a hands-on, project-driven approach, which means that source files often change over the course of a chapter. When a code example is a work in progress, its file name (relative to the project root) is shown as a comment at the top of the snippet:

 // src/tests/MyComponent.test.js
 import​ React ​from​ ​'react'​;
 import​ MyComponent ​from​ ​'../MyComponent'​;
 describe(​'MyComponent'​, () => {
  it(​'renders a <div /> tag'​, () => {
 const​ wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);

As a source file changes over the course of a chapter, familiar sections are omitted with ... and new/edited lines are highlighted:

 // src/tests/MyComponent.test.js
 describe(​'MyComponent'​, () => {
» it(​'accepts a `className` prop'​, () => {
»const​ wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent className=​"test-class"​ />);
» expect(wrapper.hasClass(​'test-class'​)).toBe(​true​);
» });

The final version of a source file within a chapter has a download link at the top instead of a comment:

 import​ React ​from​ ​'react'​;
 import​ MyComponent ​from​ ​'../MyComponent'​;
 describe(​'MyComponent'​, () => {
  it(​'renders a <div /> tag'​, () => {
 const​ wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
  it(​'accepts a `className` prop'​, () => {
 const​ wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent className=​"test-class"​ />);
» it(​'triggers `onClick` when clicked'​, () => {
»const​ onClick = jest.fn();
»const​ wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent onClick=​{​onClick​}​ />);
» wrapper.simulate(​'click'​);
» expect(onClick).toHaveBeenCalled();
» });
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