

  1. Action listener method

  2. ADF Faces

  3. Ajax

    1. action

    2. apply request values phase

    3. behavior listener methods

    4. ClientBehaviorHolder

    5. execute and render attributes

    6. <f:ajax> tag

    7. @form keyword

    8. <h:form>

    9. implementing class

    10. invoke application phase

    11. javax.faces.ViewState

    12. JSF life cycle

    13. life cycle

    14. message component

    15. navigation in

    16. on[event] attributes

    17. render response phase

    18. supporting event types

    19. valueChange

  4. Ajax exception handling

    1. Ajax request

    2. application-wide customizations

    3. business logic

    4. ExceptionHandler

    5. handleAjaxException()

    6. HTTP response

    7. JavaScript alert

    8. Production stage

    9. UIViewRoot instance

    10. unhandled exception events

  5. Alexander Smirnov’s Telamon framework

  6. Application programming interface (API)

  7. Application servers

  8. Authentication mechanism

    1. AuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation

    2. caller-initiated authentication

SeeCaller-initiated authentication
  1. Custom FORM

  2. @CustomFormAuthenticationMechanismDefinition annotation

  3. @FacesConfig annotation

  4. FORM

  5. custom JSF code

    1. action method

    2. backing bean

    3. continueAuthentication() method

    4. login page

  6. loginToContinue attribute


  1. Backing beans

    1. class

      1. editing

      2. JBoss Tools plug-in

    2. JSF vended types, injecting

    3. layers

    4. managed bean

SeeManaged beans
  1. MVC framework

  2. naming conventions

  1. BeanManager#fireEvent() method

  2. Bean Validation API

    1. comma separated string

    2. context parameter

    3. custom constraint annotation

    4. custom messages

    5. groups attribute

    6. in Java code

    7. JPA-managed

    8. NotNull.class

    9. UIInput components

    10. validation error

    11. validationGroups attribute

    12. web.xml

  3. Binding attribute

  4. By role security constraints


  1. Cache busting

  2. Caller-initiated authentication

    1. continueAuthentication() method

    2. Flash

    3. login-to-continue service

    4. SecurityContext#authenticate() method

    5. SUCCESS case

  3. CDI-centric approach

    1. backing bean

    2. getPreviousMap() method

    3. RequestParameterMapProducer class

  4. Classical approach

    1. CDI version

    2. external context factory

    3. Facelet

    4. factories

    5. replace/augment

  5. Command components

    1. action listener method

    2. argument passing approach

    3. binding attribute

    4. Font Awesome icon

    5. JavaScript with hard-coded variables

    6. loads and renders data table

    7. managed bean action method

    8. Mojarra specific case

    9. namespaced function

    10. params property

    11. pass additional request

    12. target method

    13. UX consensus

  6. Component system events

    1. javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent abstract class

    2. javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEventListener interface

    3. onload() method

    4. @PostConstruct-like behavior

    5. PostConstructViewMapEvent

    6. PreDestroyViewMapEvent

    7. PreInvokeApplicationEvent

    8. Renderer class

    9. subscribe listeners

    10. UIComponent#subscribeToEvent()

    11. YourComponent

    12. YourListener class

  7. Component tree

    1. core tags

    2. #{dynamicForm}

    3. HTML

SeeHTML components
  1. HTTP request

  2. JSTL Core Tags

  3. life cycle

    1. invoke application phase

    2. process validations phase

    3. request values phase

    4. restore view phase

  4. model values phase

  5. phase events

  6. PostAddToViewEvent

  7. PreRenderViewEvent

  8. render response phase

  9. steps

  10. TextField#populate()

  11. XML

  1. Composite components

    1. Ajax listener

    2. backing bean

    3. backing component

    4. caveat

    5. client ID

    6. default event

    7. encodeBegin() method

    8. event attribute

    9. getSubmittedValue() method

    10. implementation

    11. interface

    12. JSF 2.0

    13. JSF phases

    14. LocalDate property

    15. NamingContainer

    16. recursive

    17. space-separated collection

    18. UIComponent instance

    19. UIInput superclass

    20. XML namespace

  2. Container-initiated authentication

  3. Context path

  4. Converters

    1. bean property

    2. custom

      1. base entity service

      2. converterId attribute

      3. empty string

      4. equals() and hashCode() methods

      5. forClass converter for java.lang.String

      6. generic converter

      7. getId()

      8. GET request parameter

      9. LocalDateConverter

      10. managed attribute

      11. NumberConverter

      12. Object#equals() method

      13. plain Java code

      14. ProductConverter

      15. Product entity

      16. product ID

      17. use case

      18. web application

    3. EL

    4. <f:convertDateTime>

      1. backing bean

      2. Chrome browser

      3. HTML5 date and time inputs

      4. ISO 8601 format

      5. supported values

    5. <f:convertNumber>

      1. currency sign pattern

      2. NumberFormat instance

      3. standard number format pattern

      4. tags

    6. interface

    7. ValueHolder components

  5. Core tags

    1. JSTL

SeeJSTL Core Tags
  1. standardize

  1. Cross-site request forgery (CSRF)

    1. bank URL

    2. bar.xhtml

    3. faces-config.xml

    4. HTTP headers

    5. malicious requests

    6. protection

  2. Cross-site scripting (XSS)

    1. backing bean

    2. common context

    3. Facelet and <h:outputText> component

    4. ServletContextListener

    5. session ID cookie

    6. URLs

  3. Custom components

    1. component family

    2. component type

    3. custom tag handlers

    4. distributable JAR, packaging

    5. existing component, extending

    6. existing renderer, extending

    7. new component and renderer

      1. backward compatibility

      2. DataModel abstract class

      3. EL

      4. encodeBegin() method

      5. encodeChildren() method

      6. encodeEnd() method

      7. @FacesComponent

      8. @FacesDataModel annotation

      9. official component attribute

      10. UIComponent subclass

      11. UIData subclass

      12. value attribute

      13. XML namespace

    8. renderer type

    9. resource dependencies


  1. Database identity store

  2. Data source

  3. Double submit


  1. Early Access Specification

  2. Eclipse

    1. configure settings

    2. Facelets file

    3. GlassFish

      1. location

      2. Payara server name

      3. select tools

    4. install

    5. install JBoss Tools

    6. Java EE API

    7. Maven project

      1. create simple project

      2. GAV in

      3. Java EE 8

      4. JBoss Tools plug-in

      5. JPA facet configuration

      6. JSF capabilities configuration

      7. Markers view

      8. Modify Faceted Project wizard

      9. Oxygen 2

      10. pom.xml file

      11. Project Explorer view

      12. selecting

      13. Servlet API

      14. settings

      15. yellow warning bar

    8. PATH

    9. Project Explorer view

    10. servers view of

    11. workbench

  3. EJBException handling

  4. E-mail address column

  5. E-mail-based signup

  6. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)

  7. Exadel

  8. Exadel Visual Component Platform

  9. Expression Language (EL)

  10. Extensions

    1. Application Configuration Populator

    2. application main class

      1. ActionListener

      2. event listener

      3. faces-config.xml

      4. plug-ins

    3. CDI-centric approach

SeeCDI-centric approach
  1. classical approach

SeeClassical approach
  1. custom form component

  2. dynamic

  3. introspection

    1. extensionless URLs

    2. VDL

  4. local extension

  5. plug-ins

    1. EL resolver

    2. factory-like types

  6. wrapping

  1. ExternalContext#encodeWebsocketURL() method


  1. Facelets

  2. Facelets fits JSF like a glove (article)

  3. Facelets templating

    1. composite components

SeeComposite components
  1. implicit EL objects

  2. SPA

  3. tag files

    1. boilerplate code

    2. client

    3. customizing

    4. duplicate component ID

    5. HTML5 input fields

    6. implementation

    7. insideLabel

    8. master template files

    9. <method-signature>

    10. <required> property

    11. taglib file

    12. <ui:include>

    13. view-scoped model

  4. template compositions

    1. client

    2. compiler

    3. final HTML output

    4. getContextPath() method

    5. master template file

    6. xmlns attribute

  5. template decorations

  6. XHTML

    1. HTML5

    2. Jurassic IE6

    3. SAX parser

    4. web developers

  1. FacesServlet

  2. File-based input component

  3. FORM authentication mechanism


  1. GET forms

    1. <f:metadata>

    2. invoke application phase

    3. request parameter map

    4. search form

    5. submitted value

    6. UIViewAction

    7. UIViewParameter

    8. using templating

  2. GlassFish

    1. location

    2. Payara server name

    3. select tools


  1. H2 database

    1. configure data source

    2. create EJB service

    3. Hello World

      1. getters and setters

      2. save message

    4. JPA

      1. configuration

      2. create entity

    5. pom.xml

  2. Hello World

    1. <application> element

    2. brace notation

    3. change active locale

    4. common keys

    5. common prefix

    6. config.xml file

    7. create backing bean class

    8. Facelets file

    9. Facelets template

    10. getters and setters

    11. HTTP Accept-Language header

    12. label attribute

    13. lang attribute

    14. locale property

    15. localize enums

    16. map keys

    17. <message-bundle> entry

    18. new message

    19. override default message

    20. page-specific entries

    21. parameters resource

    22. Payara server

      1. Add and Remove wizard

      2. automatic publish

      3. in Chrome browser

      4. context path

      5. root

      6. start server

      7. web.xml

    23. ResourceBundle

      1. database-based

      2. HTML in

    24. save message

    25. XHTML tags

  3. Hidden input field

  4. HTML components

    1. input

    2. JSF page

    3. output

    4. Since column

    5. tag

    6. UIComponent superclass

    7. value type column

    8. View page source


  1. ICEbrowser beans

  2. ICEsoft

  3. Identity store

    1. application-specific user data

    2. authentication mechanism

    3. database

    4. groups and roles

    5. SQL statement

  4. Immediate attribute

  5. Implicit navigation

  6. Improving JSF by Dumping JSP (article)

  7. Input components

    1. file-based

SeeFile-based input component
  1. HTML

  2. text-based

SeeText-based input components
  1. Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

  2. Invoke application phase

  3. IOException handling

J, K

  1. JACC


  3. Java EE 8

  4. Java EE API

  5. Java EE Security

    1. API

    2. custom principal

    3. excluded constraints

    4. identity store

SeeIdentity store
  1. JACC


  3. log out

  4. remember me service

  5. rendered attribute

    1. finer-grained name

    2. hasAccessToWebResource()

    3. implicit object #{request}

    4. “**” role

    5. SecurityContext

    6. utility methods

    7. web.xml

  6. by role constraints

  7. Servlet spec

  8. source exposure protection

    1. composite components

    2. Facelets and JSP files

    3. FacesServlet

    4. front controller

    5. prevention methods

    6. *.xhtml

  9. SPIs

  10. unchecked constraints

  1. Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)

  2. JavaOne 2015

  3. Java Persistence API (JPA)

    1. configuration

    2. create entity

    3. entities

    4. facet configuration

    5. implementation

  4. Java SE JDK

  5. JavaServer Faces (JSF)

    1. Apache Struts

    2. conflicts

    3. developer

    4. 1.2 EG

    5. Expression Language

    6. ICEsoft

    7. managed beans

    8. OmniFaces library

    9. OurFaces

    10. PrimeFaces

    11. view handler

  6. Java Server Pages (JSP)

  7. JBoss Tools

  8. JSF 2.0

    1. CDI spec

    2. Facelets

    3. goals

    4. javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped annotation

    5. PrimeFaces

    6. The Trap

    7. view scope

  9. JSF 2.2

  10. JSF 2.3

  11. JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

  12. JSR-127

  13. JSTL Core Tags

    1. backing bean property

    2. calculate sum in loop

    3. component tree

    4. EL scope

    5. Facelets

    6. IllegalStateException

    7. input.xhtml tag file

    8. item entity

    9. namespace URI

    10. specification

    11. view build time

    12. view render time


  1. Label component


  1. Managed beans

    1. CDI

    2. eager initialization

    3. EL context

    4. initialization and destruction

    5. Java EE 6

    6. JSF 2.0

    7. JSF developer

    8. scopes

      1. @ApplicationScoped

      2. to choose

      3. @ConversationScoped

      4. @Dependent

      5. @FlashScoped

      6. @FlowScoped

      7. @RequestScoped

      8. @SessionScoped

      9. @ViewScoped

  2. Message components

  3. Message-driven bean (MDB)

  4. Model entity

  5. Model values phase

  6. Model-view-controller (MVC)

  7. Mojarra

    1. <f:websocket>

    2. specific case

  8. MyFaces


  1. Navigation


  1. OmniFaces library

  2. Open source implementations

  3. OurFaces library

  4. Output components

    1. data iteration component

      1. add/remove rows

      2. dynamic columns

      3. editable

      4. EL value expression

      5. list of products

      6. Product entity

      7. select rows in <h:dataTable>

      8. value attribute of UIData

      9. var attribute

    2. document-based

    3. navigation-based

    4. panel-based

      1. <h:panelGrid>

      2. inline elements

      3. iteration index

      4. JSF component

      5. JSTL

      6. <ui:instructions>

      7. user profile

    5. pass-through elements

    6. resource components

SeeResource components
  1. text-based

    1. Facelets

    2. <h:outputText>

    3. JSF

    4. malicious user

    5. managed bean property

    6. Markdown interface

    7. MarkdownListener entity listener

    8. Message entity

    9. predefined human-friendly markup format

  1. Oxygen 2

P, Q

  1. Pass-through element

  2. Patent pending Direct-to-DOM™

  3. Payara

    1. GlassFish

    2. installing

    3. JAVA_HOME

    4. version

  4. @Phone constraint, custom

  5. Portlet-based web applications

  6. Post-Redirect-Get pattern

  7. PrimeFaces library

  8. Process validations phase

  9. PushContext interface


  1. Reference implementation (RI)

  2. Remember me service

    1. authentication mechanism

    2. CustomFormAuthenticationMechanism

    3. HttpAuthenticationMechanismWrapper

    4. @RememberMe annotation

    5. token

  3. Rendered attribute

    1. finer-grained name

    2. hasAccessToWebResource()

    3. implicit object #{request}

    4. “**” role

    5. SecurityContext

    6. utility methods

    7. web.xml

  4. Render response phase

  5. Request scope

  6. Request values phase

  7. Resource components

    1. advantages

    2. bsf

    3. cache busting

    4. classpath

    5. createResource() method

    6. DynamicResourceListener

    7. FacesServlet

    8. <h:outputScript>

    9. JSF components

    10. JSF 2.3 web application

    11. name attribute

    12. OmniFaces

    13. physical resource files

    14. PrimeFaces

    15. renderer class

    16. rendering order

    17. @ResourceDependency annotation

    18. ResourceHandler

    19. SystemEventListener

    20. web application

  8. Restore view phase

  9. RichFaces


  1. Search expressions

    1. absolute hierarchical IDs

    2. relative local IDs

    3. search keywords

SeeSearch keywords
  1. Search form

  2. Search keywords

    1. custom

    2. standard

  3. Selection components

    1. demonstrated approach

    2. HTML markup

    3. JSF 2.2

    4. JSF 2.3

    5. new group attribute

    6. UISelectBoolean component

    7. UISelectMany component

  4. SelectItem tags

    1. country model entities

    2. EL properties

    3. <f:selectItem>

    4. <h:selectOneMenu>

    5. itemLabel attribute

    6. itemValue attribute

    7. map key

    8. noSelectionOption attribute

    9. SelectItemGroup

  5. Server provider interfaces (SPIs)

  6. Servlet containers

  7. Servlet spec

  8. Session scope

  9. Single Page Application (SPA)

  10. SkinServlet

  11. someLongRunningProcess() method

  12. Soteria

  13. Spring 1.0. MyFaces

  14. Stateless forms

  15. Struts web framework


  1. Text-based input components

    1. basic usage example

    2. Chrome

    3. hidden input field

    4. id attribute

    5. invoke application phase

    6. Portlet-based web applications

    7. process validations phase

    8. UIInput#decode() method

    9. UIInput#updateModel() method

    10. UIInput#validate() method

  2. The Trap


  1. UIInput superclass

  2. Unified Expression Language (UEL)

  3. User interface (UI)

  4. User Interface XML (UIX)


  1. Validators

    1. Bean Validation API

      1. comma separated string

      2. context parameter

      3. custom constraint annotation

      4. groups attribute

      5. in Java code

      6. JPA-managed

      7. NotNull.class

      8. UIInput components

      9. validation error

      10. validationGroups attribute

      11. web.xml

    2. convert submitted value to string

    3. e-mail-based signup

    4. minimum and maximum attributes

    5. provided by JSF

    6. required attribute

  2. View build time

  3. View declaration language (VDL)

  4. ViewExpiredException handling

  5. ViewHandler#getWebsocketURL() method

  6. View render time

  7. View scope

  8. View state


  1. Web fragment

  2. Web parameter tampering

  3. WebSocket push

    1. channel design hints

    2. configuration

    3. f:websocket implementation

    4. one-time push

    5. scopes and users

    6. session and view expiration, detecting

    7. site-wide push notifications

    8. stateful UI updates

    9. track of active sockets

    10. usage

X, Y, Z

  1. XHTML

  2. XSS

SeeCross-site scripting (XSS
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