Denition of Terms
5S Audit Form: A scoring system used to rate the level of sustaining and as a
guideline for continuous improvement.
5S Tracking Sheet: A visual document posted in high-trafc areas that displays
the scores from the 5S Audit Sheet.
5S and the Visual Workplace: Lean implementation concept of creating a
highly organized work environment where everything has a place. Labels,
designations, paint, signage are examples used to create the visual workplace.
Daily Walkthrough: Performed after the end-of-day cleanup, the walkthrough
is conducted by a supervisor or worker to verify the cleanup is complete.
Defects: Mistakes made in the process causing rework, material scrap, and
lost products.
End-of-Day Cleanup Procedure: A sustaining document that outlines the
cleanup and reset requirements for the work area after each shift or day.
Floor Space: Performance measurement of how much factory space is being
used to conduct value-added work. Often measured in prot per square foot
or revenue per square foot.
Inventory: Higher-than-needed inventory levels due to excessive purchasing
of raw material, overproducing work in progress, and unsold nished goods.
Inventory ties up working capital, takes up oor space, and adds to longer
lead times.
Inventory: The measurement in quantity and cost of raw material, work in
progress, and nished goods.
Motion: Movement of workers, generally leaving their work areas to nd items
unavailable in the work area.
Overprocessing: The act of overperforming work steps, such as redundant
effort or extra steps.
Overproduction: The act of producing more product than necessary, perform-
ing work in the wrong order, and creating unnecessary inventory.
Productivity: One of the six Lean metrics that is a measurement of a worker’s
efciency in a process. Often, it is a comparison of the time allocated to
perform work to the actual time the worker took to perform it.
Quality: Internal measurement of rework, scrap, and defects in a production
52 Denition of Terms
Red Tagging: An organized approach to sorting in which red tags are placed
on items to designate them as unnecessary. Red tag items are placed in a
staging area for permanent removal from the company.
Right Sizing: Concept of customizing the work area to identify the minimum
amount of space needed to store items.
Scrub: Act of cleaning and painting the work area to create a showroom
Set in Order: Act of complete organization of the company by which all
items are given home locations.
Shadow Board: A visual mechanism for organizing tools. Shadow boards
provide instant feedback on home locations and missing tools and opens
oor space by eliminating the need for tool boxes and shelves.
Sort: Act of discarding and removing all unnecessary items from the work area.
Standardize: Act of creating consistency in the 5S implementation through
guidelines for the visual workplace.
Sustain: the act of maintaining the work area after a 5S implementation.
Throughput Time: Time associated with all value-added and non-value-added
time in a process. It is the time it takes material to get through the rst and
last steps of the entire factory, from raw material to nished goods.
Transportation: The movement of raw, work in progress, and nished goods
throughout the company.
Travel Distance: Measurement of the physical distance of product and
workers and the time associated with it. A long travel distance equates
tolonger lead times in the process.
Waiting: When work comes to a stop due to lack of necessary tools, people,
material, information, and parts. Wait time is often called queue time.
Wasted Potential: Poor use of people, including skill sets not being utilized,
wrong job placement, and workers consumed in wasteful steps.
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