“When you tell friends you are starting a band,
there’s a lot of ‘Good for you’ or ‘That’s nice,’” Wiskus said.
“When we got done playing, the thing we kept hearing
was, ‘Oh my god, you’re a real band. You guys are legit.’
That surprise was the best compliment.”
and Spaghetti Cat.” Through iTunes, Gripp found a way to
publish his novelty music and make a decent living.
“I can’t explain it all,” said Gripp, whose music for
Disney’s animated series
The 7D earned him an Emmy
nomination in 2017. “My whole career has been from
goofing around. I started doing this ‘Song of the Week’
thing, and my rule was an idea would pop in my head and
I would just do it.
“I wrote two songs about the iPhone before I even
owned one. It was a really big deal at the time, a cultural
One of the first songs Gripp posted on YouTube for
his “Song of the Week” exercise was a fast-paced, mock-
ing earworm called “This Is My Ringtone,” which became
the number one ringtone on iTunes for a couple of weeks.
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