The Writing Process


When planning to write a business document, the most important consideration is to understand your audience. You must adapt your writing to the needs and interests of the audience.

For most business documents, the audience falls into one of the following categories:

Image Subject matter experts—individuals who know the content completely and who focus on the details

Image Technologists—people who manufacture, operate, and maintain products and services and who have a firm practical knowledge

Image Management—people who make decisions about whether to produce and market products and services but who have little technical knowledge about the details

Image General audience—people who may know about a product or service but who have little technical knowledge about the details

Another way to analyze your audience is to consider its characteristics:

Image What are their background, education, and experience?

Image Does your writing have to start with the basics, or can you work at a more advanced level?

Example: If you are writing about a Windows-based software product, can you assume the audience already has a basic understanding of Windows, how to use a mouse, and so forth?

Image What will the audience expect and need from your document?

Image How will your document be used?

Image Will users read it cover to cover or just skim the high points?

Image Will they use your document as a reference to look up information when it is needed?

Image What are the demographics of your audience?

Image Consider the age, sex, location, and other characteristics of your audience.

Your writing may have more than one audience or an audience with a wide variety of backgrounds. With an audience of both experts and laypeople, it is best to organize your document into sections with easy-to-understand headings so that the individual users can find the areas that interest them. You may need to off-load the more technical information to an appendix.

Once you have analyzed your audience, you need to adapt your document to conform to its interests and needs.

Image You may need to add information.

Image You may need to omit information.

Image You may need to add examples to help readers understand.

Image You may need to write to a lower or higher level.

Image You may need to include background information.

Image You may need to strengthen transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

Image You may need to write longer introductions and clearer topic sentences.

Image You may need to change your sentence style.

Image You may need change the type of graphics used.

Image You may need to add cross-references.

Image You may need to organize your content into headings with lists.

Image You may need to use special fonts, font sizes, font styles, and line spacing for emphasis.


Brainstorming by jotting down notes is a great way to gather content ideas for a writing project.

Image Don’t worry about the order of the ideas.

Image Let one idea lead you to other related ideas.

Image Browse the Web to generate ideas.

Image Review magazines, journals, and periodical indexes for ideas.

Image Use free association to let your mind roam freely throughout the subject area.

Image Use free association while commuting, while riding a bike, while walking, or even while taking a shower.

Image Keep a pen and notepad or a digital recorder nearby.

As you think about the subject matter, consider the following angles:

Image Are there any problems or needs?

Image Is there a cause-and-effect relationship?

Image What are the solutions to the problems?

Image What is the history of the subject matter?

Image What processes are involved?

Image What needs to be described to readers?

Image How can the subject matter be divided into smaller pieces?

Image Are any comparisons involved?

Image What needs to be illustrated with a graphic or photograph?

Image How is the subject matter applied?

Image Can you list any advantages and benefits?

Image What are the disadvantages and limitations?

Image Are there any warnings, cautions, tips, or guidelines?

Image What are the financial implications of the subject matter?

Image What is its importance?

Image What does the future likely hold?

Image What are the social, political, and legal implications of the subject matter?

Image Can you draw any conclusions about the subject matter?

Image Do you have any recommendations?

Image What are the alternatives to the subject matter?

Image What tests and methods are used?

Image Can you use relevant statistics?

Image Are there any legal issues?

Image Should you consider applicable business situations?

After brainstorming, the next step is to narrow the list of ideas to the scope of the project.

Image How does each brainstorm idea apply to your audience?

Image Will your audience care about each brainstorming item?

Image Does the idea help your audience understand the topic?

Image Could you eliminate one or more ideas without sacrificing anything?

Image Is the idea too general, too technical, or not technical enough?

After narrowing the list of topics, decide how to cover each and determine how to obtain the content details.

Image Research online.

Image Talk to subject matter experts.

Image Use reference books.

Image Test and evaluate the product or service yourself.

Image Get testimonials from customers or users.

Image Conduct tests.

Image Record demonstrations using software or video.

For the narrowed list of topics, determine the audience level for each:

Image Determine which topics apply to all audiences and should be more general.

Image Determine which topics apply to individual audiences and should be more specific, include more details, or used to create separate audience-specific documents.


The research phase of a business writing project consists of:

Image Reviewing existing publications, periodicals, Web sites, and company documents

Image Evaluating products and services

Image Conducting tests of products and services

Image Running tests

Image Studying users

Image Interviewing experts

Image Conducting surveys using questionnaires or observations

Traditional print sources used in research include anything published in print form that is available in libraries and bookstores:

Image Books

Image Textbooks

Image Newspapers

Image Scholarly journals

Image Trade publications

Image Magazines

Materials available for research purposes on the Internet include:

Image Web pages and blogs

Image PDF documents

Image eBooks

Image Video and audio

Image Online versions of print publications

Image Press releases

Image Message boards

Image Discussion lists

Image Chat rooms

Image Web-based government reports

When searching for information at a library or on the Internet:

Image Make a list of keywords related to your subject matter that will likely produce search results.

Image Use the Library of Congress subject headings to search for keywords.

Image Check Books in Print by subjects for any related keywords.

Image Check the Reader’s Guide to Periodic Literature for related articles.

Image Use Google Scholar at to search for articles across many disciplines and sources.

Image Check the New York Times Index for relevant newspaper articles.

Image Check a general encyclopedia for information about your topic.

Keep a list of the sources used in your research in order to document them in footnotes, endnotes, and a bibliography.

Image Keep your notes organized on note cards or in a word processor.

Image For research from books, include the title, authors, city of publication, publisher, date of publication, and the pages for specific quotes and other information.

Image For research from magazines, include the title of the article, the magazine’s name, the issue date, and beginning and ending page numbers of the article.

Image For encyclopedia articles, include the title, edition number, date of publication, and the author’s name.

Image For government documents, include notes about the department, administration, or agency name, along with any cataloging number.

Image For private sources of research from interviews, make notes about the date of the communication, the source’s full name, title, and organization.

When making notes from your research sources, you can record any of the following:

Image A few sentences or some statistics

Image Direct quotes from a publication

Image Paraphrased information in your own words

Image Summaries that condense the main ideas in an article


Interviews with subject matter experts, customers, end users, and members of your general audience provide you with insight and testimonials for use in your writing project.

Interviews can be conducted in a number of ways:

Image Face-to-face

Image In focus groups

Image By telephone

Image In a computer chat

Image Via email

Image On a message board

Image By means of a discussion list

Image By mail

Interviews that are conducted face-to-face or on the telephone can be recorded with the interviewee’s permission and later transcribed.

Image In informal conversational interviews, interview questions often flow from the context of the discussion.

Image Structured interviews follow a checklist to make sure all relevant topics are covered, and the interviewer may ask impromptu questions based on the answers.

Image In an open-ended interview, open-ended questions are asked, allowing the subject to share opinions and ideas.

When asking interview questions, consider the following:

Image Ask clear questions whose language makes sense to the interviewees.

Image Ask one question at a time, rather than multipart questions.

Image Ask opened-ended questions with no predetermined answers.

Image Ask questions about interviewees’ experience with the subject matter before asking for their opinions on it.

Image Order the questions from general to specific, from broad to narrow.

Image Ask probing and follow-up questions when a different level of response or detail is needed.

Image Be able to interpret the answers and clarify the responses to confirm that what you heard is what the interviewee meant.

Image Avoid sensitive or deep questions that may irritate the interviewee.

Image Allow free-form discussion, but keep the interview session under control by having a checklist of questions you want to ask.

Image Establish and maintain a rapport with the interviewee through attentive listening, purposeful voice tone, and responsive expressions and gestures.


Outlines are useful in the writing process as a strategy for brainstorming and the logical ordering of content. An outline lists the headings and subheadings for various topics and ideas. Several levels of subheadings may be used to group ideas.

To create an outline:

Image Determine the purpose of the document.

Image Determine the audience.

Image Brainstorm ideas to include in the document.

Image Organize the ideas by grouping similar ones together.

Image Determine a logical order for the ideas.

Image Label the groups of ideas for use as headings and subheadings in the outline.

In the most common outline format, numbers or letters are assigned to each level of heading or subheading. For example:

I. Roman numerals

A. Capitalized letters

1. Arabic numerals
a. Lowercase letters

Keep the following ideas in mind when creating an outline:

Image Use parallel structure for headings and subheadings.

Image Heading content at the same level should be equally significant.

Image A heading can contain just a few words or an entire sentence.

Image Each heading should have at least two or more items of subordinated content or subheadings.

Image Headings should be general, and subheadings should be more specific.


I. Introducing the transactional Web site

A. What is a transactional Web site?

B. Who uses this type of Web site?

II. Finding a transactional Web hosting service

A. Bandwidth pricing

B. Shopping cart service

C. Credit card merchant service

III. Typical Web transactions

A. Services

B. Research

C. Downloadable software

D. Products


After completing the prewriting stages of audience analysis, brainstorming, research, interviewing, and outlining, you can begin the writing process by creating a first draft. Start by copying your research notes into the related sections of your outline. Phrase your notes as complete sentences, and fill in the gaps with transitions and other commentary. As you work on your first draft, keep the following tips in mind:

Image Add introductions and conclusions to the various sections of the outline.

Image Don’t worry about choosing the best wording when writing your draft; you’ll have an opportunity to read and rewrite later.

Image If you get stuck on a section, leave it and move on to the next one.

Image If you don’t like how a particular section sounds, keep writing and revise it later.

Image Write notes to yourself with ideas for additional content or revisions using a different-colored font or highlighting tool.

After completing the first draft, look for ways to improve it by proofreading and revising.


The overall tone of a business document, as seen through the choice of words and commentary, reflects the writer’s attitude. Business writers must consider the overall tone of their messages, whether they are writing a letter or a formal report.

To decide on the appropriate tone for your documents, make sure you can answer the following questions:

Image Why am I writing this document?

Image For whom am I writing it?

Image What do I want the readers to understand?

The overall tone of a business document should be confident, courteous, and sincere. It should use nondiscriminatory language and be written at the appropriate level for the audience. In addition, your writing should focus on the benefits to the reader. To write with the appropriate tone:

Image Be knowledgeable and prepared so that readers will accept your ideas.

Image Be persuasive so that readers will follow your instructions.

Image Don’t be arrogant or presumptuous.

Image Strive for politeness with sincerity to avoid sounding condescending.

Image Consider your word choices and think about how the reader will perceive them.

Image Use strategies to emphasize key points by using short sentences, placing key points at the beginning of paragraphs, and positioning subordinate information in the middle of paragraphs.

Image Use the active voice to describe what a reader should do, and use the passive voice to describe actions being performed.

Image Avoid language that is sexist or biased based on race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Image Write from your readers’ perspective and clearly explain the benefits for them.

Image Use language and details that are appropriate to the target audience’s level of understanding.


Visuals in a business document should support the text and avoid confusing the reader. Visuals are a part of the overall message and should be used to communicate important ideas. When creating and placing visuals, keep the following in mind:

Image Readers must be able to understand a figure without having to read any of the surrounding text.

Image Introduce all figures by referring to them in the text.

Image Place visuals in a logical place close to the reference text.

Image Charts with content of interest only to specific audiences should be saved for an appendix.

Image Visuals should not repeat the content of the text.

Image Never use charts to distort research findings.

Image Be aware of what multicolored images and graphs will look like in black and white.

Statistical information can be presented in tables or graphs. Graphs in particular help the reader conceptualize information that is not as easily seen in tabular form. Graphs can display the relationships between sets of data. When creating graphs:

Image Don’t overly complicate graphs with grid lines and data points.

Image Use line graphs to show a relationship between two values.

Image Employ pie charts to show a relationship between multiple values that make up a whole.

Image Utilize bar charts to show comparisons, distributions, and trends.

Image Use pictographs like bar charts but with symbols to make up each bar.

Image Use organizational charts to show the hierarchy of an organization.

Image Employ flowcharts to show the steps in a process.

A variety of other types of illustrations can be used effectively in business documents:

Image Diagrams show the structures, mechanisms, or organisms that make up an object.

Image Drawings depict an object or organism.

Image Maps show geographic, demographic, agricultural, or weather data.

Image Photographs present realistic views of a subject.


Page design involves the use of typographical elements and formatting techniques to lay out content in a pleasing way that helps communicate the message. Page design involves the use of the following:

Image Headings

Image Lists

Image Tables

Image Fonts and color

Image Font styles

Image Margins

Image Indention

Image Alignment

Image Footers

Image Graphical elements

Image Visuals

The first step in creating a page design for a document using a word processor is the document setup:

Image Setting the page size

Image Setting the margins

Image Creating paragraph styles

Image Customizing the color pallet

Image Selecting a document template

The text used in a document can take on many different forms. You can apply different fonts, font colors, styles (bold, italic, underlined), and paragraph styles (block, paragraph, hanging). Text can be organized visually on the page by using headings and lists. When formatting text on a page:

Image Make headings descriptive of the content that follows.

Image Use different font styles and margins for headings to make them stand out.

Image Use parallel wording for all headings on the same level.

Image Use numbered lists for things that must be done in a specified order.

Image Use bulleted lists for items when no particular order is required.

Image Introduce all lists with a lead-in sentence.

Image Punctuate list items with a period only if they are complete sentences.

Image Use font styles, such as bold or italic, for emphasis.

Image Indent paragraph margins for emphasis.

Image Use different font colors for headings for artistic design purposes.

Image Use fonts for headings that are different from the text font.

Image Use background shading and light-colored text for table column headings.


Publication design involves creating and organizing the components of a business document. The components vary depending on whether the document is a letter, brochure, or report. No single publication uses all the possible publication components. Nor is there a single style guide for how these components should be used and organized, because style varies depending on the needs and requirements of the individual business.

The following publication design components are commonly used in business documents:

Image Front and back covers—the organization’s name, publication title, logo or artwork, and date

Image Title page—information on the front cover that is often duplicated on the title page

Image Edition notices—publication edition, publication date, and copyright notice, included on the backside of the title page

Image Disclaimers—legal wording included as part of the edition notices on the backside of the title page, stating the document may not be free from errors

Image Trademark lists—a list of trademarks used in the document, a separate element or part of the edition notices

Image Warranties—additional legal wording regarding the company’s products or services, sometimes on a separate page

Image Safety notices—publications about products, possibly including a summary of all safety warnings found elsewhere in the publication

Image Communication statements—statements required by government regulation

Image Preface—a brief passage that describes the content and purpose of the publication as well as the target audience, included just before the table of contents

Image Table of contents—a list of chapters and of at least a second level of heading detail, included so that readers can find information they need when using the publication as a reference

Image List of figures—a list of all the figures used in the publication, along with their caption titles

Image Content chapters—the actual text of the publication, possibly organized as chapters, topics, and sections

Image Appendixes—details and content that is only suitable for subsections of your audience and that is included at the end of the publication

Image Glossary—a list of specialized terms, along with their definitions, positioned at the end of the publication

Image Index—references to specific topics and terms, along with page numbers

Image Reader response form—a document that readers can fill out to provide feedback and to ask questions


Editing consists of reading a draft documents, checking for errors, rewriting sentences, adding missing content, and deleting unnecessary content. You can use word processing grammar and spelling checkers to point out potential problems, but don’t rely on these tools in place of a thorough editing and proofreading. During the editing process, keep the following principles in mind:

Image To be verbs (is, was, were, etc.) should be replaced with strong active verbs.

Example: The form was filed by Allan.

Revision: Allan filed the report.

Image Rewrite the excessive use of prepositions.

Example: The company’s annual report is overshadowed by the company’s feeling of dread over the upcoming legislation pending in their state government.

Revision: A feeling of dread over the upcoming state government legislation pervaded the company’s annual report.

Image Eliminate words that add no meaning or are redundant.

Image Example: He carelessly and nonchalantly tossed the confidential report into the nonsecure trash bin.

Image Revision: He carelessly tossed the confidential report into the nonsecure trash bin.

Image Vary sentence structure and sentence length.

Image Don’t start every sentence with the main subject followed by a verb.

Image If there are too many sentences of the same length, rewrite them into compound sentences.

Example: I stopped checking my email when I went on vacation. There were over 300 messages waiting for me when I returned.

Revision: Because I did not check email while on vacation, over 300 messages were waiting when I returned.

Image Add transitional words and phrases to connect sentences and show a relationship between sentences and paragraphs.

Example: The copier on our floor broke. I went down to the copy center in the basement to copy the report.

Revision: The copier on our floor broke. So I went down to the copy center in the basement to copy the report.

Use the following checklist when editing a document:

Image Are the headings and subheadings consistently used?

Image Is the spelling correct?

Image Are all proper names accurate?

Image Are all lists parallel in structure?

Image Do all nouns and verbs agree?

Image Are numbered lists correctly numbered?

Image Are all dates correct?

Image Are all alphabetical lists in alphabetical order?

Image Is all punctuation correct and consistent?

Image Is all capitalization correct and consistent?

Image Are all bibliographical references accurate and consistent?


Proofreading is the checking of your documents for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as for accuracy with respect to the edited version and adherence to style. If someone else proofreads your documents, the reader notes any needed corrections using proofreading marks and abbreviations. Figure 1.1 lists the standard proofreading symbols and abbreviations.

Figure 1.1 Proofreading Symbols



Use the following checklist when proofreading a document:

Image Are all headings and other text elements consistent in style and layout?

Image For letters, are the dateline, reference line, initials, enclosure, and carbon-copy notation accurate?

Image Are all cross-references accurate?

Image Are all margins consistent and proper?

Image Are all tables aligned consistently?

Image Have any footnotes been omitted?

Image Are all end-of-line word divisions accurate?

Image Are any words accidentally repeated in the same sentence or paragraph?

Image Are the page numbers correct?

Image Are all headings and captions separate elements, that is, on lines by themselves?

Rather than make edits on paper, you can make edits electronically in a word processing document using the Track Changes feature (in Microsoft Word). The revisions show up in a different color. When you proofread the document, you can review each revision and either accept or reject it.


Prior to its release or publication, a document should be reviewed by subject matter experts, management, or your peers. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the document, criticize it, and suggest improvements. Writers are often uneasy about having their documents reviewed out of fear their egos will be bruised. People who are asked to review a document are also often uneasy about offering criticism. Prior to the review, the writer should meet with the reviewers and discuss the following points:

Image The writer’s goals and concerns for the document including its topic, audience, and purpose

Image Potential problems and concerns uncovered during the writing process

Image Questions about accuracy that subject matter experts need to answer

When asked to review another writer’s document, review the document several times and look for:

Image Grammar, spelling, and punctuation issues

Image Appropriate tone and level for the target audience

Image Organization of the content

Image Clarity of the writing

Image Sentence style

Image Use of graphics

When offering feedback, avoid making criticisms based on your own writing style. Instead, do the following:

Image Base your comments on guidelines, concepts, and rules.

Image Document your comments in the margins of the review copy or on a separate document.

Image Provide specific details to explain your comments.

Image Offer suggestions for correcting any problems you see.

Image Avoid going overboard and rewriting the draft completely.


In the revision process, you rewrite content to make improvements to the language, level of clarity, content organization, and tone that may be the result of a reviewer’s comments or your own review. As you revise your document, consider the following questions:

Image Have you adequately defined all the key terms used in the document?

Image Do some things in the document, such as products, services, or people, need to be described in more detail?

Image Do some processes in the document need more description?

Image Do you need to add analogies or comparisons to make a particular concept easier to understand?

Image Does the document have subcategories of information that need their own subheadings and introductory sentences?

Image Is the content in the correct order?

Image Have you provided sufficient examples?

Image Do you need to provide more historical background to help readers better understand the content?

Image Have you provided any necessary instructions in the correct step-by-step format?

Image Do you need to insert overviews at key points to summarize topics?

Image Do you need to add topic sentences that introduce new topics?

Image Do the transitions between paragraphs and topics allow the ideas to logically flow from one to another?

Image Do you need to break long paragraphs into shorter ones?

Image Do you need to rewrite redundant or wordy phrases?

Image Do you need to rewrite passive sentences in the active voice?

Image Are there any subject-verb mismatches in your sentences?

Image Are there series of sentences that are either all the same length, all too long, or all too short?


Always acknowledge the work of other writers to allow readers not only to judge the quality of the information based on its source but also to verify the information.

Some writers document sources in parenthetical references. Others use footnotes or endnotes.

You should document your sources when:

Image The information is not already common knowledge.

Image You use a direct quotation.

Image The concepts are unique to the source.

Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnotes are short notes set at the bottom of the page. Endnotes are placed at the end of a document. Usually, both footnotes and endnotes are numbered. A small (so-called superior) number is inserted at the end of the text in question. Then, either a correspondingly numbered footnote is placed at the bottom of the page or a numbered endnote is listed at the end of the document.

Book information in footnotes and endnotes should include the authors’ names, the book title, the city of publication, the publisher, the year of publication, and the page reference.

Example: Kevin Wilson and Jennifer Wauson, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing (New York, AMACOM Books, 2010), page 24.

Parenthetical references are inserted within a document in parentheses.

Example: … (Wilson and Wauson, 2010)

Sometimes a footnote is used for the first usage of a reference source, and in subsequent references just the author names and page number are listed.

Example:1Kevin Wilson and Jennifer Wauson, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing (New York, AMACOM Books, 2010), page 24.

2Wilson and Wauson, page 43.

Magazine information should include the authors’ names, followed by a period, the title of the article in quotes and ending with a period, followed by the name of the magazine in italics, followed by a period, then the date of the issue, followed by the beginning and ending page numbers.

Example: Jennifer Wauson. “Positively Pranic Cooking.” Yogic Cooking Journal (March 1, 2011), 32–42.

Government report information does not need to include the author’s name but should include the group or agency name with a comma, the title of the report in italics with a period, then the report number with a period, the city of publication with a colon, the name of the publisher with a comma, and the publication date ended with a period.

Example: Security and Exchange Commission, SEC 2010 Annual Report. NAA 6463:3. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2012.

Personal interview information should include the name of the source, followed by a comma, the person’s title with a period, the person’s organization with a period, the interview location with a period, the type of information with a period, followed by the interview date ended with a period.

Example: James H. Stroman. Administrative Assistant to the Governor of Oklahoma. Governor Raymond Gary’s Office. Oklahoma City, OK. Email interview. July 1, 2012.

Product brochure information should include the company name as author, followed by a period, the product name or model number with a period, the title of the brochure in italics with a period, the type of information with a period, and a date ended with a period.

Example: Greenway Manufacturing. Green Harvester. Farm Products Catalog. Acres in cultivation. 2012.

Online source information should include the author’s name with a period, the title of the work in italic with a period, the date of the publication with a period, the date of access followed by a period, and the URL in angle brackets.

Example: Videologies, Inc. Grammar Gotchas. 2012. Retrieved March 20, 2012. <>

Example: Wilwau, M. B. Famous Banana Recipes for Fun and Profit. April 21, 2012. Retrieved July 1, 2012. < recipes.htm>

Email message source information should include the author’s name with a period, the subject of the email in quotes with a period, the words “Email to the author” with a period, and then the date with a period.

Example: Wilson, Brian. “Editing Techniques on the Mac.” Email to the author. August 22, 2012.


Bibliographies list all the works citied in report footnotes or parenthetical references. Research sources that were not cited in a foot- or endnote but that were used to create the report may also be listed.

The bibliography listings are ordered alphabetically by author’s last name. If there’s no main author, then use the book title. The author’s surname comes first. Additional authors are listed in the normal order: first name, last name.

Example: Wilson, Kevin, and Jennifer Wauson, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing (New York, AMACOM Books, 2010), page 26.


When writing for an international audience, you can easily create problems with clarity and miscommunication. To overcome this problem, you need to avoid using slang or words with double meanings that can be misunderstood by non-native English speakers. To adjust your writing for an international audience:

Image Use both the active and passive voice (some cultures—for example, in Japan and China—consider the active voice to be condescending and prefer the passive voice).

Image Use a direct rather than indirect style; the indirect style can be confusing.

Image Avoid using abbreviations (e.g., “to be done asap”) and brand names (e.g., “Xerox two copies”), unless you are writing about a specific brand (e.g., “Xerox’s Color CubeTM 9200 Series”).

Image Use short sentences and simple sentence constructions.

Image Avoid phrasal verbs like call up, put up, drop down, and the like; such phrases can easily be used as a single word (call, put, drop) and mean the same thing.

Image Make antecedents extremely clear when using pronouns.

Image Avoid clichés and slang.

Image Be careful with humor; a non-English-speaking person may not understand it.

Image Don’t use contractions; they make translation more difficult.

Image Avoid cultural metaphors that are recognized in the United States but are meaningless to an international audience.

Examples: Big Apple, pigskin, brown-bagging

Image When using graphics in your document, avoid using human hands, animals, or religious symbols.

Image Use androgynous figures for humans.

Image Make sure you use which and that correctly.

Image Write out dates by spelling the month (September 23, 2012, not 09/23/2012).

Image If you must refer to gender, use the terms man and woman rather than male and female.

Image Do not use the word domestic to refer to the United States.

Image Avoid using symbols and special characters.

Examples: Use pound, not #; write dollars, not $; avoid the ditto mark ([ ]); spell inches, not [ ]; spell feet, not [ ]; ask for help, don’t type ?.

Image When your document will be translated, keep in mind that the same content may expand by 15% or more in the new language.


Large projects often involve teams of writers all working together on the same document. During the planning phase of the project, the team leader should work together with the team to:

Image Define the audience and purpose of the document.

Image Create content outline.

Image Plan the research effort.

Image Create a standard system for taking notes and gathering content.

Image Plan graphics for use in the document.

Image Agree on style and document formatting standards.

Image Create a style guide for the document.

Image Develop a work schedule for the team members.

Image Assign team members to various sections of the document.

Image Assign team members to research activities.

Image Create a formal progress reporting process.

Image Schedule team meetings to discuss issues.

Image Set up a peer-review process where team members review each other’s work.


Promotional writing is used for sales letters, brochures, and newsletters. This style of writing not only explains a product or service but compels the reader to take action. A well written promotional piece doesn’t provide every detail; instead, it is a creative introduction that causes the reader to seek more information.

When writing a promotional piece:

Image Make the document readable by using neutral-colored paper and a simple font such as 12-point Times New Roman or Arial.

Image Don’t pack too much information into the document.

Image Use an attractive page layout that leaves some white space.

Image Write compelling headlines, titles, or headings that convey important information to the reader.

Image Avoid too much hype and sensationalism that can’t be supported.

Image Avoid making claims or comparisons that you can’t support in the content of the piece.

Image Use descriptive language so that the readers can imagine what you are describing using all five senses.

Image List the benefits and reasons why a reader should respond to your call for action.

Image Address any serious obstacles or misconceptions that may be in the reader’s mind.

Image Include a compelling call to action that gives the reader specific instructions on what to do.

Image Provide multiple forms of contact information so that readers can reach you using email, on the Web, by telephone, or through the mail.

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