Vain means to be conceited.

Example: He’s so vain he doesn’t know when he’s being insulted.

A vane is a blade that is moved by gas or liquid.

Example: a weather van.

A vein carries blood through the body or is a long slender deposit of a mineral.

Example: a vein of gol


Verbals are words that seem to mean an action or a state of being but do not function as verbs. They are sometimes called nonfinite verbs. Verbals are frequently used with other words in what is called a verbal phrase.

Example: Frequenting the shady bars in that neighborhood [verbal phrase] is not a good idea.


See Complements.


Verbs have four basic inflections, or endings:

Image Present tense—Something is happening now.

Image Past tense—Something happened in the past.

Example: I thought.

Image Present participle—Something is happening now.

Example: I am thinking.

Image Past participle—Something happened in the past (the verb is combined with an auxiliary).

Example: I have thought.


A verb group consists of an auxiliary or modal verb along with a verb.

Example: He wouldn’t say [modal + verb] that.

Example: We haven’t told [auxiliary + verb] her.


Verbiage is sometimes used to describe wording or text in a document; however, it is actually an insulting term that means overly wordy.


Verbs can be used in three moods:

Image Indicative mood—used for factual statements

Image Present indicative

Example: He eats at school.

Image Past indicative

Example: He ate at school.

Image Future indicative

Example: He will eat at school.

Image Imperative mood—used for requests or commands

Example: Notice how nice the lake looks.

Example: Email him tomorrow.

Image Subjunctive mood—used to express doubts, wishes, or a request

Example: He acts as if he doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Auxiliary verbs could, would, and should can express the subjunctive mood.

Example: If Carl were to move to Dallas, he would be happy.


Beware of words that do not mean exactly what you want to say and of phrases that are careless, vague, or wordy.

Table 2.33 contains a list of examples of such pitfalls.

Table 2.33 Verbose Expressions



Verbs describe an action or an idea of being in a sentence.

Example: I am [idea of being] an office worker.

Example: The manager worked [action] hard.

There are four ways to classify verbs:

Image Transitive—requiring an object

Example: Will you lay the report on my desk?

ImageIntransitive—not requiring an object

Example: The project manager is sitting.

Image Finite—standing alone as the main verb in a sentence

Example: The layouts destroyed morale.

Image Nonfinite—not standing alone

Example: the devastated employee


The form of a verb helps determine its tense, which tells you when something is happening.

Image Happening now

Example: They’re serving dinner.

Image Going to happen

Example: It will be ready in the morning.

Image Has already happened

Example: The bus just left.

See Verb Forms and Tense.


The abbreviation for versus is vs. As an abbreviation vs. is always lowercase. Use the abbreviation in headings and titles; otherwise spell out versus.


See Lists.


A person with vision problems can be visually impaired; however, a person who can’t see is blind.

Many people think using visually impaired is better than saying blind, but actually it is more polite to say blind when a person can’t see.


Voice is a relationship between the action in a sentence and the participants.

When the subject of a sentence is the agent, we use the active voice.

When the subject of a sentence undergoes the action, we use the passive voice.

See Active Voice and Passive Voice.


Voice mail is two words and should not be abbreviated as v-mail or vmail.


All English words have at least one vowel. Vowels include a, e, i, o, u, and y. Y can act as a consonant when it begins a word.

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