
After writing books for the past 10 years now, I’ve found that the thing that’s the hardest for me to write in any book is writing the acknowledgments. It also, hands down, takes me longer than any other pages in the book. For me, I think the reason I take these acknowledgments so seriously is because it’s when I get to put down on paper how truly grateful I am to be surrounded with such great friends, an incredible book team, and a family that truly makes my life a joy. That’s why it’s so hard. I also know why it takes so long—you type a lot slower with tears in your eyes.

To my amazing wife, Kalebra: As I write this, you’re sitting beside me on a long night’s flight. You’re reading a book, and thankfully not paying attention to me working beside you on my laptop. A few minutes ago, while you were still reading, you reached over and wrapped your arm around mine. We’ve been married almost 20 years now, and your touch still makes my heart skip a beat. I’ve never met anyone more compassionate, more loving, more hilarious, and more genuinely beautiful, and I’m so blessed to be going through life with you, to have you as the mother of my children, my business partner, and best friend. You truly are the type of woman love songs are written for, and as anyone who knows me will tell you, I am, without a doubt, the luckiest man alive to have you for my wife.

To my son, Jordan: It’s every dad’s dream to have a relationship with his son like I have with you, and I’m so proud of the bright, caring, creative young man you’ve become. I can’t wait to see the amazing things life has in store for you, and I just want you to know that watching you grow into the person you are is one of my life’s greatest joys.

To my precious little girl, Kira: You have been blessed in a very special way, because you are a little clone of your mom, which is the most wonderful thing I could have possibly wished for you. I see all her gifts reflected in your eyes, and though you’re still too young to have any idea how blessed you are to have Kalebra as your mom, one day—just like Jordan—you will.

To my big brother Jeff, who has always been, and will always be, a hero to me. So much of who I am, and where I am, is because of your influence, guidance, caring, and love as I was growing up. Thank you for teaching me to always take the high road, for always knowing the right thing to say at the right time, and for having so much of our dad in you.

I’m incredibly fortunate to have part of the production of my books handled in-house by my own book team at Kelby Media Group, which is led by my friend and longtime Creative Director, Felix Nelson, who is hands down the most creative person I’ve ever met. He’s surrounded by some of the most talented, amazing, ambitious, gifted, and downright brilliant people I’ve ever had the honor of working with. People like my Editor Kim Doty, who bless her heart does not have an easy job (wrangling me), but does it with an attitude that would make you believe I’m organized and focused. She just rocks, and our working styles fit together so wonderfully (she’s totally organized, on the ball, and calm, and I have the attention span of a hamster—it’s a match made in heaven). Working with Kim is Cindy Snyder, who relentlessly tests all the stuff I write to make sure I didn’t leave anything out, so you’ll all be able to do the things I’m teaching. She doesn’t have it easy either, but you’d never know it by her attitude, temperament, and skill. The look of the book comes from an amazing designer, a creative powerhouse, and someone whom I feel very, very lucky to have designing my books—Jessica Maldonado. The tight, clean layout of the book comes from Dave Damstra, and I can truly say one of the luckiest things that’s ever happened to our company was finding Dave, eight or so years ago. Dave kicks #@%!

I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my Executive Assistant and Chief Wonder Woman, Kathy Siler. She runs a whole side of my business life, and a big chunk of our conferences, and she does it so I have time to write books, spend time with my family, and have a life outside of work. She’s such an important part of what I do that I don’t know how I did anything without her. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It means more than you know.

Thanks to my best buddy, our Chief Operating Officer and father of newborn twins, Dave Moser, first for handling the business end of our book projects, but mostly for always looking out for me.

Thanks to everyone at New Riders and Peachpit Press, and in particular to my very cool Editor, Ted Waitt (who is one heck of a photographer and a vitally important part of everything I do in “Bookland”), my wonderful Publisher Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel, Marketing Maven Scott Cowlin, and the entire team at Pearson Education who go out of their way to make sure that we’re always working in the best interest of my readers, that we’re always trying to take things up a notch, and who work hard to make sure my work gets in as many people’s hands as possible.

Thanks to my friends at Adobe: Kevin Connor, John Nack, Mala Sharma, John Loiacono, Terry White, Addy Roff, Cari Gushiken, Julieanne Kost, Tom Hogarty, Jennifer Stern, Dave Story, Bryan Hughes, Russell Preston Brown, and the amazing engineering team at Adobe (I don’t know how you all do it). Gone but not forgotten: Barbara Rice, Jill Nakashima, Rye Livingston, Bryan Lamkin, Deb Whitman, and Karen Gauthier.

Thanks to my “Photoshop Guys”: Dave Cross, Matt Kloskowski, RC Concepcion, and Corey Barker, for being such excellent sounding boards for the development of this book. I want to thank all the talented and gifted photographers who’ve taught me so much over the years, including: Moose Peterson, Joe McNally, Anne Cahill, Vincent Versace, Bill Fortney, David Ziser, Helene Glassman, Kevin Ames, and Jim DiVitale.

Thanks to my mentors, whose wisdom and whip-cracking have helped me immeasurably, including John Graden, Jack Lee, Dave Gales, Judy Farmer, and Douglas Poole.

Most importantly, I want to thank God, and His son Jesus Christ, for leading me to the woman of my dreams, for blessing us with two amazing children, for allowing me to make a living doing something I truly love, for always being there when I need Him, for blessing me with a wonderful, fulfilling, and happy life, and such a warm, loving family to share it with.

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