Alerting on latency-related issues

We'll use the go-demo-5 application to measure latency, so our first step is to install it.

 1  GD5_ADDR=go-demo-5.$
2 3 helm install 4
5 --name go-demo-5 6 --namespace go-demo-5 7 --set$GD5_ADDR

We generated an address that we'll use as Ingress entry-point, and we deployed the application using Helm. Now we should wait until it rolls out.

 1  kubectl -n go-demo-5 
 2      rollout status 
 3      deployment go-demo-5

Before we proceed, we'll check whether the application is indeed working correctly by sending an HTTP request.

 1  curl "http://$GD5_ADDR/demo/hello"

The output should be the familiar hello, world! message.

Now, let's see whether we can, for example, get the duration of requests entering the system through Ingress.

 1  open "http://$PROM_ADDR/graph"

If you click on the - insert metrics at cursor - drop-down list, you'll be able to browse through all the available metrics. The one we're looking for is nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket. As its name implies, the metric comes from NGINX Ingress Controller, and provide request durations in seconds and grouped in buckets.

Please type the expression that follows and click the Execute button.

 1  nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket

In this case, seeing the raw values might not be very useful, so please click the Graph tab.

You should see graphs, one for each Ingress. Each is increasing because the metric in question is a counter ( Its value is growing with each request.

A Prometheus counter is a cumulative metric whose value can only increase, or be reset to zero on restart.

What we need is to calculate the rate of requests over a period of time. We'll accomplish that by combining sum and rate ( functions. The former should be self-explanatory.

Prometheus' rate function calculates the per-second average rate of increase of the time series in the range vector.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count[5m]
 3  )) 
 4  by (ingress)

The resulting graph shows us the per-second rate of all the requests entering the system through Ingress. The rate is calculated based on five minutes intervals. If you hover one of the lines, you'll see the additional information like the value and the Ingress. The by statement allows us to group the results by ingress.

Still, the result by itself is not very useful, so let's redefine our requirement. We should be able to find out how many of the requests are slower than 0.25 seconds. We cannot do that directly. Instead, we can retrieve all those that are 0.25 second or faster.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25"
 4    }[5m]
 5  )) 
 6  by (ingress)

What we really want is to find the percentage of requests that fall into 0.25 seconds bucket. To accomplish that, we'll get the rate of the requests faster than or equal to 0.25 seconds, and divide the result with the rate of all the requests.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25"
 4    }[5m]
 5  )) 
 6  by (ingress) / 
 7  sum(rate(
 8    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count[5m]
 9  )) 
10  by (ingress)

You probably won't see much in the graph since we did not yet generate much traffic, beyond occasional interaction with Prometheus and Alertmanager and a single request we sent to go-demo-5. Nevertheless, the few lines you can see display the percentage of the requests that responded within 0.25 seconds.

For now, we are interested only in go-demo-5 requests, so we'll refine the expression further, to limit the results only to go-demo-5 Ingress.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25", 
 4      ingress="go-demo-5"
 5    }[5m]
 6  )) 
 7  by (ingress) / 
 8  sum(rate(
 9    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count{
10      ingress="go-demo-5"
11    }[5m]
12  )) 
13  by (ingress)

The graph should be almost empty since we sent only one request. Or, maybe you received the no datapoints found message. It's time to generate some traffic.

 1  for i in {1..30}; do
 2    DELAY=$[ $RANDOM % 1000 ]
 3    curl "http://$GD5_ADDR/demo/hello?delay=$DELAY"
 4  done

We sent thirty requests to go-demo-5. The application has a "hidden" feature to delay response to a request. Given that we want to generate traffic with random response time, we used DELAY variable with a random value up to thousand milliseconds. Now we can re-run the same query and see whether we can get some more meaningful data.

Please wait for a while until data from new requests is gathered, then type the expression that follows (in Prometheus), and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25", 
 4      ingress="go-demo-5"
 5    }[5m]
 6  )) 
 7  by (ingress) / 
 8  sum(rate(
 9    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count{
10      ingress="go-demo-5"
11    }[5m]
12  )) 
13  by (ingress)

This time, we can see the emergence of a new line. In my case (screenshot following), around twenty-five percent of requests have durations that are within 0.25 seconds. Or, to put it into different words, around a quarter of the requests are slower than expected.

Figure 3-8: Prometheus' graph screen with the percentage of requests with 0.25 seconds duration

Filtering metrics for a specific application (Ingress) is useful when we do know that there is a problem and we want to dig further into it. However, we still need an alert that will tell us that there is an issue. For that, we'll execute a similar query, but this time without limiting the results to a specific application (Ingress). We'll also have to define a condition that will fire the alert, so we'll set the threshold to ninety-five percent (0.95). Without such a threshold, we'd get a notification every time a single request is slow. As a result, we'd get swarmed with alarms and would probably start ignoring them soon afterward. After all, no system is in danger if a single request is slow, but only if a considerable number of them is. In our case, that is five percent of slow requests or, to be more precise, less than ninety-five percent of fast requests.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25"
 4    }[5m]
 5  ))
 6  by (ingress) /
 7  sum(rate(
 8    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count[5m]
 9  ))
10  by (ingress) < 0.95

We can see occasional cases when less than ninety-five percent of requests are within 0.25 second. In my case (screenshot following), we can see that Prometheus, Alertmanager, and go-demo-5 are occasionally slow.

Figure 3-9: Prometheus' graph screen with the percentage of requests within 0.25 seconds duration and limited only to results higher than ninety-five percent

The only thing missing is to define an alert based on the previous expression. As a result, we should get a notification whenever less than ninety-five percent of requests have a duration less than 0.25 seconds.

I prepared an updated set of Prometheus' Chart values, so let's take a look at the differences when compared with the one we're using currently.

 1  diff mon/prom-values-nodes-am.yml 
 2      mon/prom-values-latency.yml

The output is as follows.

> - name: latency
>   rules:
>   - alert: AppTooSlow
>     expr: sum(rate(nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{le= "0.25"}[5m])) by (ingress) / sum(rate(nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count[5m])) by (ingress) < 0.95
>     labels:
>       severity: notify
>     annotations:
>       summary: Application is too slow
>       description: More then 5% of requests are slower than 0.25s
<     expr: count(kube_node_info) > 0
>     expr: count(kube_node_info) > 3

We added a new alert AppTooSlow. It'll trigger if the percentage of requests with the duration of 0.25 seconds or less is smaller than ninety-five percent (0.95).

We also we reverted the threshold of the TooManyNodes back to its original value of 3.

Next, we'll update the prometheus Chart with the new values and open the alerts screen to confirm whether the new alert was indeed added.

 1  helm upgrade -i prometheus 
 2    stable/prometheus 
 3    --namespace metrics 
 4    --version 7.1.3 
 5    --set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} 
 6    --set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} 
 7    -f mon/prom-values-latency.yml
8 9 open "http://$PROM_ADDR/alerts"

If the AppTooSlow alert is still not available, please wait a few moments and refresh the screen.

Figure 3-10: Prometheus' alerts screen

The newly added alert is (probably) green (not triggering). We need to generate a few slow requests to see it in action.

Please execute the command that follows to send thirty requests with a random response time of up to ten thousand milliseconds (ten seconds).

 1  for i in {1..30}; do
 2    DELAY=$[ $RANDOM % 10000 ]
 3    curl "http://$GD5_ADDR/demo/hello?delay=$DELAY"
4 done

It'll take a few moments until Prometheus scrapes new metrics and for the alert to detect that the threshold is reached. After a while, we can open the alerts screen again and check whether the alert is indeed firing.

 1  open "http://$PROM_ADDR/alerts"

We can see that the state of the alert is firing. If that's not your case, please wait a while longer and refresh the screen. In my case (screenshot following), the value is 0.125, meaning that only 12.5 percent of requests have a duration of 0.25 seconds or less.

There might be two or more active alerts inside AppTooSlow if prometheus-server, prometheus-alertmanager, or some other application is responding slow.
Figure 3-11: Prometheus' alerts screen with one alert firing

The alert is red meaning that Prometheus sent it to Alertmanager which, in turn, forwarded it to Slack. Let's confirm that.

 1  open ""

As you can see (screenshot following), we received two notification. Since we reverted the threshold of the TooManyNodes alert back to greater than three nodes, and our cluster has less, Prometheus sent a notification to Alertmanager that the problem is resolved. As a result, we got a new notification in Slack. This time, the color of the message is green.

Further on, a new red message appeared indicating that an Application is too slow.

Figure 3-12: Slack with alerts firing (red) and resolved (green) messages

We often cannot rely on a single rule that will fit all the applications. Prometheus and, for example, Jenkins would be a good candidate of internal applications which we cannot expect to have less than five percent of response times above 0.25 seconds. So, we might want to filter further the alerts. We can use any number of labels for that. To keep it simple, we'll continue leveraging ingress label but, this time, we'll use regular expressions to exclude some applications (Ingresses) from the alert.

Let's open the graph screen one more time.

 1  open "http://$PROM_ADDR/graph"

Please type the expression that follows, press the Execute button, and switch to the Graph tab.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.25", 
 4      ingress!~"prometheus-server|jenkins"
 5    }[5m]
 6  )) 
 7  by (ingress) / 
 8  sum(rate(
 9    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count{
10      ingress!~"prometheus-server|jenkins"
11    }[5m]
12  )) 
13 by (ingress)

The addition to the previous query is the ingress!~"prometheus-server|jenkins" filter. The !~ is used to select metrics with labels that do NOT regex match the prometheus-server|jenkins string. Since | is equivalent to the or statement, we can translate that filter as "everything that is NOT prometheus-server or is NOT jenkins." We do not have Jenkins in our cluster. I just wanted to show you a way to exclude multiple values.

Figure 3-13: Prometheus graph screen with the percentage of requests with 0.25 seconds duration and the results excluding prometheus-server and jenkins

We could have complicated it a bit more and specified ingress!~"prometheus.+|jenkins.+ as the filter. In that case, it would exclude all Ingresses with the name that starts with prometheus and jenkins. The key is in the .+ addition that, in RegEx, matches one or more entries (+) of any character (.).

We won't go into an explanation of RegEx syntax. I expect you to be already familiar with it. If you're not, you might want to Google it or to visit Regular expression Wiki page (

The previous expression retrieves only the results that are NOT prometheus-server and jenkins. We would probably need to create another one that includes only those two.

Please type the expression that follows, and press the Execute button.

 1  sum(rate(
 2    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_bucket{
 3      le="0.5",
 4      ingress=~"prometheus-server|jenkins"
 5    }[5m]
 6  )) 
 7  by (ingress) /
 8  sum(rate(
 9    nginx_ingress_controller_request_duration_seconds_count{
10      ingress=~"prometheus-server|jenkins"
11    }[5m]
12  ))
13  by (ingress)

The only difference, when compared with the previous expression, is that this time we used the =~ operator. It selects labels that regex-match the provided string. Also, the bucket (le) is now set to 0.5 seconds, given that both applications might need more time to respond and we are OK with that.

In my case, the graph shows prometheus-server as having one hundred percent requests with durations within 0.5 seconds (in your case that might not be true).

Figure 3-14: Prometheus graph screen with the percentage of requests with 0.5 seconds duration and the results including only prometheus-server and jenkins

The few latency examples should be enough to get you going with that type of metrics, so we'll move to traffic.

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