Final Export

This has been a great journey, from recording to editing, and now, you are two steps away from creating CDs of your great recordings. The second-to-last step is to export your recordings to the correct format for CDs, which is 16/44.1 two-channel WAV. This is also the step where your tracks are broken up into individual song files. (If your project has more than two tracks, please see Editing and Downmixing Multitrack Recordings in Editing and Downmixing Multitrack Recordings.)

If you have not already set the sampling rate for your project to 44.1, do so now. Change the Project Rate setting to 44,100 Hz on the Selection toolbar. Then select Tracks > Resample, set the rate to 44,100, and click OK. This will take a few minutes on long tracks.

Now click File > Export Multiple. Enter the directory you want to save your audio files in and select both “Split files based on: Labels” and “Name files: Using Track/Label Name.”

Click the Options button to set the correct export format. Choose Header: WAV (Microsoft) and Encoding: Signed 16 bit PCM (Figure 4-21).

The correct export format settings for CDs

Figure 4-21. The correct export format settings for CDs

Your track will be exported as a bunch of individual WAV files, one per label.

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