
We would like to thank our friends and colleagues who have helped us by providing suggestions and correcting our errors.

In first place, we would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Marcos Lopez de Prado who gave us the idea of writing this book. We would like to thank Kate Lavrinenko without whom the chapter on outliers would not have been possible; Dave Peterson, who proofread the entire book and provided useful and thorough feedback; Henry Sorsky for his work with us on the automotive fundamental data and missing data chapters, as well as proofreading many of the chapters and pointing out mistakes; Doug Dannemiller for his work around the risks of alternative data which we leveraged; Mike Taylor for his contribution to the data vendors section; Jorge Prado for his ideas around the auctions of data.

We would also like to extend our thanks to Paul Bilokon and Matthew Dixon for their support during the writing process. We are very grateful to Wiley, and Bill Falloon in particular, for the enthusiasm with which they have accepted our proposal, and for the rigor and constructive nature of the reviewing process by Amy Handy. Last but not least, we are thankful to our families. Without their continuous support this work would have been impossible.

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