Chapter One. Not What It Seems


Andrew was born without a hand. It was a shock to his parents, but nothing they couldn’t embrace. Andrew didn’t really know any different, and he was a happy little guy who made the most with what he had. The whole family pitched in whenever they could. Yet at preschool all the other kids raced around the playground on trikes. Andrew tried to keep up with his pals, but he couldn’t steer with just one hand. It was disappointing to see him limited in this way.

So the parents and the occupational therapists put their minds together. There had to be a some way to help Andrew take part in the fun. The early ideas for solving this problem were awkward, expensive, and just wouldn’t work. Frustrated and exhausted, they were about ready to give up. But great parents don’t surrender without a fight. They started to try out different ideas, and with a little divergent thinking and some duct tape, a potential solution was found.

Never Give Up

An idea surfaced to use duct tape and a plastic cup to create a hand grip that Andrew could use. They used duct tape to attach a hard plastic cup to the handlebars right where you would normally put your hand. Then Andrew could stick his arm into the cup and steer. They showed Andrew the modified bike, and without hesitation he hopped on and raced away.

Can you imagine the smile that spread across Andrew’s face as he pedaled around with his friends? True creativity is contagious in the best way. Andrew’s success will lead to other kids being able to do the same. Or maybe this story will inspire you like it’s inspired me. Maybe it will make you grateful for something you have, like both of your hands or parents who believed in you even when life was bleak. When we witness creativity, it gives us courage to be creative ourselves. It unlocks something that has been buried deep.

The reason Andrew was able to eventually bike is because his parents were upset. Their disappointment was the fuel for creative success. Those who think creativity is just cute are completely wrong. Creativity is more than drawing with crayons and finding shapes in the clouds. And creativity isn’t just for animators and people who do modern dance. Creativity is raw energy for life. It is unpredictable and fierce. It is wild, elusive, and untamed. It’s the force that helps the starving child survive. It’s the strength that pushes the underdog to succeed. It’s the drive that keeps our dreams alive. It’s the core of businesses that thrive. It’s the secret of strong relationships. It’s the key to a meaningful life. Yet creativity is a chameleon that can easily go unnoticed and is often overlooked. Once you learn how to find and befriend creativity, you will discover that it gives you an edge that cannot be denied. So where is it?

Creativity Isn’t Cute

Creativity is ubiquitous. It isn’t found only in Hollywood, in Silicon Valley, or on the top of the mountains in Nepal. It isn’t tied to age, gender, or race. It’s not something special that only a few people have. Creativity is a gift from the divine, but it isn’t limited to a specialized group. Creativity isn’t elitist or proud. It isn’t tethered to one type of vocation or career. Whether you are aware of it or not, creativity courses through our veins. Even now it races as you read these words. Your mind, heart, and soul are creativity machines. Creativity is woven into the twists and turns of your double helix strands. We are all born with innate capacities to create, and we all have creative potential that is concealed. Unfortunately, creativity doesn’t grow on its own—it takes effort and fight. Neglect to nourish your creative spirit and it will wither and die.

Creativity isn’t just an internal trait; it’s all around. Look around you now. Is there anything you can see that came to be without a creative impulse or act? Coffee is creative and so is sex. What about the watch strapped to your wrist or the color of the paint on the wall, the design of your desk, the computer nearby, and the shoes on your feet? There is nothing separate from creativity’s reach.

Creativity has given us romance, recovery, culture, cuisine, music, motocross, fables, fashion, and sports. Deep creativity stirs our soul. It reminds us of something we once knew but have since forgotten. Creativity awakens life, like the taste of those cookies brings back your grandmother’s face or that one song reminds you of being 16. We not only watch and witness creativity, we take part in it ourselves. And the most creative act of all is living life to the fullest degree. Without creativity by your side, it’s impossible to live a rich and meaningful life.

Creativity Isn’t Weak

Creativity is essential to life. It’s like the oxygen that gives us life and the sunshine that provides growth. Creativity is like an electric current to illuminate our path. It is a fire that reinvigorates our resolve to do what matters most. Creativity is hope when all seems lost. It sustains us so that we can thrive. When the creative juices flow, we become more productive and alive. We move forward and accomplish impossible tasks. When the creative flow stops, we get irrationally stuck. Why?

Creativity is a powerful yet fickle force. It can’t be summoned like a butler or turned on with the flip of a switch. The secrets to creativity are complex, yet here are a few keys. You will find those scattered throughout the pages of this book. Yet first you must know that creativity rarely grows without resistance trying to knock it down. Like Wendell Berry said, “The impeded stream is the one that sings.” The obstacle gives creativity its song. Without resistance, creativity doesn’t take root. Without struggle, creativity doesn’t grow tall.


The most important struggle of your life is discovering how to make the most of your time. Too often we neglect this fight. We are too busy checking our phones to notice how time slips by. The creative spirit begs you to stop living in such a boring way. It calls you to look up and to stop being a spectator of your own life. Life is too short to passively let it go. Ignite the armchair. Get the hell out. That could be one of the most creative acts you will ever take. It’s time to stand on your own two feet and use your creative muscle to make the most of what you have. Every invention, business idea, song, movie, and poem is a result of one man, woman, or child fighting to do just that. Creativity isn’t just a nice idea; it is a weapon of change and a tool that generates life. And creativity flows in the good times and shines the brightest when everything seems bleak. Creativity never gives up hope. The caged birds sings for freedom but also to make the most of what she has.

Creativity doesn’t hinge on getting everything right. Creativity thrives when stuff goes wrong. When Miguel de Cervantes was wrongly imprisoned, he wrote Don Quixote, one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time. In spite of being deaf and blind, Helen Keller learned to use her voice to change the world. Do you get what I’m saying? Creativity flourishes when times get tough. The tougher the times, the more creativity grows. The obstacle gives birth to new ideas. Creativity and fight are the key—that’s what makes the ordinary become something else. But to make that happen you have to unlearn what you have been taught.


The Fight Begins

Creativity isn’t only for kids or people who have creative jobs. Creativity is for accountants, dentists, and the widow who lost her true love. And it’s time to silence the liar who said that you aren’t that creative after all. Whether it was a teacher, a bully, a friend, or just a voice in your head, it’s time to ditch that untruth. And the fool who keeps saying that creativity is only the domain of certain professions was wrong. Creativity isn’t limited to drawing and dance. There is an art to creativity, just as there is an art to living life to the fullest degree. And creativity doesn’t mystically appear when you passively sit by. The creative muse shows up when you get to work. You have to take action if you want sparks to fly.

The challenge with creativity is to keep it alive as time marches on. Neglect creativity and it will seem like it’s gone. But it’s always there, like wildflower seeds buried beneath dry ground. If you’re in a drought, consider this book a storm. It may not be easy, but it will be good. Creating your best work and living the life of your dreams will require fighting your way through the wind, rain, sleet, and snow. Becoming more creative always requires immense effort and skill.

Those who take up the fight reap benefits in unexpected ways. Creativity is contagious. Become creative in one area of your life and it will affect the other areas as well. Like an incoming tide, it lifts every boat from the ocean floor.

An adventure lies ahead that will change who you are. It will refine your strengths and challenge your faults. It will improve your work, deepen your appreciation of life, awaken senses, open your eyes, and rekindle your sense of awe. It will make you a better spouse, lover, parent, or friend. It will reveal how you can contribute in great ways. It will add variety, significance, esteem, and connection to your life. Most importantly, it will begin to illuminate your life’s deeper call. All of this of course hinges upon your willingness to join the cause. Creativity won’t come knocking on your door—“You have to go after creativity with a club,” as Jack London said. Are you ready to begin?





Think of a few problems that you are facing and write them down in your journal.


Think of small, simple, and sideways solutions that might help.
Imagine you were hired as a creative consultant; what recommendations would you provide?


When it comes to designing a more ideal life, what might you change?
Is there anything in particular you would like to add or remove?
How can creativity help you to live a life that is more aligned with who you want to become?

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